protected void btnSaveClient_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (txtMobile.Text != string.Empty && isExist(txtMobile.Text, txtContactPersonName.Text)) { General.ShowAlertMessage("This Contact detail is already in database"); } else { BusinessObjects.Clients cl = new BusinessObjects.Clients(); cl.OrganizationName = txtOrganizationName.Text; cl.ContactPersonName = txtContactPersonName.Text; cl.MobileNo = txtMobile.Text; cl.Email = txtEmail.Text; cl.Address = txtAddress.Text; cl.City = txtCity.Text; cl.State = txtState.Text; cl.MemberCount = 0; //String.IsNullOrEmpty(txtMembersCount.Text) ? 0 : Convert.ToInt32(txtMembersCount.Text); cl.UserAllowed = string.Empty; //txtUsersAllowedCount.Text; cl.CreateDate = DateTime.UtcNow.AddHours(5.5); int ClientID = 0; ClientID = new ClientController().CreateNewClient(cl); if (fuLogo.HasFile) { fuLogo.PostedFile.SaveAs(Server.MapPath("~/images/" + ClientID.ToString() + ".jpg")); } fuLogo.PostedFile.SaveAs(Server.MapPath("~/images/" + ClientID.ToString() + ".jpg")); User u = new User(); string strUserID = string.Empty; string CouponCode = string.Empty; u.FirstName = txtContactPersonName.Text; u.EMail = txtEmail.Text; u.MobileNo = txtMobile.Text; u.CreateDate = DateTime.Now; u.DOB = Convert.ToDateTime("1/1/1900"); u.LastLockoutDate = DateTime.Now; u.LastLoginDate = DateTime.Now; u.LastPasswordChangedDate = DateTime.Now; u.CouponCode = CouponCode; u.IsDeleted = false; u.IsLockedOut = false; u.RoleID = 2; u.Custom1 = "0"; u.Custom2 = string.Empty; u.Custom3 = string.Empty; u.Custom4 = string.Empty; u.Custom5 = "3"; u.PWD = Encryption.Encrypt(txtPwd.Text); u.ChangedPassword = true; u.Session = General.GetCurrentSession; u.ClientID = ClientID; strUserID = new UserController().CreateUser(u); new UserController().FirstTimeUpdatePassword(strUserID, u.PWD, u.MobileNo); FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(strUserID, false); General.ShowAlertMessage("Congratulations for successfully registering. Your first 5 groups are free forever.", "/admin/addgroup?ClientID=" + ClientID.ToString()); //, "/admin/addgroup?ClientID = " + ClientID.ToString()); //You have successfully registered!", "/admin/addgroup?ClientID=" + ClientID.ToString() + ""); txtOrganizationName.Text = string.Empty; txtContactPersonName.Text = string.Empty; txtMobile.Text = string.Empty; txtEmail.Text = string.Empty; txtAddress.Text = string.Empty; txtCity.Text = string.Empty; txtState.Text = string.Empty; } } catch (Exception ex) { General.ShowAlertMessage(ex.Message + "\r\n Please validate the details and try again."); } }
protected void btnSaveClient_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { BusinessObjects.Clients cl = new BusinessObjects.Clients(); cl.OrganizationName = txtOrganizationName.Text; cl.ContactPersonName = txtContactPersonName.Text; cl.MobileNo = txtMobile.Text; cl.Email = txtEmail.Text; cl.Address = txtAddress.Text; cl.City = txtCity.Text; cl.State = txtState.Text; cl.GoverningId = ddlGoverningBody.SelectedItem.Value; //.SelectedValue cl.MemberCount = 0; //String.IsNullOrEmpty(txtMembersCount.Text) ? 0 : Convert.ToInt32(txtMembersCount.Text); cl.UserAllowed = string.Empty; //txtUsersAllowedCount.Text; cl.CreateDate = DateTime.Now; int ClientID = 0; if (litClientID.Text == string.Empty) { ClientID = new ClientController().CreateNewClient(cl); } else { ClientID = Convert.ToInt32(litClientID.Text); cl.ID = ClientID; new ClientController().UpdateClient(cl); } if (fuLogo.HasFile) { fuLogo.PostedFile.SaveAs(Server.MapPath("~/images/" + ClientID.ToString() + ".jpg")); } fuLogo.PostedFile.SaveAs(Server.MapPath("~/images/" + ClientID.ToString() + ".jpg")); User u = new User(); string strUserID = string.Empty; if (litAdminID.Text == string.Empty && txtMobile.Text != string.Empty && isExist(txtMobile.Text, txtContactPersonName.Text)) { General.ShowAlertMessage("This Contact detail is already in database"); } else { string CouponCode = string.Empty; u.FirstName = txtContactPersonName.Text; u.EMail = txtEmail.Text; u.MobileNo = txtMobile.Text; u.CreateDate = DateTime.Now; u.DOB = Convert.ToDateTime("1/1/1900"); u.LastLockoutDate = DateTime.Now; u.LastLoginDate = DateTime.Now; u.LastPasswordChangedDate = DateTime.Now; u.CouponCode = CouponCode; u.IsDeleted = false; u.IsLockedOut = false; u.RoleID = 2; u.Custom1 = "0"; u.Custom2 = string.Empty; u.Custom3 = string.Empty; u.Custom4 = string.Empty; u.Custom5 = "3";//This field is used Type of Flow that it should go u.PWD = Encryption.Encrypt("ab@345"); u.Session = General.GetCurrentSession; u.ClientID = ClientID; if (litAdminID.Text == string.Empty) { strUserID = new UserController().CreateUser(u); General.ShowAlertMessage("Success!"); } else { u.UserID = litAdminID.Text; strUserID = new UserController().UpdateUser(u); General.ShowAlertMessage("Success!"); litClientID.Text = string.Empty; } } BindClients(); txtOrganizationName.Text = string.Empty; txtContactPersonName.Text = string.Empty; txtMobile.Text = string.Empty; txtEmail.Text = string.Empty; txtAddress.Text = string.Empty; txtCity.Text = string.Empty; txtState.Text = string.Empty; } catch (Exception ex) { General.ShowAlertMessage(ex.Message + "\r\n Please validate the details and try again."); } }