//For browse Page //To list all books public static List <Book> ListAllBooks() { using (BookshopModel entities = new BookshopModel()) { return(entities.Books.ToList <Book>()); } }
//For browse Page //To sort Booklist by Price descending public static List <Book> SortBooksByPriceDesc() { using (BookshopModel entities = new BookshopModel()) { return(entities.Books.OrderByDescending(x => x.Price).ToList <Book>()); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { using (BookshopModel b = new BookshopModel()) { if (Session["query"] != null) { TextBox1.Text = Session["query"].ToString(); SearchByTitle(); Session["query"] = null; } else { GenerateGrid(); } var q = b.Categories.Select(x => x.Name).ToList(); foreach (Category x in b.Categories) { DropDownList1.Items.Add(x.Name); } } } // Fix for ASPNet Grid views, to work with Bootstrap Tables //GridView1.UseAccessibleHeader = true; //GridView1.HeaderRow.TableSection = TableRowSection.TableHeader; }
public static void CheckOut(string UName, int bookid, int quantity, float fprice) { int LastOrderID; int g; using (TransactionScope Ts = new TransactionScope()) { LastOrderID = GetLastOrderID() + 1; //To add order using (BookshopModel entities = new BookshopModel()) { OrderDetail order = new OrderDetail() { OrderID = LastOrderID, UserName = UName, BookID = bookid, Quantity = quantity, finalprice = (decimal)fprice, Totalprice = (decimal)(quantity * (decimal)fprice) }; entities.OrderDetails.Add(order); var q = from x in entities.Books where x.BookID == bookid select x; Book b = q.First(); g = (int)b.Stock; g = g - quantity; b.Stock = g; entities.SaveChanges(); } /*scribbly here*/ // Transaction.Current.TransactionCompleted += new TransactionCompletedEventHandler(Current_TransactionCompleted); Ts.Complete(); } }
public static List <OrderDetail> SortOrderID() { using (BookshopModel entities = new BookshopModel()) { return(entities.OrderDetails.OrderByDescending(x => x.OrderID).ToList <OrderDetail>()); } }
protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string param_isbn = Request.QueryString["isbn"]; if (param_isbn != null) { string isbn = param_isbn; //Button lb = (Button)sender; //HiddenField hd = (HiddenField)lb.FindControl("HiddenFieldID"); //int id = Convert.ToInt32(hd.Value); BookshopModel b = new BookshopModel(); if (Session["cart"] == null) { List <Item> cart = new List <Item>(); cart.Add(new Item(b.Books.Where(x => x.ISBN == isbn).First(), 1)); Session["cart"] = cart; } else { List <Item> cart = (List <Item>)Session["cart"]; int index = isExisting(isbn); if (index == -1) { cart.Add(new Item(b.Books.Where(x => x.ISBN == isbn).First(), 1)); } else { cart[index].Quantity++; Session["cart"] = cart; } } } }
// Updates page given a book protected void UpdatePage() { // Grab the attributes from the URL string param_isbn = Request.QueryString["isbn"]; if (param_isbn != null) { string isbn = param_isbn; // Populate the page with information about the book using (BookshopModel entities = new BookshopModel()) { // Get Book Book b = entities.Books.Where(x => x.ISBN == isbn).First(); // Update Elements Image1.ImageUrl = "~/Reference/Images/" + b.ISBN + ".jpg"; title.InnerText = b.Title; author.InnerText = b.Author; synopsis.InnerText = b.Synopsis; price.InnerText = "$" + b.Price; details_author.InnerText = b.Author; details_name.InnerText = b.Title; details_isbn.InnerText = b.ISBN; } } }
//Todeletebook public static void DeleteBook(int bookid) { using (BookshopModel entities = new BookshopModel()) { Book book = entities.Books.Where(p => p.BookID == bookid).First <Book>(); entities.Books.Remove(book); entities.SaveChanges(); } }
//For CheckOut Page public static int GetLastOrderID() { using (BookshopModel entities = new BookshopModel()) { var q = SortOrderID(); OrderDetail b = q.First(); return(b.OrderID); } }
//Toaddcategory public static void SaveCategory(string category) { using (BookshopModel entities = new BookshopModel()) { Category c = new Category() { Name = category, }; entities.Categories.Add(c); entities.SaveChanges(); } }
//discount public static void discount(decimal discount) { using (BookshopModel entities = new BookshopModel()) { foreach (Book b in entities.Books.ToList()) { b.finalprice = b.Price * (1 - (discount / 100)); b.SWdiscount = 1 - discount / 100; entities.SaveChanges(); } } }
//Toupdatebook public static void UpdateBook(int bookid, string title, int categoryid, string isbn, string author, int stock, decimal finalprice, string synopsis) { using (BookshopModel entities = new BookshopModel()) { Book book = entities.Books.Where(p => p.BookID == bookid).First <Book>(); book.Title = title; book.CategoryID = categoryid; book.ISBN = isbn; book.Author = author; book.Stock = stock; book.finalprice = finalprice; book.Synopsis = synopsis; entities.SaveChanges(); } }
protected void Button1_Click1(object sender, EventArgs e) { Button lb = (Button)sender; HiddenField hd = (HiddenField)lb.FindControl("HiddenFieldID"); int id = Convert.ToInt32(hd.Value); BookshopModel b = new BookshopModel(); try { using (TransactionScope ts = new TransactionScope()) { if (Session["cart"] == null) { List <Item> cart = new List <Item>(); cart.Add(new Item(b.Books.Where(x => x.BookID == id).First(), 1)); Session["cart"] = cart; } else { List <Item> cart = (List <Item>)Session["cart"]; int index = isExisting(id); if (index == -1) { cart.Add(new Item(b.Books.Where(x => x.BookID == id).First(), 1)); } else { cart[index].Quantity++; Session["cart"] = cart; } } MsgBox("Item added to cart"); ts.Complete(); } } catch (System.Transactions.TransactionException ex) { MsgBox(ex.ToString()); } catch { MsgBox("ERROR: Item not added"); } }
protected void GenerateGrid() { Label1.Visible = false; using (BookshopModel b = new BookshopModel()) { if (DropDownList1.SelectedValue != "0") { string category = DropDownList1.SelectedItem.Text.ToString(); var q = from x in b.Books where x.Category.Name == DropDownList1.SelectedValue.ToString() select x; GridView1.DataSource = q.ToList <Book>(); GridView1.DataBind(); } else { GridView1.DataSource = b.Books.ToList <Book>(); GridView1.DataBind(); } } }
//To add Book public static void Savebook(string title, int categoryid, string isbn, string author, int stock, decimal price, string synopsis, decimal discount) { using (BookshopModel entities = new BookshopModel()) { Book b = new Book() { Title = title, CategoryID = categoryid, ISBN = isbn, Author = author, Stock = stock, Price = price, Synopsis = synopsis, SWdiscount = 1 - (discount / 100), finalprice = price * (1 - (discount / 100)), }; entities.Books.Add(b); entities.SaveChanges(); } }
protected void SearchByTitle() { using (BookshopModel ctx = new BookshopModel()) { var q = ctx.Books.Where(x => x.Title.Contains(TextBox1.Text)); if (q != null) { GridView1.DataSource = q.ToList <Book>(); GridView1.DataBind(); if (GridView1.Rows.Count == 0) { Label1.Visible = true; } else { Label1.Visible = false; } } DropDownList1.SelectedIndex = 0; } }
/*scribbly here*/ //public static void Current_TransactionCompleted(object sender, TransactionEventArgs e) //{ // if (e.Transaction.TransactionInformation.Status == TransactionStatus.Commited) // { // //session[“OrderID”] = LastOrderID; // } // else if (e.Transaction.TransactionInformation.Status == TransactionStatus.Aborted) // { // } //} //To display Order details for Confirmation Page public static List <OrderDetail> DisplayOrder(int OID) { using (BookshopModel entities = new BookshopModel()) { return(entities.OrderDetails.Where(p => p.OrderID == OID).ToList <OrderDetail>()); } }
// For View Details Page //To View Details (use selected book ID as input argument) public static List <Book> ListBookDetails(int BID) { using (BookshopModel entities = new BookshopModel()) { return(entities.Books.Where(p => p.BookID == BID).ToList <Book>()); } }
//For browse Page //To search/list by required Author public static List <Book> SearchByBookAuthor(string name) { using (BookshopModel entities = new BookshopModel()) { return(entities.Books.Where(p => p.Author.Contains(name)).ToList <Book>()); } }
//For browse Page //To sort Booklist by title ascending public static List <Book> SortBooksByTitle() { using (BookshopModel entities = new BookshopModel()) { return(entities.Books.OrderBy(x => x.Title).ToList <Book>()); } }
//For browse Page //To search/list by CategoryName (use dropdown selected index) public static List <Book> SearchByCategory(int CID) { using (BookshopModel entities = new BookshopModel()) { return(entities.Books.Where(p => p.CategoryID == (CID + 1)).ToList <Book>()); } }