static void Main(string[] args) { string action = null; string rootFolder = null; string product = null; string buildNumber = null; string edition = "BTE"; string basePath = null; string applicationFileName = null; bool showHelp = false; var param = new OptionSet { {"a|Action=", "the action 'UpdateAssemblies' or 'FileComponents'", v => { if (new List<string>{"updateassemblies", "filecomponents"}.Contains(v.ToLower())) action = v.ToLower(); else throw new ArgumentException("unknown action"); DebugMessage("Action: {0}", action); }}, {"r|RootFolder=", "all items and subfolders are scanned for AssemblyInfo.cs", v => { if (Directory.Exists(v)) rootFolder = v; else throw new ArgumentException("RootFolder missing"); DebugMessage("RootFoler: {0}", rootFolder); }}, {"p|Product=", "name of the product (ex. 'Pathway')", v => { product = v; DebugMessage("Product: {0}", product); }}, {"n|BuildNumber=", "the build number (ex.", v => { if (Exp.Match(v).Success) buildNumber = v; else throw new ArgumentException("build number format error"); DebugMessage("BuildNumber: {0}", buildNumber); }}, {"e|Edition=", "the edition, either 'BTE' or 'SE'", v => { if (new List<string>{"BTE", "SE"}.Contains(v)) edition = v; else throw new ArgumentException("unknown edition, must be BTE or SE"); DebugMessage("Edition: {0}", edition); }}, {"b|BasePath=", "location of FileLibrary.xml", v => { if (File.Exists(Path.Combine(v, "FileLibrary.xml"))) basePath = v; else throw new ArgumentException("FileLibrary.xml not present at BasePath"); DebugMessage("BasePath: {0}", basePath); }}, {"f|ApplicationFileName=", "name of the application file", v => { applicationFileName = v; DebugMessage("ApplicationFileName: {0}", applicationFileName); }}, { "h|Help", "show this message and exit", v => showHelp = v != null }, { "v", "increase debug message verbosity", v => { if (v != null) ++_verbosity; } }, }; try { var extra = param.Parse(args); if (extra.Count != 0 || showHelp) { ShowHelp(param); return; } } catch (OptionException e) { Console.Write("BuildStep: "); Console.WriteLine(e.Message); Console.WriteLine("Try `BuildStep --Help' for more information."); return; } switch (action) { case "updateassemblies": var act = new UpdateAssemblies{BuildNumber = buildNumber, Product = product, RootFolder = rootFolder, Edition = edition}; if (!act.Execute()) throw new ApplicationException("UpdateAssemblies Failed."); break; case "filecomponents": var componentsAct = new FileComponents{ApplicationFileName = applicationFileName, BasePath = basePath}; if (!componentsAct.Execute()) throw new ApplicationException("FileComponents action failed."); break; default: ShowHelp(param); break; } }
static void Main(string[] args) { string action = null; string rootFolder = null; string product = null; string buildNumber = null; string edition = "BTE"; string basePath = null; string applicationFileName = null; bool showHelp = false; var param = new OptionSet { { "a|Action=", "the action 'UpdateAssemblies' or 'FileComponents'", v => { if (new List <string> { "updateassemblies", "filecomponents" }.Contains(v.ToLower())) { action = v.ToLower(); } else { throw new ArgumentException("unknown action"); } DebugMessage("Action: {0}", action); } }, { "r|RootFolder=", "all items and subfolders are scanned for AssemblyInfo.cs", v => { if (Directory.Exists(v)) { rootFolder = v; } else { throw new ArgumentException("RootFolder missing"); } DebugMessage("RootFoler: {0}", rootFolder); } }, { "p|Product=", "name of the product (ex. 'Pathway')", v => { product = v; DebugMessage("Product: {0}", product); } }, { "n|BuildNumber=", "the build number (ex.", v => { if (Exp.Match(v).Success) { buildNumber = v; } else { throw new ArgumentException("build number format error"); } DebugMessage("BuildNumber: {0}", buildNumber); } }, { "e|Edition=", "the edition, either 'BTE' or 'SE'", v => { if (new List <string> { "BTE", "SE" }.Contains(v)) { edition = v; } else { throw new ArgumentException("unknown edition, must be BTE or SE"); } DebugMessage("Edition: {0}", edition); } }, { "b|BasePath=", "location of FileLibrary.xml", v => { if (File.Exists(Path.Combine(v, "FileLibrary.xml"))) { basePath = v; } else { throw new ArgumentException("FileLibrary.xml not present at BasePath"); } DebugMessage("BasePath: {0}", basePath); } }, { "f|ApplicationFileName=", "name of the application file", v => { applicationFileName = v; DebugMessage("ApplicationFileName: {0}", applicationFileName); } }, { "h|Help", "show this message and exit", v => showHelp = v != null }, { "v", "increase debug message verbosity", v => { if (v != null) { ++_verbosity; } } }, }; try { var extra = param.Parse(args); if (extra.Count != 0 || showHelp) { ShowHelp(param); return; } } catch (OptionException e) { Console.Write("BuildStep: "); Console.WriteLine(e.Message); Console.WriteLine("Try `BuildStep --Help' for more information."); return; } switch (action) { case "updateassemblies": var act = new UpdateAssemblies { BuildNumber = buildNumber, Product = product, RootFolder = rootFolder, Edition = edition }; if (!act.Execute()) { throw new ApplicationException("UpdateAssemblies Failed."); } break; case "filecomponents": var componentsAct = new FileComponents { ApplicationFileName = applicationFileName, BasePath = basePath, Product = product }; if (!componentsAct.Execute()) { throw new ApplicationException("FileComponents action failed."); } break; default: ShowHelp(param); break; } }
static void Main(string[] args) { string action = null; string rootFolder = null; string releaseFolder = "../output/Release"; string basePath = null; string applicationFileName = null; bool showHelp = false; var param = new OptionSet { { "a|Action=", "the action 'UpdateAssemblies' or 'FileComponents'", v => { if (new List <string> { "filecomponents" }.Contains(v.ToLower())) { action = v.ToLower(); } else { throw new ArgumentException("unknown action"); } DebugMessage("Action: {0}", action); } }, { "r|RootFolder=", "all items and subfolders are scanned for AssemblyInfo.cs", v => { if (Directory.Exists(v)) { rootFolder = v; } else { throw new ArgumentException("RootFolder missing"); } DebugMessage("RootFoler: {0}", rootFolder); } }, { "o|ReleaseFolder=", "path to output release files (optionally relative to base path)", v => { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(basePath) && Directory.Exists(Path.Combine(basePath, v))) { releaseFolder = v; } else if (Directory.Exists(v)) { releaseFolder = v; } else { throw new ArgumentException("ReleaseFolder missing"); } DebugMessage("ReleaseFoler: {0}", releaseFolder); } }, { "b|BasePath=", "location of FileLibrary.xml", v => { if (File.Exists(Path.Combine(v, "FileLibrary.xml"))) { basePath = v; } else { throw new ArgumentException("FileLibrary.xml not present at BasePath"); } DebugMessage("BasePath: {0}", basePath); } }, { "f|ApplicationFileName=", "name of the application file", v => { applicationFileName = v; DebugMessage("ApplicationFileName: {0}", applicationFileName); } }, { "h|Help", "show this message and exit", v => showHelp = v != null }, { "v", "increase debug message verbosity", v => { if (v != null) { ++_verbosity; } } }, }; try { var extra = param.Parse(args); if (extra.Count != 0 || showHelp) { ShowHelp(param); return; } } catch (OptionException e) { Console.Write("BuildStep: "); Console.WriteLine(e.Message); Console.WriteLine("Try `BuildStep --Help' for more information."); return; } switch (action) { case "filecomponents": var componentsAct = new FileComponents { ApplicationFileName = applicationFileName, BasePath = basePath, ReleaseFolder = releaseFolder }; if (!componentsAct.Execute()) { throw new ApplicationException("FileComponents action failed."); } break; default: ShowHelp(param); break; } }