public FamilySupportSubPage(SurfaceWindow1 window, String name) { sw1 = window; InitializeComponent(); /* As the user goes through the pages, the next page slides into focus from the right. * The current page slides to the left and disappears. Vice versa, as the user goes * back, the previous page slides into focus from the left and the current page slides * to the right and disappears. */ sw1.hideP = (window.Resources["SlidePageLeftExit"] as Storyboard).Clone(); sw1.showP = (window.Resources["SlidePageLeftEntry"] as Storyboard).Clone(); //read the xml file XmlDocument xml = new XmlDocument(); xml.Load("Resources/xml/FamilySupportInfo.xml"); headingLabel.Content = xml.SelectSingleNode("//pages/"+name+"/heading/text()").Value; XmlNode imageNode = xml.SelectSingleNode("//pages/" + name + "/img"); //show the image if there is one, and reduce the width of the TextBlock to accomodate it if (imageNode != null) { bodyImage.Source = new BitmapImage(new Uri("/CCF2;component/" + imageNode.Attributes["src"].Value, UriKind.Relative)); bodyImage.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Visible; bodyText.Width = 740; } bodyText.Text = xml.SelectSingleNode("//pages/" + name + "/content").InnerText.Trim(); }
public SubMenuPage(SurfaceWindow1 window, String name) { sw1 = window; InitializeComponent(); sw1.hideP = (window.Resources["SlidePageLeftExit"] as Storyboard).Clone(); sw1.showP = (window.Resources["SlidePageLeftEntry"] as Storyboard).Clone(); }
public HomePage(SurfaceWindow1 window, string name) { sw1 = window; InitializeComponent(); /* As the user goes back, the previous page slides into focus from the left and * the current page slides to the right and disappears. */ sw1.hideP = (window.Resources["SlidePageLeftExit"] as Storyboard).Clone(); sw1.showP = (window.Resources["SlidePageLeftEntry"] as Storyboard).Clone(); }
public HomePage(SurfaceWindow1 window) { sw1 = window; InitializeComponent(); /* As the user goes through the pages, the next page slides into focus from the right. * The current page slides to the left and disappears. */ sw1.hideP = (window.Resources["SlidePageRightExit"] as Storyboard).Clone(); sw1.showP = (window.Resources["SlidePageRightEntry"] as Storyboard).Clone(); }
public ContactUsPage(SurfaceWindow1 window, String name) { sw1 = window; InitializeComponent(); /* As the user goes through the pages, the next page slides into focus from the right. * The current page slides to the left and disappears. Vice versa, as the user goes * back, the previous page slides into focus from the left and the current page slides * to the right and disappears. */ if (name == "testNE") { sw1.hideP = (window.Resources["SlidePageLeftExit"] as Storyboard).Clone(); sw1.showP = (window.Resources["SlidePageLeftEntry"] as Storyboard).Clone(); } else { sw1.hideP = (window.Resources["SlidePageRightExit"] as Storyboard).Clone(); sw1.showP = (window.Resources["SlidePageRightEntry"] as Storyboard).Clone(); } //Reading in tweets form the XML file XDocument doc = XDocument.Load("Resources/xml/Tweets.xml"); var tweetmes = doc.Element("Tweets").Elements("Tweet"); ObservableCollection<TweetModel> result = new ObservableCollection<TweetModel>(); foreach (XElement message in tweetmes) { TweetModel tweet = new TweetModel() { Text = message.Attribute("Text").Value, ScreenName = message.Attribute("ScreenName").Value, UserName = "******" + message.Attribute("UserName").Value, PublicationDate = message.Attribute("PublicationDate").Value, Image = message.Attribute("Image").Value }; result.Add(tweet); } //Changing the data context to update the tweetlist this.Tweets = result; this.tweetsListView.DataContext = this; this.DataContext = this; //UserTweetsWidget = new UserTweetsViewModel("ChildCancerNZ", 20); //this.DataContext = this; }
public WelcomeScreen(SurfaceWindow1 window) { sw1 = window; InitializeComponent(); /* As the user goes through the pages, the next page slides into focus from the right. * The current page slides to the left and disappears. Vice versa, as the user goes * back, the previous page slides into focus from the left and the current page slides * to the right and disappears. */ sw1.hideP = (window.Resources["SlidePageRightExit"] as Storyboard).Clone(); sw1.showP = (window.Resources["SlidePageRightEntry"] as Storyboard).Clone(); //mainVideo.Source = new Uri("Resources/CCFVideo.mp4" + UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute); //mainVideo.Play(); }
public testNE(SurfaceWindow1 window, String name) { sw1 = window; InitializeComponent(); //If new page is initiated from the home page, it comes in the form the right if (name == "testNE") { sw1.hideP = (window.Resources["SlidePageLeftExit"] as Storyboard).Clone(); sw1.showP = (window.Resources["SlidePageLeftEntry"] as Storyboard).Clone(); } else // else it comes in the from the left { sw1.hideP = (window.Resources["SlidePageRightExit"] as Storyboard).Clone(); sw1.showP = (window.Resources["SlidePageRightEntry"] as Storyboard).Clone(); } }
public EventsPage(SurfaceWindow1 window, String itemID) { sw1 = window; InitializeComponent(); /* As the user goes through the pages, the next page slides into focus from the right. * The current page slides to the left and disappears. Vice versa, as the user goes * back, the previous page slides into focus from the left and the current page slides * to the right and disappears. */ sw1.hideP = (window.Resources["SlidePageLeftExit"] as Storyboard).Clone(); sw1.showP = (window.Resources["SlidePageLeftEntry"] as Storyboard).Clone(); //read the xml file XmlDocument xml = new XmlDocument(); xml.Load("Resources/xml/Events.xml"); //find the event item in the xml file //display the title, date and location (details), blurb and photos foreach (XmlNode node in xml.SelectNodes("//Events/item")) { String id = node.SelectSingleNode("id/text()").Value; if (id == itemID) { XmlNode imageNode = node.SelectSingleNode("photos/img"); headingLabel.Content = node.SelectSingleNode("title/text()").Value; detailsText.Text = node.SelectSingleNode("details/text()").Value; bodyText.Text = node.SelectSingleNode("blurb/text()").InnerText.Trim(); if (imageNode != null) { //ignore the first image because it is from the events page, and often an identical one exists in the item page //thus this prevents double-ups foreach (XmlNode n in imageNode.SelectNodes("following-sibling::img")) { Uri imgUri = new Uri(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "/" + n.Attributes["src"].Value, UriKind.Absolute); imagesPanel.Children.Add(new Image() { Source = new BitmapImage(imgUri), Margin = new Thickness(4), Height = 250, Stretch = Stretch.UniformToFill }); } } } } }
public WhatWeDo(SurfaceWindow1 window, String name) { sw1 = window; InitializeComponent(); /* As the user goes through the pages, the next page slides into focus from the right. * The current page slides to the left and disappears. Vice versa, as the user goes * back, the previous page slides into focus from the left and the current page slides * to the right and disappears. */ if (name == "whatwedo") { sw1.hideP = (window.Resources["SlidePageLeftExit"] as Storyboard).Clone(); sw1.showP = (window.Resources["SlidePageLeftEntry"] as Storyboard).Clone(); } else { sw1.hideP = (window.Resources["SlidePageRightExit"] as Storyboard).Clone(); sw1.showP = (window.Resources["SlidePageRightEntry"] as Storyboard).Clone(); } }
/* As the user goes through the pages, the next page slides into focus from the right. * The current page slides to the left and disappears. Vice versa, as the user goes * back, the previous page slides into focus from the left and the current page slides * to the right and disappears. */ public OurStoriesSubPage(SurfaceWindow1 window, String name) { sw1 = window; InitializeComponent(); sw1.hideP = (window.Resources["SlidePageLeftExit"] as Storyboard).Clone(); sw1.showP = (window.Resources["SlidePageLeftEntry"] as Storyboard).Clone(); //read the xml file XmlDocument xml = new XmlDocument(); xml.Load("Resources/xml/OurStoriesInfo.xml"); headingLabel.Content = xml.SelectSingleNode("//pages/" + name + "/heading/text()").Value; XmlNode imageNode = xml.SelectSingleNode("//pages/" + name + "/img"); //show the image if there is one, and reduce the width of the TextBlock to accomodate it if (imageNode != null) { bodyImage.Source = new BitmapImage(new Uri("/CCF2;component/" + imageNode.Attributes["src"].Value, UriKind.Relative)); bodyImage.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Visible; bodyText.Width = 740; } bodyText.Text = xml.SelectSingleNode("//pages/" + name + "/content").InnerText.Trim(); }
public NewsAndEvents(SurfaceWindow1 window, String name) { sw3 = window; InitializeComponent(); showNewsOrEvents("News", newsPanel); showNewsOrEvents("Events", eventsPanel); /* As the user goes through the pages, the next page slides into focus from the right. * The current page slides to the left and disappears. Vice versa, as the user goes * back, the previous page slides into focus from the left and the current page slides * to the right and disappears. */ if (name == "newsandevents") { sw3.hideP = (window.Resources["SlidePageLeftExit"] as Storyboard).Clone(); sw3.showP = (window.Resources["SlidePageLeftEntry"] as Storyboard).Clone(); } else // else it comes in the from the left { sw3.hideP = (window.Resources["SlidePageRightExit"] as Storyboard).Clone(); sw3.showP = (window.Resources["SlidePageRightEntry"] as Storyboard).Clone(); } }