Пример #1
    public void RecordGhostCollisions(PairCachingGhostObject obj)
        IOverlappingPairCache cache = obj.GetOverlappingPairCache();
        ObjectArray<BroadphasePair> pairs = cache.GetOverlappingPairArray();

        DiscreteDynamicsWorld world = (PhysicsScene.World as BulletWorldXNA).world;
        PersistentManifoldArray manifoldArray = new PersistentManifoldArray();
        BroadphasePair collisionPair;
        PersistentManifold contactManifold;

        CollisionObject objA;
        CollisionObject objB;

        ManifoldPoint pt;

        int numPairs = pairs.Count;

        for (int i = 0; i < numPairs; i++)
            if (LastCollisionDesc < UpdatedCollisions.Length)
            collisionPair = world.GetPairCache().FindPair(pairs[i].m_pProxy0, pairs[i].m_pProxy1);
            if (collisionPair == null)

            for (int j = 0; j < manifoldArray.Count; j++)
                contactManifold = manifoldArray[j];
                int numContacts = contactManifold.GetNumContacts();
                objA = contactManifold.GetBody0() as CollisionObject;
                objB = contactManifold.GetBody1() as CollisionObject;
                for (int p = 0; p < numContacts; p++)
                    pt = contactManifold.GetContactPoint(p);
                    if (pt.GetDistance() < 0.0f)
                        RecordCollision(this, objA, objB, pt.GetPositionWorldOnA(), -pt.m_normalWorldOnB,pt.GetDistance());

Пример #2
        // Portable static method: prerequisite call: m_dynamicsWorld.getBroadphase().getOverlappingPairCache().setInternalGhostPairCallback(new btGhostPairCallback()); 
        public static void GetCollidingObjectsInsidePairCachingGhostObject(DiscreteDynamicsWorld m_dynamicsWorld, PairCachingGhostObject m_pairCachingGhostObject, ObjectArray<CollisionObject> collisionArrayOut)
            bool addOnlyObjectsWithNegativeDistance = true;	// With "false" things don't change much, and the code is a bit faster and cleaner...

            if (m_pairCachingGhostObject == null || m_dynamicsWorld == null) return;

            //#define USE_PLAIN_COLLISION_WORLD // We dispatch all collision pairs of the ghost object every step (slow)
	// I thought this line was no longer needed, but it seems to be necessary (and I believe it's an expensive call):
	m_dynamicsWorld.getDispatcher().dispatchAllCollisionPairs(m_pairCachingGhostObject.getOverlappingPairCache(), m_dynamicsWorld.getDispatchInfo(), m_dynamicsWorld.getDispatcher());
	// Maybe the call can be automatically triggered by some other Bullet call (I'm almost sure I could comment it out in another demo I made long ago...)
	// So by now the general rule is: in real projects, simply comment it out and see if it works!
	// UPDATE: in dynamic worlds, the line above can be commented out and the broadphase pair can be retrieved through the call to findPair(...) below.
	// In collision worlds probably the above line is needed only if collision detection for all the bodies hasn't been made... This is something
	// I'm still not sure of... the general rule is to try to comment out the line above and try to use findPair(...) and see if it works whenever possible....

            ObjectArray<BroadphasePair> collisionPairs = m_pairCachingGhostObject.GetOverlappingPairCache().GetOverlappingPairArray();
            int numObjects = collisionPairs.Count;
            PersistentManifoldArray m_manifoldArray = new PersistentManifoldArray();
            bool added;
            for (int i = 0; i < numObjects; i++)

		const btBroadphasePair& collisionPair = collisionPairs[i];
		if (collisionPair.m_algorithm) collisionPair.m_algorithm.getAllContactManifolds(m_manifoldArray);
		else {	// THIS SHOULD NEVER HAPPEN, AND IF IT DOES, PLEASE RE-ENABLE the "call" a few lines above...
			printf("No collisionPair.m_algorithm - probably m_dynamicsWorld.getDispatcher().dispatchAllCollisionPairs(...) must be missing.\n");	
                BroadphasePair cPair = collisionPairs[i];
                //unless we manually perform collision detection on this pair, the contacts are in the dynamics world paircache:
                BroadphasePair collisionPair = m_dynamicsWorld.GetPairCache().FindPair(cPair.m_pProxy0, cPair.m_pProxy1);
                if (collisionPair == null)

                if (collisionPair.m_algorithm != null)
                {	// THIS SHOULD NEVER HAPPEN, AND IF IT DOES, PLEASE RE-ENABLE the "call" a few lines above...
                    //printf("No collisionPair.m_algorithm - probably m_dynamicsWorld.getDispatcher().dispatchAllCollisionPairs(...) must be missing.\n");	

                added = false;
                for (int j = 0; j < m_manifoldArray.Count; j++)
                    PersistentManifold manifold = m_manifoldArray[j];
                    // Here we are in the narrowphase, but can happen that manifold.getNumContacts()==0:
                    if (addOnlyObjectsWithNegativeDistance)
                        for (int p = 0, numContacts = manifold.GetNumContacts(); p < numContacts; p++)
                            ManifoldPoint pt = manifold.GetContactPoint(p);
                            if (pt.GetDistance() < 0.0)
                                // How can I be sure that the colObjs are all distinct ? I use the "added" flag.
                                collisionArrayOut.Add((CollisionObject)(manifold.GetBody0() == m_pairCachingGhostObject ? manifold.GetBody1() : manifold.GetBody0()));
                                added = true;
                        if (added)
                    else if (manifold.GetNumContacts() > 0)
                        collisionArrayOut.Add((CollisionObject)(manifold.GetBody0() == m_pairCachingGhostObject ? manifold.GetBody1() : manifold.GetBody0()));