Пример #1
		private void initDjs()
			if (currentMixmagGreatestDj == null && MixmagGreatestDjK > 0)
				currentMixmagGreatestDj = new MixmagGreatestDj(MixmagGreatestDjK);

					MixmagGreatestDjSet djs1 = new MixmagGreatestDjSet(new Query(new Q(MixmagGreatestDj.Columns.K, QueryOperator.GreaterThan, MixmagGreatestDjK), new OrderBy(MixmagGreatestDj.Columns.K), 1));
					if (djs1.Count > 0)
						nextDj = djs1[0];
						MixmagGreatestDjSet djs2 = new MixmagGreatestDjSet(new Query(new Q(true), new OrderBy(MixmagGreatestDj.Columns.K), 1));
						nextDj = djs2[0];

					MixmagGreatestDjSet djs1 = new MixmagGreatestDjSet(new Query(new Q(MixmagGreatestDj.Columns.K, QueryOperator.LessThan, MixmagGreatestDjK), new OrderBy(MixmagGreatestDj.Columns.K, OrderBy.OrderDirection.Descending), 1));
					if (djs1.Count > 0)
						prevDj = djs1[0];
						MixmagGreatestDjSet djs2 = new MixmagGreatestDjSet(new Query(new Q(true), new OrderBy(MixmagGreatestDj.Columns.K, OrderBy.OrderDirection.Descending), 1));
						prevDj = djs2[0];


Пример #2
		protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
			PageIdToLike.Value = Facebook.FacebookCommon.Common(Facebook.Apps.MixmagGreatest).PageId.ToString();
			ContainerPage.BodyTag.Style["overflow"] = "hidden";

		//	bool gotSession = HttpContext.Current.Request["session"] != null && HttpContext.Current.Request["session"].Length > 0;

		//	DoneRefresh.Value = gotSession ? "1" : "0";

			SafariKludge.Value = (Request.UserAgent.ToLower().Contains("safari") || Request.UserAgent.ToLower().Contains("msie") || Vars.DevEnv).ToString().ToLower();

			string signedRequest = HttpContext.Current.Request["signed_request"];
			SignedRequest.Value = signedRequest;


			if (signedRequest == null)
				string appData = "&app_data=" + Url.MixmagGreatestDjK.ToString() + "-" + (Request.QueryString["s"] == null ? "0" : "1") + "-" + (Request.QueryString["fb"] == null ? "0" : "1");
				if (Vars.DevEnv)
					Response.Redirect("http://www.facebook.com/pages/MixmagTest2/247863881900953?sk=app_217063325011494" + appData);
					Response.Redirect("http://www.facebook.com/MixmagMagazine?sk=app_220006991381259" + appData);
				JObject req = Facebook.FacebookCommon.DecodeFacebookRequest(signedRequest, Apps.MixmagGreatest);
				#region sample signedRequest
				  "algorithm": "HMAC-SHA256",
				  "expires": 1312902000,
				  "issued_at": 1312897172,
				  "app_data": "????",
				  "oauth_token": "217063325011494|2.AQBQXYMXowmqEDC4.3600.1312902000.0-513584417|H4gnYUMiuQm9FmttzwxZRjxhdtU",
				  "page": {
					"id": "247863881900953",
					"liked": false,
					"admin": true
				  "user": {
					"country": "gb",
					"locale": "en_US",
					"age": {
					  "min": 21
				  "user_id": "513584417"
				bool liked = ((JObject)req["page"])["liked"].Value<bool>();
				#region appData -> Dj

				string appData = "";

					appData = req["app_data"].Value<string>();
				catch { }

				MixmagGreatestDj Dj = null;
					Dj = new MixmagGreatestDj(int.Parse(appData.Split('-')[0]));
				catch { }

				bool skip = false;
				    skip = appData.Split('-')[1] == "1";
				catch { }

				bool facebook = false;
					facebook = appData.Split('-')[2] == "1";
				catch { }

				FacebookSource.Value = facebook ? "1" : "0";

				LikedPage.Value = liked.ToString();
				MixmagGreatestDjK.Value = Dj != null ? Dj.K.ToString() : "0";
				//bool notRunning = (DateTime.Now > new DateTime(2011, 12, 24) || Vars.DevEnv) && !skip;
				bool notRunning = (DateTime.Now > new DateTime(2011, 12, 24)) && !skip;

				if (Dj == null || notRunning)
					NominationsLikeButtonHolder.Style["display"] = liked ? "none" : "";
					NominationsHolder.Style["display"] = liked ? "" : "none";

				NotRunningPanel.Style["display"] = notRunning ? "" : "none";
				RunningPanel.Style["display"] = !notRunning ? "" : "none";
			//	if (notRunning)
			//	{
			//		NominationsPanel.Visible = false;
			//		VotePanel.Visible = false;
			//	}
				NominationsPanel.Style["display"] = Dj == null || notRunning ? "" : "none";

				VotePanel.Style["display"] = Dj != null && !notRunning ? "" : "none"; 

				VoteLikeHolder.Style["display"] = liked ? "none" : "";
				VoteButtonHolder.Style["display"] = liked ? "" : "none";
				//VoteFollowHolder.Style["display"] = liked ? "" : "none";

				if (Dj != null && !notRunning)
					VoteName.InnerHtml = Dj.Name;
					VoteImg.Src = Dj.Image200Url;
					//VoteImgDiv.Style["background"] = "white url(" + Dj.Image200Url + ") repeat-x cefter top";
					//VoteFollowPrompt.InnerHtml = liked ? "Step 1 - click the Follow button:" : "Step 2 - click the Follow button:";
					string s = liked ? "Step 1 - click the Vote button:" : "Step 2 - click the Vote button:";
					VoteButtonPrompt.InnerHtml = s;
					//VoteButtonPrompt.InnerHtml = "foobar";

					VoteTweetButton.Attributes["data-url"] = "http://mixmag-greatest.com/";
					if (Dj.IsHidden)
						VoteTweetButton.Attributes["data-text"] = "I voted in Mixmag's #GreatestDanceAct of all time poll. Who's yours? Vote at ";
						VoteTweetButton.Attributes["data-text"] = "I voted " + Dj.ShortName + (Dj.TwitterName.Length > 0 ? " (@" + Dj.TwitterName + ")" : "") + " in Mixmag's #GreatestDanceAct of all time poll. Who's yours? Vote at ";
					//I voted Altern-8 in Mixmag's #GreatestDanceAct of all time poll. Who's yours? Vote at http://mixmag-greatest.com/
					VoteDescriptionP.InnerHtml = Dj.Description;
					VoteVideo1.Attributes["src"] = "http://www.youtube.com/embed/" + Dj.YoutubeId;
					VoteVideo2.Attributes["src"] = "http://www.youtube.com/embed/" + Dj.YoutubeId2;
					VoteQuickSearchPh.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(BuildQuickSearch(Dj.K, skip)));
					FacebookComments.Attributes["data-href"] = "mixmag-greatest.com/fb/" + Dj.UrlName;
					FacebookComments2.Attributes["data-href"] = "mixmag-greatest.com/fb/" + Dj.UrlName;

					EndPh.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(Common.Settings.MixmagGreatestPollThanksPageHtml
						.Replace("{tweet}", @"<a href=""http://twitter.com/share"" target=""_blank"" class=""twitter-share-button"" data-count=""none"" data-url=""http://mixmag-greatest.com/"" data-text=""I voted " + Dj.ShortName + (Dj.TwitterName.Length > 0 ? " (@" + Dj.TwitterName + ")" : "") + @" in Mixmag's #GreatestDanceAct of all time poll. Who's yours? Vote at "">Tweet</a>")
						.Replace("{follow}", @"<a href=""http://twitter.com/mixmag"" target=""_blank"" class=""twitter-follow-button"" data-show-count=""false"">Follow @mixmag</a>")
					BuildDjs(skip, facebook);
					QuickSearchPh.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(BuildQuickSearch(0, skip)));
Пример #3
		public static Hashtable VoteNow(int mixmagGreatestDjK, string facebookSource, bool facebookMessage)
				var facebook = new FacebookGraphAPI(Facebook.Apps.MixmagGreatest);
				JObject user = facebook.GetObject("me", null);

				//string email = user.Value<string>("email");
				string firstName = user.Value<string>("first_name");
				string lastName = user.Value<string>("last_name");

				Hashtable ret = new Hashtable();

				if (DateTime.Now > new DateTime(2011, 12, 24))
					ret["Done"] = false;
					ret["Message"] = "Sorry, voting closed at midnight on 23rd December 2011.";
					return ret;

				MixmagGreatestDj dj = new MixmagGreatestDj(mixmagGreatestDjK);

				MixmagGreatestVote mgv = new MixmagGreatestVote();
				mgv.DateTime = DateTime.Now;
				mgv.DidWallPost = false;
				mgv.EmailPermission = true;
				//mgv.FacebookEmail = email;
				mgv.FacebookUid = facebook.Uid;
				mgv.MixmagGreatestDjK = dj.K;
				mgv.WallPostPermission = true;
				mgv.FacebookSource = facebookSource == "1";
					if (!Vars.DevEnv && DateTime.Now > new DateTime(2011, 09, 15, 11, 0, 0))

				catch (Exception ex)
					MixmagGreatestVoteSet voteSet = new MixmagGreatestVoteSet(new Query(new Q(MixmagGreatestVote.Columns.FacebookUid, facebook.Uid)));
					if (voteSet.Count > 0)
						MixmagGreatestDj votedFor = new MixmagGreatestDj(voteSet[0].MixmagGreatestDjK);
						ret["Done"] = false;
						ret["Message"] = "You already voted for " + votedFor.Name + ". Sorry - you can only vote once.";
						return ret;
						ret["Done"] = false;
						ret["Message"] = "There's a problem voting: " + ex.ToString();
						return ret;


					Update u = new Update();
					u.Table = TablesEnum.MixmagGreatestDj;
					u.Changes.Add(new Assign.Increment(MixmagGreatestDj.Columns.TotalVotes));
					u.Where = new Q(MixmagGreatestDj.Columns.K, dj.K);
				catch { }

				//FacebookHttpContext.Current.Status.Set(dj.Name + " is my greatest DJ of all time. Click to vote for yours in the Mixmag poll: http://greatest.dj/");

				if (facebookMessage)
						//send facebook message
						Dictionary<string, object> par = new Dictionary<string, object>();
						par["picture"] = dj.Image90Url;
						par["link"] = "http://mixmag-greatest.com/?fb=1";
						par["name"] = "Mixmag Greatest Dance Act";
						if (dj.IsHidden)
							par["description"] = "I voted for my greatest dance act of all time. Vote for yours now in the Mixmag poll...";
							par["caption"] = dj.Name;
							par["description"] = "I voted " + dj.ShortName + " the greatest dance act of all time. Vote for yours now in the Mixmag poll...";
						facebook.PutWallPost("", par);

						mgv.DidWallPost = true;
					catch { }

				ret["Done"] = true;

				return ret;
			catch (Exception ex)
				Hashtable ret = new Hashtable();
				ret["Done"] = false;
				ret["Message"] = ex.ToString();
				return ret;
Пример #4
		public string BuildQuickSearch(int selectedK, bool skip)
			StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder();

			//MixmagGreatestDjSet publicDjs = null;
			//    Query q1 = new Query();
			//    q1.OrderBy = new OrderBy(OrderBy.OrderDirection.Random);
			//    q1.QueryCondition = new And(new Q(MixmagGreatestDj.Columns.IsPublicNominated, true), new Q(MixmagGreatestDj.Columns.TotalVotes, QueryOperator.GreaterThan, 10));
			//    publicDjs = new MixmagGreatestDjSet(q1);
			MixmagGreatestDj current = null;
			if (selectedK > 0)
				current = new MixmagGreatestDj(selectedK);

			string skipString = "";
			if (skip)
				skipString = "?s=1";

			MixmagGreatestDjSet mixmagDjs = null;
				Query q1 = new Query();
				q1.OrderBy = new OrderBy(MixmagGreatestDj.Columns.Name, OrderBy.OrderDirection.Ascending);
				q1.QueryCondition = 
					new And(
						new Or(
							new Q(MixmagGreatestDj.Columns.IsPublicNominated, false), 
							new Q(MixmagGreatestDj.Columns.IsPublicNominated, QueryOperator.IsNull, null), 
							new Q(MixmagGreatestDj.Columns.TotalVotes, QueryOperator.GreaterThan, 10)
						new Q(MixmagGreatestDj.Columns.StealthMode, false)
				mixmagDjs = new MixmagGreatestDjSet(q1);

			s.Append(@"<select id=""qs1"" onchange=""top.location = $('#qs1').val();"">");
			if (selectedK == 0 || (current != null && current.IsHidden))
				s.Append(@"<option value=""/"">A-Z listing...</option>");
			foreach (MixmagGreatestDj dj in mixmagDjs)
				s.Append(@"<option value=""/" + dj.UrlName + skipString + @"""" + (dj.K == selectedK ? " selected" : "") + @">" + dj.Name + @"</option>");

			return s.ToString();
