Пример #1
        // Compute apparent sunrise and sunset times on a tilted surface of any orientation
        // Duffie and Beckman (1991) eqn 2.20.5e to 2.20.5i
        public static void CalcApparentSunsetHourAngle
            (double Lat                               // (i) latitude [radians]
            , double Decl                             // (i) declination [radians]
            , double Slope                            // (i) slope of receiving surface [radians]
            , double Azimuth                          // (i) azimuth angle of receiving surface [radians]
            , out double AppSunrise                   // (o) apparent sunrise hour angle [radians]
            , out double AppSunset                    // (o) apparent sunset hour angle [radians]
            , out double Sunset                       // (o) true sunset hour angle [radians]
            // Declarations
            double aux1, aux2, aux3, disc;
            double cosInc, SunZenith, SunAzimuth;
            double A, B, C;

            // Calculate true sunset and parameters A, B and C
            Sunset = Astro.GetSunsetHourAngle(Lat, Decl);
            A      = Math.Cos(Slope) + Math.Tan(Lat) * Math.Cos(Azimuth) * Math.Sin(Slope);
            B      = Math.Cos(Sunset) * Math.Cos(Slope) + Math.Tan(Decl) * Math.Sin(Slope) * Math.Cos(Azimuth);
            C      = Math.Sin(Slope) * Math.Sin(Azimuth) / Math.Cos(Lat);

            // Pathological case: the sun does not rise
            if (Sunset == 0)
                AppSunrise = AppSunset = 0;

            // Normal case
            aux1 = A * A + C * C;
            disc = aux1 - B * B;

            // Check discriminant. If it is positive or zero, the sun rises (tangentially)
            // on the surface. In that case, calculate apparent sunrise and apparent
            // sunset
            if (disc >= 0)
                aux2       = C * Math.Sqrt(disc) / aux1;
                aux3       = A * B / aux1;
                AppSunrise = Math.Min(Sunset, Math.Acos(aux3 + aux2));
                AppSunset  = Math.Min(Sunset, Math.Acos(aux3 - aux2));
                if ((A > 0 && B > 0) || (A >= B))
                    AppSunrise = -AppSunrise;
                    AppSunset = -AppSunset;

            // If discriminant is negative, the surface is either always or never
            // illuminated during the day. To find which case applies, compute the
            // cosine of the angle of incidence on the surface at noon. If it is less
            // than zero, then the surface is always in the dark. If it is greater
            // than zero, then the surface is always illuminated
                Astro.CalcSunPositionHourAngle(Decl, 0, Lat, out SunZenith, out SunAzimuth);
                cosInc = GetCosIncidenceAngle(SunZenith, SunAzimuth, Slope, Azimuth);
                if (cosInc < 0)
                    AppSunrise = AppSunset = 0;
                    AppSunrise = -Sunset;
                    AppSunset  = Sunset;
Пример #2
        // Calculation for inverter output power, using efficiency curve
        public void Calculate
            int DayOfYear                             // Day of year (1-365)
            , double Hour                             // Hour of day, in decimal format (11.75 = 11:45 a.m.)
            double itsSLatR  = Utilities.ConvertDtoR(itsSLat);
            double itsSLongR = Utilities.ConvertDtoR(itsSLong);
            double itsMLongR = Utilities.ConvertDtoR(itsMLong);

                if (DayOfYear < 1 || DayOfYear > 365 || Hour < 0 || Hour > 24)
                    throw new CASSYSException("Sun.Calculate: Invalid time stamp for sun position calculation");
            catch (CASSYSException cs)
                ErrorLogger.Log(cs, ErrLevel.FATAL);

            // Compute declination and normal extraterrestrial Irradiance if day has changed
            // Compute Sunrise and Sunset hour angles
            if (DayOfYear != itsCurrentDayOfYear)
                itsCurrentDayOfYear = DayOfYear;
                itsCurrentDecl      = Astro.GetDeclination(itsCurrentDayOfYear);
                itsCurrentNExtra    = Astro.GetNormExtra(itsCurrentDayOfYear);

                // Variables used to hold the apparent/true sunset and sunrise hour angles
                double appSunRiseHA;                        // Hour angle for Sunrise [radians]
                double appSunsetHA;                         // Hour angle for Sunset  [radians]
                double trueSunsetHA;                        // True Sunset Hour angle [radians]

                // Invoking the Tilt method to get the values
                Tilt.CalcApparentSunsetHourAngle(itsSLatR, itsCurrentDecl, itsSurfaceSlope, Azimuth, out appSunRiseHA, out appSunsetHA, out trueSunsetHA);

                // Assigning to the output values
                AppSunriseHour  = Math.Abs(appSunRiseHA) * Util.HAtoR;
                AppSunsetHour   = Util.NoonHour + appSunsetHA * Util.HAtoR;
                TrueSunSetHour  = Util.NoonHour + trueSunsetHA * Util.HAtoR;
                TrueSunRiseHour = TrueSunSetHour - Astro.GetDayLength(itsSLatR, itsCurrentDecl);

                // If using local standard time then modify the sunrise and sunset to match the local time stamp.
                if (itsLSTFlag)
                    TrueSunSetHour -= Astro.GetATmsST(DayOfYear, itsSLongR, itsMLongR) / 60; // Going from solar to local time
                    TrueSunRiseHour = TrueSunSetHour - Astro.GetDayLength(itsSLatR, itsCurrentDecl);

            // Compute hour angle
            double SolarTime = Hour;

            if (itsLSTFlag)
                SolarTime += Astro.GetATmsST(DayOfYear, itsSLongR, itsMLongR) / 60; // Going from local to solar time

            double HourAngle = Astro.GetHourAngle(SolarTime);

            // Compute azimuth and zenith angles
            Astro.CalcSunPositionHourAngle(itsCurrentDecl, HourAngle, itsSLatR, out Zenith, out Azimuth);

            // Compute normal extraterrestrial Irradiance
            NExtra = itsCurrentNExtra;

            // Compute air mass
            AirMass = Astro.GetAirMass(Zenith);