private void ApplySourceFilter(CppSourceFile cppSourceFile, Defines definesHandler)
     foreach( var filter in _sourceFilters )
         filter.Filter(cppSourceFile, definesHandler);
 public string FilterQuotedString(string input)
     ISourceFilter filter = new QuotedStringsFilter();
     CppSourceFile cppSourceFile = new CppSourceFile(){SourceCode = input};
     filter.Filter(cppSourceFile, null);
     return cppSourceFile.SourceCode;
        /// <summary>
        /// Given 2 strings, filters the left-hand string and checks whether the filtered output matches that of the right-hand string.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="filter">The source filter to apply</param>
        /// <param name="defines">The preprocessor definitions which are to be used by the source filter</param>
        /// <param name="lhs">The left-hand string whose value will be filtered</param>
        /// <param name="rhs">The right-hand string whose value is used to compare the filtered result</param>
        protected void FilterAndCompare(ISourceFilter filter, Defines defines, string lhs, string rhs)
            var cppSourceFile = new CppSourceFile(){SourceCode = lhs};
            filter.Filter(cppSourceFile, defines);

            Assert.AreEqual(cppSourceFile.SourceCode, rhs);
        public void ConditionalInclusionsComplexExpressionEvaluationFail()
            #region setup

            var definesHandler = new Defines(); //no defines supplied

            var filter = new ConditionalInclusionsFilter(new ExpressionEvaluation());

            const string nameSpace = "BoostTestAdapterNunit.Resources.SourceFiltering.";
            const string unfilteredSourceCodeResourceName = "ConditionalInclusionsComplexEvaluationFail.cpp";

            string sourceCodeOriginal = TestHelper.ReadEmbeddedResource(nameSpace + unfilteredSourceCodeResourceName);
            string sourceCodeExpected = sourceCodeOriginal;

            var cppSourceFile = new CppSourceFile()
                FileName = nameSpace + unfilteredSourceCodeResourceName,
                SourceCode = sourceCodeOriginal


            #region excercise

            filter.Filter(cppSourceFile, definesHandler);


            #region verify

            Assert.AreEqual(sourceCodeExpected, cppSourceFile.SourceCode); //no filtering should be done due to inability to evaluate an expression

        /// <summary>
        /// Applies the quoted strings filter action on the supplied sourceCode string
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cppSourceFile">CppSourceFile object containing the source file information</param>
        /// <param name="definesHandler">not used for this filter</param>
        public void Filter(CppSourceFile cppSourceFile, Defines definesHandler)
             * It is important not to the change order of the filters.
            cppSourceFile.SourceCode = stringLiteralsRegex.Replace(cppSourceFile.SourceCode, new MatchEvaluator(ComputeReplacement));

            cppSourceFile.SourceCode = quotedStringsRegex.Replace(cppSourceFile.SourceCode, "");
        public void ConditionalInclusionsIfTests()
            #region setup
            var definesHandler = new Defines();

            definesHandler.Define("DEBUG", "");
            definesHandler.Define("NDEBUG", "");
            definesHandler.Define("DEBUGGER", "");

            var expectedPreprocessorDefines = new HashSet<string>()

            var filter = new ConditionalInclusionsFilter( new ExpressionEvaluation() );

            const string nameSpace = "BoostTestAdapterNunit.Resources.SourceFiltering.";
            const string unfilteredSourceCodeResourceName = "ConditionalInclusionsIfTests_UnFilteredSourceCode.cpp";
            const string filteredSourceCodeResourceName = "ConditionalInclusionsIfTests_FilteredSourceCode.cpp";

            string sourceCodeOriginal = TestHelper.ReadEmbeddedResource(nameSpace + unfilteredSourceCodeResourceName);
            string sourceCodeExpected = TestHelper.ReadEmbeddedResource(nameSpace + filteredSourceCodeResourceName);

            var cppSourceFile = new CppSourceFile()
                FileName = nameSpace + unfilteredSourceCodeResourceName,
                SourceCode = sourceCodeOriginal


            #region excercise

            filter.Filter(cppSourceFile, definesHandler);


            #region verify

            Assert.AreEqual(sourceCodeExpected, cppSourceFile.SourceCode);
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedPreprocessorDefines, definesHandler.NonSubstitutionTokens);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, definesHandler.SubstitutionTokens.Count);


        private void GetIutest(IList<ProjectInfo> projects, ITestCaseDiscoverySink discoverySink)
            if (projects == null) return;

            foreach( ProjectInfo project in projects )
                foreach( string sourceFile in project.CppSourceFiles )
                        using (var reader = new StreamReader(sourceFile))
                                CppSourceFile cppSourceFile = new CppSourceFile()
                                    FileName = sourceFile,
                                    SourceCode = reader.ReadToEnd()

                                ApplySourceFilter(cppSourceFile, new Defines(project.DefinesHandler));

                            catch (Exception e)
                                Logger.Error("Exception: \"{0}\", {1}", sourceFile, e.Message);
                    catch (Exception e)
                        Logger.Error("Exception: \"{0}\", {1}", sourceFile, e.Message);
Пример #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Filters any single line comments from the source code
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cppSourceFile">CppSourceFile object containing the source file information</param>
        /// <param name="definesHandler">not used for this filter</param>
        public void Filter(CppSourceFile cppSourceFile, Defines definesHandler)
            Utility.Code.Require(cppSourceFile, "cppSourceFile");

            cppSourceFile.SourceCode = singleLineCommentRegex.Replace(cppSourceFile.SourceCode, "");
Пример #9
        //Options: Case insensitive; Exact spacing; Dot matches line breaks; ^$ don't match at line breaks; Numbered capture
        //Match the regex below and capture its match into backreference number 1 «(\r\n?|\n)»
        //   Match this alternative (attempting the next alternative only if this one fails) «\r\n?»
        //      Match the carriage return character «\r»
        //      Match the line feed character «\n?»
        //         Between zero and one times, as many times as possible, giving back as needed (greedy) «?»
        //   Or match this alternative (the entire group fails if this one fails to match) «\n»
        //      Match the line feed character «\n»

        #region ISourceFilter

        /// <summary>
        /// Applies the quoted strings filter action on the supplied sourceCode string
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cppSourceFile">CppSourceFile object containing the source file information</param>
        /// <param name="definesHandler">not used for this filter</param>
        public void Filter(CppSourceFile cppSourceFile, Defines definesHandler)
            Utility.Code.Require(cppSourceFile, "cppSourceFile");

            cppSourceFile.SourceCode = stringLiteralsRegex.Replace(cppSourceFile.SourceCode, ComputeReplacement);
        /// <summary>
        /// Discovers Boost Test from the provided C++ source file. Notifies test discovery via the provided discoverySink.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cppSourceFile">The C++ source file to scan for Boost Tests</param>
        /// <param name="source">The associated test source EXE</param>
        /// <param name="discoverySink">The discoverySink to which identified tests will be notified to</param>
        private static void DiscoverBoostTests(CppSourceFile cppSourceFile, string source, ITestCaseDiscoverySink discoverySink)
            string[] code = cppSourceFile.SourceCode.TrimEnd(new[] { ' ', '\n', '\r' }).Split('\n');

            SourceFileInfo sourceInfo = new SourceFileInfo(cppSourceFile.FileName, 0);

            QualifiedNameBuilder suite = new QualifiedNameBuilder();
            // Push the equivalent of the Master Test Suite

            var templateLists = new Dictionary<string, List<string>>();

            for (sourceInfo.LineNumber = 1; sourceInfo.LineNumber <= code.Length; ++sourceInfo.LineNumber)
                string line = code[sourceInfo.LineNumber - 1];

                string[] splitMacro = SplitMacro(line);
                string desiredMacro = splitMacro[0].Trim();

                // serge: BOOST multiline test macros are supported now
                 * Currently the below is not able to handle BOOST UTF signatures spread over multiple lines.
                switch (desiredMacro)
                    case Constants.TypedefListIdentifier:
                    case Constants.TypedefMplListIdentifier:
                    case Constants.TypedefBoostMplListIdentifier:
                            var dataTypes = new List<string>();
                            int i;

                            for (i = 1; i < splitMacro.Length - 2; ++i)

                            templateLists.Add(splitMacro[i].Trim(), dataTypes);

                    case Constants.TestCaseTemplateIdentifier:
                            int newLineNumber = ScrollLines(sourceInfo.LineNumber, code, ref line);
                            if (sourceInfo.LineNumber != newLineNumber)
                                // recalc splitMacro
                                splitMacro = SplitMacro(line);
                                sourceInfo.LineNumber = newLineNumber;

                            string listName = splitMacro[3].Trim();
                            //third parameter is the corresponding boost::mpl::list name

                            if (templateLists.ContainsKey(listName))
                                foreach (var dataType in templateLists[listName])
                                    string testCaseName = splitMacro[1].Trim();
                                    //first parameter is the test case name
                                    string testCaseNameWithDataType = testCaseName + "<" + dataType + ">";

                                    var testCase = TestCaseUtils.CreateTestCase(source, sourceInfo, suite, testCaseNameWithDataType);

                                    TestCaseUtils.AddTestCase(testCase, discoverySink);

                    case Constants.FixtureTestSuiteIdentifier:
                    case Constants.AutoTestSuiteIdentifier:
                            int newLineNumber = ScrollLines(sourceInfo.LineNumber, code, ref line);
                            if (sourceInfo.LineNumber != newLineNumber)
                                // recalc splitMacro
                                splitMacro = SplitMacro(line);
                                sourceInfo.LineNumber = newLineNumber;


                    case Constants.FixtureTestCaseIdentifier:
                    case Constants.AutoTestCaseIdentifier:
                            int newLineNumber = ScrollLines(sourceInfo.LineNumber, code, ref line);
                            if (sourceInfo.LineNumber != newLineNumber)
                                // recalc splitMacro
                                splitMacro = SplitMacro(line);
                                sourceInfo.LineNumber = newLineNumber;

                            string testCaseName = splitMacro[1].Trim();

                            var testCase = TestCaseUtils.CreateTestCase(source, sourceInfo, suite, testCaseName);

                            TestCaseUtils.AddTestCase(testCase, discoverySink);

                    case Constants.AutoTestSuiteEndIdentifier:
        private void GetBoostTests(IDictionary<string, ProjectInfo> solutionInfo, ITestCaseDiscoverySink discoverySink)
            if (solutionInfo != null)
                foreach (KeyValuePair<string, ProjectInfo> info in solutionInfo)
                    string source = info.Key;
                    ProjectInfo projectInfo = info.Value;

                    foreach (var sourceFile in projectInfo.CppSourceFiles)
                            using (var sr = new StreamReader(sourceFile))
                                    var cppSourceFile = new CppSourceFile()
                                        FileName = sourceFile,
                                        SourceCode = sr.ReadToEnd()

                                    // Filter out any false positives and quickly reject files which do not contain any Boost Unit Test eye-catchers
                                    if ( ShouldConsiderSourceFile(cppSourceFile.SourceCode) )
                                         * it is important that the pre-processor defines at project level are not modified
                                         * because every source file in the project has to have the same starting point.

                                        //call to cpy ctor
                                        Defines definitions = new Defines(projectInfo.DefinesHandler);

                                        ApplySourceFilter(cppSourceFile, definitions);
                                        DiscoverBoostTests(cppSourceFile, source, discoverySink);
                                catch (Exception ex)
                                            "Exception raised while discovering tests from \"{0}\" of project \"{1}\", ({2})",
                                            sourceFile, projectInfo.ProjectExe, ex.Message);
                            Logger.Error("Unable to open file \"{0}\" of project \"{1}\".", sourceFile, projectInfo.ProjectExe);
                Logger.Error("the solutionInfo object was found to be null whilst");
Пример #12
        // (/\*(?:.+?)\*/)
        // Options: Case insensitive; Exact spacing; Dot matches line breaks; ^$ don't match at line breaks; Numbered capture
        // Match the regex below and capture its match into backreference number 1 «(/\*(?:.+?)\*/)»
        //    Match the character “/” literally «/»
        //    Match the character “*” literally «\*»
        //    Match the regular expression below «(?:.+?)»
        //       Match any single character «.+?»
        //          Between one and unlimited times, as few times as possible, expanding as needed (lazy) «+?»
        //    Match the character “*” literally «\*»
        //    Match the character “/” literally «/»

        #region ISourceFilter

        /// <summary>
        /// Filters any multiline comments from the source code.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cppSourceFile">CppSourceFile object containing the source file information</param>
        /// <param name="definesHandler">not used for this filter</param>
        public void Filter(CppSourceFile cppSourceFile, Defines definesHandler)
            Utility.Code.Require(cppSourceFile, "cppSourceFile");
            cppSourceFile.SourceCode = multiLineCommentRegex.Replace(cppSourceFile.SourceCode, ComputeMultiLineCommentReplacement);
 /// <summary>
 /// Filters any multiline comments from the source code.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="cppSourceFile">CppSourceFile object containing the source file information</param>
 /// <param name="definesHandler">not used for this filter</param>
 public void Filter(CppSourceFile cppSourceFile, Defines definesHandler)
     cppSourceFile.SourceCode = multiLineCommentRegex.Replace(cppSourceFile.SourceCode, ComputeMultiLineCommentReplacement);
        // (/\*(?:.+?)\*/)
        // Options: Case insensitive; Exact spacing; Dot matches line breaks; ^$ don't match at line breaks; Numbered capture
        // Match the regex below and capture its match into backreference number 1 «(/\*(?:.+?)\*/)»
        //    Match the character “/” literally «/»
        //    Match the character “*” literally «\*»
        //    Match the regular expression below «(?:.+?)»
        //       Match any single character «.+?»
        //          Between one and unlimited times, as few times as possible, expanding as needed (lazy) «+?»
        //    Match the character “*” literally «\*»
        //    Match the character “/” literally «/»

        #region ISourceFilter

        /// <summary>
        /// Filters any multiline comments from the source code.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cppSourceFile">CppSourceFile object containing the source file information</param>
        /// <param name="definesHandler">not used for this filter</param>
        public void Filter(CppSourceFile cppSourceFile, Defines definesHandler)
            Utility.Code.Require(cppSourceFile, "cppSourceFile");
            cppSourceFile.SourceCode = multiLineCommentRegex.Replace(cppSourceFile.SourceCode, ComputeMultiLineCommentReplacement);
        private void GetBoostTests(IDictionary<string, ProjectInfo> solutionInfo, ITestCaseDiscoverySink discoverySink)
            if (solutionInfo != null)
                foreach (KeyValuePair<string, ProjectInfo> info in solutionInfo)
                    string source = info.Key;
                    ProjectInfo projectInfo = info.Value;

                    foreach (var sourceFile in projectInfo.CppSourceFiles)
                            using (var sr = new StreamReader(sourceFile))
                                    var cppSourceFile = new CppSourceFile()
                                        FileName = sourceFile,
                                        SourceCode = sr.ReadToEnd()

                                    // Filter out any false positives and quickly reject files which do not contain any Boost Unit Test eye-catchers
                                    if ( ShouldConsiderSourceFile(cppSourceFile.SourceCode) )
                                        Defines definitions = GetDefines(projectInfo);

                                        ApplySourceFilter(cppSourceFile, definitions);
                                        DiscoverBoostTests(cppSourceFile, source, discoverySink);
                                catch (Exception ex)
                                        "Exception raised while discovering tests from \"{0}\" of project \"{1}\", ({2})",
                            Logger.Error("Unable to open file \"{0}\" of project \"{1}\".", sourceFile, projectInfo.ProjectExe);
                Logger.Error("the solutionInfo object was found to be null whilst");
        //Options: Case insensitive; Exact spacing; Dot matches line breaks; ^$ don't match at line breaks; Numbered capture
        //Match the regex below and capture its match into backreference number 1 «(\r\n?|\n)»
        //   Match this alternative (attempting the next alternative only if this one fails) «\r\n?»
        //      Match the carriage return character «\r»
        //      Match the line feed character «\n?»
        //         Between zero and one times, as many times as possible, giving back as needed (greedy) «?»
        //   Or match this alternative (the entire group fails if this one fails to match) «\n»
        //      Match the line feed character «\n»

        #region ISourceFilter

        /// <summary>
        /// Applies the quoted strings filter action on the supplied sourceCode string
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cppSourceFile">CppSourceFile object containing the source file information</param>
        /// <param name="definesHandler">not used for this filter</param>
        public void Filter(CppSourceFile cppSourceFile, Defines definesHandler)
            Utility.Code.Require(cppSourceFile, "cppSourceFile");

            cppSourceFile.SourceCode = stringLiteralsRegex.Replace(cppSourceFile.SourceCode, ComputeReplacement);
        public void ConditionalInclusionsComplexExpressionEvaluationSuccess()
            #region setup

            var definesHandler = new Defines();

            var expectedNonSubstitutionTokens = new HashSet<string>()

            var expectedSubtitutionTokens = new Dictionary<string, object>()
                {"LEVEL", "19"},
                {"EVER", ";;"},
                {"BIG", "(512)"},
                {"PRINT", "cout << #x"},

            var filter = new ConditionalInclusionsFilter(new ExpressionEvaluation());

            const string nameSpace = "BoostTestAdapterNunit.Resources.SourceFiltering.";
            const string unfilteredSourceCodeResourceName = "ConditionalInclusionsComplexEvaluationSuccess_UnfilteredSourceCode.cpp";
            const string filteredSourceCodeResourceName = "ConditionalInclusionsComplexEvaluationSuccess_FilteredSourceCode.cpp";

            string sourceCodeOriginal = TestHelper.ReadEmbeddedResource(nameSpace + unfilteredSourceCodeResourceName);

            string sourceCodeExpected = TestHelper.ReadEmbeddedResource(nameSpace + filteredSourceCodeResourceName);

            var cppSourceFile = new CppSourceFile()
                FileName = nameSpace + unfilteredSourceCodeResourceName,
                SourceCode = sourceCodeOriginal


            #region excercise

            filter.Filter(cppSourceFile, definesHandler);


            #region verify

            Assert.AreEqual(sourceCodeExpected, cppSourceFile.SourceCode);
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedNonSubstitutionTokens, definesHandler.NonSubstitutionTokens);
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedSubtitutionTokens, definesHandler.SubstitutionTokens);

Пример #18
 /// <summary>
 /// Applies the filter action onto the source code
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="cppSourceFile">source file information</param>
 /// <param name="definesHandler">pre-processor defines</param>
 public void Filter(CppSourceFile cppSourceFile, Defines definesHandler)
     _conditionalInclusionsMachine.Apply(cppSourceFile, definesHandler);
 /// <summary>
 /// Filters any single line comments from the source code
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="cppSourceFile">CppSourceFile object containing the source file information</param>
 /// <param name="definesHandler">not used for this filter</param>
 public void Filter(CppSourceFile cppSourceFile, Defines definesHandler)
     cppSourceFile.SourceCode = singleLineCommentRegex.Replace(cppSourceFile.SourceCode, "");
 /// <summary>
 /// Applies the filter action onto the source code
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="cppSourceFile">source file information</param>
 /// <param name="definesHandler">pre-processor defines</param>
 public void Filter(CppSourceFile cppSourceFile, Defines definesHandler)
     _conditionalInclusionsMachine.Apply(cppSourceFile, definesHandler);
        private static void DiscoverBoostTests(CppSourceFile cppSourceFile, string source, ITestCaseDiscoverySink discoverySink)
            string[] code = cppSourceFile.SourceCode.TrimEnd(new[] { ' ', '\n', '\r' }).Split('\n');

            SourceFileInfo sourceInfo = new SourceFileInfo(cppSourceFile.FileName, 0);

            QualifiedNameBuilder suite = new QualifiedNameBuilder();
            // Push the equivalent of the Master Test Suite

            var templateLists = new Dictionary<string, IEnumerable<string>>();

            for (sourceInfo.LineNumber = 1; sourceInfo.LineNumber <= code.Length; ++sourceInfo.LineNumber)
                string line = code[sourceInfo.LineNumber - 1];

                string[] splitMacro = SplitMacro(line);
                string desiredMacro = splitMacro[0].Trim();

                switch (desiredMacro)
                    case Constants.TypedefListIdentifier:
                    case Constants.TypedefMplListIdentifier:
                    case Constants.TypedefBoostMplListIdentifier:
                            var templateList = ParseTemplateList(splitMacro);
                            templateLists.Add(templateList.Key, templateList.Value);

                    case Constants.TestCaseTemplateIdentifier:
                            var templateTest = ParseTemplateTestCase(splitMacro, templateLists, sourceInfo, code, ref line);

                            foreach (string testCaseDataType in templateTest.Value)
                                string testCaseNameWithDataType = templateTest.Key + '<' + testCaseDataType + '>';
                                var testCase = TestCaseUtils.CreateTestCase(source, sourceInfo, suite, testCaseNameWithDataType);
                                TestCaseUtils.AddTestCase(testCase, discoverySink);

                    case Constants.FixtureTestSuiteIdentifier:
                    case Constants.AutoTestSuiteIdentifier:
                            string suiteName = ParseBeginTestSuite(splitMacro, sourceInfo, code, ref line);

                    case Constants.FixtureTestCaseIdentifier:
                    case Constants.AutoTestCaseIdentifier:
                    case Constants.DataTestCaseIdentifier:
                            string testCaseName = ParseTestCase(splitMacro, sourceInfo, code, ref line);
                            var testCase = TestCaseUtils.CreateTestCase(source, sourceInfo, suite, testCaseName);
                            TestCaseUtils.AddTestCase(testCase, discoverySink);

                    case Constants.FixtureDataTestCaseIdentifier:
                            string testCaseName = ParseDataTestCaseF(splitMacro, sourceInfo, code, ref line);
                            var testCase = TestCaseUtils.CreateTestCase(source, sourceInfo, suite, testCaseName);
                            TestCaseUtils.AddTestCase(testCase, discoverySink);

                    case Constants.AutoTestSuiteEndIdentifier: