Пример #1
 private int processTransaction(String connectionString, String cus_no, String pwd, Data.Dber dberr)
     Cp_Txnm tx = new Cp_Txnm(connectionString, TXID, dberr);
     // Check if TXNM fetch for transaction type "010" is successful. Return if error encountered
     if (dberr.ifError())
         result = dberr.getErrorDesc(connectionString);
         return -1;
     if(Validation.employeeInitiatedTxn(connectionString, cus_no) == 0)
         Cp_Empm cpEmpm = new Cp_Empm(connectionString, cus_no, dberr);
             resultP = dberr.getErrorDesc(connectionString);
             return -1;
         if(cpEmpm.empmP.emp_pvg == 5)
             resultP = dberr.getErrorDesc(connectionString);
             return -1;
         if(!Data.EmpmD.UpdatePassword(connectionString, cus_no, pwd, dberr))
             resultP = dberr.getErrorDesc(connectionString);
             return -1;
         resultP = "Password Changed successfully!";
         return 0;
     Cp_Cstm cstm = new Cp_Cstm(connectionString, cus_no, dberr);
     if (cstm.cstmP != null)
         cstm.updatePassword(connectionString, cus_no, pwd, dberr);
     if (dberr.ifError())
         dberr = new Data.Dber();
         if(!Data.EmpmD.UpdatePassword(connectionString, cus_no, pwd, dberr))
             resultP = dberr.getErrorDesc(connectionString);
             return -1;
     //Entity.Cstm cstm = Data.CstmD.Read(connectionString, acct.actmP.cs_no1, dberr);
     String mailResponse = "";
     if (!Security.OTPUtility.SendMail("SBS", "*****@*****.**",
         cstm.cstmP.cs_fname + cstm.cstmP.cs_mname + cstm.cstmP.cs_lname, cstm.cstmP.cs_email,
         "Update from SBS", "Password updated via transaction: "+ tx.txnmP.tran_desc))
         mailResponse = "Mail sent.";
     resultP = "Password Changed successfully!" + mailResponse;
     //resultP = "Password Updated Successfully!";
     return 0;
Пример #2
 private int processTransaction(string connectionString, String acc_no, Int32 initPvg, String loginAc)
     tx = new Cp_Txnm(connectionString, TXID, dberr);
     // Check if TXNM fetch for transaction type "010" is successful. Return if error encountered
     if (dberr.ifError())
         result = dberr.getErrorDesc(connectionString);
         return -1;
     //Check if it is a Banker initiated transaction
     if (Validation.employeeInitiatedTxn(connectionString, loginAc) == 0)
         this.newInitiator = true;
     if (this.newInitiator)
         //Check if Customer is Active (Enabled)
         if (!Validation.isActiveCustomerUsingAcc(connectionString, acc_no))
             resultP = dberr.getErrorDesc(connectionString);
             return -1;
         //Check if Customer is Active (Enabled)
         if (!Validation.isActiveCustomer(connectionString, loginAc))
             resultP = dberr.getErrorDesc(connectionString);
             return -1;
         //Check if logged user is a Merchant
         if (Validation.isMerchant(connectionString, loginAc))
             //CHANGED 1103
             /*if (Validation.validateCustomerSelfAccount(connectionString, loginAc, acc_no) != 0)
                 resultP = dberr.getErrorDesc(connectionString);
                 return -1;
             //To account should NOT belong to the logged in customer
             if (Validation.validateCustomerSelfAccount(connectionString, loginAc, acc_no) == 0)
                 resultP = dberr.getErrorDesc(connectionString);
                 return -1;
     String initEmpNumber = "0";
     String initCustomer = "0";
     if (this.newInitiator)
         initEmpNumber = loginAc;
         Cp_Empm cpEmpm = new Cp_Empm(connectionString, loginAc, dberr);
         pvg = new Privilege(tx.txnmP.tran_pvga, tx.txnmP.tran_pvgb, cpEmpm.empmP.emp_pvg);
         //this.acct = this.acct;
         initCustomer = loginAc; // this.acct_init.actmP.cs_no1;
         Cp_Actm cpActm = new Cp_Actm(connectionString, acc_no, dberr);
         pvg = new Privilege(tx.txnmP.tran_pvga, tx.txnmP.tran_pvgb, cpActm.actmP.ac_pvg);
     if (!pvg.verifyInitPrivilege(dberr))
         result = dberr.getErrorDesc(connectionString);
         return -1;
     if (!pvg.verifyApprovePrivilege())
         String inData = this.TXID + "|" + acc_no + "| |" + this.changeAmount.ToString();
         if (pvg.writeToPendingTxns(
             connectionString,               /* connection string */
             acc_no,                         /* account 1 */
             "0",                            /* account 2 */
             initCustomer,                   /* customer number */
             tx.txnmP.tran_pvgb.ToString(),  /* transaction approve privilege */
             tx.txnmP.tran_desc,             /* transaction description */
             initEmpNumber,                  /* initiating employee number */
             0,                              /* debit amount */
             this.changeAmount,              /* credit amount */
             tx.txnmP.tran_id,               /* transaction id (not tran code) */
             inData,                         /* incoming transaction string in XSwitch */
             dberr                           /* error tracking object */
             ) != 0)
             resultP = dberr.getErrorDesc(connectionString);
             error = true;
             return -1;
         resultP = Mnemonics.DbErrorCodes.MSG_SENT_FOR_AUTH;
         error = true;
         return 0;
         this.pvgBypassedP = true;
     // Update new balance in ACTM
     acct = new Cp_Actm(connectionString, acc_no, dberr);
     acct.addBalance(connectionString, this.changeAmount, dberr);
     if (dberr.ifError())
         result = dberr.getErrorDesc(connectionString);
         return -1;
     if (!this.TXID.Equals(Mnemonics.TxnCodes.TX_TRANSFER_CREDIT))
         acct.updateBalance(connectionString, dberr);
         //acct.addBalance(connectionString, this.changeAmount, dberr);
         if (dberr.ifError())
             result = dberr.getErrorDesc(connectionString);
             return -1;
         // Store transaction in hisory table. Determine which history table to store in based on tx.txnmP.tran_fin_type
         if (tx.txnmP.tran_fin_type.Equals("Y"))
             // Write to FINHIST table
             Entity.Finhist fhist = new Entity.Finhist(acc_no, "0", this.tx.txnmP.tran_desc,
                 changeAmount, 0, Convert.ToString(this.acct.actmP.ac_bal), "0", "0", "0");
             Data.FinhistD.Create(connectionString, fhist, dberr);
             // Write to NFINHIST table
             Entity.Nfinhist nFhist = new Entity.Nfinhist(acc_no, "0", this.tx.txnmP.tran_desc, "0", "0", this.acct.actmP.cs_no1);
             Data.NfinhistD.Create(connectionString, nFhist, dberr);
         if (dberr.ifError())
             result = dberr.getErrorDesc(connectionString);
             return -1;
         Entity.Cstm cstm = Data.CstmD.Read(connectionString, acct.actmP.cs_no1, dberr);
         if (dberr.ifError())
             result = dberr.getErrorDesc(connectionString);
             return -1;
         String mailResponse = "";
         if (!Security.OTPUtility.SendMail("SBS", "*****@*****.**", cstm.cs_fname + cstm.cs_mname + cstm.cs_lname,
             cstm.cs_email, "Update from SBS", tx.txnmP.tran_desc + acct.actmP.ac_bal))
             mailResponse = "Mail sent.";
         // -----------------------------------------
         resultP = "Transaction Successful. Your new account balance is $" + acct.actmP.ac_bal + " " + mailResponse;
     return 0; // remove later
Пример #3
 private int processTransaction(string connectionString, String ac1, String ac2, Decimal amount, String loginAc)
     tx = new Cp_Txnm(connectionString, TXID, dberr);
     // Check if TXNM fetch for transaction type "010" is successful. Return if error encountered
     if (dberr.ifError())
         result = dberr.getErrorDesc(connectionString);
         return -1;
     //Check if it is a Banker initiated transaction
     if(Validation.employeeInitiatedTxn(connectionString, loginAc)==0)
         this.newInitiator = true;
     //From account and To account cannot be the same
     if(Validation.validateFromToAccSame(ac1, ac2)!=0)
         resultP = dberr.getErrorDesc(connectionString);
         return -1;
     //Validations if Banker processes the txn
     if (this.newInitiator)
         //From Account and To Account should NOT belong to the same customer
         if (Validation.accountsBelongToSameCus(connectionString, ac1, ac2) == 0)
             resultP = dberr.getErrorDesc(connectionString);
             return -1;
         //Check if from Customer is Active (Enabled)
         if (!Validation.isActiveCustomerUsingAcc(connectionString, ac1))
             resultP = dberr.getErrorDesc(connectionString);
             return -1;
         //Check if to Customer is Active (Enabled)
         if (!Validation.isActiveCustomerUsingAcc(connectionString, ac2))
             resultP = dberr.getErrorDesc(connectionString);
             return -1;
     //Validations if customer processes the transaction.
         if (Validation.isMerchant(connectionString, loginAc))
             //From account should belong to the Merchant
             if (Validation.validateCustomerSelfAccount(connectionString, loginAc, ac1) != 0)
                 resultP = dberr.getErrorDesc(connectionString);
                 return -1;
             //To account should NOT belong to the merchant
             if (Validation.validateCustomerSelfAccount(connectionString, loginAc, ac2) == 0)
                 resultP = dberr.getErrorDesc(connectionString);
                 return -1;
             //From account must belong the customer who has logged in
             if (Validation.validateCustomerSelfAccount(connectionString, loginAc, ac1) != 0)
                 resultP = dberr.getErrorDesc(connectionString);
                 return -1;
             //To account must NOT belong to the logged in customer
             if (Validation.validateCustomerSelfAccount(connectionString, loginAc, ac2) == 0)
                 resultP = dberr.getErrorDesc(connectionString);
                 return -1;
     String initEmpNumber = "0";
     String initCustomer = "0";
     if (this.newInitiator)
         initEmpNumber = loginAc;
         Cp_Empm cpEmpm = new Cp_Empm(connectionString, loginAc, dberr);
         pvg = new Privilege(tx.txnmP.tran_pvga, tx.txnmP.tran_pvgb, cpEmpm.empmP.emp_pvg);
         //this.acct_init = this.acct1;
         initCustomer = loginAc; // this.acct_init.actmP.cs_no1;
         Cp_Actm cpActm = new Cp_Actm(connectionString, ac1, dberr);
         pvg = new Privilege(tx.txnmP.tran_pvga, tx.txnmP.tran_pvgb, cpActm.actmP.ac_pvg);
     // Verify if account has the privilege to execute the transaction
     //pvg = new Privilege(tx.txnmP.tran_pvga, tx.txnmP.tran_pvgb, acct_init.actmP.ac_pvg);
     if (!pvg.verifyInitPrivilege(dberr))
         result = dberr.getErrorDesc(connectionString);
         return -1;
     if (!pvg.verifyApprovePrivilege())
         String inData = this.TXID + "|" + ac1 + "|" + ac2 + "|" + this.changeAmount.ToString();
         if (pvg.writeToPendingTxns(
             connectionString,               /* connection string */
             ac1,                            /* account 1 */
             ac2,                            /* account 2 */
             initCustomer,                   /* initiating customer number */
             tx.txnmP.tran_pvgb.ToString(),  /* transaction approve privilege */
             tx.txnmP.tran_desc,             /* transaction description */
             initEmpNumber,                  /* initiating employee number */
             this.changeAmount,              /* debit amount */
             0,                              /* credit amount */
             tx.txnmP.tran_id,               /* transaction id (not tran code) */
             inData,                         /* incoming transaction string in XSwitch */
             dberr                           /* error tracking object */
             ) != 0)
             resultP = dberr.getErrorDesc(connectionString);
             error = true;
             return -1;
         resultP = Mnemonics.DbErrorCodes.MSG_SENT_FOR_AUTH;
         error = true;
         return 0;
         this.pvgBypassedP = true;
     resultP = "Transaction Processed!";
     return 0; // remove later
Пример #4
 private int processTransaction(String connectionString, String usr, String pwd)
      * initiate select query on CSTM, to fetch cus_no for the usr and pwd combination
      * "select cus_no from CSTM where user = usr and pwd = pwd"
      * Using the retrieved cus_no, fetch all account numbers from cstm, and store the retrieved acc nos. 
      * as "|" delimited string in result. For errors, update error with "true"
     /*Entity.Cstm cs = Data.CstmD.Read(connectionString, usr, pwd, dberr);
     if (dberr.ifError())
         Cp_Empm empm = new Cp_Empm(connectionString, usr, pwd, dberr);
         if (dberr.ifError())
             result = dberr.getErrorDesc(connectionString);
             return -1;
         Cp_Actm ac = new Cp_Actm();
         this.resultSet = ac.fetchAccountsFromCusNo(connectionString, cs.cs_no, dberr);
         if (dberr.ifError())
             result = dberr.getErrorDesc(connectionString);
             return -1;
         if(this.resultSet == null)
             result = dberr.getErrorDesc(connectionString);
             return -1;
     return 0;*/
     txnm = new Cp_Txnm(connectionString, this.TXID, dberr);
     if (dberr.ifError())
         resultP = dberr.getErrorDesc(connectionString);
         return -1;
     cstm = new Cp_Cstm(connectionString, usr, pwd, dberr);
     if (dberr.ifError())
         dberr = new Dber();
         Cp_Empm empm = new Cp_Empm(connectionString, usr, pwd, dberr);
         if (dberr.ifError())
             result = dberr.getErrorDesc(connectionString);
             return -1;
         if (txnm.txnmP.tran_fin_type.Equals("Y"))
             // Write to FINHIST table
             Entity.Finhist fhist = new Entity.Finhist("0", "0", this.txnm.txnmP.tran_desc,
                 0, 0, "0", empm.empmP.emp_no, "0", "0");
             Data.FinhistD.Create(connectionString, fhist, dberr);
             // Write to NFINHIST table
             Entity.Nfinhist nFhist = new Entity.Nfinhist("0", "0", 
                 this.txnm.txnmP.tran_desc, empm.empmP.emp_no, "0", "0");
             Data.NfinhistD.Create(connectionString, nFhist, dberr);
         String empNo = empm.empmP.emp_no;
         String pvgLevel = Convert.ToString(empm.empmP.emp_pvg);
         String empFname = empm.empmP.emp_fname;
         String empLname = empm.empmP.emp_lname;
         resultP = empNo + "|" + empFname + "|" + empLname + "|" + pvgLevel + "|" + empm.empmP.emp_email;
         return 0;
     if (cstm.cstmP.cs_type.Equals("0"))
         resultP = dberr.getErrorDesc(connectionString);
         return -1;
     if (txnm.txnmP.tran_fin_type.Equals("Y"))
         // Write to FINHIST table
         Entity.Finhist fhist = new Entity.Finhist("0", "0", this.txnm.txnmP.tran_desc,
             0, 0, "0", "0", "0", this.cstm.cstmP.cs_no);
         Data.FinhistD.Create(connectionString, fhist, dberr);
         // Write to NFINHIST table
         Entity.Nfinhist nFhist = new Entity.Nfinhist("0", "0", this.txnm.txnmP.tran_desc, "0", "0", this.cstm.cstmP.cs_no);
         Data.NfinhistD.Create(connectionString, nFhist, dberr);
     if (dberr.ifError())
         result = dberr.getErrorDesc(connectionString);
         return -1;
     String cusNo = cstm.cstmP.cs_no;
     String csPvgLevel = cstm.cstmP.cs_type;
     String csFname = cstm.cstmP.cs_fname;
     String csLname = cstm.cstmP.cs_lname;
     resultP = cusNo + "|" + csFname + "|" + csLname + "|" + csPvgLevel + "|" + cstm.cstmP.cs_email;
     return 0;