Пример #1
        private void btnUpdate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            PersonV2 temp = new PersonV2();

            //Getting the string from the form and setting them in object
            temp.FName     = txtFName.Text;
            temp.MName     = txtMName.Text;
            temp.LName     = txtLName.Text;
            temp.Street1   = txtStreet1.Text;
            temp.Street2   = txtStreet2.Text;
            temp.City      = txtCity.Text;
            temp.State     = txtState.Text;
            temp.Zip       = txtZip.Text;
            temp.Phone     = txtPhone.Text;
            temp.Cell      = txtCell.Text;
            temp.Email     = txtEmail.Text;
            temp.Fb        = txtFb.Text;
            temp.Person_ID = Convert.ToInt32(lblPerson_ID.Text);

            //-----Output what was stored take from txt box put in variable,print
            lblFeedback.Text = temp.FName + " " + temp.MName + " " + temp.LName + "\n" + temp.Street1 + " " + temp.Street2 + "\n" + temp.City + "   " + temp.State + ", " + temp.Zip + "\n" + temp.Phone + "\n" + temp.Cell + "\n" + temp.Email + "\n" + temp.Fb;

            //Validate information
            if (!temp.Feedback.Contains("INVALID"))
                Int32 intRecords = temp.UpdateARecord();
                //Display feedback to user
                lblFeedback.Text = intRecords.ToString() + " Record(s) Updated.";

                lblFeedback.Text = temp.Feedback;       //else...dispay the error msg
Пример #2
        //-----Add Constructor that Receives a Person ID...this means need to look up the data and populate fields (View/Edit/Delete) <param name="intPerson_ID"></parma>
        public Form1(Int32 intPerson_ID)
            InitializeComponent();   //Creates and initalizes all for objects
            //Disable Edit and Delete capabilities because they do not exist
            btnSubmit.Visible = false;
            btnSubmit.Enabled = false;

            //Display/Gather information from Class PersonV2.cs which is also inherites Person
            //Gather information about this one person and store it in a DataReader
            PersonV2      temp = new PersonV2(); //Change from Customer temp --> PersonV2 temp NOT Person
            SqlDataReader dr   = temp.FindOnePerson(intPerson_ID);

            //Use that info to fill out the form
            //Loop thru the records stored in the reader one record at a time
            //Note that since this is basone on one person's ID, then we should only have one record
            while (dr.Read())
                //Take the Name(s) from the DataReader and copy them into the appropriate text fields in SQL DB
                txtFName.Text     = dr["FirstName"].ToString();
                txtMName.Text     = dr["MiddleName"].ToString(); //or is mName
                txtLName.Text     = dr["LastName"].ToString();
                txtStreet1.Text   = dr["st1"].ToString();        //or Street1
                txtStreet2.Text   = dr["st2"].ToString();
                txtCity.Text      = dr["City"].ToString();
                txtState.Text     = dr["State"].ToString();
                txtZip.Text       = dr["Zip"].ToString();
                txtPhone.Text     = dr["Phone"].ToString();
                txtCell.Text      = dr["Cell"].ToString();
                txtEmail.Text     = dr["Email"].ToString();
                txtFb.Text        = dr["Fb"].ToString();
                lblPerson_ID.Text = dr["Person_ID"].ToString(); //!!!could be wrong "name" here
        } //End of public Form1(int intPerson_ID)
Пример #3
//HERE!!! On Searcg.cs[Design] add the Event (lightening Bolt) "Click"
// NOW TO GO PersonV2.cs line 123 and PUT A SPACE before AND, SQL needs the space or it will combine AND with other command
        private void btnSearch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //Get Data
            PersonV2 temp = new PersonV2();
            //Perform the search created in PersonV2 class and store in returned dataset
            DataSet ds = temp.SearchPersons(txtFSearch.Text, txtLSearch.Text);

            //Display data (dataset)
            dataGridView1.DataSource = ds;                                  //point datagrid to dataset
            dataGridView1.DataMember = ds.Tables["Person_Temp"].ToString(); // What table in the dataset?
Пример #4
        private void btnDelete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //Get the ID from the label
            Int32 intPerson_ID = Convert.ToInt32(lblPerson_ID.Text);
            //Create a Person so can use the delete method
            PersonV2 temp = new PersonV2();

            //Use the Person ID and pass it to the delete function and get the number of records deleted
            String strRecords = temp.DeleteOnePerson(intPerson_ID);

            //Display the feedback to user
            lblFeedback.Text = strRecords; //.ToString() + " Record(s) Deleted.";
Пример #5
        private void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) //change to insert now
        {                                                        //Gather information stored in var temp, store
            PersonV2 temp = new PersonV2();                      //Change from Customer temp --> PersonV2 temp

            //Getting the strings from the for of PersonV2 and setting them now in an Object
            temp.FName   = txtFName.Text;
            temp.MName   = txtMName.Text;
            temp.LName   = txtLName.Text;
            temp.Street1 = txtStreet1.Text;
            temp.Street2 = txtStreet2.Text;
            temp.City    = txtCity.Text;
            temp.State   = txtState.Text;
            temp.Zip     = txtZip.Text;
            temp.Phone   = txtPhone.Text;
            temp.Cell    = txtCell.Text;
            temp.Email   = txtEmail.Text;
            temp.Fb      = txtFb.Text;

            /* temp.CustSince = txtCustSince.Text;
             * temp.TotalPurch = txtTotalPurch.Text;
             * temp.DiscountMbr = txtDiscountMbr.Text;
             * temp.Rewards = txtRewards.Text;

            //If needing to get dates from teh datetime picks
            //temp.DatePublished = dtpDatePublished.Value;
            //temp.DateRentalExpires = dtpDateRentalExpires.Value;

            //-----Output what was stored take from txt box put in variable,print
            lblFeedback.Text = temp.FName + " " + temp.MName + " " + temp.LName + "\n" + temp.Street1 + " " + temp.Street2 + "\n" + temp.City + "   " + temp.State + ", " + temp.Zip + "\n" + temp.Phone + "\n" + temp.Cell + "\n" + temp.Email + "\n" + temp.Fb;

            //  + "\n \n" + temp.CustSince + "\n" + temp.TotalPurch + "\n" + temp.DiscountMbr + "\n" + temp.Rewards;

            if (!temp.Feedback.Contains("INVALID"))
                lblFeedback.Text = temp.AddARecord();   //if no errors weh setting values, then perform the insertion into db
                lblFeedback.Text = temp.Feedback;       //else...dispay the error msg
        }//End btn Submit