public static void Generate(IBuilding building) { int numberOfVolumes = building.numberOfVolumes; // Debug.Log("n vol "+numberOfVolumes); for (int v = 0; v < numberOfVolumes; v++) { IVolume volume = building[v]; volume.CheckVolume(); if (!volume.isLegal) { GenerateMesh.ClearVisuals(volume); continue; } int numberOfPoints = volume.numberOfPoints; float totalPlanHeight = volume.planHeight; Vector3 planUp = totalPlanHeight * Vector3.up; VerticalOpening[] volumeOpenings = BuildrUtils.GetOpeningsQuick(building, volume); float foundation = building.IsBaseVolume(volume) ? building.foundationDepth : 0;//set suspended volumes foundation to 0 IVisualPart visual = volume.visualPart; BuildRMesh dMesh = visual.dynamicMesh; BuildRCollider cMesh = visual.colliderMesh; BuildingMeshTypes meshType = building.meshType; BuildingColliderTypes colliderType = building.colliderType; dMesh.Clear(); cMesh.Clear(); cMesh.TogglePrimitives(colliderType == BuildingColliderTypes.Primitive); cMesh.thickness = volume.wallThickness; if (colliderType == BuildingColliderTypes.None) { cMesh = null; } Transform[] prefabs = volume.prefabs.GetComponentsInChildren <Transform>(); int prefabCount = prefabs.Length; for (int p = 0; p < prefabCount; p++) { if (prefabs[p] == volume.prefabs) { continue; } if (prefabs[p] == null) { continue; //gone already man } #if UNITY_EDITOR Object.DestroyImmediate(prefabs[p].gameObject); #else Object.Destroy(prefabs[p].gameObject); #endif } Dictionary <int, List <Vector2Int> > anchorPoints = volume.facadeWallAnchors; Texture2D facadeTexture = null; #region Exteriors // Debug.Log("ext"); if (building.generateExteriors) { for (int p = 0; p < numberOfPoints; p++) { if (!volume[p].render) { continue; } Vector3 p0 = volume.BuildingPoint(p); Vector3 p1 = volume.BuildingPoint((p + 1) % numberOfPoints); Vector3 p0u = p0 + planUp; Vector3 p1u = p1 + planUp; Vector3 cw0 = volume.BuildingControlPointA(p); Vector3 cw1 = volume.BuildingControlPointB(p); Facade facade = volume.GetFacade(p); bool isStraight = volume.IsWallStraight(p); Vector3 facadeVector = p1 - p0; Vector3 facadeDirection = facadeVector.normalized; float facadeLength = facadeVector.magnitude; if (facadeLength < Mathf.Epsilon) { continue; } // Debug.Log("flength "+facadeLength); if (facade == null || colliderType == BuildingColliderTypes.Simple) { // Debug.Log("simple"); if (isStraight) { Vector3 normal = Vector3.Cross(Vector3.up, facadeDirection); Vector4 tangent = BuildRMesh.CalculateTangent(facadeDirection); if (facade == null) { dMesh.AddPlane(p0, p1, p0u, p1u, normal, tangent, 0); } if (colliderType != BuildingColliderTypes.None) { cMesh.AddPlane(p0, p1, p0u, p1u); } if (foundation > Mathf.Epsilon) { Vector3 fp2 = p0; Vector3 fp3 = p1; Vector3 fp0 = fp2 + Vector3.down * foundation; Vector3 fp1 = fp3 + Vector3.down * foundation; if (facade == null) { Surface foundationSurface = building.foundationSurface != null ? building.foundationSurface : null; int foundationSubmesh = dMesh.submeshLibrary.SubmeshAdd(foundationSurface); Vector2 uxmax = new Vector2(Vector3.Distance(p0, p1), foundation); dMesh.AddPlane(fp0, fp1, fp2, fp3,, uxmax, normal, tangent, foundationSubmesh, foundationSurface); } if (colliderType != BuildingColliderTypes.None) { cMesh.mesh.AddPlane(fp0, fp1, fp2, fp3, 0); } } } else { List <Vector2Int> facadeAnchorPoints = anchorPoints[p]; int anchorCount = facadeAnchorPoints.Count; for (int i = 0; i < anchorCount - 1; i++) { Vector3 c0 = facadeAnchorPoints[i].vector3XZ; c0.y = p0.y; Vector3 c1 = facadeAnchorPoints[i + 1].vector3XZ; c1.y = p0.y; Vector3 c2 = c0 + planUp; Vector3 c3 = c1 + planUp; Vector3 sectionDirection = (c1 - c0).normalized; Vector3 normal = Vector3.Cross(Vector3.up, sectionDirection); Vector4 tangent = BuildRMesh.CalculateTangent(sectionDirection); if (facade == null) { dMesh.AddPlane(c0, c1, c2, c3, normal, tangent, 0); } if (colliderType != BuildingColliderTypes.None) { cMesh.AddPlane(c0, c1, c2, c3); } if (foundation > Mathf.Epsilon) { Vector3 fp2 = c0; Vector3 fp3 = c1; Vector3 fp0 = fp2 + Vector3.down * foundation; Vector3 fp1 = fp3 + Vector3.down * foundation; if (facade == null) { Surface foundationSurface = building.foundationSurface != null ? building.foundationSurface : null; int foundationSubmesh = dMesh.submeshLibrary.SubmeshAdd(foundationSurface); Vector2 uxmax = new Vector2(Vector3.Distance(c0, c1), foundation); dMesh.AddPlane(fp0, fp1, fp2, fp3,, uxmax, normal, tangent, foundationSubmesh, foundationSurface); } if (colliderType != BuildingColliderTypes.None) { cMesh.AddPlane(fp0, fp1, fp2, fp3); } } } } // Debug.Log("Generate facade " + p + " " + dMesh.vertexCount ); } // Debug.Log("fac "+p); if (facade != null && (meshType == BuildingMeshTypes.Full || colliderType == BuildingColliderTypes.Primitive || colliderType == BuildingColliderTypes.Complex)) { //generate the facade // Debug.Log("full"); FacadeGenerator.FacadeData fData = new FacadeGenerator.FacadeData(); // fData.building = building; // fData.volume = volume; fData.baseA = p0; fData.baseB = p1; fData.controlA = cw0; fData.controlB = cw1; fData.anchors = anchorPoints[p]; fData.isStraight = isStraight; fData.curveStyle = volume[p].curveStyle; fData.floorCount = volume.floors; fData.facadeDesign = facade; // fData.submeshList = usedFloorplanSurfaces; fData.startFloor = BuildRFacadeUtil.MinimumFloor(building, volume, p); fData.actualStartFloor = building.VolumeBaseFloor(volume); fData.foundationDepth = foundation; fData.foundationSurface = building.foundationSurface; fData.wallThickness = volume.wallThickness; fData.minimumWallUnitLength = volume.minimumWallUnitLength; fData.floorHeight = volume.floorHeight; fData.floors = volume.floors; fData.meshType = building.meshType; fData.colliderType = building.colliderType; fData.cullDoors = building.cullDoors; fData.prefabs = volume.prefabs; // Debug.Log("mesh"); FacadeGenerator.GenerateFacade(fData, dMesh, cMesh); // Debug.Log("pref"); FacadeGenerator.GeneratePrefabs(fData); // Debug.Log("Generate facade "+p+" "+dMesh.vertexCount); } } } #endregion #region Interiors // Debug.Log("int"); bool generateInteriors = building.generateInteriors && meshType == BuildingMeshTypes.Full; if (generateInteriors) { int floors = volume.floors; IFloorplan[] floorplans = volume.InteriorFloorplans(); for (int fl = 0; fl < floors; fl++) { IFloorplan floorplan = floorplans[fl]; IVisualPart floorVisual = floorplan.visualPart; BuildRMesh flMesh = floorVisual.dynamicMesh; BuildRCollider flCollider = floorVisual.colliderMesh; flMesh.Clear(); flCollider.Clear(); flCollider.TogglePrimitives(colliderType == BuildingColliderTypes.Primitive); FloorplanGenerator.Generate(building, volume, floorplans[fl], fl, volumeOpenings, flMesh, flCollider); floorVisual.GenerateFromDynamicMesh(); floorplan.transform.localPosition = Vector3.up * (fl * volume.floorHeight); floorVisual.transform.localPosition =;// floorVisual.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity; } } else { IFloorplan[] floorplans = volume.InteriorFloorplans(); int floors = floorplans.Length; for (int fl = 0; fl < floors; fl++) { floorplans[fl].visualPart.Clear(); } } #endregion #region Volume Underside Generation // Debug.Log("und"); BuildRVolumeUtil.VolumeShape[] underShapes = BuildRVolumeUtil.GetBottomShape(building, volume); int underShapeCount = underShapes.Length; float volumeBaseHeight = volume.baseHeight - building.foundationDepth; for (int u = 0; u < underShapeCount; u++) { if (underShapes[u].outer == null) { continue; //no underside shape } int undersideSubmesh = dMesh.submeshLibrary.SubmeshAdd(volume.undersideSurafce); Poly2TriWrapper.BMesh(dMesh, volumeBaseHeight, null, undersideSubmesh, underShapes[u].outer, new Rect(0, 0, 0, 0), false, underShapes[u].holes); } #endregion // Debug.Log("roof"); if (building.generateExteriors) { RoofGenerator.Generate(building, volume, dMesh, cMesh); visual.GenerateFromDynamicMesh(); } else { visual.Clear(); } // Debug.Log("mat"); switch (meshType) { case BuildingMeshTypes.None: visual.materials = null; break; case BuildingMeshTypes.Box: visual.materials = new[] { new Material(Shader.Find("Standard")) }; break; case BuildingMeshTypes.Simple: facadeTexture.filterMode = FilterMode.Bilinear; facadeTexture.Apply(true, false); Material simpleMaterial = new Material(Shader.Find("Standard")); simpleMaterial.mainTexture = facadeTexture; visual.materials = new[] { simpleMaterial }; break; case BuildingMeshTypes.Full: visual.materials = dMesh.materials.ToArray(); break; } } }
public static bool Generate(BuildRMesh mesh, BuildRCollider collider, Vector2[] points, int[] facadeIndices, float roofBaseHeight, IVolume volume, Rect clampUV) { Roof design = volume.roof; OffsetSkeleton offsetPoly = new OffsetSkeleton(points); offsetPoly.direction = 1; offsetPoly.Execute(); Shape shape = offsetPoly.shape; int submesh = mesh.submeshLibrary.SubmeshAdd(design.mainSurface); // surfaceMapping.IndexOf(design.mainSurface); int wallSubmesh = mesh.submeshLibrary.SubmeshAdd(design.wallSurface); //surfaceMapping.IndexOf(design.wallSurface); if (shape == null) { return(false); } List <Edge> edges = new List <Edge>(shape.edges); List <Edge> baseEdges = new List <Edge>(shape.baseEdges); float shapeHeight = shape.HeighestPoint(); float designHeight = design.height; float heightScale = designHeight / shapeHeight; Vector2 clampUVScale =; if (clampUV.width > 0) { FlatBounds bounds = new FlatBounds(); for (int fvc = 0; fvc < points.Length; fvc++) { bounds.Encapsulate(points[fvc]); } clampUVScale.x = bounds.width / clampUV.width; clampUVScale.y = bounds.height / clampUV.height; } Dictionary <Node, int> shapeConnectionCount = new Dictionary <Node, int>(); Dictionary <Node, List <Node> > shapeConnections = new Dictionary <Node, List <Node> >(); int edgeCount = edges.Count; for (int e = 0; e < edgeCount; e++) { Edge edge = edges[e]; if (edge.length < Mathf.Epsilon) { continue; } if (!shapeConnectionCount.ContainsKey(edge.nodeA)) { shapeConnectionCount.Add(edge.nodeA, 0);//start at zero - we need two edges to make a shape... shapeConnections.Add(edge.nodeA, new List <Node> { edge.nodeB }); } else { shapeConnectionCount[edge.nodeA]++; if (!shapeConnections[edge.nodeA].Contains(edge.nodeB)) { shapeConnections[edge.nodeA].Add(edge.nodeB); } } if (!shapeConnectionCount.ContainsKey(edge.nodeB)) { shapeConnectionCount.Add(edge.nodeB, 0);//start at zero - we need two edges to make a shape... shapeConnections.Add(edge.nodeB, new List <Node> { edge.nodeA }); } else { shapeConnectionCount[edge.nodeB]++; if (!shapeConnections[edge.nodeB].Contains(edge.nodeA)) { shapeConnections[edge.nodeB].Add(edge.nodeA); } } } int baseEdgeCount = baseEdges.Count; for (int b = 0; b < baseEdgeCount; b++) { Edge baseEdge = baseEdges[b]; Node nodeA = baseEdge.nodeA; Node nodeB = baseEdge.nodeB; Node currentNode = nodeA; Node lastNode = nodeB; int itMax = 50; List <Node> edgeShape = new List <Node>() { nodeA }; while (currentNode != nodeB) { List <Node> nodeConnections = shapeConnections[currentNode]; int nodeConnectionCount = nodeConnections.Count; float minAngle = Mathf.Infinity; Node nextNode = null; Vector2 currentDirection = (currentNode.position - lastNode.position).normalized; for (int n = 0; n < nodeConnectionCount; n++) { Node connectingNode = nodeConnections[n]; if (connectingNode == lastNode) { continue; } Vector2 nextDirection = (connectingNode.position - currentNode.position).normalized; float nodeAngle = JMath.SignAngleDirection(currentDirection, nextDirection); if (nodeAngle < minAngle) { minAngle = nodeAngle; nextNode = connectingNode; } } if (nextNode != null) { edgeShape.Add(nextNode); lastNode = currentNode; currentNode = nextNode; } itMax--; if (itMax < 0) { break; } } int edgeShapeCount = edgeShape.Count; if (edgeShapeCount < 3) { continue; } // Debug.Log("Generate edgeShapeCount "+ edgeShapeCount); Vector3[] verts = new Vector3[edgeShapeCount]; Vector2[] uvs = new Vector2[edgeShapeCount]; Vector3 baseShapeDirection = ShapeOffset.Utils.ToV3(nodeB.position - nodeA.position).normalized; float uvAngle = JMath.SignAngle(new Vector2(baseShapeDirection.x, baseShapeDirection.z).normalized) - 90; Vector2[] faceShape = new Vector2[edgeShapeCount]; Vector3[] normals = new Vector3[edgeShapeCount]; Vector4[] tangents = new Vector4[edgeShapeCount]; // Vector3 normal = Vector3.up;//BuildRMesh.CalculateNormal(); TODO Vector4 tangent = BuildRMesh.CalculateTangent(baseShapeDirection); for (int i = 0; i < edgeShapeCount; i++)//what on earth did I write here? { Vector3 newVert = new Vector3(edgeShape[i].position.x, edgeShape[i].height * heightScale + roofBaseHeight, edgeShape[i].position.y); verts[i] = newVert; Vector2 baseUV = new Vector2(newVert.x - verts[0].x, newVert.z - verts[0].z); Vector2 newUV =; if (i != 0) { newUV = JMath.Rotate(baseUV, uvAngle); } if (clampUV.width > Mathf.Epsilon) { newUV.x = Mathf.Clamp(clampUV.x + newUV.x / clampUVScale.x, clampUV.xMin, clampUV.xMax); newUV.y = Mathf.Clamp(clampUV.y + newUV.y / clampUVScale.y, clampUV.yMin, clampUV.yMax); } else { if (i != 0) { float faceHeight = edgeShape[i].height * heightScale; newUV.y = Mathf.Sqrt((newUV.y * newUV.y) + (faceHeight * faceHeight));//hypotenuse of roof to give length of roof face if (design.mainSurface != null) { newUV = design.mainSurface.CalculateUV(newUV); } } } uvs[i] = newUV; faceShape[i] = edgeShape[i].position;//used for triangulation // normals[i] = normal; tangents[i] = tangent; } // int[] tris = EarClipper.Triangulate(faceShape, 0, -1); int[] tris = Poly2TriWrapper.Triangulate(faceShape, true); int triCount = tris.Length; Vector3 normal = (verts.Length > 2 && triCount > 2) ? BuildRMesh.CalculateNormal(verts[tris[0]], verts[tris[1]], verts[tris[2]]) : Vector3.up; for (int i = 0; i < edgeShapeCount; i++) { normals[i] = normal; } mesh.AddData(verts, uvs, tris, normals, tangents, submesh); //gable bool isGabled = volume[facadeIndices[b]].isGabled; if (isGabled) { for (int t = 0; t < triCount; t += 3) { if (tris[t] == 0 || tris[t + 1] == 0 || tris[t + 2] == 0) { int beB = edgeShapeCount - 1; if (tris[t] == beB || tris[t + 1] == beB || tris[t + 2] == beB) { Vector3 b0 = verts[0]; Vector3 b1 = verts[beB]; Vector3 g0 = b0; Vector3 g1 = b1; int topIndex = 0; for (int tx = 0; tx < 3; tx++) { if (tris[t + tx] != 0 && tris[t + tx] != beB) { topIndex = tris[t + tx]; } } Vector3 b2 = verts[topIndex]; Vector3 baseV = b1 - b0; Vector3 dir = baseV.normalized; Vector3 face = Vector3.Cross(Vector3.up, dir).normalized; Vector3 up = Vector3.Project(b2 - b0, Vector3.up); //clear triangle tris[t] = 0; tris[t + 1] = 0; tris[t + 2] = 0; bool simpleGable = volume[facadeIndices[b]].simpleGable; Gable gableStyle = volume[facadeIndices[b]].gableStyle; float thickness = volume[facadeIndices[b]].gableThickness; float additionalHeight = volume[facadeIndices[b]].gableHeight; float height = up.magnitude + additionalHeight; if (simpleGable || gableStyle != null) { Vector3 pitchVectorA = (b2 - b0).normalized; Vector3 pitchVectorB = (b2 - b1).normalized; float angle = Vector3.Angle(-face, pitchVectorA); float scale = Mathf.Cos(angle / 57.2957795f); b0 += pitchVectorA * (thickness * (1 / scale)); b1 += pitchVectorB * (thickness * (1 / scale)); } Vector3 center = Vector3.Lerp(b0, b1, 0.5f); up = Vector3.Project(b2 - b0, Vector3.up); //recalculate after b change(?) Vector3 b3 = center + up; if (simpleGable) //generate a simple gable { //generate simple gable based on roof Vector3 gCenter = Vector3.Lerp(g0, g1, 0.5f); Vector3 gBaseUp = Vector3.up * additionalHeight; Vector3 gUp = up.normalized * height; Vector3 gBack = -face * thickness; //todo further calculations //face mesh.AddPlane(g0, g1, g0 + gBaseUp, g1 + gBaseUp, wallSubmesh); mesh.AddTri(g1 + gBaseUp, g0 + gBaseUp, gCenter + gUp, dir, wallSubmesh); //backface mesh.AddPlane(g1 + gBack, g0 + gBack, g1 + gBaseUp + gBack, g0 + gBaseUp + gBack, wallSubmesh); mesh.AddTri(g0 + gBack + gBaseUp, g1 + gBack + gBaseUp, b3 + gBaseUp, -dir, wallSubmesh); //left mesh.AddPlane(g0 + gBack, g0, g0 + gBaseUp + gBack, g0 + gBaseUp, wallSubmesh); mesh.AddPlane(g0 + gBaseUp + gBack, g0 + gBaseUp, b3 + gBaseUp, gCenter + gUp, wallSubmesh); //right mesh.AddPlane(g1, g1 + gBack, g1 + gBaseUp, g1 + gBaseUp + gBack, wallSubmesh); mesh.AddPlane(g1 + gBaseUp, g1 + gBaseUp + gBack, gCenter + gUp, b3 + gBaseUp, wallSubmesh); } else if (volume[facadeIndices[b]].gableStyle != null) { Vector2 baseUV = new Vector2(0, volume.planHeight); GableGenerator.Generate(ref mesh, gableStyle, g0, g1, height, thickness, baseUV); } else { mesh.AddTri(b0, b3, b1, dir, submesh);//face - no separate gable } mesh.AddTri(b0, b2, b3, face, submesh); //left mesh.AddTri(b1, b3, b2, -face, submesh); //right } } } } } return(true); }
public static void Generate(IBuilding building) { int numberOfVolumes = building.numberOfPlans; for (int v = 0; v < numberOfVolumes; v++) { IVolume volume = building[v]; volume.CheckVolume(); if (!volume.isLegal) { GenerateMesh.ClearVisuals(volume); continue; } int numberOfPoints = volume.numberOfPoints; float totalPlanHeight = volume.planHeight; Vector3 planUp = totalPlanHeight * Vector3.up; // List<Surface> usedFloorplanSurfaces = volume.CalculateSurfaceArray(); // VerticalOpening[] volumeOpenings = BuildrUtils.GetOpeningsQuick(building, volume); IVisualPart visual = volume.visualPart; BuildRMesh dMesh = visual.dynamicMesh; BuildRCollider cMesh = visual.colliderMesh; BuildingMeshTypes meshType = building.meshType; BuildingColliderTypes colliderType = building.colliderType; dMesh.Clear(); dMesh.ignoreSubmeshAssignment = true; cMesh.Clear(); cMesh.TogglePrimitives(colliderType == BuildingColliderTypes.Primitive); cMesh.thickness = volume.wallThickness; if (meshType == BuildingMeshTypes.None && colliderType == BuildingColliderTypes.None) { visual.Clear(); return; } Dictionary <int, List <Vector2Int> > anchorPoints = volume.facadeWallAnchors; Texture2D facadeTexture = null; Rect[] faciaRectangles = null; Rect[] faciaUVs = null; Rect roofRect = new Rect(); Rect roofPixelRect = new Rect(); #region Exteriors if (building.generateExteriors) { // List<Rect> faciaRectangles = null; faciaRectangles = new Rect[numberOfPoints + 1]; //one additional for the roof float foundation = building.IsBaseVolume(volume) ? building.foundationDepth : 0; //set suspended volumes foundation to 0 // faciaRectangles = new List<Rect>(); for (int p = 0; p < numberOfPoints; p++) { if (!volume[p].render) { continue; } int indexA = p; int indexB = (p < numberOfPoints - 1) ? p + 1 : 0; Vector2Int p0 = volume[indexA].position; Vector2Int p1 = volume[indexB].position; float facadeWidth = Vector2Int.DistanceWorld(p0, p1) * PIXELS_PER_METER; int floorBase = BuildRFacadeUtil.MinimumFloor(building, volume, indexA); int numberOfFloors = volume.floors - floorBase; if (numberOfFloors < 1)//no facade - adjacent facade is taller and covers this one { continue; } float floorHeight = volume.floorHeight; float facadeHeight = ((volume.floors - floorBase) * floorHeight) * PIXELS_PER_METER; if (facadeHeight < 0)//?? { facadeWidth = 0; facadeHeight = 0; } Rect newFacadeRect = new Rect(0, 0, facadeWidth, facadeHeight); faciaRectangles[p] = newFacadeRect; // Debug.Log(newFacadeRect); // faciaRectangles.Add(newFacadeRect); } roofRect = new Rect(0, 0, volume.bounds.size.x, volume.bounds.size.z); roofPixelRect = new Rect(0, 0, volume.bounds.size.x * PIXELS_PER_METER, volume.bounds.size.z * PIXELS_PER_METER); faciaRectangles[numberOfPoints] = roofPixelRect; // Debug.Log(roofRect); int currentWidth = RectanglePack.Pack(faciaRectangles, ATLAS_PADDING); currentWidth = RectanglePack.CheckMaxScale(faciaRectangles, currentWidth, MAXIMUM_TEXTURESIZE); faciaUVs = RectanglePack.ConvertToUVSpace(faciaRectangles, currentWidth); facadeTexture = new Texture2D(currentWidth, currentWidth); // float uvOffsetX = 0; int rectIndex = 0; for (int p = 0; p < numberOfPoints; p++) { if (!volume[p].render) { continue; } Vector3 p0 = volume.BuildingPoint(p); Vector3 p1 = volume.BuildingPoint((p + 1) % numberOfPoints); Vector3 p0u = p0 + planUp; Vector3 p1u = p1 + planUp; Vector3 cw0 = volume.BuildingControlPointA(p); Vector3 cw1 = volume.BuildingControlPointB(p); Facade facade = volume.GetFacade(p); bool isStraight = volume.IsWallStraight(p); Vector3 facadeVector = p1 - p0; Vector3 facadeDirection = facadeVector.normalized; FacadeGenerator.FacadeData fData = new FacadeGenerator.FacadeData(); fData.baseA = p0; fData.baseB = p1; fData.controlA = cw0; fData.controlB = cw1; fData.anchors = anchorPoints[p]; fData.isStraight = isStraight; fData.curveStyle = volume[p].curveStyle; fData.floorCount = volume.floors; fData.facadeDesign = facade; fData.wallThickness = volume.wallThickness; fData.minimumWallUnitLength = volume.minimumWallUnitLength; fData.floorHeight = volume.floorHeight; fData.floors = volume.floors; fData.meshType = building.meshType; fData.colliderType = building.colliderType; fData.cullDoors = building.cullDoors; fData.prefabs = volume.prefabs; // fData.submeshList = usedFloorplanSurfaces; fData.startFloor = BuildRFacadeUtil.MinimumFloor(building, volume, p); if (isStraight) { Vector3 normal = Vector3.Cross(Vector3.up, facadeDirection); Vector4 tangent = BuildRMesh.CalculateTangent(facadeDirection); Vector3 fp2 = p0; Vector3 fp3 = p1; Vector3 fp0 = fp2 + Vector3.down * foundation; Vector3 fp1 = fp3 + Vector3.down * foundation; if (meshType == BuildingMeshTypes.Simple) { // if(facade != null) // { if (facade != null) { SimpleTextureGenerator.GenerateFacade(fData, facadeTexture, faciaRectangles[rectIndex]); } Vector3[] verts = { p0, p1, p0u, p1u }; Vector2[] uvs = new Vector2[4]; Rect uvRect = faciaUVs[rectIndex]; uvs[0] = new Vector2(uvRect.xMin, uvRect.yMin); uvs[1] = new Vector2(uvRect.xMax, uvRect.yMin); uvs[2] = new Vector2(uvRect.xMin, uvRect.yMax); uvs[3] = new Vector2(uvRect.xMax, uvRect.yMax); int[] tris = { 0, 2, 1, 1, 2, 3 }; Vector3[] norms = { normal, normal, normal, normal }; Vector4[] tangents = { tangent, tangent, tangent, tangent }; dMesh.AddData(verts, uvs, tris, norms, tangents, 0); if (foundation > Mathf.Epsilon) { dMesh.AddPlane(fp0, fp1, fp2, fp3, uvs[0], uvs[0], normal, tangent, 0, null); } } else { dMesh.AddPlane(p0, p1, p0u, p1u, normal, tangent, 0); if (foundation > Mathf.Epsilon) { dMesh.AddPlane(fp0, fp1, fp2, fp3, normal, tangent, 0); } } if (colliderType != BuildingColliderTypes.None) { cMesh.AddPlane(p0, p1, p0u, p1u); if (foundation > Mathf.Epsilon) { cMesh.mesh.AddPlane(fp0, fp1, fp2, fp3, 0); } } } else { List <Vector2Int> facadeAnchorPoints = anchorPoints[p]; int anchorCount = facadeAnchorPoints.Count; for (int i = 0; i < anchorCount - 1; i++) { Vector3 c0 = facadeAnchorPoints[i].vector3XZ; c0.y = p0.y; Vector3 c1 = facadeAnchorPoints[i + 1].vector3XZ; c1.y = p0.y; Vector3 c2 = c0 + planUp; Vector3 c3 = c1 + planUp; Vector3 sectionDirection = (c1 - c0).normalized; Vector3 normal = Vector3.Cross(Vector3.up, sectionDirection); Vector4 tangent = BuildRMesh.CalculateTangent(sectionDirection); Vector3 fp2 = c0; Vector3 fp3 = c1; Vector3 fp0 = fp2 + Vector3.down * foundation; Vector3 fp1 = fp3 + Vector3.down * foundation; if (meshType == BuildingMeshTypes.Simple) { if (facade != null) { SimpleTextureGenerator.GenerateFacade(fData, facadeTexture, faciaRectangles[rectIndex]); } Rect uvRect = faciaUVs[rectIndex]; float facadePercentA = i / (float)(anchorCount - 1); float facadePercentB = (i + 1) / (float)(anchorCount - 1); float uvxa = uvRect.xMin + uvRect.width * facadePercentA; float uvxb = uvRect.xMin + uvRect.width * facadePercentB; Vector3[] verts = { c0, c1, c2, c3 }; Vector2[] uvs = new Vector2[4]; uvs[0] = new Vector2(uvxa, uvRect.yMin); uvs[1] = new Vector2(uvxb, uvRect.yMin); uvs[2] = new Vector2(uvxa, uvRect.yMax); uvs[3] = new Vector2(uvxb, uvRect.yMax); int[] tris = { 0, 2, 1, 1, 2, 3 }; Vector3[] norms = { normal, normal, normal, normal }; Vector4[] tangents = { tangent, tangent, tangent, tangent }; // Vector2 uvMin = new Vector2(uvOffsetX, 0); // Vector2 uvMax = new Vector2(uvOffsetX + facadeLength, totalPlanHeight); dMesh.AddData(verts, uvs, tris, norms, tangents, 0); // dMesh.AddPlane(p0, p1, p0u, p1u, uvMin, uvMax, normal, tangent, 0); //todo simple mesh with textured facade // rectIndex++; if (foundation > Mathf.Epsilon) { dMesh.AddPlane(fp0, fp1, fp2, fp3, uvs[0], uvs[0], normal, tangent, 0, null); } } else { dMesh.AddPlane(p0, p1, p0u, p1u, normal, tangent, 0); if (foundation > Mathf.Epsilon) { dMesh.AddPlane(fp0, fp1, fp2, fp3, normal, tangent, 0); } } if (colliderType != BuildingColliderTypes.None) { cMesh.AddPlane(c0, c1, c2, c3); if (foundation > Mathf.Epsilon) { cMesh.mesh.AddPlane(fp0, fp1, fp2, fp3, 0); } } } } rectIndex++; } } #endregion #region Interiors IFloorplan[] floorplans = volume.InteriorFloorplans(); int floors = volume.floors; for (int fl = 0; fl < floors; fl++) { floorplans[fl].visualPart.Clear(); } #endregion #region Volume Underside Generation BuildRVolumeUtil.VolumeShape[] underShapes = BuildRVolumeUtil.GetBottomShape(building, volume); int underShapeCount = underShapes.Length; // Debug.Log(underShapeCount); float volumeBaseHeight = volume.baseHeight; for (int u = 0; u < underShapeCount; u++) { // Debug.Log(underShapes[u].outer); if (underShapes[u].outer == null) { continue; //no underside shape } // Debug.Log(underShapes[u].outer.Length); Poly2TriWrapper.BMesh(dMesh, volumeBaseHeight, null, 0, underShapes[u].outer, new Rect(0, 0, 0, 0), false, underShapes[u].holes); } #endregion if (building.generateExteriors) { Surface roofSurface = volume.roof.mainSurface; if (roofSurface != null) { SimpleTextureGenerator.GenerateTexture(facadeTexture, roofSurface, faciaRectangles[faciaRectangles.Length - 1], roofRect); } RoofGenerator.Generate(building, volume, dMesh, cMesh, faciaUVs[faciaUVs.Length - 1]); visual.GenerateFromDynamicMesh(); } else { visual.Clear(); } switch (meshType) { case BuildingMeshTypes.Box: visual.materials = new[] { new Material(Shader.Find("Standard")) }; break; case BuildingMeshTypes.Simple: facadeTexture.filterMode = FilterMode.Bilinear; facadeTexture.Apply(true, false); Material simpleMaterial = new Material(Shader.Find("Standard")); simpleMaterial.mainTexture = facadeTexture; visual.materials = new[] { simpleMaterial }; break; } } }
public static void Generate(IBuilding building, IVolume volume, IFloorplan floorplan, int volumeFloor, VerticalOpening[] openings, BuildRMesh mesh, BuildRCollider collider) { SubmeshLibrary submeshLibrary = mesh.submeshLibrary; bool generateColliders = building.colliderType != BuildingColliderTypes.None; bool generateMeshColliders = building.colliderType != BuildingColliderTypes.Primitive && generateColliders; BuildRCollider sendCollider = (generateColliders) ? collider : null; collider.thickness = volume.wallThickness; if (!generateMeshColliders) { collider = null; } float wallThickness = volume.wallThickness; float wallUp = volume.floorHeight - wallThickness; Vector3 wallUpV = Vector3.up * wallUp; Vector3 floorBaseV = Vector3.up * volume.baseHeight; int roomCount = floorplan.RoomCount; int actualFloor = building.VolumeBaseFloor(volume) + volumeFloor; int openingCount = openings.Length; bool[] openingBelow = new bool[openingCount]; bool[] openingAbove = new bool[openingCount]; FlatBounds[] openingBounds = new FlatBounds[openingCount]; Vector2[][] openingShapes = new Vector2[openingCount][]; bool[] openingUsedInThisFloor = new bool[openingCount]; for (int o = 0; o < openingCount; o++) { VerticalOpening opening = openings[o]; if (!openings[o].FloorIsIncluded(actualFloor)) { continue; } openingBelow[o] = opening.FloorIsIncluded(actualFloor - 1); openingAbove[o] = opening.FloorIsIncluded(actualFloor + 1); openingShapes[o] = opening.PointsRotated(); openingBounds[o] = new FlatBounds(openingShapes[o]); submeshLibrary.Add(opening.surfaceA); submeshLibrary.Add(opening.surfaceB); submeshLibrary.Add(opening.surfaceC); submeshLibrary.Add(opening.surfaceD); } Dictionary <int, List <Vector2Int> > externalWallAnchors = volume.facadeWallAnchors; Room[] rooms = floorplan.AllRooms(); for (int r = 0; r < roomCount; r++) { Room room = rooms[r]; int pointCount = room.numberOfPoints; Surface floorSurface = null; Surface wallSurface = null; Surface ceilingSurface = null; if ( != null) { RoomStyle style =; floorSurface = style.floorSurface; wallSurface = style.wallSurface; ceilingSurface = style.ceilingSurface; } int floorSubmesh = submeshLibrary.SubmeshAdd(floorSurface); int wallSubmesh = submeshLibrary.SubmeshAdd(wallSurface); int ceilingSubmesh = submeshLibrary.SubmeshAdd(ceilingSurface); FloorplanUtil.RoomWall[] walls = FloorplanUtil.CalculatePoints(room, volume); Vector2[] roomArchorPoints = FloorplanUtil.RoomArchorPoints(walls); Vector4 tangent = BuildRMesh.CalculateTangent(Vector3.right); Vector2[] offsetRoomAnchorPoints = QuickPolyOffset.Execute(roomArchorPoints, wallThickness); FlatBounds roomBounds = new FlatBounds(offsetRoomAnchorPoints); List <Vector2[]> floorCuts = new List <Vector2[]>(); List <Vector2[]> ceilingCuts = new List <Vector2[]>(); List <VerticalOpening> roomOpenings = new List <VerticalOpening>(); for (int o = 0; o < openingCount; o++) { if (openings[o].FloorIsIncluded(actualFloor)) { if (roomBounds.Overlaps(openingBounds[o])) { if (CheckShapeWithinRoom(offsetRoomAnchorPoints, openingShapes[o])) { if (openingBelow[o]) { floorCuts.Add(openingShapes[o]); } if (openingAbove[o]) { ceilingCuts.Add(openingShapes[o]); } if (openingAbove[o] || openingBelow[o]) { roomOpenings.Add(openings[o]); openingUsedInThisFloor[o] = true; } } } } } int offsetPointBase = 0; for (int p = 0; p < pointCount; p++)//generate room walls { FloorplanUtil.RoomWall wall = walls[p]; int wallPointCount = wall.offsetPoints.Length; List <RoomPortal> wallPortals = floorplan.GetWallPortals(room, p); int wallPortalCount = wallPortals.Count; if (!wall.isExternal) { int indexA = offsetPointBase; int indexB = (offsetPointBase + 1) % roomArchorPoints.Length; Vector2 origBaseA = roomArchorPoints[indexA]; Vector2 origBaseB = roomArchorPoints[indexB]; Vector2 baseA = offsetRoomAnchorPoints[indexA]; Vector2 baseB = offsetRoomAnchorPoints[indexB]; Vector3 v0 = new Vector3(origBaseA.x, 0, origBaseA.y) + floorBaseV; Vector3 v1 = new Vector3(origBaseB.x, 0, origBaseB.y) + floorBaseV; Vector3 vOffset0 = new Vector3(baseA.x, 0, baseA.y) + floorBaseV; Vector3 vOffset1 = new Vector3(baseB.x, 0, baseB.y) + floorBaseV; if (wallPortalCount == 0) //just draw the wall - no portals to cut { Vector3 v2 = vOffset1 + wallUpV; Vector3 v3 = vOffset0 + wallUpV; Vector2 minUV =; Vector2 maxUV = new Vector2(Vector2.Distance(baseA, baseB), wallUp); if (wallSurface != null) { maxUV = wallSurface.CalculateUV(maxUV); } Vector3 wallDir = (vOffset0 - vOffset1).normalized; Vector3 wallNormal = Vector3.Cross(Vector3.up, wallDir); Vector4 wallTangent = BuildRMesh.CalculateTangent(wallDir); mesh.AddPlane(vOffset1, vOffset0, v2, v3, minUV, maxUV, wallNormal, wallTangent, wallSubmesh, wallSurface); if (generateColliders) { collider.AddPlane(vOffset1, vOffset0, v2, v3); } } else { List <float> useLaterals = new List <float>(); List <bool> hasPortals = new List <bool>(); for (int wp = 0; wp < wallPortalCount; wp++) { RoomPortal portal = wallPortals[wp]; bool hasPortal = room.HasPortal(portal); hasPortals.Add(hasPortal); if (hasPortal) { useLaterals.Add(portal.lateralPosition); } else { useLaterals.Add(1 - portal.lateralPosition);//portal from other wall - wall orientation is flipped } } Vector3 wallVector = vOffset1 - vOffset0; Vector3 wallDirection = wallVector.normalized; Vector3 wallStart = vOffset0; Vector4 wallTangent = BuildRMesh.CalculateTangent(wallDirection); Vector3 wallNormal = Vector3.Cross(Vector3.up, wallDirection); Vector4 wallNormalTangent = BuildRMesh.CalculateTangent(wallNormal); Vector4 wallNormalTangentReverse = BuildRMesh.CalculateTangent(-wallNormal); while (wallPortalCount > 0) { int portalIndex = 0; RoomPortal usePortal = wallPortals[0]; float lowestLat = useLaterals[0]; for (int wp = 1; wp < wallPortalCount; wp++) { if (useLaterals[wp] < lowestLat) { portalIndex = wp; usePortal = wallPortals[wp]; lowestLat = useLaterals[wp]; } } wallPortals.RemoveAt(portalIndex); useLaterals.RemoveAt(portalIndex); wallPortalCount--; Vector3 vl0 = v0 + (-wallNormal + wallDirection) * wallThickness; Vector3 vl1 = v1 + (-wallNormal - wallDirection) * wallThickness; Vector3 portalCenter = Vector3.Lerp(vl0, vl1, lowestLat); Vector3 portalHalfvector = wallDirection * (usePortal.width * 0.5f); Vector3 portalBase = Vector3.up * (volume.floorHeight - usePortal.height) * usePortal.verticalPosition; Vector3 portalUp = portalBase + Vector3.up * usePortal.height; Vector3 portalStart = portalCenter - portalHalfvector; Vector3 portalEnd = portalCenter + portalHalfvector; Vector2 initalWallUVMin = new Vector2(Vector3.Dot(portalStart, wallDirection), 0); Vector2 initalWallUVMax = new Vector2(Vector3.Dot(wallStart, wallDirection), wallUp); mesh.AddPlane(portalStart, wallStart, portalStart + wallUpV, wallStart + wallUpV, initalWallUVMin, initalWallUVMax, wallNormal, wallTangent, wallSubmesh, wallSurface);//initial wall if (generateColliders) { collider.AddPlane(portalStart, wallStart, portalStart + wallUpV, wallStart + wallUpV); } if (usePortal.verticalPosition > 0) { Vector2 portalBaseUVMin = new Vector2(Vector3.Dot(portalEnd, wallDirection), 0); Vector2 portalBaseUVMax = new Vector2(Vector3.Dot(portalStart, wallDirection), portalBase.y); mesh.AddPlane(portalEnd, portalStart, portalEnd + portalBase, portalStart + portalBase, portalBaseUVMin, portalBaseUVMax, wallNormal, wallTangent, wallSubmesh, wallSurface);//bottom if (generateColliders) { collider.AddPlane(portalEnd, portalStart, portalEnd + portalBase, portalStart + portalBase); } } if (usePortal.verticalPosition < 1) { Vector2 portalBaseUVMin = new Vector2(Vector3.Dot(portalEnd, wallDirection), portalUp.y); Vector2 portalBaseUVMax = new Vector2(Vector3.Dot(portalStart, wallDirection), wallUp); mesh.AddPlane(portalEnd + portalUp, portalStart + portalUp, portalEnd + wallUpV, portalStart + wallUpV, portalBaseUVMin, portalBaseUVMax, wallNormal, wallTangent, wallSubmesh, wallSurface);//top if (generateColliders) { collider.AddPlane(portalEnd + portalUp, portalStart + portalUp, portalEnd + wallUpV, portalStart + wallUpV); } } if (hasPortals[portalIndex])//only do this once - from the room it's attached to { //portal interior frame Vector3 portalDepth = wallNormal * wallThickness * 2; //sides mesh.AddPlane(portalStart + portalDepth + portalBase, portalStart + portalBase, portalStart + portalDepth + portalUp, portalStart + portalUp, wallDirection, wallNormalTangentReverse, wallSubmesh); mesh.AddPlane(portalEnd + portalBase, portalEnd + portalDepth + portalBase, portalEnd + portalUp, portalEnd + portalDepth + portalUp, -wallDirection, wallNormalTangent, wallSubmesh); if (generateMeshColliders) { collider.AddPlane(portalStart + portalDepth + portalBase, portalStart + portalBase, portalStart + portalDepth + portalUp, portalStart + portalUp); collider.AddPlane(portalEnd + portalBase, portalEnd + portalDepth + portalBase, portalEnd + portalUp, portalEnd + portalDepth + portalUp); } //floor Vector2 minFloorUv = new Vector2((portalEnd + portalBase).z, (portalEnd + portalBase).x); Vector2 maxFloorUv = minFloorUv + new Vector2(wallThickness, usePortal.width); mesh.AddPlane(portalStart + portalBase, portalStart + portalDepth + portalBase, portalEnd + portalBase, portalEnd + portalDepth + portalBase, minFloorUv, maxFloorUv, Vector3.up, wallTangent, floorSubmesh, floorSurface); if (generateMeshColliders) { collider.AddPlane(portalStart + portalBase, portalStart + portalDepth + portalBase, portalEnd + portalBase, portalEnd + portalDepth + portalBase); } //ceiling mesh.AddPlane(portalEnd + portalUp, portalEnd + portalDepth + portalUp, portalStart + portalUp, portalStart + portalDepth + portalUp, Vector3.down, wallTangent, wallSubmesh); if (generateMeshColliders) { collider.AddPlane(portalEnd + portalUp, portalEnd + portalDepth + portalUp, portalStart + portalUp, portalStart + portalDepth + portalUp); } } wallStart = portalEnd;//move the start for the next calculation } Vector2 finalWallUVMin = new Vector2(Vector3.Dot(vOffset1, wallDirection), 0); Vector2 finalWallUVMax = new Vector2(Vector3.Dot(wallStart, wallDirection), wallUp); mesh.AddPlane(vOffset1, wallStart, vOffset1 + wallUpV, wallStart + wallUpV, finalWallUVMin, finalWallUVMax, wallNormal, wallTangent, wallSubmesh, wallSurface);//final wall section if (generateColliders) { collider.AddPlane(vOffset1, wallStart, vOffset1 + wallUpV, wallStart + wallUpV); } } offsetPointBase += 1; } else//external anchored wall { int facadeIndex = wall.facadeIndex; Facade facadeDesign = volume.GetFacade(facadeIndex); int currentFacadeWallSectionLength = externalWallAnchors[facadeIndex].Count - 1; int currentWallSectionIndex = wall.offsetPointWallSection[0]; int wallOffsetPoints = wall.offsetPoints.Length; for (int w = 0; w < wallOffsetPoints - 1; w++) { int roomPointIndex = offsetPointBase + w; Vector2 baseA = offsetRoomAnchorPoints[roomPointIndex]; int offsetIndexB = (roomPointIndex + 1) % offsetRoomAnchorPoints.Length; Vector2 baseB = offsetRoomAnchorPoints[offsetIndexB]; Vector3 v0 = new Vector3(baseA.x, 0, baseA.y) + floorBaseV; Vector3 v1 = new Vector3(baseB.x, 0, baseB.y) + floorBaseV; int wallSectionIndex = wall.offsetPointWallSection[w]; bool canGenerateWallSection = facadeDesign != null; Vector3 wallVector = v0 - v1; Vector3 wallDir = wallVector.normalized; float wallLength = wallVector.magnitude; if (!canGenerateWallSection) { if (wallSurface != null) { submeshLibrary.Add(wallSurface); } Vector3 v2 = v1 + wallUpV; Vector3 v3 = v0 + wallUpV; Vector2 minUV =; Vector2 maxUV = new Vector2(Vector2.Distance(baseA, baseB), wallUp); Vector3 wallNormal = Vector3.Cross(Vector3.up, wallDir); Vector4 wallTangent = BuildRMesh.CalculateTangent(wallDir); mesh.AddPlane(v1, v0, v2, v3, minUV, maxUV, wallNormal, wallTangent, wallSubmesh, wallSurface); if (generateMeshColliders) { collider.AddPlane(v1, v0, v2, v3); } } else { WallSection section = facadeDesign.GetWallSection(wallSectionIndex, volumeFloor, currentFacadeWallSectionLength, volume.floors); if (section.model != null) { continue;//cannot account for custom meshes assume custom mesh does include interior mesh or if does - will be generated with the exterior } GenerationOutput generatedSection = GenerationOutput.CreateRawOutput(); Vector2 wallSectionSize = new Vector2(wallLength, wallUp + wallThickness); bool cullOpening = building.cullDoors && section.isDoor; SubmeshLibrary sectionLib = new SubmeshLibrary(); if (wallSurface != null) { sectionLib.Add(wallSurface);//add interior wall surface submeshLibrary.Add(wallSurface); } sectionLib.Add(section.openingSurface);//add windows - the only surface we'll use in the interior room submeshLibrary.Add(section.openingSurface); float offset = 0; if (w == 0) { offset = wallThickness; } if (w == wallOffsetPoints - 2) { offset = -wallThickness; } WallSectionGenerator.Generate(section, generatedSection, wallSectionSize, true, wallThickness, cullOpening, null, sectionLib, offset); int[] mapping = submeshLibrary.MapSubmeshes(generatedSection.raw.materials); Vector3 curveNormal = Vector3.Cross(wallDir, Vector3.up); Quaternion meshRot = Quaternion.LookRotation(curveNormal, Vector3.up); Vector3 meshPos = new Vector3(v1.x, volume.baseHeight, v1.z) + wallDir * wallSectionSize.x + Vector3.up * wallSectionSize.y; meshPos += meshRot * -new Vector3(wallSectionSize.x, wallSectionSize.y, 0) * 0.5f; mesh.AddData(generatedSection.raw, mapping, meshPos, meshRot,; } currentWallSectionIndex++; if (currentWallSectionIndex >= currentFacadeWallSectionLength) { //reached the end of the facade - move to the next one and continue currentFacadeWallSectionLength = externalWallAnchors[facadeIndex].Count; currentWallSectionIndex = 0; } } offsetPointBase += wallPointCount - 1; } } //FLOOR Vector2[] mainShape = offsetRoomAnchorPoints; Vector2[][] floorCutPoints = floorCuts.ToArray(); int floorVertCount = mainShape.Length; for (int flc = 0; flc < floorCutPoints.Length; flc++) { floorVertCount += floorCutPoints[flc].Length; } Vector2[] allFloorPoints = new Vector2[floorVertCount]; int mainShapeLength = mainShape.Length; for (int ms = 0; ms < mainShapeLength; ms++) { allFloorPoints[ms] = mainShape[ms]; } int cutPointIterator = mainShapeLength; for (int flc = 0; flc < floorCutPoints.Length; flc++) { for (int flcp = 0; flcp < floorCutPoints[flc].Length; flcp++) { allFloorPoints[cutPointIterator] = floorCutPoints[flc][flcp]; cutPointIterator++; } } Vector3[] floorPoints = new Vector3[floorVertCount]; Vector2[] floorUvs = new Vector2[floorVertCount]; Vector3[] floorNorms = new Vector3[floorVertCount]; Vector4[] floorTangents = new Vector4[floorVertCount]; for (int rp = 0; rp < floorVertCount; rp++) { floorPoints[rp] = new Vector3(allFloorPoints[rp].x, 0, allFloorPoints[rp].y) + floorBaseV; Vector2 uv = allFloorPoints[rp]; if (floorSurface != null) { uv = floorSurface.CalculateUV(uv); } floorUvs[rp] = uv; floorNorms[rp] = Vector3.up; floorTangents[rp] = tangent; } int[] tris = Poly2TriWrapper.Triangulate(mainShape, true, floorCutPoints); mesh.AddData(floorPoints, floorUvs, tris, floorNorms, floorTangents, floorSubmesh); if (generateColliders) { collider.mesh.AddData(floorPoints, floorUvs, tris, floorNorms, floorTangents, 0); } //CEILING! Vector2[][] ceilingCutPoints = ceilingCuts.ToArray(); int ceilingVertCount = mainShape.Length; for (int flc = 0; flc < ceilingCutPoints.Length; flc++) { ceilingVertCount += ceilingCutPoints[flc].Length; } Vector2[] allCeilingPoints = new Vector2[ceilingVertCount]; for (int ms = 0; ms < mainShapeLength; ms++) { allCeilingPoints[ms] = mainShape[ms]; } cutPointIterator = mainShapeLength; for (int flc = 0; flc < ceilingCutPoints.Length; flc++) { for (int flcp = 0; flcp < ceilingCutPoints[flc].Length; flcp++) { allCeilingPoints[cutPointIterator] = ceilingCutPoints[flc][flcp]; cutPointIterator++; } } Vector3[] ceilingPoints = new Vector3[ceilingVertCount]; Vector2[] ceilingUvs = new Vector2[ceilingVertCount]; Vector3[] ceilingNorms = new Vector3[ceilingVertCount]; Vector4[] ceilingTangents = new Vector4[ceilingVertCount]; for (int rp = 0; rp < ceilingVertCount; rp++) { ceilingPoints[rp] = new Vector3(allCeilingPoints[rp].x, wallUp, allCeilingPoints[rp].y) + floorBaseV; Vector2 uv = allCeilingPoints[rp]; if (floorSurface != null) { uv = ceilingSurface.CalculateUV(uv); } ceilingUvs[rp] = uv; ceilingNorms[rp] = Vector3.down; ceilingTangents[rp] = tangent; } tris = Poly2TriWrapper.Triangulate(mainShape, false, ceilingCutPoints); mesh.AddData(ceilingPoints, ceilingUvs, tris, ceilingNorms, ceilingTangents, ceilingSubmesh); if (generateColliders) { collider.mesh.AddData(ceilingPoints, ceilingUvs, tris, ceilingNorms, ceilingTangents, 0); } for (int ob = 0; ob < openingCount; ob++) { VerticalOpening opening = openings[ob]; int openingIndex = Array.IndexOf(openings, opening); Vector3 basePosition = openingBounds[openingIndex].center; basePosition.z = basePosition.y; basePosition.y = volume.baseHeight; if (roomOpenings.Contains(opening))//opening used in this floorplan { int externalWallSubmesh = wallSubmesh != -1 ? wallSubmesh : -1; switch (opening.usage) { case VerticalOpening.Usages.Space: if (ceilingCutPoints.Length <= ob) { continue; } Vector3 ceilingCutUpV = Vector3.up * wallThickness; Vector2[] ceilingCut = ceilingCutPoints[ob]; int custSize = ceilingCut.Length; for (int cp = 0; cp < custSize; cp++) { int indexA = (cp + 1) % custSize; int indexB = cp; Vector3 cp0 = new Vector3(ceilingCut[indexA].x, wallUp, ceilingCut[indexA].y) + floorBaseV; Vector3 cp1 = new Vector3(ceilingCut[indexB].x, wallUp, ceilingCut[indexB].y) + floorBaseV; Vector3 cp2 = cp0 + ceilingCutUpV; Vector3 cp3 = cp1 + ceilingCutUpV; mesh.AddPlane(cp0, cp1, cp2, cp3, ceilingSubmesh); if (generateColliders) { collider.AddPlane(cp0, cp1, cp2, cp3); } } break; case VerticalOpening.Usages.Stairwell: StaircaseGenerator.Generate(mesh, opening, basePosition, volume.floorHeight, actualFloor, externalWallSubmesh, sendCollider); if (volumeFloor == volume.floors - 1 && opening.baseFloor + opening.floors > building.VolumeBaseFloor(volume) + volume.floors - 1 && volume.abovePlanCount == 0) { StaircaseGenerator.GenerateRoofAccess(mesh, opening, basePosition, volume.floorHeight, actualFloor, externalWallSubmesh, sendCollider); } break; case VerticalOpening.Usages.Elevator: ElevatorShaftGenerator.Generate(ref mesh, opening, actualFloor, basePosition, volume.floorHeight, externalWallSubmesh, sendCollider); break; } } } } for (int ob = 0; ob < openingCount; ob++) { Vector2[] openingShape = openingShapes[ob]; if (openingShape == null) { continue; //opening not used by this floorplan } if (openingUsedInThisFloor[ob]) { continue; //opening already generated } //seal this opening from the void VerticalOpening opening = openings[ob]; int openingIndex = Array.IndexOf(openings, opening); Vector3 basePosition = openingBounds[openingIndex].center; basePosition.z = basePosition.y; basePosition.y = 0; int cutSize = openingShape.Length; Vector3 sealingWallUpV = Vector3.up * volume.floorHeight; int sealWallSubmesh = submeshLibrary.SubmeshAdd(opening.surfaceB); Vector2[] offsetOpeningShape = QuickPolyOffset.Execute(openingShape, wallThickness); for (int cp = 0; cp < cutSize; cp++) { int indexA = (cp + 1) % cutSize; int indexB = cp; Vector2 p0 = opening.usage == VerticalOpening.Usages.Space ? openingShape[indexA] : offsetOpeningShape[indexA]; Vector2 p1 = opening.usage == VerticalOpening.Usages.Space ? openingShape[indexB] : offsetOpeningShape[indexB]; Vector3 cp0 = new Vector3(p0.x, 0, p0.y) + floorBaseV; Vector3 cp1 = new Vector3(p1.x, 0, p1.y) + floorBaseV; Vector3 cp2 = cp0 + sealingWallUpV; Vector3 cp3 = cp1 + sealingWallUpV; mesh.AddPlane(cp0, cp1, cp2, cp3, sealWallSubmesh); if (generateColliders) { collider.AddPlane(cp0, cp1, cp2, cp3); } } switch (opening.usage) { case VerticalOpening.Usages.Space: //nothing to implement break; case VerticalOpening.Usages.Stairwell: //need stairs to connect used floors StaircaseGenerator.GenerateStairs(mesh, opening, basePosition, volume.floorHeight, actualFloor, -1, sendCollider); if (volumeFloor == volume.floors - 1) { StaircaseGenerator.GenerateRoofAccess(mesh, opening, basePosition, volume.floorHeight, actualFloor, -1, sendCollider); } break; case VerticalOpening.Usages.Elevator: //nothing to implement break; } } }
private static void ToMesh(ref BuildRMesh mesh, ref Shape shape, float roofBaseHeight, float meshHeight, int[] facadeIndices, IVolume volume, int submesh, Surface surface, bool generateDormers = false) { //TODO fix this error properly if (shape == null) { Debug.Log("ToMesh: Error to fix"); return; } List <Edge> edges = new List <Edge>(shape.edges); List <Edge> baseEdges = new List <Edge>(shape.baseEdges); float shapeHeight = shape.HeighestPoint(); float heightScale = meshHeight / shapeHeight; bool isFloor = meshHeight < 0.00001f; Dictionary <Node, int> shapeConnectionCount = new Dictionary <Node, int>(); Dictionary <Node, List <Node> > shapeConnections = new Dictionary <Node, List <Node> >(); int edgeCount = edges.Count; for (int e = 0; e < edgeCount; e++) { Edge edge = edges[e]; if (edge.length < Mathf.Epsilon) { continue; } if (!shapeConnectionCount.ContainsKey(edge.nodeA)) { shapeConnectionCount.Add(edge.nodeA, 0);//start at zero - we need two edges to make a shape... shapeConnections.Add(edge.nodeA, new List <Node> { edge.nodeB }); } else { shapeConnectionCount[edge.nodeA]++; if (!shapeConnections[edge.nodeA].Contains(edge.nodeB)) { shapeConnections[edge.nodeA].Add(edge.nodeB); } } if (!shapeConnectionCount.ContainsKey(edge.nodeB)) { shapeConnectionCount.Add(edge.nodeB, 0);//start at zero - we need two edges to make a shape... shapeConnections.Add(edge.nodeB, new List <Node> { edge.nodeA }); } else { shapeConnectionCount[edge.nodeB]++; if (!shapeConnections[edge.nodeB].Contains(edge.nodeA)) { shapeConnections[edge.nodeB].Add(edge.nodeA); } } } int baseEdgeCount = baseEdges.Count; List <Vector3[]> roofFaces = new List <Vector3[]>(); for (int b = 0; b < baseEdgeCount; b++) { int facadeIndex = facadeIndices[b]; bool isGabled = volume[facadeIndex].isGabled; if (!isGabled) { int facadeIndexLeft = (facadeIndex - 1 + volume.numberOfFacades) % volume.numberOfFacades; int facadeIndexRight = (facadeIndex + 1) % volume.numberOfFacades; bool isGabledLeft = volume[facadeIndexLeft].isGabled; bool isGabledRight = volume[facadeIndexRight].isGabled; Edge baseEdge = baseEdges[b]; Node nodeA = baseEdge.nodeA; Node nodeB = baseEdge.nodeB; Node currentNode = nodeA; Node lastNode = nodeB; int itMax = 50; List <Node> edgeShape = new List <Node>() { nodeA }; while (currentNode != nodeB) { List <Node> nodeConnections = shapeConnections[currentNode]; int nodeConnectionCount = nodeConnections.Count; float minAngle = Mathf.Infinity; Node nextNode = null; Vector2 currentDirection = (currentNode.position - lastNode.position).normalized; for (int n = 0; n < nodeConnectionCount; n++) { Node connectingNode = nodeConnections[n]; if (connectingNode == lastNode) { continue; //end this circus! } Vector2 nextDirection = (connectingNode.position - currentNode.position).normalized; float nodeAngle = SignAngleDirection(currentDirection, nextDirection); if (nodeAngle < minAngle) { minAngle = nodeAngle; nextNode = connectingNode; } } if (nextNode != null) { edgeShape.Add(nextNode); lastNode = currentNode; currentNode = nextNode; } itMax--; if (itMax < 0) { break; } } int edgeShapeCount = edgeShape.Count; if (edgeShapeCount == 4 && generateDormers) { Vector3[] edgeShapeV3 = new Vector3[4]; edgeShapeV3[0] = new Vector3(edgeShape[0].position.x, roofBaseHeight, edgeShape[0].position.y); edgeShapeV3[1] = new Vector3(edgeShape[3].position.x, roofBaseHeight, edgeShape[3].position.y); edgeShapeV3[2] = new Vector3(edgeShape[1].position.x, roofBaseHeight + meshHeight, edgeShape[1].position.y); edgeShapeV3[3] = new Vector3(edgeShape[2].position.x, roofBaseHeight + meshHeight, edgeShape[2].position.y); roofFaces.Add(edgeShapeV3); } if ((isGabledLeft || isGabledRight) && edgeShapeCount == 4)//modify shape if gables are detected { Vector3 p0 = edgeShape[0].position; Vector3 p1 = edgeShape[3].position; Vector3 p2 = edgeShape[1].position; Vector3 vector = p1 - p0; Vector3 dir = vector.normalized; Vector3 cross = Vector3.Cross(Vector3.back, dir); if (isGabledLeft) { float gableThickness = volume[facadeIndexLeft].gableThickness; bool simpleGable = volume[facadeIndexLeft].simpleGable; Gable gableStyle = volume[facadeIndexLeft].gableStyle; if (!simpleGable && gableStyle == null || !isFloor) { gableThickness = 0; } Vector3 newPointA = Vector3.Project(p2 - p1, cross) + dir * gableThickness; edgeShape[1].position = edgeShape[0].position + new Vector2(newPointA.x, newPointA.y); } if (isGabledRight) { float gableThickness = volume[facadeIndexRight].gableThickness; bool simpleGable = volume[facadeIndexRight].simpleGable; Gable gableStyle = volume[facadeIndexRight].gableStyle; if (!simpleGable && gableStyle == null || !isFloor) { gableThickness = 0; } Vector3 newPointB = Vector3.Project(p2 - p1, cross) - dir * gableThickness; edgeShape[2].position = edgeShape[3].position + new Vector2(newPointB.x, newPointB.y); } } Vector3[] verts = new Vector3[edgeShapeCount]; Vector2[] uvs = new Vector2[edgeShapeCount]; Vector3 baseShapeDirection = ToV3(nodeB.position - nodeA.position).normalized; float uvAngle = SignAngle(new Vector2(baseShapeDirection.x, baseShapeDirection.z).normalized) - 90; Vector2[] faceShape = new Vector2[edgeShapeCount]; Vector3[] normals = new Vector3[edgeShapeCount]; Vector4[] tangents = new Vector4[edgeShapeCount]; Vector4 tangent = BuildRMesh.CalculateTangent(baseShapeDirection); for (int i = 0; i < edgeShapeCount; i++) { Vector3 newVert = new Vector3(edgeShape[i].position.x, edgeShape[i].height * heightScale + roofBaseHeight, edgeShape[i].position.y); verts[i] = newVert; Vector2 baseUV = (i == 0) ? : new Vector2(newVert.x - verts[0].x, newVert.z - verts[0].z); Vector2 newUV = Rotate(baseUV, uvAngle); float faceHeight = edgeShape[i].height * heightScale; newUV.y = Mathf.Sqrt((newUV.y * newUV.y) + (faceHeight * faceHeight)); if (surface != null) { newUV = surface.CalculateUV(newUV); } uvs[i] = newUV; faceShape[i] = edgeShape[i].position;//used for triangulation // normals[i] = normal; tangents[i] = tangent; } // int[] tris = EarClipper.Triangulate(faceShape, 0, -1); int[] tris = Poly2TriWrapper.Triangulate(faceShape, true); int triCount = tris.Length; if (triCount < 3) { continue; } Vector3 normal = BuildRMesh.CalculateNormal(verts[tris[0]], verts[tris[1]], verts[tris[2]]); for (int i = 0; i < edgeShapeCount; i++) { normals[i] = normal;//normCal[i].normalized; } mesh.AddData(verts, uvs, tris, normals, tangents, submesh); if (isGabled) { for (int t = 0; t < triCount; t += 3) { if (tris[t] == 0 || tris[t + 1] == 0 || tris[t + 2] == 0) { int beB = edgeShapeCount - 1; if (tris[t] == beB || tris[t + 1] == beB || tris[t + 2] == beB) { Vector3 b0 = verts[0]; Vector3 b1 = verts[beB]; int topIndex = 0; for (int tx = 0; tx < 3; tx++) { if (tris[t + tx] != 0 && tris[t + tx] != beB) { topIndex = tris[t + tx]; } } Vector3 b2 = verts[topIndex]; Vector3 baseV = b1 - b0; Vector3 dir = baseV.normalized; Vector3 face = Vector3.Cross(Vector3.up, dir); // float length = baseV.magnitude; Vector3 center = Vector3.Lerp(b0, b1, 0.5f); Vector3 up = Vector3.Project(b2 - b0, Vector3.up); Vector3 b3 = center + up; mesh.AddTri(b0, b2, b3, face, submesh); //left mesh.AddTri(b1, b3, b2, -face, submesh); //right mesh.AddTri(b0, b3, b1, dir, submesh); //face //clear triangle tris[t] = 0; tris[t + 1] = 0; tris[t + 2] = 0; } } } } } else if (isFloor) { Roof roof = volume.roof; Edge baseEdge = baseEdges[b]; Node nodeA = baseEdge.nodeA; Node nodeB = baseEdge.nodeB; Vector3 p0 = new Vector3(nodeA.position.x, heightScale + roofBaseHeight, nodeA.position.y); Vector3 p1 = new Vector3(nodeB.position.x, heightScale + roofBaseHeight, nodeB.position.y); Vector3 baseV = p1 - p0; Vector3 dir = baseV.normalized; Vector3 face = Vector3.Cross(Vector3.up, dir).normalized; Vector3 parapetEdgeModifier = dir * (roof.overhang - (roof.parapetFrontDepth + roof.parapetBackDepth)) * 1.05f; p0 += parapetEdgeModifier; p1 += -parapetEdgeModifier; // p0 += face * (roof.parapetFrontDepth + roof.parapetBackDepth + roof.overhang); VolumePoint volumePoint = volume[facadeIndices[b]]; bool simpleGable = volumePoint.simpleGable; Gable gableStyle = volume[facadeIndices[b]].gableStyle; if (!simpleGable && gableStyle == null) { simpleGable = true; } float thickness = volume[facadeIndices[b]].gableThickness; float additionalHeight = volume[facadeIndices[b]].gableHeight; float height = roof.height + additionalHeight; if (simpleGable) //generate a simple gable { int wallSubmesh = mesh.submeshLibrary.SubmeshAdd(roof.wallSurface); //surfaceMapping.IndexOf(roof.wallSurface); if (wallSubmesh == -1) { wallSubmesh = submesh; } Vector3 g0 = p0; Vector3 g1 = p0 + Vector3.up * additionalHeight; Vector3 g2 = g1 + dir * roof.floorDepth * 0.5f; Vector3 g3 = g2 + dir * roof.depth * 0.5f + Vector3.up * roof.height; Vector3 g7 = p1; Vector3 g6 = p1 + Vector3.up * additionalHeight; Vector3 g5 = g6 - dir * roof.floorDepth * 0.5f; Vector3 g4 = g5 - dir * roof.depth * 0.5f + Vector3.up * roof.height; Vector3 gF = -face * thickness; mesh.AddPlane(g0, g7, g1, g6, wallSubmesh); //bottom front mesh.AddPlane(g7 + gF, g0 + gF, g6 + gF, g1 + gF, wallSubmesh); //bottom back mesh.AddPlane(g1, g6, g1 + gF, g6 + gF, wallSubmesh); //bottom top mesh.AddPlane(g0, g1, g0 + gF, g1 + gF, wallSubmesh); //bottom sides mesh.AddPlane(g6, g7, g6 + gF, g7 + gF, wallSubmesh); mesh.AddPlane(g2, g5, g3, g4, wallSubmesh); //top front mesh.AddPlane(g5 + gF, g2 + gF, g4 + gF, g3 + gF, wallSubmesh); //top back mesh.AddPlane(g2 + gF, g2, g3 + gF, g3, wallSubmesh); //top sides mesh.AddPlane(g5, g5 + gF, g4, g4 + gF, wallSubmesh); //top sides mesh.AddPlane(g3 + gF, g3, g4 + gF, g4, wallSubmesh); //top top } else { Vector2 baseUV = new Vector2(0, volume.planHeight); GableGenerator.Generate(ref mesh, gableStyle, p0, p1, height, thickness, baseUV); } } } if (generateDormers) { DormerGenerator.Generate(ref mesh, volume, roofFaces); } }