Пример #1
        // Delete box is and its product module data(done by only the user user)
        private void btnDeleteBoxId_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Ask 2 times to the user for check
            DialogResult result1 = MessageBox.Show("Do you really delete this box id's all the serial data?",
                                                   "Notice", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Warning, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button2);

            if (result1 == DialogResult.Yes)
                DialogResult result2 = MessageBox.Show("Are you really sure? Please select NO if you are not sure.",
                                                       "Notice", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Warning, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button2);
                if (result2 == DialogResult.Yes)
                    string boxid = txtBoxId.Text;
                    string sql   = "delete from product_serial where boxid = '" + boxid + "'";
                    string sql1  = "delete from box_id where boxid = '" + boxid + "'";
                    ShSQL  tf    = new ShSQL();
                    tf.sqlExecuteNonQuery(sql, true);
                    tf.sqlExecuteNonQuery(sql1, true);

                    // Update datagridviw
                    updateDataGripViews(dtOverall, ref dgvProductSerial);
Пример #2
        // Login button click event: match account and pass
        private void btnLogIn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string sql   = null;
            string user  = null;
            string pass  = null;
            bool   login = false;

            user = cmbUserName.Text;

            if (user != null)
                ShSQL tf = new ShSQL();

                sql  = "select pass FROM s_user WHERE suser='******'";
                pass = tf.sqlExecuteScalarString(sql);

                sql   = "select loginstatus FROM s_user WHERE suser='******'";
                login = tf.sqlExecuteScalarBool(sql);

                if (pass == txtPassword.Text)
                    if (login)
                        DialogResult reply = MessageBox.Show("This user account is currently used by other user," + System.Environment.NewLine +
                                                             "or the log out last time had a problem." + System.Environment.NewLine + "Do you log in with this account ?",
                                                             "Notice", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button2);
                        if (reply == DialogResult.No)

                    // turn the login status into TRUE
                    sql = "UPDATE s_user SET loginstatus=true WHERE suser='******'";
                    bool res = tf.sqlExecuteNonQuery(sql, false);

                    // Generate child form "frmBoxid" and add delegate event:
                    // when the child form is closed, this parent login form is also to be closed
                    frmBoxid f1 = new frmBoxid();
                    f1.RefreshEvent += delegate(object sndr, EventArgs excp)
                        // when frmBoxid(child) is closed, change the login status into FALSE, then close the this form(parent)
                        sql = "UPDATE s_user SET loginstatus=false WHERE suser='******'";
                        res = tf.sqlExecuteNonQuery(sql, false);
                else if (pass != txtPassword.Text)
                    MessageBox.Show("Password does not match", "Notice", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);
Пример #3
        // 登録済のシリアルおよびその付帯情報を、UPDATE文で置き換える
        private void btnReplace_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string snBefore  = txtBefore.Text;
            string snAfter   = txtAfter.Text;
            string filterkey = decideReferenceTable(snAfter);

            if (snAfter == String.Empty)


            string sql = "update product_serial set " +
                         "serialno='" + dataTable.Rows[0]["serialno"] + "', " +
                         "model='" + dataTable.Rows[0]["model"] + "', " +
                         "lot='" + dataTable.Rows[0]["lot"] + "', " +
                         "fact='" + dataTable.Rows[0]["fact"] + "', " +
                         "process='" + dataTable.Rows[0]["process"] + "', " +
                         "linepass='******', " +
                         "testtime='" + dataTable.Rows[0]["testtime"] + "' " +
                         "where serialno='" + txtBefore.Text + "'";

            ShSQL tf  = new ShSQL();
            bool  res = tf.sqlExecuteNonQuery(sql, true);

            if (res)
                this.RefreshEvent(this, new EventArgs());
Пример #4
        // Sub procedure: Issue new box id
        private string getNewBoxId()
            m_model = dtOverall.Rows[0]["model"].ToString();
            string sql = "select MAX(boxid) FROM box_id where boxid like '" + m_model + "%'";

            ShSQL  yn       = new ShSQL();
            string boxIdOld = yn.sqlExecuteScalarString(sql);

            DateTime dateOld   = new DateTime(0);
            long     numberOld = 0;
            string   boxIdNew;

            if (m_model == "BMS69")
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(boxIdOld))
                    dateOld   = DateTime.ParseExact(VBStrings.Mid(boxIdOld, 7, 6), "yyMMdd", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                    numberOld = long.Parse(VBStrings.Right(boxIdOld, 2));
                if (dateOld != DateTime.Today)
                    boxIdNew = m_model + "-" + DateTime.Today.ToString("yyMMdd") + "01";
                    boxIdNew = m_model + "-" + DateTime.Today.ToString("yyMMdd") + (numberOld + 1).ToString("00");
                if (boxIdOld != string.Empty)
                    dateOld   = DateTime.ParseExact(VBStrings.Mid(boxIdOld, 6, 6), "yyMMdd", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                    numberOld = long.Parse(VBStrings.Right(boxIdOld, 2));
                if (dateOld != DateTime.Today)
                    boxIdNew = m_model + "-" + DateTime.Today.ToString("yyMMdd") + "01";
                    boxIdNew = m_model + "-" + DateTime.Today.ToString("yyMMdd") + (numberOld + 1).ToString("00");
            sql = "INSERT INTO box_id(" +
                  "boxid," +
                  "suser," +
                  "printdate) " +
                  "VALUES(" +
                  "'" + boxIdNew + "'," +
                  "'" + user + "'," +
                  "'" + DateTime.Now.ToString() + "')";
            yn.sqlExecuteNonQuery(sql, false);