Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// ��ʼ��һ������Ϸ����ש��/��/��ǿ������Ҫ�����ʱ�����
        /// </summary>
        private void InitializeGame()

            this.BackgroundImage = backgrounds[level-1];//ÿ�ػ�������,���ؿ�������ͼƬ����ʱ��ӵ�һ���ٴο�ʼ
            paddle1 = new Paddle( 300, 380, 66, 24);
            InitializeBall(level); //��ʼ��һ����
            int brickHeight = 20;//ש���
            int brickPadding = 5;//ש����
            int borderPadding = 20;//ש�鵽�߽�ľ���
            InitializeBricks(brickArray, brickColumns, brickRows, brickHeight, brickPadding, borderPadding, level);
            for (int j = 0; j < brickRows; j++)
                for (int i = 0; i < brickColumns; i++)
                    if (brickArray[i, j].Strength != 0) brickCount++;
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// �����Ļҳ��Ƚ�����ײģ��
        /// ����������˰�Ľǣ����򱻷��䷴��
        /// ����������˰���ϲ���Y�����ٶȷ�ת
        /// ���������һ�������ƶ���������������Ǹ������һ���ٶ�
        /// ͬ��Ҫȷ������ٶȲ��ܳ�����뾶
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="paddle">��Ҫ�жϵİ�</param>
        public void Collide(Paddle paddle)
            ReverseY(); //������Σ��ȷ�תY�����ٶ���˵

            if ((paddle.Top > this.Top +dY  && paddle.Top < this.Bottom + dY)
                && (paddle.Left > this.Left + dX && paddle.Left < this.Right + dX && dX > 0)
                || (paddle.Right > this.Left + dX && paddle.Right < this.Right + dX && dX < 0))

            int ratio = 4; //   ���ٶ�/���ٶ�

            dX += (paddle.X - paddle.OldX)/ratio;
            dY += (paddle.Y - paddle.OldY)/ratio;

            if (dX >  radius) dX = radius;
            if (dX < -radius) dX = -radius;
            if (dY > radius) dY = radius;
            if (dY < -radius) dY = -radius;

            this.Active = true;
Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// �����Ͱ��Ƿ�����ײ����������͵���Collision()����
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ball">Ҫ������</param>
        /// <param name="paddle">Ҫ���İ�</param>
        private void DetectPaddleCollision(Ball ball, Paddle paddle)
            if ((ball.Right + ball.XSpeed > paddle.Left) &&
                (ball.Left + ball.XSpeed < paddle.Right) &&
                (ball.Bottom + ball.YSpeed > paddle.Top) &&
                (ball.Top + ball.YSpeed < paddle.Bottom) &&
                ball.YSpeed >= 0) //ͬ�ϱ��жϣ�������ײ���

Пример #4
        /// <summary>
        /// ��List ball���裬ʹ��Ļ��ֻ����һ���򣬲��Ҹ���������ٶȣ�����X�����Y����,����Y������ٶȸ��ڼ����й�
        /// </summary>
        private void InitializeBall(int l)
            if (newPaddle != null) newPaddle.Dispose();

            Random randy = new Random();
            int radius = 7;
            int dX = randy.Next(-radius, radius);
            int dY;
            switch (l)
                case 1: dY = 1;
                case 2: dY = 2;
                case 3: dY = 3;
                case 4: dY = 4;
                case 5: dY = 5;
                case 6: dY = 6;
                default: dY = 7;

            ballList.Add(new Ball(Brushes.White, radius, this.Width / 2, this.Height / 2 + 10, dX, dY));
            paddle1 = new Paddle(300, 380, 66, 24);
            this.newPaddle = new Label();
            newPaddle.Visible = true;
            newPaddle.AutoSize = false;
            newPaddle.Size = new Size(66, 24);
            newPaddle.Image = pad[1];
            newPaddle.BackColor = Color.Transparent;
            newPaddle.Location = new Point(paddle1.X, paddle1.Y);
            if (level % 3 == 0)//����BOSS
                MessageBox.Show("ǰ�������˰������ĸ������Ȼ��û���κι�������������ȻҪ��ʱ�����������������ٻ�����İ�����ս������", "���Դ���ľ���", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
                bossCount = level *4;
                this.boss = new Label();
                this.boss.BackColor = Color.Transparent;
                boss.Visible = true;
                boss.Location = new Point((this.Size.Width - boss.Size.Width) / 2, this.Size.Height / 8);
                switch (level)//���ؿ�ѡ��
                    case 3: { alternation = 120; boss.Image = boss_image[0]; boss.Size = boss_image[0].Size; }
                    case 6: {alternation = 100; boss.Image = boss_image[1]; boss.Size = boss_image[1].Size;}
                    case 9: {alternation = 90; boss.Image = boss_image[2]; boss.Size = boss_image[2].Size;}
                    case 12: { alternation = 60; boss.Image = boss_image[3]; boss.Size = boss_image[3].Size; }
Пример #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Advanced Collision Model between the ball and a paddle
        /// If the ball hits a corner of the paddle, it is reflected back
        /// If the ball hits the top of the paddle, it's y-speed is inverted
        /// If the paddle is moving in any direction, it will nudge the ball in that direction
        /// Also ensures the ball moves no further than it's radius per timer tick
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="paddle">The paddle to detect collisions with</param>
        public void Collide(Paddle paddle)
            ReverseY(); //no matter what, the y-speed is always reversed

            //if it will impact on any corner, reverse the X
            if ((paddle.Top > this.Top +dY  && paddle.Top < this.Bottom + dY)
                //does the ball intersect the top of the paddle AND
                && (paddle.Left > this.Left + dX && paddle.Left < this.Right + dX && dX > 0)
                //is the ball approaching from the left and intersecting the left?
                || (paddle.Right > this.Left + dX && paddle.Right < this.Right + dX && dX < 0))
                //is the ball approaching from the right and intersecting the right?

            int ratio = 4; //ratio of paddle speed : ball speed change

            dX += (paddle.X - paddle.OldX)/ratio;
            dY += (paddle.Y - paddle.OldY)/ratio;
            //increment the speed by the speed of the paddle

            if (dX >  radius) dX = radius;
            if (dX < -radius) dX = -radius;
            if (dY > radius) dY = radius;
            if (dY < -radius) dY = -radius;
            //catch if dX or dY is more than the radius
            //the collision detection doesn't work if the ball travels too fast
            //the ball could go right through a brick or wall or paddle without being detected
            //also the game is more fun if the ball can't get too fast

            this.Active = true;
            //if the ball wasn't active before, i.e. it is a powerup from a brick, it is active now
Пример #6
 /// <summary>
 /// Sets up a new game. Called whenever the bricks/balls/powerups need to be reset
 /// </summary>
 private void InitializeGame()
     brickCount = brickRows * brickColumns; //resets the brick count
     this.BackgroundImage = backgrounds[level % backgrounds.Length];
     //changes background with each level
     //rotates back to the beginning of the image array after the level number > number images in array
     paddle1 = new Paddle(Brushes.Black, 100, 100, 50, 10);
     InitializeBall(); //creates one ball
     int brickHeight = 20;
     int brickPadding = 5;
     int borderPadding = 50;
     InitializeBricks(brickArray, brickColumns, brickRows, brickHeight, brickPadding, borderPadding);
Пример #7
 /// <summary>
 /// Checks if a ball is about to hit the paddle and calls the Collide() method of the ball if it is
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="ball">Ball object to check for collision</param>
 /// <param name="paddle">Paddle object to check for collision</param>
 private void DetectPaddleCollision(Ball ball, Paddle paddle)
     if ((ball.Right + ball.XSpeed > paddle.Left) &&
         (ball.Left + ball.XSpeed < paddle.Right) &&
         (ball.Bottom + ball.YSpeed > paddle.Top) &&
         (ball.Top + ball.YSpeed < paddle.Bottom) &&
         ball.YSpeed >= 0) //is the ball about to hit the paddle
Пример #8
 /// <summary>
 /// ��ʼ��һ������Ϸ����ש��/��/��ǿ������Ҫ�����ʱ�����
 /// </summary>
 private void InitializeGame()
     this.BackgroundImage = backgrounds[level % backgrounds.Length];
     paddle1 = new Paddle(Brushes.Black, 300, 400, 50, 10);
     InitializeBall(level); //��ʼ��һ����
     int brickHeight = 20;//ש���
     int brickPadding = 5;//ש����
     int borderPadding = 50;//ש�鵽�߽�ľ���
     InitializeBricks(brickArray, brickColumns, brickRows, brickHeight, brickPadding, borderPadding,level);
     for (int j = 0; j < brickRows; j++)
         for (int i = 0; i < brickColumns; i++)
             if (brickArray[i, j].Strength != 0) brickCount++;
     if (level ==1)
         bossCount = 1;
         Image ba = Resource1.ball;
         this.boss = new Label();
         boss.Visible = true;
         boss.AutoSize = false;
         boss.Size = new Size(40, 40);
         boss.Image = ba;
         boss.Location = new Point((this.Size.Width-boss.Size .Width)/2,this.Size .Height/8 );
Пример #9
        /// <summary>
        /// LoadContent will be called once per game and is the place to load
        /// all of your content.
        /// </summary>
        protected override void LoadContent()
            // Create a new SpriteBatch, which can be used to draw textures.
            spriteBatch = new SpriteBatch(GraphicsDevice);

            Texture2D tempTexture = Content.Load<Texture2D>("paddle");
            paddle = new Paddle(tempTexture, screenRectangle);

            tempTexture = Content.Load<Texture2D>("ball");
            ball = new Ball(tempTexture, screenRectangle);

            brickImage = Content.Load<Texture2D>("brick");
