Пример #1
        void DrawPathFencesOnMap(TerrainMap map, GCRoute path)
            float   xs       = map.xSize / (float)map.resolution;
            float   zs       = map.zSize / (float)map.resolution;
            Vector3 alongRow = new Vector3(xs, 0, 0);
            Vector3 nextRow  = new Vector3(-map.xSize, 0, zs);
            Vector3 g        = new Vector3((map.xSize - xs) / -2, 0, (map.zSize - zs) / -2);

            for (int j = 0; j < map.resolution; j++)
                for (int i = 0; i < map.resolution; i++)
                    float outside       = path.HowFarOutsidePath(g);
                    float wallThickness = 1.0f;

                    // set map cells adjacent to the outside edge of the path
                    if ((outside > 0) && (outside < wallThickness))
                        map.SetMapBit(i, j, true);

                    // clear all other off-path map cells
                    if (outside > wallThickness)
                        map.SetMapBit(i, j, false);

                    g += alongRow;
                g += nextRow;
Пример #2
        public override void HandleFunctionKeys(Keys key)
            switch (key)
            case Keys.F1: SelectNextDemo(); break;

            case Keys.F2: ReversePathFollowDirection(); break;

            case Keys.F3: TogglePathFences(); break;

            case Keys.F4: ToggleRandomRocks(); break;

            case Keys.F5: ToggleCurvedSteering(); break;

            case Keys.F6:                                 // QQQ draw an enclosed "pen" of obstacles to test cycle-stuck
                float     m = MapDriver.worldSize * 0.4f; // main diamond size
                float     n = MapDriver.worldSize / 8;    // notch size
                Vector3   q = new Vector3(0, 0, m - n);
                Vector3   s = new Vector3(2 * n, 0, 0);
                Vector3   c = s - q;
                Vector3   d = s + q;
                int       pathPointCount = 2;
                float[]   pathRadii      = new float[] { 10, 10 };
                Vector3[] pathPoints     = new Vector3[] { c, d };
                GCRoute   r = new GCRoute(pathPointCount, pathPoints, pathRadii, false);
                DrawPathFencesOnMap(vehicle.map, r);
Пример #3
        public override void HandleFunctionKeys(Keys key)
            switch (key)
            case Keys.F1: SelectNextDemo(); break;
            case Keys.F2: ReversePathFollowDirection(); break;
            case Keys.F3: TogglePathFences(); break;
            case Keys.F4: ToggleRandomRocks(); break;
            case Keys.F5: ToggleCurvedSteering(); break;

            case Keys.F6: // QQQ draw an enclosed "pen" of obstacles to test cycle-stuck
                    float m = MapDriver.worldSize * 0.4f; // main diamond size
                    float n = MapDriver.worldSize / 8;    // notch size
                    Vector3 q = new Vector3(0, 0, m - n);
                    Vector3 s = new Vector3(2 * n, 0, 0);
                    Vector3 c = s - q;
                    Vector3 d =s + q;
                    int pathPointCount = 2;
                    float[] pathRadii = new float[] { 10, 10 };
                    Vector3[] pathPoints = new Vector3[] { c, d };
                    GCRoute r = new GCRoute(pathPointCount, pathPoints, pathRadii, false);
                    DrawPathFencesOnMap(vehicle.map, r);
Пример #4
        void DrawPathFencesOnMap(TerrainMap map, GCRoute path)
            float xs = map.xSize / (float)map.resolution;
            float zs = map.zSize / (float)map.resolution;
            Vector3 alongRow = new Vector3(xs, 0, 0);
            Vector3 nextRow = new Vector3(-map.xSize, 0, zs);
            Vector3 g = new Vector3((map.xSize - xs) / -2, 0, (map.zSize - zs) / -2);
            for (int j = 0; j < map.resolution; j++)
                for (int i = 0; i < map.resolution; i++)
                    float outside = path.HowFarOutsidePath(g);
                    float wallThickness = 1.0f;

                    // set map cells adjacent to the outside edge of the path
                    if ((outside > 0) && (outside < wallThickness))
                        map.SetMapBit(i, j, true);

                    // clear all other off-path map cells
                    if (outside > wallThickness) map.SetMapBit(i, j, false);

                    g += alongRow;
                g += nextRow;
Пример #5
        public Vector3 SteerToFollowPathLinear(int direction, float predictionTime, GCRoute path)
            // our goal will be offset from our path distance by this amount
            float pathDistanceOffset = direction * predictionTime * Speed;

            // predict our future position
            Vector3 futurePosition = PredictFuturePosition(predictionTime);

            // measure distance along path of our current and predicted positions
            float nowPathDistance =

            // are we facing in the correction direction?
            Vector3 pathHeading = path.TangentAt(Position) * (float)direction;
            bool correctDirection = Vector3.Dot(pathHeading, Forward) > 0;

            // find the point on the path nearest the predicted future position
            // XXX need to improve calling sequence, maybe change to return a
            // XXX special path-defined object which includes two Vector3s and a
            // XXX bool (onPath,tangent (ignored), withinPath)
            float futureOutside;
            Vector3 onPath = path.MapPointToPath(futurePosition, out futureOutside);

            // determine if we are currently inside the path tube
            float nowOutside;
            Vector3 nowOnPath = path.MapPointToPath(Position, out nowOutside);

            // no steering is required if our present and future positions are
            // inside the path tube and we are facing in the correct direction
            float m = -Radius;
            bool whollyInside = (futureOutside < m) && (nowOutside < m);
            if (whollyInside && correctDirection)
                // all is well, return zero steering
                return Vector3.Zero;
                // otherwise we need to steer towards a target point obtained
                // by adding pathDistanceOffset to our current path position
                // (reduce the offset if facing in the wrong direction)
                float targetPathDistance = (nowPathDistance +
                                                  (pathDistanceOffset *
                                                   (correctDirection ? 1 : 0.1f)));
                Vector3 target = path.MapPathDistanceToPoint(targetPathDistance);

                // if we are on one segment and target is on the next segment and
                // the dot of the tangents of the two segments is negative --
                // increase the target offset to compensate the fold back
                int ip = path.IndexOfNearestSegment(Position);
                int it = path.IndexOfNearestSegment(target);
                if (((ip + direction) == it) &&
                    (path.DotSegmentUnitTangents(it, ip) < -0.1f))
                    float newTargetPathDistance =
                        nowPathDistance + (pathDistanceOffset * 2);
                    target = path.MapPathDistanceToPoint(newTargetPathDistance);

                AnnotatePathFollowing(futurePosition, onPath, target, futureOutside);

                // if we are currently outside head directly in
                // (QQQ new, experimental, makes it turn in more sharply)
                if (nowOutside > 0) return SteerForSeek(nowOnPath);

                // steering to seek target on path
                Vector3 seek = Vector3Helpers.TruncateLength(SteerForSeek(target), MaxForce);

                // return that seek steering -- except when we are heading off
                // the path (currently on path and future position is off path)
                // in which case we put on the brakes.
                if ((nowOutside < 0) && (futureOutside > 0))
                    return (Vector3Helpers.PerpendicularComponent(seek, Forward) - (Forward * MaxForce));
                    return seek;
Пример #6
        // Path following case for curved prediction and incremental steering
        // (called from steerToFollowPath for the curvedSteering case)
        // QQQ this does not handle the case when we AND futurePosition
        // QQQ are outside, say when approach the path from far away
        public Vector3 SteerToFollowPathCurve(int direction, float predictionTime, GCRoute path)
            // predict our future position (based on current curvature and speed)
            Vector3 futurePosition = PredictFuturePosition(predictionTime);
            // find the point on the path nearest the predicted future position
            float futureOutside;
            Vector3 onPath = path.MapPointToPath(futurePosition, out futureOutside);
            Vector3 pathHeading = path.TangentAt(onPath, direction);
            Vector3 rawBraking = Forward * MaxForce * -1;
            Vector3 braking = ((futureOutside < 0) ? Vector3.Zero : rawBraking);
            //qqq experimental wrong-way-fixer
            float nowOutside;
            Vector3 nowTangent = Vector3.Zero;
            Vector3 p = Position;
            Vector3 nowOnPath = path.MapPointToPath(p, out nowTangent, out nowOutside);
            nowTangent *= (float)direction;
            float alignedness = Vector3.Dot(nowTangent, Forward);

            // facing the wrong way?
            if (alignedness < 0)
                annotation.Line(p, p + (nowTangent * 10), Color.Cyan);

                // if nearly anti-parallel
                if (alignedness < -0.707f)
                    Vector3 towardCenter = nowOnPath - p;
                    Vector3 turn = (Vector3.Dot(towardCenter, Side) > 0 ?
                                       Side * MaxForce :
                                       Side * MaxForce * -1);
                    return (turn + rawBraking);
                    return (Vector3Helpers.PerpendicularComponent(SteerTowardHeading(pathHeading), Forward) + braking);

            // is the predicted future position(+radius+margin) inside the path?
            if (futureOutside < -(Radius + 1.0f)) //QQQ
                // then no steering is required
                return Vector3.Zero;
                // otherwise determine corrective steering (including braking)
                annotation.Line(futurePosition, futurePosition + pathHeading, Color.Red);
                AnnotatePathFollowing(futurePosition, onPath,
                                       Position, futureOutside);

                // two cases, if entering a turn (a waypoint between path segments)
                if (path.NearWaypoint(onPath) && (futureOutside > 0))
                    // steer to align with next path segment
                    annotation.Circle3D(0.5f, futurePosition, Up, Color.Red, 8);
                    return SteerTowardHeading(pathHeading) + braking;
                    // otherwise steer away from the side of the path we
                    // are heading for
                    Vector3 pathSide = LocalRotateForwardToSide(pathHeading);
                    Vector3 towardFP = futurePosition - onPath;
                    float whichSide = (Vector3.Dot(pathSide, towardFP) < 0) ? 1.0f : -1.0f;
                    return (Side * MaxForce * whichSide) + braking;
Пример #7
 // this is a version of the one in SteerLibrary.h modified for "slow when
 // heading off path".  I put it here because the changes were not
 // compatible with Pedestrians.cpp.  It needs to be merged back after
 // things settle down.
 // its been modified in other ways too (such as "reduce the offset if
 // facing in the wrong direction" and "increase the target offset to
 // compensate the fold back") plus I changed the type of "path" from
 // Pathway to GCRoute to use methods like indexOfNearestSegment and
 // dotSegmentUnitTangents
 // and now its been modified again for curvature-based prediction
 public Vector3 SteerToFollowPath(int direction, float predictionTime, GCRoute path)
     if (curvedSteering)
         return SteerToFollowPathCurve(direction, predictionTime, path);
         return SteerToFollowPathLinear(direction, predictionTime, path);
Пример #8
        // constructor
        public MapDriver()
            map = MakeMap();
            path = MakePath();


            // to compute mean time between collisions
            sumOfCollisionFreeTimes = 0;
            countOfCollisionFreeTimes = 0;

            // keep track for reliability statistics
            collisionLastTime = false;
            timeOfLastCollision = Demo.Clock.TotalSimulationTime;

            // keep track of average speed
            totalDistance = 0;
            totalTime = 0;

            // keep track of path following failure rate
            pathFollowTime = 0;
            pathFollowOffTime = 0;

            // innitialize counters for various performance data
            stuckCount = 0;
            stuckCycleCount = 0;
            stuckOffPathCount = 0;
            lapsStarted = 0;
            lapsFinished = 0;
            hintGivenCount = 0;
            hintTakenCount = 0;

            // follow the path "upstream or downstream" (+1/-1)
            pathFollowDirection = 1;

            // use curved prediction and incremental steering:
            curvedSteering = true;
            incrementalSteering = true;