Пример #1
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor
 /// </summary>
 internal LevelSetRegions(LevelSetTracker owner)
     m_owner = owner;
Пример #2
            protected override void ComputeValues(NodeSet NS, int j0, int Len, MultidimensionalArray output)
                Debug.Assert(CheckAll(j0, Len), "basis length must be equal for all cells from j0 to j0+Len");

                int l0  = m_Owner.GetLength(j0);
                var trk = m_Owner.Tracker;

                // evaluation of un-cut polynomials
                // ================================
                var BasisValues = NonXEval(NS, j0, Len);

                // evaluation of XDG
                // =================

                if (l0 == m_Owner.NonX_Basis.Length)
                    // uncut region -> evaluation is equal to uncut basis
                    // ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

                    // modulated basis polynomials
                    // +++++++++++++++++++++++++++

                    int NoOfLevSets = trk.LevelSets.Count;
                    int M           = output.GetLength(1); // number of nodes

                    ReducedRegionCode rrc;
                    int NoOfSpecies = trk.Regions.GetNoOfSpecies(j0, out rrc);
                    int Nsep        = m_Owner.DOFperSpeciesPerCell;

                    for (int j = 0; j < Len; j++)   // loop over cells

                        int jCell = j + j0;

                        ushort RegionCode = trk.Regions.m_LevSetRegions[jCell];

                        int dist = 0;
                        for (int i = 0; i < NoOfLevSets; i++)
                            dist = LevelSetTracker.DecodeLevelSetDist(RegionCode, i);
                            if (dist == 0)
                                m_levSetVals[i] = trk.DataHistories[i].Current.GetLevSetValues(NS, jCell, 1);
                                //_levSetVals[i] = m_CCBasis.Tracker.GetLevSetValues(i, NodeSet, jCell, 1);
                                m_levSetVals[i] = null;
                                m_levSetSign[i] = dist;

                        LevelSetSignCode levset_bytecode;
                        int SpecInd;
                        if (dist != 0)
                            // near - field:
                            // Basis contains zero-entries
                            // ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

                            levset_bytecode = LevelSetSignCode.ComputeLevelSetBytecode(m_levSetSign);
                            SpecInd         = trk.GetSpeciesIndex(rrc, levset_bytecode);
                            levset_bytecode = default(LevelSetSignCode);
                            SpecInd         = 0;

                        for (int m = 0; m < M; m++)   // loop over nodes

                            if (dist == 0)
                                // cut cells
                                // Modulation necessary
                                // +++++++++++++++++++++

                                for (int i = 0; i < NoOfLevSets; i++)
                                    if (m_levSetVals[i] != null)
                                        m_levSetSign[i] = m_levSetVals[i][0, m];

                                // re-compute species index
                                levset_bytecode = LevelSetSignCode.ComputeLevelSetBytecode(m_levSetSign);
                                SpecInd         = trk.GetSpeciesIndex(rrc, levset_bytecode);

                            // separate coordinates
                                int n0 = Nsep * SpecInd;
                                for (int n = 0; n < Nsep; n++)   // loop over basis polynomials
                                //output[j, m, n0 + n] = BasisValues[m, n];
                                    Operation(output, BasisValues, j, m, n0 + n, n);
Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// ctor.
        /// </summary>
        internal NECQuadratureLevelSet(IGridData context,
                                       XSpatialOperator DiffOp,
                                       V __ResultVector,
                                       IList <DGField> __DomainFields,
                                       IList <DGField> __Parameters,
                                       UnsetteledCoordinateMapping CodomainMap,
                                       LevelSetTracker lsTrk, int _iLevSet, Tuple <SpeciesId, SpeciesId> SpeciesPair,
                                       ICompositeQuadRule <QuadRule> domAndRule) //
            : base(new int[] { CodomainMap.MaxTotalNoOfCoordinatesPerCell },
                   domAndRule) //
            // -----------------------------------
            // set members / check ctor parameters
            // -----------------------------------
            m_lsTrk            = lsTrk;
            this.m_LevSetIdx   = _iLevSet;
            this.m_SpeciesPair = SpeciesPair;
            this.ResultVector  = __ResultVector;
            m_CodomainMap      = CodomainMap;
            var _Parameters = (__Parameters != null) ? __Parameters.ToArray() : new DGField[0];

            if (__DomainFields.Count != DiffOp.DomainVar.Count)
                throw new ArgumentException("mismatch between number of domain variables in spatial operator and given domain variables");
            if (_Parameters.Length != DiffOp.ParameterVar.Count)
                throw new ArgumentException("mismatch between number of parameter variables in spatial operator and given parameters");
            if (m_CodomainMap.NoOfVariables != DiffOp.CodomainVar.Count)
                throw new ArgumentException("mismatch between number of codomain variables in spatial operator and given codomain mapping");

            m_DomainAndParamFields = ArrayTools.Cat(__DomainFields, _Parameters);
            this.DELTA             = __DomainFields.Count;

            // ------------------------
            // sort equation components
            // ------------------------

            int Gamma = m_CodomainMap.NoOfVariables;

            m_NonlinLsForm_V = DiffOp.GetArgMapping <INonlinLevelSetForm_V>(true,
                                                                            eq => ((eq.LevelSetTerms & (TermActivationFlags.V | TermActivationFlags.UxV | TermActivationFlags.GradUxV)) != 0) && Compfilter(eq),
                                                                            eq => (eq is ILevelSetForm) ? new NonlinearLevelSetFormVectorizer((ILevelSetForm)eq) : null);
            m_NonlinLsForm_GradV = DiffOp.GetArgMapping <INonlinLevelSetForm_GradV>(true,
                                                                                    eq => ((eq.LevelSetTerms & (TermActivationFlags.GradV | TermActivationFlags.UxGradV | TermActivationFlags.GradUxGradV)) != 0) && Compfilter(eq),
                                                                                    eq => (eq is ILevelSetForm) ? new NonlinearLevelSetFormVectorizer((ILevelSetForm)eq) : null);

            m_ValueRequired    = new bool[m_DomainAndParamFields.Length];
            m_GradientRequired = new bool[m_DomainAndParamFields.Length];

                                                comp => ((comp.LevelSetTerms & (TermActivationFlags.GradUxGradV | TermActivationFlags.GradUxV)) != 0));
                                                    comp => ((comp.LevelSetTerms & (TermActivationFlags.GradUxGradV | TermActivationFlags.GradUxV)) != 0));
                                                comp => ((comp.LevelSetTerms & (TermActivationFlags.UxGradV | TermActivationFlags.UxV)) != 0));
                                                    comp => ((comp.LevelSetTerms & (TermActivationFlags.UxGradV | TermActivationFlags.UxV)) != 0));

            for (int i = __DomainFields.Count; i < m_DomainAndParamFields.Length; i++)
                m_ValueRequired[i] = true; // parameters are always required!

            // -----
            // alloc
            // -----

            Koeff_V     = new MultidimensionalArray[Gamma];
            Koeff_GradV = new MultidimensionalArray[Gamma];
            for (int gamma = 0; gamma < Gamma; gamma++)
                Koeff_V[gamma]     = new MultidimensionalArray(3);
                Koeff_GradV[gamma] = new MultidimensionalArray(4);

            int L = m_DomainAndParamFields.Length;

            m_FieldValuesPos         = new MultidimensionalArray[L];
            m_FieldValuesNeg         = new MultidimensionalArray[L];
            m_FieldGradientValuesPos = new MultidimensionalArray[L];
            m_FieldGradientValuesNeg = new MultidimensionalArray[L];

            for (int l = 0; l < L; l++)
                if (m_ValueRequired[l])
                    m_FieldValuesPos[l] = new MultidimensionalArray(2);
                    m_FieldValuesNeg[l] = new MultidimensionalArray(2);

                if (m_GradientRequired[l])
                    m_FieldGradientValuesPos[l] = new MultidimensionalArray(3);
                    m_FieldGradientValuesNeg[l] = new MultidimensionalArray(3);

            // ------------------
            // init custom timers
            // ------------------

            base.CustomTimers             = new Stopwatch[] { new Stopwatch(), new Stopwatch(), new Stopwatch(), new Stopwatch(), new Stopwatch() };
            base.CustomTimers_Names       = new string[] { "Flux-Eval", "Basis-Eval", "Loops", "ParametersAndNormals", "Field-Eval" };
            base.CustomTimers_RootPointer = new int[5];
            ArrayTools.SetAll(base.CustomTimers_RootPointer, -1);

            this.m_NonlinLsForm_V_Watches     = this.m_NonlinLsForm_V.InitStopWatches(0, this);
            this.m_NonlinLsForm_GradV_Watches = this.m_NonlinLsForm_GradV.InitStopWatches(0, this);

            Flux_Eval            = base.CustomTimers[0];
            Basis_Eval           = base.CustomTimers[1];
            Loops                = base.CustomTimers[2];
            ParametersAndNormals = base.CustomTimers[3];
            Field_Eval           = base.CustomTimers[4];
Пример #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Legacy interface, preserved as static function.
        /// </summary>
        static public void ComputeMatrixEx <M, V>(
            this XSpatialOperator xOp,
            LevelSetTracker lsTrk,
            UnsetteledCoordinateMapping DomainMap, IList <DGField> Parameters, UnsetteledCoordinateMapping CodomainMap,
            M Matrix, V AffineOffset, bool OnlyAffine, double time, bool MPIParameterExchange,
            IDictionary <SpeciesId, XSpatialOperator.QrSchemPair> SpeciesSchemes, IDictionary <SpeciesId, MultidimensionalArray> CellLengthScales,
            IDictionary <SpeciesId, MultidimensionalArray> InterfaceLengthScales, MultidimensionalArray SlipLengths = null,
            SubGrid SubGrid = null)
            where M : IMutableMatrixEx
            where V : IList <double> //
            CellMask SubGridCellMask = null;
            EdgeMask SubGridEdgeMask = null;

            if (SubGrid != null)
                SubGridCellMask = SubGrid.VolumeMask;
                /// I don't know why, but this seems to work:
                SubGridEdgeMask = SubGrid.AllEdgesMask;
                /// And this does not:
                //SubGridEdgeMask = SubGrid.InnerEdgesMask;

            SpeciesId[] ReqSpecies = SpeciesSchemes.Keys.ToArray();

            //int order = xOp.GetOrderFromQuadOrderFunction(DomainMap, Parameters, CodomainMap);
            //var SchemeHelper = lsTrk.GetXDGSpaceMetrics(ReqSpecies, order, 1).XQuadSchemeHelper;

            //var SpeciesSchemes_out = new Dictionary<SpeciesId, XSpatialOperator.QrSchemPair>();

            //foreach(var SpeciesId in SpeciesSchemes.Keys) {
            //    EdgeQuadratureScheme edgeScheme;
            //    CellQuadratureScheme cellScheme;

            //    var qrSchemes = SpeciesSchemes[SpeciesId];

            //    bool AssembleOnFullGrid = (SubGrid == null);
            //    if(qrSchemes.EdgeScheme == null) {
            //        edgeScheme = SchemeHelper.GetEdgeQuadScheme(SpeciesId, AssembleOnFullGrid, SubGridEdgeMask);
            //    } else {
            //        //edgeScheme = qrSchemes.EdgeScheme;
            //        //throw new ArgumentException();
            //    }

            //    if(qrSchemes.CellScheme == null) {
            //        cellScheme = SchemeHelper.GetVolumeQuadScheme(SpeciesId, AssembleOnFullGrid, SubGridCellMask);
            //    } else {
            //        //cellScheme = qrSchemes.CellScheme;
            //        throw new ArgumentException();
            //    }

            //    SpeciesSchemes_out.Add(SpeciesId,
            //        new XSpatialOperator.QrSchemPair() {
            //            CellScheme = cellScheme,
            //            EdgeScheme = edgeScheme
            //        });


            var ev = xOp.GetMatrixBuilder(lsTrk, DomainMap, Parameters, CodomainMap, SpeciesSchemes);

            ev.time           = time;
            ev.MPITtransceive = MPIParameterExchange;

            foreach (var s in CellLengthScales.Keys)
                if (ev.SpeciesOperatorCoefficients.ContainsKey(s))
                    ev.SpeciesOperatorCoefficients[s].CellLengthScales = CellLengthScales[s];
                                                       new CoefficientSet()
                        CellLengthScales = CellLengthScales[s],
                        GrdDat           = lsTrk.GridDat

                if (InterfaceLengthScales != null)
                    ev.SpeciesOperatorCoefficients[s].UserDefinedValues["InterfaceLengths"] = InterfaceLengthScales[s];

                if (SlipLengths != null)
                    ev.SpeciesOperatorCoefficients[s].UserDefinedValues["SlipLengths"] = SlipLengths;

            if (OnlyAffine)
                ev.ComputeMatrix(Matrix, AffineOffset);