private static void GenerateOutput(EFD_Msg Message_Data) { Common.Generate_Output(Message_Data); EFD.Generate_Output(Message_Data); Main_Status.Generate_Output(Message_Data); EFD_Status.Generate_Output(Message_Data); }
///var/cbs/prediction/flights/ACID_IFPLID_DATETIME/status/EFD_{Status}_{DATETIME}.kml //<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> //<kml xmlns=""> //<Document> //<Placemark> // <name>EFD Status {Inflight}</name> // <TimeStamp> <!-- required TimeStamp or TimeSpan block --> // <when>2013-02-20T00:05:20Z</when> // </TimeStamp> // <ExtendedData> // <Data name="markerType"> // <value> timelineItem</value> // </Data> // <Data name="dataSourceName"> // <value>EFD</value> // </Data> // </ExtendedData> //</Placemark> //</Document> //</kml> public static void Generate_Output(EFD_Msg Message_Data) { string TIME_AS_YYYYMMDDHHMMSS = CBS_Main.GetDate_Time_AS_YYYYMMDDHHMMSS(DateTime.UtcNow); string Time_Stamp = KML_Common.Get_KML_Time_Stamp(); string KML_File_Content = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>" + Environment.NewLine + "<kml xmlns=\"\">" + Environment.NewLine + "<Document>" + Environment.NewLine + "<Placemark>" + Environment.NewLine + "<name>EFD Status " + Message_Data.FL_STATUS + "</name>" + Environment.NewLine + "<TimeStamp> <!-- required TimeStamp or TimeSpan block -->" + Environment.NewLine + "<when>" + Time_Stamp + "</when>" + Environment.NewLine + "</TimeStamp>" + Environment.NewLine + "<ExtendedData>" + Environment.NewLine + "<Data name=\"markerType\">" + Environment.NewLine + "<value> timelineItem</value>" + Environment.NewLine + "</Data>" + Environment.NewLine + "<Data name=\"dataSourceName\">" + Environment.NewLine + "<value>EFD</value>" + Environment.NewLine + "</Data>" + Environment.NewLine + "</ExtendedData>" + Environment.NewLine + "</Placemark>" + Environment.NewLine + "</Document>" + Environment.NewLine + "</kml>"; // Get the final data path string File_Path = Get_Dir_By_ACID_AND_IFPLID(Message_Data.ACID, Message_Data.IFPLID); File_Path = Path.Combine(File_Path, ("EFD_" + Message_Data.FL_STATUS + '_' + TIME_AS_YYYYMMDDHHMMSS + ".kml")); // Save data in the tmp directory first string Tmp = Path.Combine(CBS_Main.Get_Temp_Dir(), ("EFD_" + Message_Data.FL_STATUS + '_' + TIME_AS_YYYYMMDDHHMMSS + ".kml")); // create a writer and open the file TextWriter tw = new StreamWriter(Tmp); try { // write a line of text to the file tw.Write(KML_File_Content); CBS_Main.WriteToLogFile("Generating: " + File_Path); } catch { CBS_Main.WriteToLogFile("Exception in EFD_Status.cs, Saving " + File_Path); } // close the stream tw.Close(); // Now move it to the final destination File.Move(Tmp, File_Path); }
//<FPL_data> // <CLS>BAW905U</CLS> // <ADEP>EDDF</ADEP> // <ADES>EGLL</ADES> // <EOBT>HHMM</EOBT> // <EOBD>YYMMDD</EOBD> // <IFPLID>AA92346961</IFPLID> //</FPL_data> public static void Generate_Output(EFD_Msg Message_Data) { XmlDocument XDoc = new XmlDocument(); // Create root node. XmlElement XElemRoot = XDoc.CreateElement("FPL_Data"); //Add the node to the document. XDoc.AppendChild(XElemRoot); ////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Create Nodes // XmlElement XTemp = XDoc.CreateElement("CLS"); XTemp.InnerText = Message_Data.ACID; XElemRoot.AppendChild(XTemp); XTemp = XDoc.CreateElement("ADEP"); XTemp.InnerText = Message_Data.ADEP; XElemRoot.AppendChild(XTemp); XTemp = XDoc.CreateElement("ADES"); XTemp.InnerText = Message_Data.ADES; XElemRoot.AppendChild(XTemp); XTemp = XDoc.CreateElement("EOBT"); XTemp.InnerText = Message_Data.EOBT; XElemRoot.AppendChild(XTemp); XTemp = XDoc.CreateElement("EOBD"); XTemp.InnerText = Message_Data.EOBD; XElemRoot.AppendChild(XTemp); XTemp = XDoc.CreateElement("IFPLID"); XTemp.InnerText = Message_Data.IFPLID; XElemRoot.AppendChild(XTemp); string TIME_AS_YYYYMMDDHHMMSS = CBS_Main.GetDate_Time_AS_YYYYMMDDHHMMSS(DateTime.UtcNow); string File_Path = Get_Dir_By_ACID_AND_IFPLID(Message_Data.ACID, Message_Data.IFPLID); File_Path = Path.Combine(File_Path, ("Flight_Data_EFD_" + TIME_AS_YYYYMMDDHHMMSS + ".xml")); string Tmp = Path.Combine(CBS_Main.Get_Temp_Dir(), ("Flight_Data_EFD_" + TIME_AS_YYYYMMDDHHMMSS + ".xml")); XDoc.Save(Tmp); File.Move(Tmp, File_Path); }
public static void Generate(EFD_Msg Message_Data) { // First check if directory already exists string IFPLID_DIR_NAME = Message_Data.ACID + "_" + Message_Data.IFPLID + "_*"; string[] DestDirectory = Directory.GetDirectories(CBS_Main.Get_Destination_Dir(), IFPLID_DIR_NAME); // This is first time the data for this particular flight has arrived, so lets just // create the directory structure and create set of files. if (DestDirectory.Length == 0) { // This must be a new flight, so lets create applicable directory IFPLID_DIR_NAME = Message_Data.ACID + "_" + Message_Data.IFPLID + "_"; IFPLID_DIR_NAME = IFPLID_DIR_NAME + CBS_Main.GetDate_Time_AS_YYYYMMDDHHMMSS(DateTime.UtcNow); Directory.CreateDirectory(CBS_Main.Get_Destination_Dir() + IFPLID_DIR_NAME); // Now when it is created, lets get it again so it can be used DestDirectory = Directory.GetDirectories(CBS_Main.Get_Destination_Dir(), IFPLID_DIR_NAME); // Now create subdirectories within new directory Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Combine(DestDirectory[0], "common")); Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Combine(DestDirectory[0], "EFD")); Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Combine(DestDirectory[0], "status")); CBS_Main.WriteToLogFile("Generate Output: Creating dir structure for: " + IFPLID_DIR_NAME); GenerateOutput(Message_Data); Message_Data.SaveDataSet(); } else { // Check if this is a new data set // If true generate a new set of files // and then save the new data set. if (Message_Data.Is_New_Data_Set() == true) { GenerateOutput(Message_Data); Message_Data.SaveDataSet(); } } }
// ARCID // IFPLID // FLTSTATE // ADEP // ADES // ARCTYP // ETI // XTI // LASTUPD // TSTARTTIME // TENDTIME // TPOINTS // POINTS public static void Write_One_Message(EFD_Msg Message) { // Lets build SEQMUAC string // FORMAT: // //RH1,1515,1522//RH2,1515,1522 string SEQMUAC = ""; foreach (EFD_Msg.Sector Msg in Message.Sector_List) { SEQMUAC = SEQMUAC + "//" + Msg.ID + ',' + GetTimeAS_HHMM(Msg.SECTOR_ENTRY_TIME) + ',' + GetTimeAS_HHMM(Msg.SECTOR_EXIT_TIME) + ',' + Msg.EFL + ',' + Msg.XFL; } // Lets build TPOINTS string //tpoints (LON,LAT,FL,broj sekundi u odnosu na tstarttime) u formatu: //51.28083,6.75722,0,0;51.59056,6.69417,11900,431 string TPOINTS = ""; int Index = 0; TimeSpan TS = new TimeSpan(0); foreach (EFD_Msg.Waypoint WPT in Message.TrajectoryPoints) { if (Index > 0) { TS = CBS_Main.GetDate_Time_From_YYMMDDHHMMSS(WPT.ETO) - CBS_Main.GetDate_Time_From_YYMMDDHHMMSS(Message.TrajectoryPoints[0].ETO); } TPOINTS = TPOINTS + string.Format("{0:0.0000}", WPT.Position.GetLatLongDecimal().LatitudeDecimal) + ',' + string.Format("{0:0.0000}", WPT.Position.GetLatLongDecimal().LongitudeDecimal) + ',' + WPT.Flight_Level + ',' + TS.TotalSeconds.ToString() + ";"; Index++; } // LASTUPD DateTime T_Now = DateTime.UtcNow; string LASTUPD = T_Now.Year.ToString("0000") + T_Now.Month.ToString("00") + T_Now.Day.ToString("00") + T_Now.Hour.ToString("00") + T_Now.Minute.ToString("00") + T_Now.Second.ToString("00"); string TSTARTTIME = ConvertToUNIXTimestamp(CBS_Main.GetDate_Time_From_YYMMDDHHMMSS(Message.TrajectoryPoints[0].ETO)).ToString(); string TENDTIME = ConvertToUNIXTimestamp(CBS_Main.GetDate_Time_From_YYMMDDHHMMSS(Message.TrajectoryPoints[Message.TrajectoryPoints.Count - 1].ETO)).ToString(); string query = "INSERT INTO " + MySQLConnetionString.table_name + " (IFPLID, ARCID, FLTSTATE, ADEP, ADES, ARCTYP, ETI, XTI, LASTUPD, TSTARTTIME, TENDTIME, TPOINTS, ENTRIES) " + " VALUES (" + Get_With_Quitation(Message.IFPLID) + "," + Get_With_Quitation(Message.ACID) + "," + Get_With_Quitation(Message.FLTSTATE) + "," + Get_With_Quitation(Message.ADEP) + "," + Get_With_Quitation(Message.ADES) + "," + Get_With_Quitation(Message.ARCTYP) + "," + Get_With_Quitation(CBS_Main.GetDate_Time_AS_YYYYMMDDHHMMSS(Message.AOI_ENTRY_TIME)) + "," + Get_With_Quitation(CBS_Main.GetDate_Time_AS_YYYYMMDDHHMMSS(Message.AOI_EXIT_TIME)) + "," + Get_With_Quitation(LASTUPD) + "," + Get_With_Quitation(TSTARTTIME) + "," + Get_With_Quitation(TENDTIME) + "," + Get_With_Quitation(TPOINTS) + "," + Get_With_Quitation(SEQMUAC) + ")"; // First delete the data for the flight (if already exists) string delete_query = "DELETE FROM " + MySQLConnetionString.table_name + " WHERE IFPLID= " + Get_With_Quitation(Message.IFPLID) + "AND ARCID= " + Get_With_Quitation(Message.ACID); //create command and assign the query and connection from the constructor MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand(delete_query, MySQLconn); try { //Execute command cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); } //create command and assign the query and connection from the constructor cmd = new MySqlCommand(query, MySQLconn); try { //Execute command cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); } }
// /var/cbs/prediction/status/MAIN_{Status}_{DATETIME}.kml // If the Status=closed, no new files are written for this flight. // ( This part is not fully designed yet. The idea is to inform other modules that // a flight has left AOI and the MAIN is going to close the directory. // It is not so important for EFD, since EFD has the IFPLID as the key. // ADS-B module, Message modul can see this flight hours after it leaves AOI.) public static void Generate_Output(EFD_Msg Message_Data) { }
public static void Handle_New_File() { string[] filePaths = Directory.GetFiles(CBS_Main.Get_Source_Data_Path(), "*.log*", SearchOption.AllDirectories); foreach (string Path in filePaths) { try { using (MyStreamReader = System.IO.File.OpenText(Path)) { if (MyStreamReader != null) { //// Pass in stream reader and initialise new //// EFD message. EFD_Msg EDF_MESSAGE = new EFD_Msg(MyStreamReader); MyStreamReader.Close(); MyStreamReader.Dispose(); try { //// Generate output Generate_Output.Generate(EDF_MESSAGE); } catch (Exception e1) { CBS_Main.WriteToLogFile("Error in Generate_Output.Generate " + e1.Message); } try { // Write data to the MySqlDatabase MySqlWriter.Write_One_Message(EDF_MESSAGE); } catch (Exception e2) { CBS_Main.WriteToLogFile("Error in MySqlWriter.Write_One_Message " + e2.Message); } // Let the status handler know that the // message has arrived... try { CBS_Main.Notify_EFD_Message_Recived(); } catch (Exception e3) { CBS_Main.WriteToLogFile("Error in CBS_Main.Notify_EFD_Message_Recived " + e3.Message); } //// Once done with the file, //// lets delete it as we do not //// needed it any more try { System.IO.File.Delete(Path); } catch { CBS_Main.WriteToLogFile("Error in EFD_File_Handler, can't delete file " + Path); } break; } } } catch (Exception ex) { CBS_Main.WriteToLogFile("Exception EFD_Handler: " + ex.Message); } } }
// /var/cbs/prediction/flights/ACID_IFPLID_DATETIME/EFD/EFD_AOI_Entry_DATETIME.kml //<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> //<kml xmlns=""> //<Document> // <Placemark> // <name>EFD AOI Entry</name> // <TimeStamp> // <when>2013-02-20T00:05:20Z</when> // </TimeStamp> // <ExtendedData> // <Data name="dataSourceName"> // <value>EFD</value> // </Data> // <Data name="markerType"> // <value>customMarker</value> // </Data> // <Data name="customIcon"> // <value>imageGoogleYellow.png</value> // </Data> // <Data name="popupLine1"> // <value>Time:{TIME}</value> // </Data> // <Data name="popupLine2"> // <value>Point:{LON,LAT}</value> // </Data> // <Data name="popupLine3"> // <value>Altitude:{Altitude}</value> // </Data> // <Data name="fileLocation"> // <value>flights/ACID_IFPLID_DATETIME/EFD/EFD_AOI_Entry_DATETIME.kml</value> // </Data> // </ExtendedData> // <Point> // <coordinates>12.09607,51.41915,1201,20130305003900</coordinates> // </Point> // </Placemark> //</Document> //</kml> public static void Generate_Output(EFD_Msg Message_Data) { string TIME_AS_YYYYMMDDHHMMSS = CBS_Main.GetDate_Time_AS_YYYYMMDDHHMMSS(DateTime.UtcNow); string Time_Stamp = KML_Common.Get_KML_Time_Stamp(); string Entry_LON_DEGMINSEC; string Entry_LAT_DEGMINSEC; Message_Data.ENTRY_AOI_POINT.GetDegMinSecStringFormat(out Entry_LAT_DEGMINSEC, out Entry_LON_DEGMINSEC); string KML_File_Content = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>" + Environment.NewLine + "<kml xmlns=\"\">" + Environment.NewLine + "<Document>" + Environment.NewLine + "<Placemark>" + Environment.NewLine + "<name>EFD AOI Entry</name>" + Environment.NewLine + "<TimeStamp>" + Environment.NewLine + "<when>" + Time_Stamp + "</when>" + Environment.NewLine + "</TimeStamp>" + Environment.NewLine + "<ExtendedData>" + Environment.NewLine + "<Data name=\"dataSourceName\">" + Environment.NewLine + "<value>EFD</value>" + Environment.NewLine + "</Data>" + Environment.NewLine + "<Data name=\"markerType\">" + Environment.NewLine + "<value>customMarker</value>" + Environment.NewLine + "</Data>" + Environment.NewLine + "<Data name=\"customIcon\">" + Environment.NewLine + "<value>imageGoogleYellow.png</value>" + Environment.NewLine + "</Data>" + Environment.NewLine + "<Data name=\"popupLine1\">" + Environment.NewLine + "<value>Time:" + Message_Data.AOI_ENTRY_TIME.ToShortDateString() + "/" + Message_Data.AOI_ENTRY_TIME.ToShortTimeString() + "</value>" + Environment.NewLine + "</Data>" + Environment.NewLine + "<Data name=\"popupLine2\">" + Environment.NewLine + "<value>Point:" + Entry_LON_DEGMINSEC + "'" + Entry_LAT_DEGMINSEC + "</value>" + Environment.NewLine + "</Data>" + Environment.NewLine + "<Data name=\"popupLine3\">" + Environment.NewLine + "<value>Altitude:" + Message_Data.AOI_ENTRY_FL + "</value>" + Environment.NewLine + "</Data>" + Environment.NewLine + "<Data name=\"fileLocation\">" + Environment.NewLine + "<value>flights/ACID_IFPLID_DATETIME/EFD/EFD_AOI_Entry_" + TIME_AS_YYYYMMDDHHMMSS + ".kml</value>" + Environment.NewLine + "</Data>" + Environment.NewLine + "</ExtendedData>" + Environment.NewLine + "<Point>" + Environment.NewLine + "<coordinates>" + string.Format("{0:0.0000}", Message_Data.ENTRY_AOI_POINT.GetLatLongDecimal().LongitudeDecimal) + "," + string.Format("{0:0.0000}", Message_Data.ENTRY_AOI_POINT.GetLatLongDecimal().LatitudeDecimal) + "," + Message_Data.AOI_ENTRY_FL + "," + Message_Data.AOI_ENTRY_TIME_YYMMDDHHMMSS + "</coordinates>" + Environment.NewLine + "</Point>" + Environment.NewLine + "</Placemark>" + Environment.NewLine + "</Document>" + Environment.NewLine + "</kml>"; // Get the final data path string File_Path = Get_Dir_By_ACID_AND_IFPLID(Message_Data.ACID, Message_Data.IFPLID); File_Path = Path.Combine(File_Path, ("EFD_AOI_Entry_" + TIME_AS_YYYYMMDDHHMMSS + ".kml")); // Save data in the tmp directory first string Tmp = Path.Combine(CBS_Main.Get_Temp_Dir(), ("EFD_AOI_Entry_" + TIME_AS_YYYYMMDDHHMMSS + ".kml")); // create a writer and open the file TextWriter tw = new StreamWriter(Tmp); try { // write a line of text to the file tw.Write(KML_File_Content); CBS_Main.WriteToLogFile("Generating: " + File_Path); } catch { CBS_Main.WriteToLogFile("Exception in EFD_AOI_Entry.cs, Saving " + File_Path); } // close the stream tw.Close(); // Now move it to the final destination File.Move(Tmp, File_Path); }
// EFD_Trajetory_DATETIME.kml //<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> //<kml xmlns=""> //<Document> //<Placemark> // <name>DLH2394 Trajectory</name> //<TimeStamp> // <when>2013-02-20T00:05:20Z</when> //</TimeStamp> //<ExtendedData> // <Data name="dataSourceName"> // <value>EFD</value> // </Data> // <Data name="markerType"> // <value>polyline</value> // </Data> // <Data name="lineColor"> // <value>ffff00</value> // </Data> // <Data name="popupLine1"> // <value>Callsign,ADEP,ADES</value> // </Data> // <Data name="popupLine2"> // <value>EOBD, EOBT</value> // </Data> // <Data name="popupLine3"> // <value>IFPLID</value> // </Data> // <Data name="fileLocation"> // <value>flights/ACID_IFPLID_DATETIME/EFD/EFD_Trajectory_DATETIME.kml</value> // </Data> //</ExtendedData> // <LineString> // <coordinates> // 12.17152,51.41049,646,20130305003800 // 12.09607,51.41915,1201,20130305003900 // 12.05830,51.48931,1762,20130305004000 // </coordinates> // </LineString> // </Placemark> //</Document> //</kml> public static void Generate_Output(EFD_Msg Message_Data) { string TIME_AS_YYYYMMDDHHMMSS = CBS_Main.GetDate_Time_AS_YYYYMMDDHHMMSS(DateTime.UtcNow); string Time_Stamp = KML_Common.Get_KML_Time_Stamp(); // Here build the trajectory string // "12.17152,51.41049,646,20130305003800" + Environment.NewLine + // "12.09607,51.41915,1201,20130305003900" + Environment.NewLine + string Trajectory_String = ""; foreach (EFD_Msg.Waypoint WPT in Message_Data.TrajectoryPoints) { Trajectory_String = Trajectory_String + string.Format("{0:0.0000}", WPT.Position.GetLatLongDecimal().LongitudeDecimal) + "," + string.Format("{0:0.0000}", WPT.Position.GetLatLongDecimal().LatitudeDecimal) + "," + WPT.Flight_Level + "," + WPT.ETO + Environment.NewLine; } string KML_File_Content = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>" + Environment.NewLine + "<kml xmlns=\"\">" + Environment.NewLine + "<Document>" + Environment.NewLine + "<Placemark>" + Environment.NewLine + "<name>" + Message_Data.ACID + " Trajectory" + "</name>" + Environment.NewLine + "<TimeStamp>" + Environment.NewLine + "<when>" + Time_Stamp + "</when>" + Environment.NewLine + "</TimeStamp>" + Environment.NewLine + "<ExtendedData>" + Environment.NewLine + "<Data name=\"dataSourceName\">" + Environment.NewLine + "<value>EFD</value>" + Environment.NewLine + "</Data>" + Environment.NewLine + "<Data name=\"markerType\">" + Environment.NewLine + " <value>polyline</value>" + Environment.NewLine + "</Data>" + Environment.NewLine + "<Data name=\"lineColor\">" + Environment.NewLine + "<value>ffff00</value>" + Environment.NewLine + "</Data>" + Environment.NewLine + "<Data name=\"popupLine1\">" + Environment.NewLine + "<value>" + Message_Data.ACID + ',' + Message_Data.ADEP + ',' + Message_Data.ADES + "</value>" + Environment.NewLine + "</Data>" + Environment.NewLine + "<Data name=\"popupLine2\">" + Environment.NewLine + "<value>" + Message_Data.EOBT + ',' + Message_Data.EOBD + "</value>" + Environment.NewLine + "</Data>" + Environment.NewLine + "<Data name=\"popupLine3\">" + Environment.NewLine + "<value>" + Message_Data.IFPLID + "</value>" + Environment.NewLine + "</Data>" + Environment.NewLine + "<Data name=\"fileLocation\">" + Environment.NewLine + "<value>flights/ACID_IFPLID_DATETIME/EFD/EFD_Trajectory_" + TIME_AS_YYYYMMDDHHMMSS + ".kml</value>" + Environment.NewLine + "</Data>" + Environment.NewLine + "</ExtendedData>" + Environment.NewLine + "<LineString>" + Environment.NewLine + "<coordinates>" + Environment.NewLine + Trajectory_String + "</coordinates>" + Environment.NewLine + "</LineString>" + Environment.NewLine + "</Placemark>" + Environment.NewLine + "</Document>" + Environment.NewLine + "</kml>"; // Get the final data path string File_Path = Get_Dir_By_ACID_AND_IFPLID(Message_Data.ACID, Message_Data.IFPLID); File_Path = Path.Combine(File_Path, ("EFD_Trajectory_" + TIME_AS_YYYYMMDDHHMMSS + ".kml")); // Save data in the tmp directory first string Tmp = Path.Combine(CBS_Main.Get_Temp_Dir(), ("EFD_Trajectory_" + TIME_AS_YYYYMMDDHHMMSS + ".kml")); // create a writer and open the file TextWriter tw = new StreamWriter(Tmp); try { // write a line of text to the file tw.Write(KML_File_Content); CBS_Main.WriteToLogFile("Generating: " + File_Path); } catch { CBS_Main.WriteToLogFile("Exception in EFD_Trajectory.cs, Saving " + File_Path); } // close the stream tw.Close(); // Now move it to the final destination File.Move(Tmp, File_Path); }