Пример #1
        public HingeConstraint(RigidBody rbA, ref IndexedMatrix rbAFrame, bool useReferenceFrameA)
            : base(TypedConstraintType.HINGE_CONSTRAINT_TYPE, rbA)
            m_rbAFrame                    = rbAFrame;
            m_rbBFrame                    = rbAFrame;
            m_angularOnly                 = false;
            m_enableAngularMotor          = false;
            m_useOffsetForConstraintFrame = HINGE_USE_FRAME_OFFSET;

            m_useReferenceFrameA = useReferenceFrameA;
            m_flags = 0;

            m_rbBFrame._origin = m_rbA.GetCenterOfMassTransform() * (m_rbAFrame._origin);

            m_limit = new AngularLimit();
            //start with free
            m_lowerLimit       = 1f;
            m_upperLimit       = -1f;
            m_biasFactor       = 0.3f;
            m_relaxationFactor = 1.0f;
            m_limitSoftness    = 0.9f;
            m_solveLimit       = false;
            m_referenceSign = m_useReferenceFrameA ? -1.0f : 1.0f;
Пример #2
        public HingeConstraint(RigidBody rbA, ref IndexedVector3 pivotInA, ref IndexedVector3 axisInA, bool useReferenceFrameA)
            : base(TypedConstraintType.HINGE_CONSTRAINT_TYPE, rbA)
            m_angularOnly                 = false;
            m_enableAngularMotor          = false;
            m_useReferenceFrameA          = useReferenceFrameA;
            m_useOffsetForConstraintFrame = HINGE_USE_FRAME_OFFSET;
            m_flags = 0;

            m_limit = new AngularLimit();

            // since no frame is given, assume this to be zero angle and just pick rb transform axis
            // fixed axis in worldspace
            IndexedVector3 rbAxisA1, rbAxisA2;
            TransformUtil.PlaneSpace1(ref axisInA, out rbAxisA1, out rbAxisA2);

            m_rbAFrame._origin = pivotInA;
            //m_rbAFrame._basis = new IndexedBasisMatrix(ref rbAxisA1, ref rbAxisA2, ref axisInA);
            m_rbAFrame._basis = new IndexedBasisMatrix(rbAxisA1.X, rbAxisA2.X, axisInA.X,
                                                       rbAxisA1.Y, rbAxisA2.Y, axisInA.Y,
                                                       rbAxisA1.Z, rbAxisA2.Z, axisInA.Z);

            IndexedVector3 axisInB = rbA.GetCenterOfMassTransform()._basis *axisInA;

            IndexedQuaternion rotationArc = MathUtil.ShortestArcQuat(ref axisInA, ref axisInB);
            IndexedVector3    rbAxisB1    = MathUtil.QuatRotate(ref rotationArc, ref rbAxisA1);
            IndexedVector3    rbAxisB2    = IndexedVector3.Cross(axisInB, rbAxisB1);

            m_rbBFrame._origin = rbA.GetCenterOfMassTransform() * pivotInA;
            //m_rbBFrame._basis = new IndexedBasisMatrix(ref rbAxisB1, ref rbAxisB2, ref axisInB);
            m_rbBFrame._basis = new IndexedBasisMatrix(rbAxisB1.X, rbAxisB2.X, axisInB.X,
                                                       rbAxisB1.Y, rbAxisB2.Y, axisInB.Y,
                                                       rbAxisB1.Z, rbAxisB2.Z, axisInB.Z);

            //start with free
            m_lowerLimit       = 1f;
            m_upperLimit       = -1f;
            m_biasFactor       = 0.3f;
            m_relaxationFactor = 1.0f;
            m_limitSoftness    = 0.9f;
            m_solveLimit       = false;
            m_referenceSign = m_useReferenceFrameA ? -1.0f : 1.0f;
Пример #3
        public HingeConstraint(RigidBody rbA, RigidBody rbB, ref IndexedVector3 pivotInA, ref IndexedVector3 pivotInB, ref IndexedVector3 axisInA, ref IndexedVector3 axisInB, bool useReferenceFrameA)
            : base(TypedConstraintType.HINGE_CONSTRAINT_TYPE, rbA, rbB)
            m_angularOnly                 = false;
            m_enableAngularMotor          = false;
            m_useOffsetForConstraintFrame = HINGE_USE_FRAME_OFFSET;

            m_useReferenceFrameA = useReferenceFrameA;

            m_rbAFrame._origin = pivotInA;
            m_limit = new AngularLimit();

            m_flags = 0;

            // since no frame is given, assume this to be zero angle and just pick rb transform axis
            IndexedVector3 rbAxisA1 = rbA.GetCenterOfMassTransform()._basis.GetColumn(0);

            IndexedVector3 rbAxisA2   = IndexedVector3.Zero;
            float          projection = IndexedVector3.Dot(axisInA, rbAxisA1);
            if (projection >= 1.0f - MathUtil.SIMD_EPSILON)
                rbAxisA1 = -rbA.GetCenterOfMassTransform()._basis.GetColumn(2);
                rbAxisA2 = rbA.GetCenterOfMassTransform()._basis.GetColumn(1);
            else if (projection <= -1.0f + MathUtil.SIMD_EPSILON)
                rbAxisA1 = rbA.GetCenterOfMassTransform()._basis.GetColumn(2);
                rbAxisA2 = rbA.GetCenterOfMassTransform()._basis.GetColumn(1);
                rbAxisA2 = IndexedVector3.Cross(axisInA, rbAxisA1);
                rbAxisA1 = IndexedVector3.Cross(rbAxisA2, axisInA);

            //m_rbAFrame._basis = new IndexedBasisMatrix(ref rbAxisA1, ref rbAxisA2, ref axisInA);
            m_rbAFrame._basis = new IndexedBasisMatrix(rbAxisA1.X, rbAxisA2.X, axisInA.X,
                                                       rbAxisA1.Y, rbAxisA2.Y, axisInA.Y,
                                                       rbAxisA1.Z, rbAxisA2.Z, axisInA.Z);

            IndexedQuaternion rotationArc = MathUtil.ShortestArcQuat(ref axisInA, ref axisInB);
            IndexedVector3    rbAxisB1    = MathUtil.QuatRotate(ref rotationArc, ref rbAxisA1);
            IndexedVector3    rbAxisB2    = IndexedVector3.Cross(axisInB, rbAxisB1);

            m_rbBFrame._origin = pivotInB;
            //m_rbBFrame._basis = new IndexedBasisMatrix(ref rbAxisB1, ref rbAxisB2, ref axisInB);
            m_rbBFrame._basis = new IndexedBasisMatrix(rbAxisB1.X, rbAxisB2.X, axisInB.X,
                                                       rbAxisB1.Y, rbAxisB2.Y, axisInB.Y,
                                                       rbAxisB1.Z, rbAxisB2.Z, axisInB.Z);

            //start with free
            m_lowerLimit       = float(1.0f);
            m_upperLimit       = float(-1.0f);
            m_biasFactor       = 0.3f;
            m_relaxationFactor = 1.0f;
            m_limitSoftness    = 0.9f;
            m_solveLimit       = false;
            m_referenceSign = m_useReferenceFrameA ? -1f : 1f;