public void AddUnit(CardImpl card, OrientedCell new_cell) { var command = commands [cur_command_idx]; if (new_cell != null) { UnitImpl unit = new UnitImpl(card, cur_command_idx, new_cell); SetUnitPlace(new_cell, unit); command.staff.Add(unit); if (notificator != null) { notificator.UnitAdded(unit); } } command.hand.Remove(card); command.crystals_count -= card.cost; if (notificator != null) { notificator.PlayerUIUpdated(); } }
private void CalculateRoute(OrientedCell from, Func <CellCandidate, bool> CheckCand, Func <CellCandidate, bool> NewCand) { var candidats = new CandidatesQueue(); //ToDo calculate for giant bool end = false; UnitImpl unit = from.cell.unit; candidats.Enqueue(new CellCandidate(from, 0, null)); while (candidats.Count > 0 && !end) { CellCandidate cand = candidats.Dequeue(); if (CheckCand(cand)) { List <OrientedCell> neighbor_cells = gameboard.GetOneMoveCells(cand.cell_ref, unit); foreach (var cell in neighbor_cells) { CellCandidate cell_cand = candidats.FindCandidate(cell); if (cell_cand == null || cell_cand.route_cnt > cand.route_cnt + 1) { var new_cand = new CellCandidate(cell, cand.route_cnt + 1, cand); candidats.Enqueue(new_cand); if (!NewCand(new_cand)) { end = true; break; } } } } } }
public CellCandidate FindCandidate(OrientedCell cell_ref) { CellCandidate ret = null; candidats_map.TryGetValue(cell_ref, out ret); return(ret); }
public UnitImpl(Figure other, int command_idx, OrientedCell cell_ref) : base(other) { hp = defaultHP; this.command_idx = command_idx; this.oriented_cell = cell_ref; made_move = !other.isHaste; }
public void SetUnitPlace(OrientedCell oriented_cell, UnitImpl unit) { foreach (var cell in GetOccupatedCells(oriented_cell)) { cell.unit = unit; if (cell.notificator != null) { cell.notificator.UnitAdded(unit); } } }
private void AddNeighborKills(GameboardImpl gameboard_ref, OrientedCell cell, List <Move> ret, int steps) { List <GameboardCell> neighbor_cells = gameboard_ref.GetNeighborCells(cell); foreach (GameboardCell neighbor_cell in neighbor_cells) { if (neighbor_cell.unit != null && neighbor_cell.unit.command_idx != command_idx)//Frendly fire { ret.Add(new KillMoveImpl(cell.cell, cell.orientation, oriented_cell.cell, neighbor_cell, steps, false)); } } }
public List <CAvailableCells> CalcAvailableCells(OrientedCell from, int steps) { List <CAvailableCells> ret = new List <CAvailableCells>(); CalculateRoute(from, cand => cand.route_cnt < steps, new_cand => { ret.Add(new CAvailableCells(new_cand.cell_ref, new_cand.route_cnt)); return(true); } ); return(ret); }
private MoveInfo BestMoveForGoToTargetCell(List <MoveInfo> candidates, List <MoveInfo> targetMoves, int minDist, int speed) //To do: it can return List<MoveInfo> - think about it { int[] scoreArr = new int[candidates.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < scoreArr.Length; i++) { scoreArr[i] = 0; } foreach (MoveInfo targetMove in targetMoves) { OrientedCell targetCell = targetMove.move.GetTargetCell(targetMove.board); List <OrientedCell> startCells = new List <OrientedCell>(); foreach (MoveInfo startMove in candidates) { OrientedCell startCell = startMove.move.GetTargetCell(startMove.board); startCells.Add(startCell); } DateTime t0 = DateTime.Now; int[] distances = new Routing(targetMove.board).CalcRouteToMulty(targetCell, startCells, null); calcRouteToMultyCount++; calcRouteToMulty += (DateTime.Now - t0).TotalMilliseconds; for (int i = 0; i < scoreArr.Length; i++) { int distance = (int)Math.Ceiling(distances[i] / (double)speed); if (distance == minDist) { scoreArr[i]++; } } } MoveInfo res = null; //To do: it can return List<MoveInfo> - think about it int bestScore = -1; for (int i = 0; i < scoreArr.Length; i++) { if (scoreArr[i] > bestScore) { bestScore = scoreArr[i]; res = candidates[i]; } } return(res); }
public List <OrientedCell> CalcAvailableCellsForCard(bool is_giant) //ToDo do it quicker //ToDo calculate for giant { List <OrientedCell> ret = new List <OrientedCell>(); Func <int, int> y_st = x => (cur_command_idx == 0) ? 0 : cells.GetLength(1) - 2 - (x % 2); int y_en = (cur_command_idx == 0) ? 2 : cells.GetLength(1); for (int x = 0; x < cells.GetLength(0); ++x) { for (int y = y_st(x); y < y_en; ++y) { if (cells[x, y].active && cells[x, y].unit == null) { ret.Add(new OrientedCell { cell = cells[x, y] }); } } } if (is_giant) { List <OrientedCell> giant_cells = new List <OrientedCell>(); foreach (var cell in ret) { for (int or = 1; or <= 3; ++or) { OrientedCell giant_cell = new OrientedCell { cell = cell.cell, orientation = (OrientedCell.CellOrientation)or }; var occu = GetOccupatedCells(giant_cell); if (Array.TrueForAll(occu, oc_cell => oc_cell != null && && oc_cell.unit == null && ret.Contains(new OrientedCell { cell = oc_cell }))) { giant_cells.Add(giant_cell); } } } ret = giant_cells; } return(ret); }
public int[] CalcRouteToMulty(OrientedCell from, List <OrientedCell> to, List <OrientedCell>[] routes) //ToDo calculate for giant { var to_idx = new Dictionary <OrientedCell, int>(); // to[i] -> i for (int i = 0; i < to.Count; ++i) { to_idx[to[i]] = i; } int[] ret = new int[to.Count]; CalculateRoute(from, _ => true, new_cand => { int idx; if (to_idx.TryGetValue(new_cand.cell_ref, out idx)) { ret[idx] = new_cand.route_cnt; if (routes != null) { routes[idx] = new List <OrientedCell>(); routes[idx].Add(new_cand.cell_ref); while (new_cand.prev_cand != null) { routes[idx].Add(new_cand.prev_cand.cell_ref); new_cand = new_cand.prev_cand; } routes[idx].Reverse(); } to_idx.Remove(new_cand.cell_ref); if (to_idx.Count == 0) { return(false); } } return(true); } ); return(ret); }
public List <OrientedCell> GetOneMoveCells(OrientedCell cell, UnitImpl excl_unit) //ToDo it could be optimized { List <OrientedCell> ret = null; if (cell.orientation == OrientedCell.CellOrientation.Default) { ret = new List <OrientedCell> (6); var neigh = GetNeighborCells(cell.cell); foreach (var neigh_cell in neigh) { ret.Add(new OrientedCell { cell = neigh_cell }); } } else { ret = new List <OrientedCell> (4); GameboardCell[] oc_cell = GetOccupatedCells(cell); Func <int, int> p = x => (x > 1 ? x - 1 : 3); Func <int, int> n = x => (x < 3 ? x + 1 : 1); int o = (int)cell.orientation; ret.Add(new OrientedCell { cell = oc_cell[n(o)], orientation = (OrientedCell.CellOrientation)n(o) }); ret.Add(new OrientedCell { cell = oc_cell[n(o)], orientation = (OrientedCell.CellOrientation)p(o) }); ret.Add(new OrientedCell { cell = oc_cell[p(o)], orientation = (OrientedCell.CellOrientation)n(o) }); ret.Add(new OrientedCell { cell = oc_cell[o], orientation = (OrientedCell.CellOrientation)p(o) }); } ret.RemoveAll(or_cell => or_cell.cell == null || Array.Exists(GetOccupatedCells(or_cell), oc_cell => oc_cell == null || (oc_cell.unit != null && oc_cell.unit != excl_unit))); return(ret); }
public List <GameboardCell> GetNeighborCells(OrientedCell cell) //ToDo it could be optimized { List <GameboardCell> ret = new List <GameboardCell>(6); var occupated = GetOccupatedCells(cell); foreach (var occu_cell in occupated) { var neigh = GetNeighborCells(occu_cell); foreach (var neigh_cell in neigh) { if (!ret.Contains(neigh_cell) && Array.IndexOf(occupated, neigh_cell) == -1) { ret.Add(neigh_cell); } } } return(ret); }
public GameboardCell[] GetOccupatedCells(OrientedCell cell) { GameboardCell[] ret = null; if (cell != null) { if (cell.orientation == OrientedCell.CellOrientation.Default) { ret = new GameboardCell[1] { cell.cell }; } else { ret = new GameboardCell[4]; ret [1] = cell.cell; ret [0] = GetNearCell(cell.cell, 0); switch (cell.orientation) { case OrientedCell.CellOrientation.EastNorth: ret [2] = GetNearCell(cell.cell, 4); ret [3] = GetNearCell(cell.cell, 5); break; case OrientedCell.CellOrientation.EastSouth: ret [2] = GetNearCell(cell.cell, 1); ret [3] = GetNearCell(cell.cell, 2); break; case OrientedCell.CellOrientation.East: ret [2] = GetNearCell(cell.cell, 1); ret [3] = GetNearCell(cell.cell, 5); break; } } } return(ret); }
public CAvailableCells(OrientedCell cell, int steps) { this.cell = cell.cell; this.orientation = cell.orientation; this.steps = steps; }
public CellCandidate(OrientedCell cell_ref, int route_cnt, CellCandidate prev_cand) { this.cell_ref = cell_ref; this.route_cnt = route_cnt; this.prev_cand = prev_cand; }