public void CreateEdgeDataTable_Assigns_Table_To_Network_As_EdgeData()
            var net = BasicAdjListGenerator.GenerateAdjList(0, 0, false) as BasicAdjList;
            var fac = new DataAttributeTableFactory();

            _table = fac.CreateEdgeDataTable(net);
            Assert.AreSame(net.EdgeData, _table, "Table and EdgeData ref should match");
        public void CreateEdgeDataTable_Assigns_Table_To_Network_As_EdgeData()
            var net = BasicAdjListGenerator.GenerateAdjList(0, 0, false) as BasicAdjList;
            var fac = new DataAttributeTableFactory(net);

            DataAttributeTable<IEdge> table = fac.CreateEdgeDataTable();

            Assert.Same(net.EdgeData, table);
 public void CreateEdgeDataTable_Creates_EdgeData_With_Primary_Key_Of_Edge_Index(int nodeCount, int edgeCount)
     IBasicAdjList net = BasicAdjListGenerator.GenerateAdjList(nodeCount, edgeCount, false);
     var fac = new DataAttributeTableFactory();
     _table = fac.CreateEdgeDataTable(net);
     Assert.IsNotNull(_table, "Table should not be null");
     Assert.IsNotNull(_table.Network, "Network is not null");
     Assert.AreSame(_table.Network, net, "Network ref should match expected");
     Assert.AreEqual(_table.Columns.Count, 1, "column count should match expected");
     Assert.AreEqual(_table.Columns["Index"].DataType, typeof(int), "Datatype of keys col should match expected");
     Assert.AreEqual(_table.Rows.Count, edgeCount, "Rowcount should match expected");
Пример #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Parses a particular string format to a network.  Format is
        /// "n,e,d|pair;pair;pair" where n = node count, e = edge count, d = true/false for directedness and
        /// pair is a number pair of node indices indicating an edges.  Ex:  "5,3,false|0,1;1,2;3,5"  *note that the
        /// number of pairs should match the number of edges
        /// </summary>
        public static IBasicAdjList ParseToNetwork(string input, bool enableNodeData, bool enableEdgeData)
            // n,e,directed|pair;
            // 7,23,false|0,3;0,2;0,4;1,4;1,2;1,3;2,5;2,4;2,4;3,5;3,1;3,6;3,0;4,4;4,5;4,3;5,1;5,1;5,4;5,6;5,0;6,3;6,1;
            IBasicAdjList network = null;
            var split1 = input.Split(new[] {'|'});
            var split2 = split1[0].Split(new[] { ',' });

            int n = int.Parse(split2[0]);
            int m = int.Parse(split2[1]);
            bool directed = bool.Parse(split2[2]);

            var split3 = split1[1].Split(new[] { ';' }); // pairs

            if(split3.Length != m)
                throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("The number of pairs {0} did not match the number of edges {1} in {2}", split3.Length, m, input));
            INode a = null;
            INode b = null;

            using (var fac = new BasicAdjListFactory())
                network = new BasicAdjList(Guid.NewGuid(), directed);
                for(int i=0; i<n; i++)

            string[] pair = null;
            int indexA = -1;
            int indexB = -1;
            for (int i = 0; i < split3.Length; i++ )
                pair = split3[i].Split(new[] { ',' });
                indexA = int.Parse(pair[0]);
                indexB = int.Parse(pair[1]);
                a = network.Nodes[indexA];
                b = network.Nodes[indexB];
                network.CreateEdge(a, b);

            using (var fac = new DataAttributeTableFactory(network))
                if (enableNodeData)
                if (enableEdgeData)
            return network;
        public void CreateEdgeDataTable_Creates_EdgeData_With_Map_Of_Edges_To_Rows_Where_Attrib_Table_Is_Empty(int nodeCount, int edgeCount)
            IBasicAdjList net = BasicAdjListGenerator.GenerateAdjList(nodeCount, edgeCount, false);
            var fac = new DataAttributeTableFactory(net);

            DataAttributeTable<IEdge> table = fac.CreateEdgeDataTable();

            Assert.Same(table.Network, net);
            Assert.Equal(table.Rows.Count, edgeCount); Assert.NotNull(table.RowOwnerMap);
            Assert.Equal(table.RowOwnerMap.Count, edgeCount);
        public void CreateEdgeDataTable_Creates_EdgeData_With_Map_Of_Edges_To_Rows(int nodeCount, int edgeCount, string[] colNames, Type[] colTypes)
            IBasicAdjList net = BasicAdjListGenerator.GenerateAdjList(nodeCount, edgeCount, false);
            var fac = new DataAttributeTableFactory(net);
            DataAttributeTable<IEdge> table = fac.CreateEdgeDataTable( colNames, colTypes);
            Assert.Same(table.Network, net);
            Assert.Equal(table.Columns.Count, colNames.Length);
            Assert.Equal(table.Rows.Count, edgeCount);

            DataColumn col = null;
            for (int i = 0; i < table.Columns.Count; i++)
                col = table.Columns[i];
                Assert.Equal(col.ColumnName, colNames[i]);
                Assert.Equal(col.DataType, colTypes[i]);
        public void CreateEdgeDataTable_Creates_EdgeData_With_Primary_Key_Of_Edge_Index(int nodeCount, int edgeCount, string[] colNames, Type[] colTypes)
            IBasicAdjList net = BasicAdjListGenerator.GenerateAdjList(nodeCount, edgeCount, false);
            var fac = new DataAttributeTableFactory();
            _table = fac.CreateEdgeDataTable(net, colNames, colTypes);
            Assert.IsNotNull(_table, "Table should not be null");
            Assert.IsNotNull(_table.Network, "Network is not null");
            Assert.AreSame(_table.Network, net, "Network ref should match expected");
            Assert.AreEqual(_table.Columns.Count, colNames.Length+1, "column count should match expected");
            Assert.AreEqual(_table.Columns["Index"].DataType, typeof(int), "Datatype of keys col should match expected");
            Assert.AreEqual(_table.Rows.Count, edgeCount, "Rowcount should match expected");

            DataColumn col = null;
            for (int i = 1; i < _table.Columns.Count; i++)
                col = _table.Columns[i];
                Assert.AreEqual(col.ColumnName, colNames[i - 1], string.Format("Col name {0} should match expected", i));
                Assert.AreEqual(col.DataType, colTypes[i - 1], string.Format("Col type {0} should match expected", i));
        public void CreateEdgeDataTable_With_4_Params_Throws_Ex_If_Network_Is_Null()
            var fac = new DataAttributeTableFactory();

            _table = fac.CreateEdgeDataTable(null, new string[] { "a" }, new Type[] { typeof(int) }, new object[] { -3 });
 public void CreateEdgeDataTable_With_4_Params_Throws_Ex_If_Lengths_Do_Not_Match(string[] colNames, Type[] colTypes, object[] defaultVals)
     var mockNet = new Mock<IAdjList>();
     var fac = new DataAttributeTableFactory();
     _table = fac.CreateEdgeDataTable(mockNet.Object, colNames, colTypes, defaultVals);
 public void CreateEdgeDataTable_With_4_Params_Throws_Ex_If_Any_Param_Array_Is_Null_But_Not_DefaultVals_Array(string[] colNames, Type[] colTypes, object[] defaultVals)
     var mockNet = new Mock<IAdjList>();
     var fac = new DataAttributeTableFactory();
     _table = fac.CreateEdgeDataTable(mockNet.Object, colNames, colTypes, defaultVals);
        public void CreateEdgeDataTable_With_4_Params_Assigns_Table_To_Network_As_EdgeData()
            var net = BasicAdjListGenerator.GenerateAdjList(0, 0, false) as BasicAdjList;
            var fac = new DataAttributeTableFactory();

            _table = fac.CreateEdgeDataTable(net, new string[] { "a" }, new Type[] { typeof(int) }, new object[]{3});
            Assert.AreSame(net.EdgeData, _table, "Table and EdgeData ref should match");
        public void CreateEdgeDataTable_With_3_Params_Throws_Ex_If_Any_Param_Array_Is_Null(string[] colNames, Type[] colTypes)
            var mockNet = new Mock<IAdjList>();
            var fac = new DataAttributeTableFactory(mockNet.Object);

            //Act, Assert
            var ex = Assert.Throws<ArgumentNullException>(() => fac.CreateEdgeDataTable(colNames, colTypes));
        public void CreateEdgeDataTable_Throws_Ex_If_Network_Is_Null()
            var fac = new DataAttributeTableFactory();

            _table = fac.CreateEdgeDataTable(null);
        public void CreateEdgeDataTable_With_4_Params_Throws_Ex_If_Network_Is_Null()
            var fac = new DataAttributeTableFactory(null);

            //Act, Assert
            var ex = Assert.Throws<ArgumentNullException>(() => fac.CreateEdgeDataTable(new string[] { "a" }, new Type[] { typeof(int) }, new object[] { -3 }));
        public void CreateEdgeDataTable_With_4_Params_Throws_Ex_If_Lengths_Do_Not_Match(string[] colNames, Type[] colTypes, object[] defaultVals)
            var mockNet = new Mock<IAdjList>();
            var fac = new DataAttributeTableFactory(mockNet.Object);

            //Act, Assert
            var ex = Assert.Throws<ArgumentException>(() => fac.CreateEdgeDataTable(colNames, colTypes, defaultVals));
        public void CreateEdgeDataTable_With_4_Params_Assigns_Table_To_Network_As_EdgeData()
            var net = BasicAdjListGenerator.GenerateAdjList(0, 0, false) as BasicAdjList;
            var fac = new DataAttributeTableFactory(net);

            DataAttributeTable<IEdge> table = fac.CreateEdgeDataTable(new string[] { "a" }, new Type[] { typeof(int) }, new object[] { 3 });

            Assert.Same(net.EdgeData, table);
Пример #17
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates an IBasicAdjList with n nodes, m edges, and nodeDataAttribs, edgeDataAttribs determine
        /// if it can hold data attribustes
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="n">number of nodes</param>
        /// <param name="m">number of edges</param>
        /// <param name="directed">directed or not</param>
        /// <param name="enableNodeDataAttribs">if true, add node data attrib capability</param>
        /// <param name="enableEdgeDataAttribs">if true, add edge data attrib capability</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static IBasicAdjList GenerateAdjListWithDataAttribs(int n, int m, bool directed, bool enableNodeDataAttribs, bool enableEdgeDataAttribs)
            var rgg = new RandomGeneratorBasicAdjList();
            rgg.NodeCount = n;
            rgg.EdgeCount = m;
            rgg.AllowCycles = AllowCycles;
            rgg.AllowSelfLoops = AllowSelfLoops;
            rgg.AllowMultiEdges = AllowMultiEdges;
            rgg.IsDirected = directed;
            BasicAdjList net = (BasicAdjList)rgg.Generate(NextId);

            using (var fac = new DataAttributeTableFactory(net))
                   if (enableNodeDataAttribs)
                   if (enableEdgeDataAttribs)
            GarunteeEdgeCount(net, m);

            return net;
Пример #18
        public static IBasicAdjList GenerateAdjListWithDataAttribs(List<Point> edgeList, bool directed, bool enableNodeDataAttribs, bool enableEdgeDataAttribs)
            var q = ((from p in edgeList
                      select p.X)
                .Union((from p in edgeList
                        select p.Y))).Distinct();

            var nodeIndices = q.ToList();

            var net = new BasicAdjList(Guid.NewGuid(), directed);
            for (int i = 0; i < nodeIndices.Count; i++)

            INode srcNode = null;
            INode targNode = null;
            for (int i = 0; i < edgeList.Count; i++)
                srcNode = net.Nodes[edgeList[i].X];
                targNode = net.Nodes[edgeList[i].Y];
                net.CreateEdge(srcNode, targNode);

            using (var fac = new DataAttributeTableFactory(net))
                if (enableNodeDataAttribs)
                if (enableEdgeDataAttribs)

            return net;
Пример #19
        public void Copy_For_Edges_For_Empty_Edges(int numNodes, int numEdges, bool isDirected, bool selfLoops, bool multiEdges, int[] intVals, double[] doubleVals, bool[] boolVals, string[] stringVals)
            var copier = new DataAttributeTableCopier();

            #region Create src and target networks
            IBasicAdjList src = BasicAdjListGenerator.GenerateAdjListWithDataAttribs(numNodes, numEdges, isDirected, false, true);
            var builder = new DataAttributesBuilder();
            var colIndex = builder.AddColumn((IEdgeAttributes)src, typeof(int));
            builder.PopulateCol<int, IEdge>(src.EdgeData, colIndex, intVals);
            colIndex = builder.AddColumn((IEdgeAttributes)src, typeof(double));
            builder.PopulateCol<double, IEdge>(src.EdgeData, colIndex, doubleVals);
            colIndex = builder.AddColumn((IEdgeAttributes)src, typeof(bool));
            builder.PopulateCol<bool, IEdge>(src.EdgeData, colIndex, boolVals);
            colIndex = builder.AddColumn((IEdgeAttributes)src, typeof(string));
            builder.PopulateCol<string, IEdge>(src.EdgeData, colIndex, stringVals);

            // create a copy of src network and enable edge data attribs
            IBasicAdjList targ = new BasicAdjList(Guid.NewGuid(), isDirected);
            foreach (var srcNode in src.Nodes)
            INode a;
            INode b;
            foreach (var srcEdge in src.Edges)
                a = targ.Nodes[srcEdge.SourceNode.Index];
                b = targ.Nodes[srcEdge.DestinationNode.Index];
                targ.CreateEdge(a, b);
            using (var fac = new DataAttributeTableFactory(targ))


            copier.Copy(src.EdgeData, targ.EdgeData);

            Assert.Equal(src.EdgeData.ColumnCount, targ.EdgeData.ColumnCount);
            Assert.Equal(numEdges, targ.EdgeData.RowCount);

            for (int i = 0; i < targ.EdgeDataAttributeCount; i++)
                Assert.Equal(src.EdgeData.DataTypes[i], targ.EdgeData.DataTypes[i]);
                Assert.Equal(src.EdgeData.ColumnNames[i], targ.EdgeData.ColumnNames[i]);
                Assert.Equal(src.EdgeData.ColumnDefaultValues[i], targ.EdgeData.ColumnDefaultValues[i]);
        public void CreateEdgeDataTable_Throws_Ex_If_Network_Is_Null()
            var fac = new DataAttributeTableFactory(null);

            //Act, Assert
            var ex = Assert.Throws<ArgumentNullException>(() => fac.CreateEdgeDataTable());