public PushBox( Ramp r, float x, float y, int width, int height, bool direction) : base("blank",x, y, width, height) { this.SpawnPoint = new Vector2(x, y); connectedRamp = r; this.direction = direction; }
public PushBox(Ramp r, float x, float y, int width, int height, bool direction) : base("blank", x, y, width, height) { this.SpawnPoint = new Vector2(x, y); connectedRamp = r; this.direction = direction; }
public Level(string mapFile, GraphicsDeviceManager graphicsManager) { this.isComplete = false; this.bunnydead = false; = graphicsManager; = new TmxMap(mapFile); this.Bunny = new Bunny( Single.Parse(map.Properties["bunnySpawnX"]), Single.Parse(map.Properties["bunnySpawnY"])); this.Clyde = new Clyde( Single.Parse(map.Properties["clydeSpawnX"]), Single.Parse(map.Properties["clydeSpawnY"])); this.inventory = new Inventory(0, 0, 55, 55); this.worldSprites = new List <Sprite>(); this.platforms = new List <Sprite>(); this.items = new List <Item>(); this.sounds = new List <SoundEffect>(); this.keys = new List <Item>(); this.ramps = new List <Item>(); this.doors = new List <Item>(); this.buttons = new List <Item>(); this.waters = new List <Item>(); this.goal = new List <Item>(); this.gates = new List <Item>(); this.physics = new Physics(); this.physics.Add(this.Bunny); this.physics.Add(this.Clyde); this.collisions = new CollisionManager(platforms, items, new List <Sprite>()); this.collisions.addMoving(this.Clyde); this.collisions.addMoving(this.Bunny); this.mapObjectsDrawable = map.ObjectGroups["drawable"]; this.mapObjectsNonDrawable = map.ObjectGroups["nondrawable"]; // draw the nondrawable objects as Regions foreach (TmxObjectGroup.TmxObject o in mapObjectsNonDrawable.Objects) { Console.WriteLine("X:" + o.X); Console.WriteLine("Y:" + o.Y); Console.WriteLine("Width:" + o.Width); Console.WriteLine("Height:" + o.Height); Region currentRegion = new Region(o.X, o.Y, o.Width, o.Height); //Sprite currentRegion = new Sprite("ground", o.X, o.Y, o.Width, o.Height); this.worldSprites.Add(currentRegion); this.platforms.Add(currentRegion); } // draw the drawable objects foreach (TmxObjectGroup.TmxObject o in mapObjectsDrawable.Objects) { Item currentObject; Key whiteKey = new Key(Color.AliceBlue, this, 0, 0, 0, 0); if (o.Properties["type"] == "water") { currentObject = new Water(o.X, o.Y, o.Width, o.Height, this); this.waters.Add(currentObject); } else if (o.Properties["type"] == "key") { System.Drawing.Color drawColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromName(o.Properties["color"]); Color c = new Color(drawColor.R, drawColor.G, drawColor.B, drawColor.A); whiteKey = new Key(c, this, o.X, o.Y, o.Width, o.Height); currentObject = whiteKey; this.keys.Add(currentObject); } else if (o.Properties["type"] == "goal_door") { System.Drawing.Color drawColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromName(o.Properties["color"]); Color c = new Color(drawColor.R, drawColor.G, drawColor.B, drawColor.A); currentObject = new Goal(this, c, o.X, o.Y, o.Width, o.Height); this.goal.Add(currentObject); } else if (o.Properties["type"] == "switch_button") { System.Drawing.Color drawColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromName(o.Properties["color"]); Color c = new Color(drawColor.R, drawColor.G, drawColor.B, drawColor.A); currentObject = new Switch(c, this, o.X, o.Y, o.Width, o.Height, false); this.buttons.Add(currentObject); } else if (o.Properties["type"] == "reverse_switch") { System.Drawing.Color drawColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromName(o.Properties["color"]); Color c = new Color(drawColor.R, drawColor.G, drawColor.B, drawColor.A); currentObject = new Switch(c, this, o.X, o.Y, o.Width, o.Height, true); this.buttons.Add(currentObject); } else if (o.Properties["type"] == "switch_gate") { System.Drawing.Color drawColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromName(o.Properties["color"]); Color c = new Color(drawColor.R, drawColor.G, drawColor.B, drawColor.A); currentObject = new Gate(o.Properties["imageName"], c, o.X, o.Y, o.Width, o.Height); this.platforms.Add(currentObject); this.gates.Add(currentObject); } else if (o.Properties["type"] == "door") { System.Drawing.Color drawColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromName(o.Properties["color"]); Color c = new Color(drawColor.R, drawColor.G, drawColor.B, drawColor.A); currentObject = new Door(this, c, o.X, o.Y, o.Width, o.Height); this.platforms.Add(currentObject); this.doors.Add(currentObject); } else if (o.Properties["type"] == "ramp") { Ramp r = new Ramp(o.Properties["imageName"], o.X, o.Y, o.Width, o.Height, this); currentObject = r; this.items.Add(r.leftPushBox); this.worldSprites.Add(r.leftPushBox); this.items.Add(r.rightPushBox); this.worldSprites.Add(r.rightPushBox); this.physics.Add(r); this.platforms.Add(currentObject); this.ramps.Add(currentObject); this.collisions.addMoving(currentObject); } else if (o.Properties["type"] == "cloud") { currentObject = new Cloud(o.Properties["imageName"], o.X, o.Y, o.Width, o.Height); } else { //this shouldn't happen currentObject = new Water(o.X, o.Y, o.Width, o.Height, this); Console.WriteLine(o.Properties["imageName"]); } this.worldSprites.Add(currentObject); this.items.Add(currentObject); } this.PlayerIcon = new PlayerIcon("BunnyCurrentsmall", "ClydeCurrentsmall"); this.background = new Sprite(map.Properties["backgroundImage"], 0, 0, GameGlobals.WINDOW_WIDTH, GameGlobals.WINDOW_HEIGHT); this.worldSprites.Add(this.Bunny); this.worldSprites.Add(this.Clyde); this.worldSprites.Add(this.Clyde.back); this.items.Add(this.Clyde.back); this.platforms.Add(this.Clyde); this.inputManager = new InputManager(worldSprites, this.Bunny, this.Clyde, platforms, sounds, this); this.worldSprites.Add(inventory); this.imshow3 = new imageshow("win", 0, 0, 0, (map.TileHeight * map.Height)); this.worldSprites.Add(imshow3); this.imshow2 = new imageshow("bunnydies", (map.TileWidth * map.Width) / 3, (map.TileHeight * map.Height) / 4, 0, (map.TileHeight * map.Height) / 2); this.worldSprites.Add(imshow2); this.Bunny.die = imshow2; this.Bunny.mapwidth = (map.TileWidth * map.Width) / 3; String logoImage = "mainlogo"; String resetImage = "reset_keyboard.png"; if (GamePad.GetState(PlayerIndex.One).IsConnected) { logoImage = "mainlogo_controller"; resetImage = "reset_controller"; } this.imshow = new imageshow(logoImage, (map.TileWidth * map.Width) / 4, (map.TileHeight * map.Height) / 4, 0, (map.TileHeight * map.Height) / 2); this.imshoww = (map.TileWidth * map.Width) / 2; this.worldSprites.Add(imshow); }
public void moveSprite(Sprite sprite) { Vector2 velocity = sprite.Velocity; bool removed = false; bool removedProblem = false; if (solids.Contains(sprite)) { removed = true; solids.Remove(sprite); } Sprite problem = getInitialCollision(sprite.testBox(0, 0)); if (problem == null) { } else { solids.Remove(problem); removedProblem = true; } if (checkPlatformCollision(sprite.testBox(0, velocity.Y))) { resolveCollision(sprite, new Vector2(0, velocity.Y)); sprite.Velocity = new Vector2(velocity.X, 0); Console.WriteLine(sprite.Velocity); if (velocity.Y > 0) { //this is for ramp falling sound, fix later if (velocity.Y == 0.6) { if (sprite.imageName == "gate_block") { Ramp r = (Ramp)sprite; r.soundeffect.Play(); } } sprite.state = Sprite.State.Default; } else { } } else { sprite.Position += new Vector2(0, velocity.Y); sprite.Update(new GameTime()); } if (checkPlatformCollision(sprite.testBox(velocity.X, 0))) { resolveCollision(sprite, new Vector2(velocity.X, 0)); } else { sprite.Position += new Vector2(velocity.X, 0); sprite.Update(new GameTime()); } if (removed) { solids.Add(sprite); } if (removedProblem) { solids.Add(problem); } //sprite.Update(new GameTime()); // sprite.Velocity = new Vector2(0.5f * sprite .Velocity .X, sprite.Velocity.Y); }
public Level(string mapFile, GraphicsDeviceManager graphicsManager) { this.isComplete = false; this.bunnydead = false; = graphicsManager; = new TmxMap(mapFile); this.Bunny = new Bunny( Single.Parse(map.Properties["bunnySpawnX"]), Single.Parse(map.Properties["bunnySpawnY"])); this.Clyde = new Clyde( Single.Parse(map.Properties["clydeSpawnX"]), Single.Parse(map.Properties["clydeSpawnY"])); this.inventory = new Inventory(0, 0, 55, 55); this.worldSprites = new List<Sprite>(); this.platforms = new List<Sprite>(); this.items = new List<Item>(); this.sounds = new List<SoundEffect>(); this.keys = new List<Item>(); this.ramps = new List<Item>(); this.doors = new List<Item>(); this.buttons = new List<Item>(); this.waters = new List<Item>(); this.goal = new List<Item>(); this.gates = new List<Item>(); this.physics = new Physics(); this.physics.Add(this.Bunny); this.physics.Add(this.Clyde); this.collisions = new CollisionManager(platforms, items, new List<Sprite>()); this.collisions.addMoving(this.Clyde); this.collisions.addMoving(this.Bunny); this.mapObjectsDrawable = map.ObjectGroups["drawable"]; this.mapObjectsNonDrawable = map.ObjectGroups["nondrawable"]; // draw the nondrawable objects as Regions foreach (TmxObjectGroup.TmxObject o in mapObjectsNonDrawable.Objects) { Console.WriteLine("X:" + o.X); Console.WriteLine("Y:" + o.Y); Console.WriteLine("Width:" + o.Width); Console.WriteLine("Height:" + o.Height); Region currentRegion = new Region(o.X, o.Y, o.Width, o.Height); //Sprite currentRegion = new Sprite("ground", o.X, o.Y, o.Width, o.Height); this.worldSprites.Add(currentRegion); this.platforms.Add(currentRegion); } // draw the drawable objects foreach (TmxObjectGroup.TmxObject o in mapObjectsDrawable.Objects) { Item currentObject; Key whiteKey = new Key(Color.AliceBlue, this, 0, 0, 0, 0); if (o.Properties["type"] == "water") { currentObject = new Water(o.X, o.Y, o.Width, o.Height, this); this.waters.Add(currentObject); } else if (o.Properties["type"] == "key") { System.Drawing.Color drawColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromName(o.Properties["color"]); Color c = new Color(drawColor.R, drawColor.G, drawColor.B, drawColor.A); whiteKey = new Key(c, this, o.X, o.Y, o.Width, o.Height); currentObject = whiteKey; this.keys.Add(currentObject); } else if (o.Properties["type"] == "goal_door") { System.Drawing.Color drawColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromName(o.Properties["color"]); Color c = new Color(drawColor.R, drawColor.G, drawColor.B, drawColor.A); currentObject = new Goal(this, c, o.X, o.Y, o.Width, o.Height); this.goal.Add(currentObject); } else if (o.Properties["type"] == "switch_button") { System.Drawing.Color drawColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromName(o.Properties["color"]); Color c = new Color(drawColor.R, drawColor.G, drawColor.B, drawColor.A); currentObject = new Switch(c, this, o.X, o.Y, o.Width, o.Height, false); this.buttons.Add(currentObject); } else if (o.Properties["type"] == "reverse_switch") { System.Drawing.Color drawColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromName(o.Properties["color"]); Color c = new Color(drawColor.R, drawColor.G, drawColor.B, drawColor.A); currentObject = new Switch(c, this, o.X, o.Y, o.Width, o.Height, true); this.buttons.Add(currentObject); } else if (o.Properties["type"] == "switch_gate") { System.Drawing.Color drawColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromName(o.Properties["color"]); Color c = new Color(drawColor.R, drawColor.G, drawColor.B, drawColor.A); currentObject = new Gate(o.Properties["imageName"], c, o.X, o.Y, o.Width, o.Height); this.platforms.Add(currentObject); this.gates.Add(currentObject); } else if (o.Properties["type"] == "door") { System.Drawing.Color drawColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromName(o.Properties["color"]); Color c = new Color(drawColor.R, drawColor.G, drawColor.B, drawColor.A); currentObject = new Door(this, c, o.X, o.Y, o.Width, o.Height); this.platforms.Add(currentObject); this.doors.Add(currentObject); } else if (o.Properties["type"] == "ramp") { Ramp r = new Ramp(o.Properties["imageName"], o.X, o.Y, o.Width, o.Height, this); currentObject = r; this.items.Add(r.leftPushBox); this.worldSprites.Add(r.leftPushBox); this.items.Add(r.rightPushBox); this.worldSprites.Add(r.rightPushBox); this.physics.Add(r); this.platforms.Add(currentObject); this.ramps.Add(currentObject); this.collisions.addMoving(currentObject); } else if (o.Properties["type"] == "cloud") { currentObject = new Cloud(o.Properties["imageName"], o.X, o.Y, o.Width, o.Height); } else { //this shouldn't happen currentObject = new Water(o.X, o.Y, o.Width, o.Height, this); Console.WriteLine(o.Properties["imageName"]); } this.worldSprites.Add(currentObject); this.items.Add(currentObject); } this.PlayerIcon = new PlayerIcon("BunnyCurrentsmall", "ClydeCurrentsmall"); this.background = new Sprite(map.Properties["backgroundImage"], 0, 0, GameGlobals.WINDOW_WIDTH, GameGlobals.WINDOW_HEIGHT); this.worldSprites.Add(this.Bunny); this.worldSprites.Add(this.Clyde); this.worldSprites.Add(this.Clyde.back); this.items.Add(this.Clyde.back); this.platforms.Add(this.Clyde); this.inputManager = new InputManager(worldSprites, this.Bunny, this.Clyde, platforms, sounds, this); this.worldSprites.Add(inventory); this.imshow3 = new imageshow("win", 0, 0, 0, (map.TileHeight * map.Height)); this.worldSprites.Add(imshow3); this.imshow2 = new imageshow("bunnydies", (map.TileWidth * map.Width) / 3, (map.TileHeight * map.Height) / 4, 0, (map.TileHeight * map.Height) / 2); this.worldSprites.Add(imshow2); this.Bunny.die = imshow2; this.Bunny.mapwidth = (map.TileWidth * map.Width) / 3; String logoImage = "mainlogo"; String resetImage = "reset_keyboard.png"; if (GamePad.GetState(PlayerIndex.One).IsConnected) { logoImage = "mainlogo_controller"; resetImage = "reset_controller"; } this.imshow = new imageshow(logoImage, (map.TileWidth * map.Width) / 4, (map.TileHeight * map.Height) / 4, 0, (map.TileHeight * map.Height) / 2); this.imshoww = (map.TileWidth * map.Width) / 2; this.worldSprites.Add(imshow); }