Пример #1
        /// public initialization

         * Handles the work of constructors so that public constructors can be
         * backwards-compatible without a lot of copy/paste.
        public void Initialize(int heightStickWidth, int heightStickLength,
                               Object heightfieldData, float heightScale,
                               float minHeight, float maxHeight, int upAxis,
                               PHY_ScalarType hdt, bool flipQuadEdges)
            // validation
            Debug.Assert(heightStickWidth > 1, "bad width");
            Debug.Assert(heightStickLength > 1, "bad length");
            Debug.Assert(heightfieldData != null, "null heightfield data");
            // Debug.Assert(heightScale) -- do we care?  Trust caller here
            Debug.Assert(minHeight <= maxHeight, "bad min/max height");
            Debug.Assert(upAxis >= 0 && upAxis < 3,
                         "bad upAxis--should be in range [0,2]");
            Debug.Assert(hdt != PHY_ScalarType.PHY_UCHAR || hdt != PHY_ScalarType.PHY_FLOAT || hdt != PHY_ScalarType.PHY_SHORT,
                         "Bad height data type enum");

            // initialize member variables
            m_shapeType         = BroadphaseNativeTypes.TERRAIN_SHAPE_PROXYTYPE;
            m_heightStickWidth  = heightStickWidth;
            m_heightStickLength = heightStickLength;
            m_minHeight         = minHeight;
            m_maxHeight         = maxHeight;
            m_width             = (heightStickWidth - 1);
            m_length            = (heightStickLength - 1);
            m_heightScale       = heightScale;
            // copy the data in
            m_heightFieldDataByte  = heightfieldData as byte[];
            m_heightFieldDataFloat = heightfieldData as float[];
            m_heightDataType       = hdt;

            m_flipQuadEdges         = flipQuadEdges;
            m_useDiamondSubdivision = false;
            m_upAxis       = upAxis;
            m_localScaling = new IndexedVector3(1f);

            // determine min/max axis-aligned bounding box (aabb) values
            switch (m_upAxis)
            case 0:
                m_localAabbMin = new IndexedVector3(m_minHeight, 0, 0);
                m_localAabbMax = new IndexedVector3(m_maxHeight, m_width, m_length);

            case 1:
                m_localAabbMin = new IndexedVector3(0, m_minHeight, 0);
                m_localAabbMax = new IndexedVector3(m_width, m_maxHeight, m_length);

            case 2:
                m_localAabbMin = new IndexedVector3(0, 0, m_minHeight);
                m_localAabbMax = new IndexedVector3(m_width, m_length, m_maxHeight);

                //need to get valid m_upAxis
                Debug.Assert(false, "Bad m_upAxis");

            // remember origin (defined as exact middle of aabb)
            m_localOrigin = 0.5f * (m_localAabbMin + m_localAabbMax);