Пример #1
        static private void EulerStep(
            double dt,
            Vessel vessel, Vector3d r, // in world space but relative to body.position
            Vector3d v, Vector3d att, double totalMass, double minThrust, double maxThrust,
            Trajectories.VesselAerodynamicModel aeroModel, CelestialBody body, double t,
            BLController controller, Vector3d tgt_r, double aeroFudgeFactor,
            out Vector3d steer,
            out Vector3d vel_air, out double throttle,
            out Vector3d out_r, out Vector3d out_v)
            double y = r.magnitude - body.Radius;

            steer    = -Vector3d.Normalize(v);
            throttle = 0;

            // gravity
            double   R = r.magnitude;
            Vector3d g = r * (-body.gravParameter / (R * R * R));

            // Get steer and throttle
            bool bailOutLandingBurn = true;

            if (controller != null)
                bool landingGear;
                controller.GetControlOutputs(vessel, totalMass, r, v, att, minThrust, maxThrust, t, body, true, out throttle, out steer, out landingGear, bailOutLandingBurn);
                // Stop throttle so we don't take off again in timestep, dt
                // TODO - Fix HACK!!
                if (y < controller.TgtAlt + 50)
                    throttle = 0;

            Vector3d Ft = Vector3d.zero;

            if (throttle > 0)
                Ft = steer * (minThrust + throttle * (maxThrust - minThrust));

            // TODO: Do repeated calls to GetForces() mess up PID controllers which updates their internal estimates?
            vel_air = v - body.getRFrmVel(r + body.position);
            if (aeroModel == null)
                Debug.Log("EulerStep() - No aeroModel");
            Vector3d F = aeroModel.GetForces(body, r, vel_air, Math.PI) * aeroFudgeFactor + Ft;
            Vector3d a = F / totalMass + g;

            out_r = r + v * dt + 0.5 * a * dt * dt;
            out_v = v + a * dt;
Пример #2
        static private Vector3d GetForces(Vessel vessel, Vector3d r, Vector3d v, Vector3d att, double totalMass, double minThrust, double maxThrust,
                                          Trajectories.VesselAerodynamicModel aeroModel, CelestialBody body, double t, double dt,
                                          BLController controller, Vector3d tgt_r, double aeroFudgeFactor,
                                          out Vector3d steer, out Vector3d vel_air, out double throttle)
            Vector3d F = Vector3d.zero;
            double   y = r.magnitude - body.Radius;

            steer    = -Vector3d.Normalize(v);
            throttle = 0;

            // gravity
            double   R = r.magnitude;
            Vector3d g = r * (-body.gravParameter / (R * R * R));

            float      lastAng     = (float)((-1) * body.angularVelocity.magnitude / Math.PI * 180.0);
            Quaternion lastBodyRot = Quaternion.AngleAxis(lastAng, body.angularVelocity.normalized);

            vel_air = v - body.getRFrmVel(r + body.position);

            if (controller != null)
                bool bailOutLandingBurn = true;
                bool simulate           = true;
                bool landingGear;
                controller.GetControlOutputs(vessel, totalMass, r, v, att, minThrust, maxThrust, t, body, simulate, out throttle, out steer, out landingGear, bailOutLandingBurn);
                if (throttle > 0)
                    F = steer * (minThrust + throttle * (maxThrust - minThrust));
                att = steer;                                                          // assume attitude is always correct
            F = F + aeroModel.GetForces(body, r, vel_air, Math.PI) * aeroFudgeFactor; // retrograde

            F = F + g * totalMass;

        public void Fly(FlightCtrlState state)
            double   throttle = last_throttle;
            Vector3d steer    = last_steer;
            double   minThrust;
            double   maxThrust;

            KSPUtils.ComputeMinMaxThrust(vessel, out minThrust, out maxThrust);

            Vector3d tgt_r = vessel.mainBody.GetWorldSurfacePosition(tgtLatitude, tgtLongitude, tgtAlt);

            bool   landingGear        = false;
            bool   bailOutLandingBurn = true; // cut thrust if near ground and have too much thrust to reach ground
            double dt  = vessel.missionTime - last_t;
            string msg = "";

            if ((dt > 0.1) || (vessel.altitude < tgtAlt + 500))
                msg = controller.GetControlOutputs(vessel, vessel.GetTotalMass(), vessel.GetWorldPos3D() - vessel.mainBody.position, vessel.GetObtVelocity(), vessel.transform.up, minThrust, maxThrust,
                                                   controller.vessel.missionTime, vessel.mainBody, false, out throttle, out steer, out landingGear, bailOutLandingBurn, debug);
                last_throttle = throttle;
                last_steer    = steer;
                last_t        = vessel.missionTime;

            if ((landingGear) && (!reportedLandingGear))
                if (vessel == FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel)

            if ((msg != "") && (vessel == FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel))

            if (vessel.checkLanded())
                state.mainThrottle = 0;

            // Set active engines in landing burn
            if (controller.phase == BLControllerPhase.LandingBurn)
                if (controller.landingBurnEngines != null)
                    foreach (ModuleEngines engine in KSPUtils.GetAllEngines(vessel))
                        if (controller.landingBurnEngines.Contains(engine))
                            if (!engine.isOperational)
                            if (engine.isOperational)

            // Draw predicted position if controlling that vessel
            if (vessel == FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel)
                double lat, lon, alt;
                // prediction is for position of planet at current time compensating for
                // planet rotation
                vessel.mainBody.GetLatLonAlt(controller.predBodyRelPos + controller.vessel.mainBody.position, out lat, out lon, out alt);
                alt = vessel.mainBody.TerrainAltitude(lat, lon);              // Make on surface
                Targets.RedrawPrediction(vessel.mainBody, lat, lon, alt + 1); // 1m above ground

                Targets.DrawSteer(vessel.vesselSize.x * Vector3d.Normalize(steer), null, Color.green);
            state.mainThrottle = (float)throttle;
            vessel.Autopilot.SAS.lockedMode = false;
            vessel.Autopilot.SAS.SetTargetOrientation(steer, false);