Пример #1
		public BCAPI(string accountName) {
			BrightcoveConfig bc = (BrightcoveConfig)ConfigurationManager.GetSection("brightcove");
			foreach (AccountConfigElement a in bc.Accounts) {
				if (a.Name.Equals(accountName)) {
					Account = new BCAccount(a);
Пример #2
		public BCAPI(long publisherId) {
			BrightcoveConfig bc = (BrightcoveConfig)ConfigurationManager.GetSection("brightcove");
			foreach (AccountConfigElement a in bc.Accounts) {
				if (a.PublisherID.Equals(publisherId)) {
					Account = new BCAccount(a);
Пример #3
		private static BCQueryResult MultipleQueryHandler(Dictionary<String, String> reqparams, BCObjectType itemType, BCAccount account) {

			//Get the JSon reader returned from the APIRequest
			BCQueryResult qr = new BCQueryResult();
			qr.TotalCount = 0;

			int defaultPageSize = 100;
			if (!reqparams.ContainsKey("page_size")) { // if page size is not set than set it
				reqparams.Add("page_size", defaultPageSize.ToString());
				qr.MaxToGet = -1;
			} else { // else parse it 
				qr.MaxToGet = Convert.ToInt32(reqparams["page_size"]);
				defaultPageSize = qr.MaxToGet;

			MakeRequest(qr, reqparams, itemType, account);
			if (!reqparams.ContainsKey("page_number")) { // if page number is not set then pass make recursive calls
				reqparams.Add("page_number", "0");

				//make sure you get the correct page num
				int modifier = (qr.MaxToGet.Equals(-1)) ? qr.TotalCount : qr.MaxToGet;
				double maxPageNum = (qr.TotalCount > 0) ? Math.Ceiling((double)(modifier / defaultPageSize)) : 0;

				//if there are more to get move to next page and keep getting them
				for (int pageNum = 1; pageNum <= maxPageNum; pageNum++) {
					//update page each iteration
					reqparams["page_number"] = pageNum.ToString();
					MakeRequest(qr, reqparams, itemType, account);

				if (itemType.Equals(BCObjectType.videos)) {
					//trim if specified
					if (qr.Videos.Count > qr.MaxToGet && !qr.MaxToGet.Equals(-1) && qr.MaxToGet < qr.TotalCount) {
						List<BCVideo> vidTemp = qr.Videos.GetRange(0, Convert.ToInt32(qr.MaxToGet));

			return qr;
Пример #4
		private static void MakeRequest(BCQueryResult qr, Dictionary<string, string> reqparams, BCObjectType itemType, BCAccount account) {
			QueryResultPair qrp = BCAPIRequest.ExecuteRead(reqparams, account);
			qrp.JsonResult = qrp.JsonResult.Replace("\"items\":", "\"" + itemType.ToString() + "\":");
Пример #5
		/// <summary>
		/// RJE 10-16-2012
		/// Construct an API with a supplied configuration
		/// </summary>
		public BCAPI(BCAccount account) {
			Account = account;