public static BM.Matrix Cast(this Matrix4x4 mat) { var output = new BM.Matrix(); *(Matrix4x4 *)&output = mat; return(output); }
public static Matrix4x4 Cast(this BM.Matrix mat) { var output = new Matrix4x4(); *(BM.Matrix *)&output = mat; return(output); }
//Bullet wants me to fill in worldTrans //This is called by bullet once when rigid body is added to the the world //For kinematic rigid bodies it is called every simulation step //[MonoPInvokeCallback(typeof(GetTransformDelegate))] public override void GetWorldTransform(out BM.Matrix worldTrans) { _xx = transform.rotation.x * transform.rotation.x; _yy = transform.rotation.y * transform.rotation.y; _zz = transform.rotation.z * transform.rotation.z; _xy = transform.rotation.x * transform.rotation.y; _zw = transform.rotation.z * transform.rotation.w; _zx = transform.rotation.z * transform.rotation.x; _yw = transform.rotation.y * transform.rotation.w; _yz = transform.rotation.y * transform.rotation.z; _xw = transform.rotation.x * transform.rotation.w; matrix.M11 = 1.0f - (2.0f * (_yy + _zz)); matrix.M12 = 2.0f * (_xy + _zw); matrix.M13 = 2.0f * (_zx - _yw); matrix.M21 = 2.0f * (_xy - _zw); matrix.M22 = 1.0f - (2.0f * (_zz + _xx)); matrix.M23 = 2.0f * (_yz + _xw); matrix.M31 = 2.0f * (_zx + _yw); matrix.M32 = 2.0f * (_yz - _xw); matrix.M33 = 1.0f - (2.0f * (_yy + _xx)); matrix.M41 = transform.position.x; matrix.M42 = transform.position.y; matrix.M43 = transform.position.z; worldTrans = matrix; }
//Bullet wants me to fill in worldTrans //This is called by bullet once when rigid body is added to the the world //For kinematic rigid bodies it is called every simulation step //[MonoPInvokeCallback(typeof(GetTransformDelegate))] public override void GetWorldTransform(out BM.Matrix worldTrans) { //Matrix4x4 trans = transform.localToWorldMatrix; //worldTrans = trans.ToBullet(); BulletSharp.Math.Quaternion q = transform.rotation.ToBullet(); BulletSharp.Math.Matrix.RotationQuaternion(ref q, out worldTrans); worldTrans.Origin = transform.position.ToBullet(); }
public override void DrawSphere(float radius, ref BM.Matrix trans, ref BM.Vector3 color) { UnityEngine.Vector3 pos = BSExtensionMethods2.ExtractTranslationFromMatrix(ref trans); UnityEngine.Quaternion rot = BSExtensionMethods2.ExtractRotationFromMatrix(ref trans); UnityEngine.Vector3 scale = BSExtensionMethods2.ExtractScaleFromMatrix(ref trans); UnityEngine.Color c = new UnityEngine.Color(color.X, color.Y, color.Z); BUtility.DebugDrawSphere(pos, rot, scale, * radius, c); }
public override void DrawPlane(ref BM.Vector3 planeNormal, float planeConst, ref BM.Matrix trans, ref BM.Vector3 color) { UnityEngine.Vector3 pos = BSExtensionMethods2.ExtractTranslationFromMatrix(ref trans); UnityEngine.Quaternion rot = BSExtensionMethods2.ExtractRotationFromMatrix(ref trans); UnityEngine.Vector3 scale = BSExtensionMethods2.ExtractScaleFromMatrix(ref trans); UnityEngine.Color c = new UnityEngine.Color(color.X, color.Y, color.Z); BUtility.DebugDrawPlane(pos, rot, scale, planeNormal.ToUnity(), planeConst, c); }
public override void DrawCapsule(float radius, float halfHeight, int upAxis, ref BM.Matrix trans, ref BM.Vector3 color) { UnityEngine.Vector3 pos = BSExtensionMethods2.ExtractTranslationFromMatrix(ref trans); UnityEngine.Quaternion rot = BSExtensionMethods2.ExtractRotationFromMatrix(ref trans); UnityEngine.Vector3 scale = BSExtensionMethods2.ExtractScaleFromMatrix(ref trans); UnityEngine.Color c = new UnityEngine.Color(color.X, color.Y, color.Z); BUtility.DebugDrawCapsule(pos, rot, scale, radius, halfHeight, upAxis, c); }
public override void DrawCapsule(float radius, float halfHeight, int upAxis, ref BM.Matrix trans, ref BM.Vector3 color) { var pos = BulletExtensionMethods.ExtractTranslationFromMatrix(ref trans); var rot = BulletExtensionMethods.ExtractRotationFromMatrix(ref trans); var scale = BulletExtensionMethods.ExtractScaleFromMatrix(ref trans); var c = new Color(color.X, color.Y, color.Z); BUtility.DebugDrawCapsule(pos, rot, scale, radius, halfHeight, upAxis, c); }
public override void DrawSphere(float radius, ref BM.Matrix trans, ref BM.Vector3 color) { var pos = BulletExtensionMethods.ExtractTranslationFromMatrix(ref trans); var rot = BulletExtensionMethods.ExtractRotationFromMatrix(ref trans); var scale = BulletExtensionMethods.ExtractScaleFromMatrix(ref trans); var c = new Color(color.X, color.Y, color.Z); BUtility.DebugDrawSphere(pos, rot, scale, * radius, c); }
public override void DrawBox(ref BM.Vector3 bbMin, ref BM.Vector3 bbMax, ref BM.Matrix trans, ref BM.Vector3 color) { UnityEngine.Vector3 pos = BSExtensionMethods2.ExtractTranslationFromMatrix(ref trans); UnityEngine.Quaternion rot = BSExtensionMethods2.ExtractRotationFromMatrix(ref trans); UnityEngine.Vector3 scale = BSExtensionMethods2.ExtractScaleFromMatrix(ref trans); UnityEngine.Vector3 size = (bbMax - bbMin).ToUnity() / 2; UnityEngine.Color c = new UnityEngine.Color(color.X, color.Y, color.Z); BUtility.DebugDrawBox(pos, rot, scale, size, c); }
public override void DrawPlane(ref BM.Vector3 planeNormal, float planeConst, ref BM.Matrix trans, ref BM.Vector3 color) { var pos = BulletExtensionMethods.ExtractTranslationFromMatrix(ref trans); var rot = BulletExtensionMethods.ExtractRotationFromMatrix(ref trans); var scale = BulletExtensionMethods.ExtractScaleFromMatrix(ref trans); var c = new Color(color.X, color.Y, color.Z); BUtility.DebugDrawPlane(pos, rot, scale, planeNormal.ToUnity(), planeConst, c); }
public override void DrawBox(ref BM.Vector3 bbMin, ref BM.Vector3 bbMax, ref BM.Matrix trans, ref BM.Vector3 color) { var pos = BulletExtensionMethods.ExtractTranslationFromMatrix(ref trans); var rot = BulletExtensionMethods.ExtractRotationFromMatrix(ref trans); var scale = BulletExtensionMethods.ExtractScaleFromMatrix(ref trans); var size = (bbMax - bbMin).ToUnity(); var c = new Color(color.X, color.Y, color.Z); BUtility.DebugDrawBox(pos, rot, scale, size, c); }
//Bullet calls this so I can copy bullet data to unity public override void SetWorldTransform(ref BM.Matrix m) { // gRally IsChanged = true; NewPosition = BSExtensionMethods2.ExtractTranslationFromMatrix(ref m); NewRotation = BSExtensionMethods2.ExtractRotationFromMatrix(ref m); // OPT NewScale = Native.UtoB(BSExtensionMethods2.ExtractScaleFromMatrix(ref m)); //transform.position = BSExtensionMethods2.ExtractTranslationFromMatrix(ref m); //transform.rotation = BSExtensionMethods2.ExtractRotationFromMatrix(ref m); //transform.localScale = BSExtensionMethods2.ExtractScaleFromMatrix(ref m); }
public override void DrawTransform(ref BM.Matrix trans, float orthoLen) { UnityEngine.Vector3 pos = BSExtensionMethods2.ExtractTranslationFromMatrix(ref trans); UnityEngine.Quaternion rot = BSExtensionMethods2.ExtractRotationFromMatrix(ref trans); UnityEngine.Vector3 p1 = pos + rot * UnityEngine.Vector3.up * orthoLen; UnityEngine.Vector3 p2 = pos - rot * UnityEngine.Vector3.up * orthoLen; UnityEngine.Gizmos.DrawLine(p1, p2); p1 = pos + rot * UnityEngine.Vector3.right * orthoLen; p2 = pos - rot * UnityEngine.Vector3.right * orthoLen; UnityEngine.Gizmos.DrawLine(p1, p2); p1 = pos + rot * UnityEngine.Vector3.forward * orthoLen; p2 = pos - rot * UnityEngine.Vector3.forward * orthoLen; UnityEngine.Gizmos.DrawLine(p1, p2); }
//Bullet calls this so I can copy bullet data to unity public override void SetWorldTransform(ref BM.Matrix m) { double timeStamp = -1; if (threadHelper != null) { timeStamp = threadHelper.TotalSimulationTime; } lock (lck) { previousBulletTransform = lastBulletTransform; lastBulletTransform = new BulletTransformData(m, timeStamp); mustUpdateTransform = true; } }
public override void DrawTransform(ref BM.Matrix trans, float orthoLen) { var pos = BulletExtensionMethods.ExtractTranslationFromMatrix(ref trans); var rot = BulletExtensionMethods.ExtractRotationFromMatrix(ref trans); var p1 = pos + rot * Vector3.up * orthoLen; var p2 = pos - rot * Vector3.up * orthoLen; Gizmos.DrawLine(p1, p2); p1 = pos + rot * Vector3.right * orthoLen; p2 = pos - rot * Vector3.right * orthoLen; Gizmos.DrawLine(p1, p2); p1 = pos + rot * Vector3.forward * orthoLen; p2 = pos - rot * Vector3.forward * orthoLen; Gizmos.DrawLine(p1, p2); }
/// <summary> /// 位置更新。获取bullet的位置信息,赋值给服务端及unity /// </summary> /// <param name="m"></param> //Bullet calls this so I can copy bullet data to unity public override void SetWorldTransform(ref BM.Matrix m) { i++; if (this.i == 1) { sw = new Stopwatch(); sw.Start(); } unit.Position = BSExtensionMethods2.ExtractTranslationFromMatrix(ref m); unit.Quaternion = BSExtensionMethods2.ExtractRotationFromMatrix(ref m); if (unit.Position.y < -5000) { sw.Stop(); long xx = this.sw.ElapsedMilliseconds; } }
public override void DrawTransform(ref BM.Matrix trans, float orthoLen) { Vector3 pos = BSExtensionMethods2.ExtractTranslationFromMatrix(ref trans); Quaternion rot = BSExtensionMethods2.ExtractRotationFromMatrix(ref trans); Vector3 p1 = pos + rot * Vector3.up * orthoLen; Vector3 p2 = pos - rot * Vector3.up * orthoLen; Gizmos.matrix = Matrix4x4.identity; Gizmos.DrawLine(p1, p2); p1 = pos + rot * Vector3.right * orthoLen; p2 = pos - rot * Vector3.right * orthoLen; Gizmos.DrawLine(p1, p2); p1 = pos + rot * Vector3.forward * orthoLen; p2 = pos - rot * Vector3.forward * orthoLen; Gizmos.DrawLine(p1, p2); }
public Matrix(BsMatrix m) { this.M11 = m.M11; this.M12 = m.M12; this.M13 = m.M13; this.M14 = m.M14; this.M21 = m.M21; this.M22 = m.M22; this.M23 = m.M23; this.M24 = m.M24; this.M31 = m.M31; this.M32 = m.M32; this.M33 = m.M33; this.M34 = m.M34; this.M41 = m.M41; this.M42 = m.M42; this.M43 = m.M43; this.M44 = m.M44; }
//Bullet wants me to fill in worldTrans //This is called by bullet once when rigid body is added to the the world //For kinematic rigid bodies it is called every simulation step //[MonoPInvokeCallback(typeof(GetTransformDelegate))] public override void GetWorldTransform(out BM.Matrix worldTrans) { BulletSharp.Math.Vector3 pos = unit.Position.ToBullet(); BulletSharp.Math.Quaternion rot = unit.Quaternion.ToBullet(); BulletSharp.Math.Matrix.AffineTransformation(1f, ref rot, ref pos, out worldTrans); }
//called by Physics World just before constraint is added to world. //the current constraint properties are used to rebuild the constraint. internal override bool _BuildConstraint() { BPhysicsWorld world = BPhysicsWorld.Get(); if (m_constraintPtr != null) { if (m_isInWorld && world != null) { m_isInWorld = false; world.RemoveConstraint(m_constraintPtr); } } BRigidBody targetRigidBodyA = GetComponent <BRigidBody>(); if (targetRigidBodyA == null) { Debug.LogError("BSliderConstraint needs to be added to a component with a BRigidBody."); return(false); } if (!targetRigidBodyA.isInWorld) { world.AddRigidBody(targetRigidBodyA); } RigidBody rba = (RigidBody)targetRigidBodyA.GetCollisionObject(); if (rba == null) { Debug.LogError("Constraint could not get bullet RigidBody from target rigid body"); return(false); } if (m_constraintType == ConstraintType.constrainToAnotherBody) { if (m_otherRigidBody == null) { Debug.LogError("Other rigid body was not set"); return(false); } if (!m_otherRigidBody.isInWorld) { world.AddRigidBody(m_otherRigidBody); } RigidBody rbb = (RigidBody)m_otherRigidBody.GetCollisionObject(); if (rbb == null) { Debug.LogError("Constraint could not get bullet RigidBody from target rigid body"); return(false); } BM.Matrix frameInA, frameInOther; string errormsg = ""; if (CreateFramesA_B(m_localConstraintAxisX, m_localConstraintAxisY, m_localConstraintPoint, out frameInA, out frameInOther, ref errormsg)) { m_constraintPtr = new SliderConstraint(rbb, rba, frameInOther, frameInA, true); } else { Debug.LogError(errormsg); return(false); } } else { BulletSharp.Math.Matrix frameInA = BM.Matrix.Identity; string errormsg = ""; if (CreateFrame(m_localConstraintAxisX, m_localConstraintAxisY, m_localConstraintPoint, ref frameInA, ref errormsg)) { m_constraintPtr = new SliderConstraint(rba, frameInA, true); } else { Debug.LogError(errormsg); return(false); } } SliderConstraint sl = (SliderConstraint)m_constraintPtr; sl.LowerLinearLimit = m_lowerLinearLimit; sl.UpperLinearLimit = m_upperLinearLimit; sl.LowerAngularLimit = m_lowerAngularLimitRadians; sl.UpperAngularLimit = m_upperAngularLimitRadians; m_constraintPtr.Userobject = this; m_constraintPtr.DebugDrawSize = m_debugDrawSize; m_constraintPtr.BreakingImpulseThreshold = m_breakingImpulseThreshold; return(true); }
//Bullet calls this so I can copy bullet data to unity public override void SetWorldTransform(ref BM.Matrix m) { transform.position = BSExtensionMethods2.ExtractTranslationFromMatrix(ref m, ref tempVector3); transform.rotation = BSExtensionMethods2.ExtractRotationFromMatrix(ref m, ref tempQuaternion); }
//Bullet calls this so I can copy bullet data to unity public override void SetWorldTransform(ref BM.Matrix m) { transform.position = BSExtensionMethods2.ExtractTranslationFromMatrix(ref m); transform.rotation = BSExtensionMethods2.ExtractRotationFromMatrix(ref m); }
internal override bool _BuildConstraint() { BPhysicsWorld world = BPhysicsWorld.Get(); if (m_constraintPtr != null && m_isInWorld && world != null) { m_isInWorld = false; world.RemoveConstraint(m_constraintPtr); } BRigidBody targetRigidBodyA = GetComponent <BRigidBody>(); if (targetRigidBodyA == null) { Debug.LogError("Fixed Constraint needs to be added to a component with a BRigidBody."); return(false); } if (!targetRigidBodyA.isInWorld) { world.AddRigidBody(targetRigidBodyA); } RigidBody rba = (RigidBody)targetRigidBodyA.GetCollisionObject(); if (rba == null) { Debug.LogError("Constraint could not get bullet RigidBody from target rigid body"); return(false); } if (m_otherRigidBody == null) { Debug.LogError("Other rigid body is not set"); return(false); } if (!m_otherRigidBody.isInWorld) { world.AddRigidBody(m_otherRigidBody); } RigidBody rbb = (RigidBody)m_otherRigidBody.GetCollisionObject(); if (rbb == null) { Debug.LogError("Constraint could not get bullet RigidBody from target rigid body"); return(false); } initialTransform = BM.Matrix.AffineTransformation(1f, localRotationOffset.ToBullet(), m_localConstraintPoint.ToBullet()); m_constraintPtr = new FixedConstraint(rba, rbb, BM.Matrix.Identity, initialTransform) { Userobject = this, DebugDrawSize = m_debugDrawSize, BreakingImpulseThreshold = m_breakingImpulseThreshold, OverrideNumSolverIterations = m_overrideNumSolverIterations }; return(true); }
//Bullet wants me to fill in worldTrans //This is called by bullet once when rigid body is added to the the world //For kinematic rigid bodies it is called every simulation step //[MonoPInvokeCallback(typeof(GetTransformDelegate))] public override void GetWorldTransform(out BM.Matrix worldTrans) { BulletSharp.Math.Matrix.AffineTransformation(1f, ref rot, ref pos, out worldTrans); }
//IMPORTANT Time.fixedTime must match the timestep being used here. public static List <UnityEngine.Vector3> SimulateBall(BRigidBody ballRb, UnityEngine.Vector3 ballThrowForce, int numberOfSimulationSteps, bool reverseOrder) { var ballPositions = new List <UnityEngine.Vector3>(numberOfSimulationSteps); //Create a World Debug.Log("Initialize physics"); CollisionConfiguration CollisionConf; CollisionDispatcher Dispatcher; BroadphaseInterface Broadphase; CollisionWorld cw; ConstraintSolver Solver; BulletSharp.SoftBody.SoftBodyWorldInfo softBodyWorldInfo; //This should create a copy of the BPhysicsWorld with the same settings BPhysicsWorld bw = BPhysicsWorld.Get(); bw.CreatePhysicsWorld(out cw, out CollisionConf, out Dispatcher, out Broadphase, out Solver, out softBodyWorldInfo); World = (DiscreteDynamicsWorld)cw; //Copy all existing rigidbodies in scene // IMPORTANT rigidbodies must be added to the offline world in the same order that they are in the source world // this is because collisions must be resolved in the same order for the sim to be deterministic DiscreteDynamicsWorld sourceWorld = (DiscreteDynamicsWorld); BulletSharp.RigidBody bulletBallRb = null; BulletSharp.Math.Matrix mm = BulletSharp.Math.Matrix.Identity; for (int i = 0; i < sourceWorld.NumCollisionObjects; i++) { CollisionObject co = sourceWorld.CollisionObjectArray[i]; if (co != null && co.UserObject is BRigidBody) { BRigidBody rb = (BRigidBody)co.UserObject; float mass = rb.isDynamic() ? rb.mass : 0f; BCollisionShape existingShape = rb.GetComponent <BCollisionShape>(); CollisionShape shape = null; if (existingShape is BSphereShape) { shape = ((BSphereShape)existingShape).CopyCollisionShape(); } else if (existingShape is BBoxShape) { shape = ((BBoxShape)existingShape).CopyCollisionShape(); } RigidBody bulletRB = null; BulletSharp.Math.Vector3 localInertia = new BulletSharp.Math.Vector3(); rb.CreateOrConfigureRigidBody(ref bulletRB, ref localInertia, shape, null); BulletSharp.Math.Vector3 pos = rb.GetCollisionObject().WorldTransform.Origin; BulletSharp.Math.Quaternion rot = rb.GetCollisionObject().WorldTransform.GetOrientation(); BulletSharp.Math.Matrix.AffineTransformation(1f, ref rot, ref pos, out mm); bulletRB.WorldTransform = mm; World.AddRigidBody(bulletRB, rb.groupsIBelongTo, rb.collisionMask); if (rb == ballRb) { bulletBallRb = bulletRB; bulletRB.ApplyCentralImpulse(ballThrowForce.ToBullet()); } } } //Step the simulation numberOfSimulationSteps times for (int i = 0; i < numberOfSimulationSteps; i++) { int numSteps = World.StepSimulation(1f / 60f, 10, 1f / 60f); ballPositions.Add(bulletBallRb.WorldTransform.Origin.ToUnity()); } UnityEngine.Debug.Log("ExitPhysics"); if (World != null) { //remove/dispose constraints int i; for (i = World.NumConstraints - 1; i >= 0; i--) { TypedConstraint constraint = World.GetConstraint(i); World.RemoveConstraint(constraint); constraint.Dispose(); } //remove the rigidbodies from the dynamics world and delete them for (i = World.NumCollisionObjects - 1; i >= 0; i--) { CollisionObject obj = World.CollisionObjectArray[i]; RigidBody body = obj as RigidBody; if (body != null && body.MotionState != null) { body.MotionState.Dispose(); } World.RemoveCollisionObject(obj); obj.Dispose(); } World.Dispose(); Broadphase.Dispose(); Dispatcher.Dispose(); CollisionConf.Dispose(); } if (Broadphase != null) { Broadphase.Dispose(); } if (Dispatcher != null) { Dispatcher.Dispose(); } if (CollisionConf != null) { CollisionConf.Dispose(); } return(ballPositions); }
//called by Physics World just before constraint is added to world. //the current constraint properties are used to rebuild the constraint. internal override bool _BuildConstraint() { BPhysicsWorld world = BPhysicsWorld.Get(); if (m_constraintPtr != null) { if (m_isInWorld && world != null) { m_isInWorld = false; world.RemoveConstraint(m_constraintPtr); } } BRigidBody targetRigidBodyA = GetComponent <BRigidBody>(); if (targetRigidBodyA == null) { Debug.LogError("B6DOFConstraint needs to be added to a component with a BRigidBody."); return(false); } if (!targetRigidBodyA.isInWorld) { world.AddRigidBody(targetRigidBodyA); } RigidBody rba = (RigidBody)targetRigidBodyA.GetCollisionObject(); if (rba == null) { Debug.LogError("Constraint could not get bullet RigidBody from target rigid body"); return(false); } if (m_constraintType == ConstraintType.constrainToAnotherBody) { if (m_otherRigidBody == null) { Debug.LogError("Other Rigid Body is not set."); return(false); } if (!m_otherRigidBody.isInWorld) { world.AddRigidBody(m_otherRigidBody); return(false); } RigidBody rbb = (RigidBody)m_otherRigidBody.GetCollisionObject(); if (rbb == null) { Debug.LogError("Constraint could not get bullet RigidBody from target rigid body"); return(false); } BM.Matrix frameInA, frameInOther; string errormsg = ""; if (CreateFramesA_B(m_localConstraintAxisX, m_localConstraintAxisY, m_localConstraintPoint, out frameInA, out frameInOther, ref errormsg)) { m_constraintPtr = new Generic6DofConstraint(rbb, rba, frameInOther, frameInA, true); } else { Debug.LogError(errormsg); return(false); } } else { //TODO think about this BM.Matrix frameInA = BulletSharp.Math.Matrix.Identity; m_constraintPtr = new Generic6DofConstraint(rba, frameInA, false); } m_constraintPtr.Userobject = this; Generic6DofConstraint sl = (Generic6DofConstraint)m_constraintPtr; sl.LinearLowerLimit = m_linearLimitLower.ToBullet(); sl.LinearUpperLimit = m_linearLimitUpper.ToBullet(); sl.AngularLowerLimit = m_angularLimitLowerRadians.ToBullet(); sl.AngularUpperLimit = m_angularLimitUpperRadians.ToBullet(); sl.TranslationalLimitMotor.TargetVelocity = m_motorLinearTargetVelocity.ToBullet(); sl.TranslationalLimitMotor.MaxMotorForce = m_motorLinearMaxMotorForce.ToBullet(); sl.BreakingImpulseThreshold = m_breakingImpulseThreshold; sl.DebugDrawSize = m_debugDrawSize; return(true); }
public bool CreateFrame(Vector3 forward, Vector3 up, Vector3 constraintPoint, ref BM.Matrix m, ref string errorMsg) { BM.Vector4 x; BM.Vector4 y; BM.Vector4 z; if (forward == { errorMsg = "forward vector must not be zero"; return(false); } forward.Normalize(); if (up == { errorMsg = "up vector must not be zero"; return(false); } Vector3 right = Vector3.Cross(forward, up); if (right == { errorMsg = "forward and up vector must not be colinear"; return(false); } up = Vector3.Cross(right, forward); right.Normalize(); up.Normalize(); x.X = forward.x; x.Y = forward.y; x.Z = forward.z; x.W = 0f; y.X = up.x; y.Y = up.y; y.Z = up.z; y.W = 0f; z.X = right.x; z.Y = right.y; z.Z = right.z; z.W = 0f; m.Row1 = x; m.Row2 = y; m.Row3 = z; m.Origin = constraintPoint.ToBullet(); return(true); }
// Object A has the constraint compontent and is constrainted to object B // The constraint frame is defined relative to A by three vectors. // This method calculates the frames A and B that need to be passed to bullet public bool CreateFramesA_B(Vector3 forwardInA, Vector3 upInA, Vector3 constraintPivotInA, out BM.Matrix frameInA, out BM.Matrix frameInB, ref string errorMsg) { frameInA = BM.Matrix.Identity; if (!CreateFrame(forwardInA, upInA, constraintPivotInA, ref frameInA, ref errorMsg)) { frameInB = BM.Matrix.Identity; return(false); } BM.Vector4 x = frameInA.Row1; BM.Vector4 y = frameInA.Row2; BM.Vector4 z = frameInA.Row3; Vector3 xx = new Vector3(x.X, x.Y, x.Z); Vector3 yy = new Vector3(y.X, y.Y, y.Z); Vector3 zz = new Vector3(z.X, z.Y, z.Z); Quaternion q = transform.localRotation * Quaternion.Inverse(m_otherRigidBody.transform.localRotation); xx = q * xx; yy = q * yy; zz = q * zz; frameInB = BM.Matrix.Identity; frameInB.Row1 = new BM.Vector4(xx.ToBullet(), 0f); frameInB.Row2 = new BM.Vector4(yy.ToBullet(), 0f); frameInB.Row3 = new BM.Vector4(zz.ToBullet(), 0f); frameInB.Origin = m_otherRigidBody.transform.InverseTransformPoint(transform.TransformPoint(constraintPivotInA)).ToBullet(); return(true); }
//called by Physics World just before constraint is added to world. //the current constraint properties are used to rebuild the constraint. internal override bool _BuildConstraint() { BPhysicsWorld world = BPhysicsWorld.Get(); if (m_constraintPtr != null) { if (m_isInWorld && world != null) { m_isInWorld = false; world.RemoveConstraint(m_constraintPtr); return(false); } } BRigidBody targetRigidBodyA = GetComponent <BRigidBody>(); if (targetRigidBodyA == null) { Debug.LogError("ConeTwistConstraint needs to be added to a component with a BRigidBody."); return(false); } if (!targetRigidBodyA.isInWorld) { world.AddRigidBody(targetRigidBodyA); } if (m_constraintType == ConstraintType.constrainToAnotherBody) { if (m_otherRigidBody == null) { Debug.LogError("Other rigid body was not set"); return(false); } if (!m_otherRigidBody.isInWorld) { world.AddRigidBody(m_otherRigidBody); } BM.Matrix frameInA, frameInOther; string errormsg = ""; if (CreateFramesA_B(m_localConstraintAxisX, m_localConstraintAxisY, m_localConstraintPoint, out frameInA, out frameInOther, ref errormsg)) { m_constraintPtr = new ConeTwistConstraint((RigidBody)m_otherRigidBody.GetCollisionObject(), (RigidBody)targetRigidBodyA.GetCollisionObject(), frameInOther, frameInA); } else { Debug.LogError(errormsg); return(false); } } else { //TODO this is broken string errormsg = ""; BM.Matrix frameInB = BM.Matrix.Identity; if (CreateFrame(m_localConstraintAxisX, m_localConstraintAxisY, m_localConstraintPoint, ref frameInB, ref errormsg)) { m_constraintPtr = new ConeTwistConstraint((RigidBody)targetRigidBodyA.GetCollisionObject(), frameInB); } else { Debug.LogError(errormsg); return(false); } } ConeTwistConstraint sl = (ConeTwistConstraint)m_constraintPtr; sl.SetLimit(m_swingSpan1Radians, m_swingSpan2Radians, m_twistSpanRadians, m_softness, m_biasFactor, m_relaxationFactor); m_constraintPtr.Userobject = this; m_constraintPtr.DebugDrawSize = m_debugDrawSize; m_constraintPtr.BreakingImpulseThreshold = m_breakingImpulseThreshold; return(true); }