public override void GenerateCode(AssemblyBuilder assemblyBuilder)
            var context = new CompileExtensionContext
                VirtualPath     = this.VirtualPath,
                AssemblyBuilder = new AspNetAssemblyBuilder(assemblyBuilder, this)

            HostContainer.Resolve <IExtensionCompiler>().Compile(context);
Пример #2
        public void Compile(CompileExtensionContext context)
            Logger.Information("Generate code for file \"{0}\"", context.VirtualPath);
            var moduleName           = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(context.VirtualPath);
            var dependencyDescriptor = _dependenciesFolder.GetDescriptor(moduleName);

            if (dependencyDescriptor == null)

                var projectFileDescriptor = _projectFileParser.Parse(context.VirtualPath);

                // Add source files
                var directory = _virtualPathProvider.GetDirectoryName(context.VirtualPath);
                foreach (var filename in projectFileDescriptor.SourceFilenames.Select(f => _virtualPathProvider.Combine(directory, f)))

                var addedReferences = new HashSet <string>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

                // Add assembly references
                foreach (var reference in dependencyDescriptor.References)
                    var referenceTemp = reference;
                    var loader        = _loaders.SingleOrDefault(l => l.Name == referenceTemp.LoaderName);
                    if (loader == null)
                        Logger.Warning("Could not find loader '{0}' in active loaders", reference.LoaderName);

                    var assembly = loader.LoadReference(reference);
                    if (assembly == null)
                        Logger.Warning("Loader '{0}' could not load reference '{1}'", reference.LoaderName, reference.Name);



                // Load references specified in project file (only the ones not yet loaded)
                foreach (var assemblyReference in projectFileDescriptor.References)
                    if (addedReferences.Contains(assemblyReference.SimpleName))

                    var assembly = _assemblyLoader.Load(assemblyReference.FullName);
                    if (assembly != null)
                        Logger.Error("Assembly reference '{0}' for project '{1}' cannot be loaded", assemblyReference.FullName, context.VirtualPath);
                                                                        "The assembly reference '{0}' could not be loaded for module '{1}'.\r\n\r\n" +
                                                                        "There are generally a few ways to solve this issue:\r\n" +
                                                                        "1. Install any dependent module.\r\n" +
                                                                        "2. Remove the assembly reference from the project file if it's not needed.\r\n" +
                                                                        "3. Ensure the assembly reference is present in the 'bin' directory of the module.\r\n" +
                                                                        "4. Ensure the assembly reference is present in the 'bin' directory of the application.\r\n" +
                                                                        "5. Specify the strong name of the assembly (name, version, culture, publickey) if the assembly is present in the GAC.",
                                                                        assemblyReference.FullName, moduleName));
                        throw new BoyingCoreException(T("Assembly reference '{0}' for project '{1}' cannot be loaded", assemblyReference.FullName, context.VirtualPath));
            catch (Exception ex)
                if (ex.IsFatal())
                //Note: we need to embed the "e.Message" in the exception text because
                //      ASP.NET build manager "swallows" inner exceptions from this method.
                throw new BoyingCoreException(T("Error compiling module \"{0}\" from file \"{1}\":\r\n{2}", moduleName, context.VirtualPath, ex.Message), ex);