Пример #1
        // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Returns the distance between a point and a line.  The line is defined in
        // terms of a point on the line ("lineOrigin") and a UNIT vector parallel to
        // the line ("lineUnitTangent")
        public static float DistanceFromLine(Vector3 point, Vector3 lineOrigin, Vector3 lineUnitTangent)
            Vector3 offset = point - lineOrigin;
            Vector3 perp   = Vector3Helpers.PerpendicularComponent(offset, lineUnitTangent);

Пример #2
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // avoidance of "close neighbors" -- used only by steerToAvoidNeighbors
        // XXX  Does a hard steer away from any other agent who comes withing a
        // XXX  critical distance.  Ideally this should be replaced with a call
        // XXX  to steerForSeparation.
        public Vector3 SteerToAvoidCloseNeighbors <TVehicle>(float minSeparationDistance, IEnumerable <TVehicle> others)
            where TVehicle : IVehicle
            // for each of the other vehicles...
            foreach (IVehicle other in others)
                if (other != this /*this*/)
                    float   sumOfRadii        = this.Radius + other.Radius;
                    float   minCenterToCenter = minSeparationDistance + sumOfRadii;
                    Vector3 offset            = other.Position - this.Position;
                    float   currentDistance   = offset.Length;

                    //If we're exactly on top of each other, something's gotta give
                    if (offset == Vector3.Zero)
                        Random rnd = new Random();
                        return(new Vector3(rnd.NextDouble(), rnd.NextDouble(), 0));

                    if (currentDistance < minCenterToCenter)
                        return(Vector3Helpers.PerpendicularComponent(-offset, this.Forward));

            // otherwise return zero
Пример #3
 // measure path curvature (1/turning-radius), maintain smoothed version
 void MeasurePathCurvature(float elapsedTime)
     if (elapsedTime > 0)
         Vector3 dP      = lastPosition - Position;
         Vector3 dF      = (lastForward - Forward) / dP.Length;
         Vector3 lateral = Vector3Helpers.PerpendicularComponent(dF, Forward);
         float   sign    = (Vector3.Dot(lateral, Side) < 0) ? 1.0f : -1.0f;
         curvature = lateral.Length * sign;
         Utilities.BlendIntoAccumulator(elapsedTime * 4.0f, curvature, ref smoothedCurvature);
         lastForward  = Forward;
         lastPosition = Position;
Пример #4
        // avoids all obstacles in an ObstacleGroup
        public Vector3 SteerToAvoidObstacles <Obstacle>(float minTimeToCollision, List <Obstacle> obstacles)
            where Obstacle : IObstacle
            Vector3          avoidance = Vector3.Zero;
            PathIntersection nearest   = new PathIntersection();
            PathIntersection next      = new PathIntersection();
            float            minDistanceToCollision = minTimeToCollision * this.Speed;

            next.intersect    = false;
            nearest.intersect = false;

            // test all obstacles for intersection with my forward axis,
            // select the one whose point of intersection is nearest
            foreach (Obstacle o in obstacles)
                //FIXME: this should be a generic call on Obstacle, rather than this code which presumes the obstacle is spherical
                FindNextIntersectionWithSphere(o as SphericalObstacle, ref next);

                if (nearest.intersect == false || (next.intersect != false && next.distance < nearest.distance))
                    nearest = next;

            // when a nearest intersection was found
            if ((nearest.intersect != false) && (nearest.distance < minDistanceToCollision))
                // show the corridor that was checked for collisions

                // compute avoidance steering force: take offset from obstacle to me,
                // take the component of that which is lateral (perpendicular to my
                // forward direction), set length to maxForce, add a bit of forward
                // component (in capture the flag, we never want to slow down)
                Vector3 offset = this.Position - nearest.obstacle.Center;
                avoidance = Vector3Helpers.PerpendicularComponent(offset, this.Forward);
                avoidance *= this.MaxForce;
                avoidance += this.Forward * this.MaxForce * 0.75f;

Пример #5
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // avoidance of "close neighbors" -- used only by steerToAvoidNeighbors
        // XXX  Does a hard steer away from any other agent who comes withing a
        // XXX  critical distance.  Ideally this should be replaced with a call
        // XXX  to steerForSeparation.
        public Vector3 SteerToAvoidCloseNeighbors <TVehicle>(float minSeparationDistance, List <TVehicle> others)
            where TVehicle : IVehicle
            // for each of the other vehicles...
            foreach (IVehicle other in others)
                if (other != this /*this*/)
                    float   sumOfRadii        = this.Radius + other.Radius;
                    float   minCenterToCenter = minSeparationDistance + sumOfRadii;
                    Vector3 offset            = other.Position - this.Position;
                    float   currentDistance   = offset.Length();

                    if (currentDistance < minCenterToCenter)
                        annotation.AvoidCloseNeighbor(other, minSeparationDistance);
                        return(Vector3Helpers.PerpendicularComponent(-offset, this.Forward));

            // otherwise return zero