Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="reflex"></param>
        /// <param name="param"></param>
        /// <returns>Return true if the MouseFilter passes.  Ignoring the other filters.</returns>
        public override bool MatchAction(Reflex reflex, out object param)
            bool result = IsPressed;

            // Return as a parameter a vector that can be used for input to the movement system, so
            // that players can drive and turn bots using mouse buttons.
            param = new Vector2(0, 0);

            // Only set the mouse position onto the reflex if the filter actually passes.
            if (result)
                // If we have a Once modifier, clear it on mouse down.
                if (wasPressed)
                    for (int i = 0; i < reflex.Modifiers.Count; i++)
                        OnceModifier om = reflex.Modifiers[i] as OnceModifier;
                        if (om != null)

                if (type == MouseFilterType.Move)
                    // This is poorly named.  What this is doing is not mouse movement but
                    // instead working with a normalized version of the mouse position in
                    // screenspace.

                    // Screen space mouse position, don't care about world space position
                    // or what mouse is over.

                    // Get change in mouse position.
                    Vector2 pos = new Vector2(MouseInput.Position.X, MouseInput.Position.Y);

                    // Rescale and clamp into [-1,1] range.

                    // Scale to 0,1 range
                    pos.X /= BokuGame.bokuGame.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Width;
                    pos.Y /= BokuGame.bokuGame.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Height;

                    // Transform from 0,1 to -1,1
                    pos.X = pos.X * 2.0f - 1.0f;
                    pos.Y = pos.Y * 2.0f - 1.0f;

                    // Clamp
                    pos.X = MathHelper.Clamp(pos.X, -1.0f, 1.0f);
                    pos.Y = MathHelper.Clamp(-pos.Y, -1.0f, 1.0f);    // Negate so positive is up.

                    screenPosition = pos;
                    param          = pos;
                    bool meFilter = reflex.Data.FilterExists("filter.me");

                    if (MouseEdit.HitInfo.ActorHit != null)
                        // If this reflex uses the movement actuator then totally ignore clicks on self.  This
                        // allows us to still use clicks on self to change state w/o overwriting movement target.
                        if (!(reflex.IsMovement && MouseEdit.HitInfo.ActorHit == reflex.Task.GameActor))
                            // At this point we need to peek at the filters and look for a MeFilter.  We just use
                            // this to decide what to put into the MousePosition and MouseActor fields.  The real
                            // filtering will be done in the sensor.
                            if (!meFilter || MouseEdit.HitInfo.ActorHit == reflex.Task.GameActor)
                                reflex.MousePosition = MouseEdit.HitInfo.ActorPosition;
                                reflex.MouseActor    = MouseEdit.HitInfo.ActorHit;

                                param = new Vector2(MouseEdit.HitInfo.ActorPosition.X, MouseEdit.HitInfo.ActorPosition.Y);
                        if (!meFilter)
                            reflex.MousePosition = MouseEdit.HitInfo.TerrainPosition;
                            reflex.MouseActor    = null;

                            param = new Vector2(MouseEdit.HitInfo.TerrainPosition.X, MouseEdit.HitInfo.TerrainPosition.Y);

            // Don't hold onto a ref to a dead bot.
            if (reflex.MouseActor != null && reflex.MouseActor.CurrentState == GameThing.State.Inactive)
                reflex.MouseActor    = null;
                reflex.MousePosition = null;

Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="reflex"></param>
        /// <param name="param"></param>
        /// <returns>Return true if the TouchGestureFilter passes.  Ignoring the other filters.</returns>
        public override bool MatchAction(Reflex reflex, out object param)
            // Based on gesture type, we check if the gesture has been recognized/performed this frame to see
            // if this filter may have something to do!
            bool result = IsPerformed;

            // ** UNUSED **
            // Return as a parameter a vector that can be used for input to the movement system, so
            // that players can drive and turn bots using mouse buttons.
            // The touch filters don't have a use for this parameter at this time.
            param = null;

            // Did the gesture just begin this frame? Useful for 'once' filters and such.
            wasPerformed = WasPerformed;

            if (result)
                // If we have a Once modifier, clear it on wasPerformed
                if (wasPerformed)
                    for (int i = 0; i < reflex.Modifiers.Count; i++)
                        OnceModifier om = reflex.Modifiers[i] as OnceModifier;
                        if (om != null)

                // Set the touch position and touch actor based on TouchEdit data and
                // whether we've hit an actor or not.
                bool meFilter = reflex.Data.FilterExists("filter.me");
                if (TouchEdit.HitInfo.ActorHit != null)
                    reflex.TouchPosition = TouchEdit.HitInfo.ActorPosition;
                    reflex.TouchActor    = TouchEdit.HitInfo.ActorHit;
                    reflex.TouchActor = null;

                    if (!meFilter)
                        reflex.TouchPosition = TouchEdit.HitInfo.TerrainPosition;
                        reflex.TouchPosition = null;

                // Gesture-type specific behavior goes here.
                if (type == TouchGestureFilterType.Rotate)
                    deltaRotation = TouchGestureManager.Get().RotateGesture.RotationDelta;
                else if (type == TouchGestureFilterType.Swipe)
                    direction = TouchGestureManager.Get().SwipeGesture.SwipeDirection;
                else if (type == TouchGestureFilterType.Slide)
                    // Slide is unique in that it cares about what actor you began the slide on, not where
                    // you are now. The touch position is your current touch position, however.
                    // Here we override the TouchActor set above.
                    reflex.TouchPosition = TouchEdit.HitInfo.TerrainPosition;
                    reflex.TouchActor    = TouchInput.InitialActorHit;
                else if (type == TouchGestureFilterType.Tap)
                    tapPosition = TouchGestureManager.Get().TapGesture.Position;
                else if (type == TouchGestureFilterType.Touching)

            // Don't hold onto a ref to a dead bot.
            if (reflex.TouchActor != null && reflex.TouchActor.CurrentState == GameThing.State.Inactive)
                reflex.TouchActor    = null;
                reflex.TouchPosition = null;
