private static void AllOff(MCUBoard board, List <IOconfOut230Vac> ports)
         board.SafeWriteLine("off", CancellationToken.None);
         foreach (var port in ports)
             if (port.HasOnSafeState)
                 board.SafeWriteLine($"p{port.PortNumber} on", CancellationToken.None);
     catch (Exception ex)
         CALog.LogErrorAndConsoleLn(LogID.A, $"Error detected while attempting to set ports to default positions for board {board.ToShortDescription()}", ex);
        private async Task BoardLoop(MCUBoard board, List <IOconfOut230Vac> ports, CancellationToken token)
            var lastActions    = new SwitchboardAction[ports.Max(p => p.PortNumber)];
            var boardStateName = board.BoxName + "_state";
            // we use the next 2 booleans to avoid spamming logs/display with an ongoing problem, so we only notify at the beginning and when we resume normal operation.
            // we might still get lots of entries for problems that alternate between normal and failed states, but for now is a good data point to know if that case is happening.
            var waitingBoardReconnect            = false;
            var tryingToRecoverAfterTimeoutWatch = new Stopwatch();

            while (!token.IsCancellationRequested)
                    var vector = await _cmd.When(_ => true, token);

                    if (!CheckConnectedStateInVector(board, boardStateName, ref waitingBoardReconnect, vector))
                        continue; // no point trying to send commands while there is no connection to the board.
                    foreach (var port in ports)
                        await DoPortActions(vector, board, port, lastActions, token);

                    if (tryingToRecoverAfterTimeoutWatch.IsRunning)
                        CALog.LogInfoAndConsoleLn(LogID.A, $"wrote to switch board without time outs after {tryingToRecoverAfterTimeoutWatch.Elapsed}, resuming normal action frequency - {board.ToShortDescription()}");
                catch (TimeoutException)
                    if (!tryingToRecoverAfterTimeoutWatch.IsRunning)
                        // we only notify of the situation once while this is a different way a disconnect might look like, we have
                        CALog.LogInfoAndConsoleLn(LogID.A, $"timed out writing to switchboard, reducing action frequency until reconnect - {board.ToShortDescription()}");
                    // forcing reduced acting frequency )
                    try { await Task.Delay(500, token); }
                    catch (TaskCanceledException) { }
                catch (TaskCanceledException ex)
                    if (!token.IsCancellationRequested)
                        CALog.LogErrorAndConsoleLn(LogID.A, ex.ToString());
                catch (Exception ex)
                    CALog.LogErrorAndConsoleLn(LogID.A, ex.ToString());

            AllOff(board, ports);
        private static bool CheckConnectedStateInVector(MCUBoard board, string boardStateName, ref bool waitingBoardReconnect, NewVectorReceivedArgs vector)
            var vectorState = (BaseSensorBox.ConnectionState)(int) vector[boardStateName];
            var connected   = vectorState >= BaseSensorBox.ConnectionState.Connected;

            if (waitingBoardReconnect && connected)
                CALog.LogData(LogID.B, $"resuming switchboard actions after reconnect on {board.ToShortDescription()}");
                waitingBoardReconnect = false;
            else if (!waitingBoardReconnect && !connected)
                CALog.LogData(LogID.B, $"stopping switchboard actions while connection is reestablished - state: {vectorState} - {board.ToShortDescription()}");
                waitingBoardReconnect = true;