RemoveMetaElement() публичный Метод

public RemoveMetaElement ( string name ) : void
name string
Результат void
Пример #1
 public void RemoveMetaValue_IsThere_RemovesIt()
     var dom = new HtmlDom(
         <meta name='one' content='1'/>
     AssertThatXmlIn.Dom(dom.RawDom).HasSpecifiedNumberOfMatchesForXpath("//meta[@name='one']", 0);
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructs by finding the file and folder of the xmatter pack, given the its key name e.g. "Factory", "SILIndonesia".
        /// The default key name is provided as a method parameter, but that can be overridden by a value from inside the book.
        /// The name of the file should be (key)-XMatter.htm. The name and the location of the folder is not our problem...
        /// we leave it to the supplied fileLocator to find it.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bookDom">The book's DOM</param>
        /// <param name="xmatterNameFromCollectionSettings">e.g. "Factory", "SILIndonesia".  This can be overridden inside the bookDom.</param>
        /// <param name="fileLocator">The locator needs to be able tell us the path to an xmatter html file, given its name</param>
        /// <param name="useDeviceVersionIfAvailable">If true, use a pack-specific device xmatter, or "Device" if none found. E.g. ABC => ABC-Device</param>
        public XMatterHelper(HtmlDom bookDom, string xmatterNameFromCollectionSettings, IFileLocator fileLocator, bool useDeviceVersionIfAvailable = false)
            string directoryPath = null;

            _bookDom = bookDom;
            var bookSpecificXMatterPack = bookDom.GetMetaValue("xmatter", null);

            if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(bookSpecificXMatterPack))
                bookSpecificXMatterPack = MigrateXMatterName(bookSpecificXMatterPack);
                _nameOfXMatterPack      = bookSpecificXMatterPack;
                if (useDeviceVersionIfAvailable)
                    _nameOfXMatterPack = GetBestDeviceXMatterAvailable(_nameOfXMatterPack, fileLocator);
                var errorTemplate = LocalizationManager.GetString("Errors.XMatterSpecifiedByBookNotFound",
                                                                  "This book called for a Front/Back Matter pack named '{0}', but this version of Bloom does not have it, and Bloom could not find it on this computer. The book has been changed to use the Front/Back Matter pages from the Collection Settings.");
                directoryPath = GetXMatterDirectory(_nameOfXMatterPack, fileLocator, String.Format(errorTemplate, bookSpecificXMatterPack), false);
                if (directoryPath == null)
                    // Remove the xmatter specification from the DOM since it couldn't be found.
            if (directoryPath == null)
                _nameOfXMatterPack = xmatterNameFromCollectionSettings;
                if (useDeviceVersionIfAvailable)
                    _nameOfXMatterPack = GetBestDeviceXMatterAvailable(_nameOfXMatterPack, fileLocator);
                directoryPath = GetXMatterDirectory(_nameOfXMatterPack, fileLocator, "It should not be possible to get an error here, because the collection verifies its xmatter name in CheckAndFixDependencies()", true);
            var htmName = _nameOfXMatterPack + "-XMatter.html";

            PathToXMatterHtml = directoryPath.CombineForPath(htmName);
            if (!RobustFile.Exists(PathToXMatterHtml))
                htmName           = _nameOfXMatterPack + "-XMatter.htm";       // pre- Bloom 3.7
                PathToXMatterHtml = directoryPath.CombineForPath(htmName);
            if (!RobustFile.Exists(PathToXMatterHtml))
                ErrorReport.NotifyUserOfProblem(new ShowOncePerSessionBasedOnExactMessagePolicy(), "Could not locate the file {0} in {1} (also checked .html)", htmName, directoryPath);
                throw new ApplicationException();
            PathToXMatterStylesheet = directoryPath.CombineForPath(GetStyleSheetFileName());
            if (!RobustFile.Exists(PathToXMatterStylesheet))
                ErrorReport.NotifyUserOfProblem(new ShowOncePerSessionBasedOnExactMessagePolicy(), "Could not locate the file {0} in {1}", GetStyleSheetFileName(), directoryPath);
                throw new ApplicationException();
            XMatterDom = XmlHtmlConverter.GetXmlDomFromHtmlFile(PathToXMatterHtml, false);
Пример #3
 public void RemoveMetaValue_NotThere_OK()
     var dom = new HtmlDom();
Пример #4
        public string HandleRetiredXMatterPacks(HtmlDom dom, string nameOfXMatterPack)
            // Bloom 3.7 retired the BigBook xmatter pack.
            // If we ever create another xmatter pack called BigBook (or rename the Factory pack) we'll need to redo this.
            string[] retiredPacks = { "BigBook" };
            const string xmatterSuffix = "-XMatter.css";

            if (retiredPacks.Contains(nameOfXMatterPack))
                EnsureDoesntHaveLinkToStyleSheet(dom, nameOfXMatterPack + xmatterSuffix);
                nameOfXMatterPack = "Factory";
                EnsureHasLinkToStyleSheet(dom, nameOfXMatterPack + xmatterSuffix);
                // Since HtmlDom.GetMetaValue() is always called with the collection's xmatter pack as default,
                // we can just remove this wrong meta element.
            return nameOfXMatterPack;
Пример #5
 public static void RecordAsLockedDown(HtmlDom dom, bool locked)
     if (locked)
         dom.UpdateMetaElement("lockedDownAsShell", "true");
Пример #6
        /// <summary>
        /// As the bloom format evolves, including structure and classes and other attributes, this
        /// makes changes to old books. It needs to be very fast, because currently we dont' have
        /// a real way to detect the need for migration. So we do it all the time.
        /// Yes, we have format version number, but, for example, one overhaul of the common xmatter
        /// html introduced a new class, "frontCover". Hardly enough to justify bumping the version number
        /// and making older Blooms unable to read new books. But because this is run, the xmatter will be
        /// migrated to the new template.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bookDOM"></param>
        /// <param name="progress"></param>
        private void BringBookUpToDate(HtmlDom bookDOM /* may be a 'preview' version*/, IProgress progress)
            if (Title.Contains("allowSharedUpdate"))
                // Original version of this code that suffers BL_3166
                progress.WriteStatus("Updating Front/Back Matter...");

                progress.WriteStatus("Gathering Data...");
                TranslationGroupManager.PrepareElementsInPageOrDocument(bookDOM.RawDom, _collectionSettings);
                progress.WriteStatus("Updating Data...");


                if (bookDOM == OurHtmlDom) //we already have a data for this

                    // I think we should only mess with tags if we are updating the book for real.
                    var oldTagsPath = Path.Combine(_storage.FolderPath, "tags.txt");
                    if (RobustFile.Exists(oldTagsPath))
                        ConvertTagsToMetaData(oldTagsPath, BookInfo);
                else //used for making a preview dom
                    var bd = new BookData(bookDOM, _collectionSettings, UpdateImageMetadataAttributes);
                // get any license info into the json and restored in the replaced front matter.
                BookCopyrightAndLicense.SetMetadata(GetLicenseMetadata(), bookDOM, FolderPath, CollectionSettings);

                bookDOM.RemoveMetaElement("bloomBookLineage", () => BookInfo.BookLineage, val => BookInfo.BookLineage = val);
                bookDOM.RemoveMetaElement("bookLineage", () => BookInfo.BookLineage, val => BookInfo.BookLineage = val);
                // BookInfo will always have an ID, the constructor makes one even if there is no json file.
                // To allow migration, pretend it has no ID if there is not yet a meta.json.
                bookDOM.RemoveMetaElement("bloomBookId", () => (RobustFile.Exists(BookInfo.MetaDataPath) ? BookInfo.Id : null),
                    val => BookInfo.Id = val);

                // Title should be replicated in json
                //if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Title)) // check just in case we somehow have more useful info in json.
                //    bookDOM.Title = Title;
                // Bit of a kludge, but there's no way to tell whether a boolean is already set in the JSON, so we fake that it is not,
                // thus ensuring that if something is in the metadata we use it.
                // If there is nothing there the default of true will survive.
                bookDOM.RemoveMetaElement("SuitableForMakingVernacularBooks", () => null,
                    val => BookInfo.IsSuitableForVernacularLibrary = val == "yes" || val == "definitely");


                //we've removed and possible added pages, so our page cache is invalid
                _pagesCache = null;
                // New version that we hope prevents BL_3166
                if (_doingBookUpdate)
                    MessageBox.Show("Caught Bloom doing two updates at once! Possible BL-3166 is being prevented");
                lock (_updateLock)
                    _doingBookUpdate = true;
                    progress.WriteStatus("Updating Front/Back Matter...");
                    // Nothing in the update process should change the license info, so save what is current before we mess with
                    // anything (may fix BL-3166).
                    var licenseMetadata = GetLicenseMetadata();

                    progress.WriteStatus("Gathering Data...");
                    TranslationGroupManager.PrepareElementsInPageOrDocument(bookDOM.RawDom, _collectionSettings);
                    progress.WriteStatus("Updating Data...");


                    if (bookDOM == OurHtmlDom) //we already have a data for this

                        // I think we should only mess with tags if we are updating the book for real.
                        var oldTagsPath = Path.Combine(_storage.FolderPath, "tags.txt");
                        if (RobustFile.Exists(oldTagsPath))
                            ConvertTagsToMetaData(oldTagsPath, BookInfo);
                    else //used for making a preview dom
                        var bd = new BookData(bookDOM, _collectionSettings, UpdateImageMetadataAttributes);
                    // get any license info into the json and restored in the replaced front matter.
                    BookCopyrightAndLicense.SetMetadata(licenseMetadata, bookDOM, FolderPath, CollectionSettings);

                    bookDOM.RemoveMetaElement("bloomBookLineage", () => BookInfo.BookLineage, val => BookInfo.BookLineage = val);
                    bookDOM.RemoveMetaElement("bookLineage", () => BookInfo.BookLineage, val => BookInfo.BookLineage = val);
                    // BookInfo will always have an ID, the constructor makes one even if there is no json file.
                    // To allow migration, pretend it has no ID if there is not yet a meta.json.
                    bookDOM.RemoveMetaElement("bloomBookId", () => (RobustFile.Exists(BookInfo.MetaDataPath) ? BookInfo.Id : null),
                        val => BookInfo.Id = val);

                    // Title should be replicated in json
                    //if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Title)) // check just in case we somehow have more useful info in json.
                    //    bookDOM.Title = Title;
                    // Bit of a kludge, but there's no way to tell whether a boolean is already set in the JSON, so we fake that it is not,
                    // thus ensuring that if something is in the metadata we use it.
                    // If there is nothing there the default of true will survive.
                    bookDOM.RemoveMetaElement("SuitableForMakingVernacularBooks", () => null,
                        val => BookInfo.IsSuitableForVernacularLibrary = val == "yes" || val == "definitely");


                    //we've removed and possible added pages, so our page cache is invalid
                    _pagesCache = null;
                    _doingBookUpdate = false;
Пример #7
        private void BringBookUpToDate(HtmlDom bookDOM /* may be a 'preview' version*/, IProgress progress)
            progress.WriteStatus("Gathering Data...");

            //by default, this comes from the collection, but the book can select one, including "null" to select the factory-supplied empty xmatter
            var nameOfXMatterPack = OurHtmlDom.GetMetaValue("xMatter", _collectionSettings.XMatterPackName);

            var helper = new XMatterHelper(bookDOM, nameOfXMatterPack, _storage.GetFileLocator());
            Layout layout = Layout.FromDom(bookDOM, Layout.A5Portrait);			//enhance... this is currently just for the whole book. would be better page-by-page, somehow...
            progress.WriteStatus("Injecting XMatter...");

            helper.InjectXMatter(_bookData.GetWritingSystemCodes(), layout);
            TranslationGroupManager.PrepareElementsInPageOrDocument(bookDOM.RawDom, _collectionSettings);
            progress.WriteStatus("Updating Data...");

            if(bookDOM == OurHtmlDom)//we already have a data for this

                // I think we should only mess with tags if we are updating the book for real.
                var oldTagsPath = Path.Combine(_storage.FolderPath, "tags.txt");
                if (File.Exists(oldTagsPath))
                    ConvertTagsToMetaData(oldTagsPath, BookInfo);
            else //used for making a preview dom
                var bd = new BookData(bookDOM, _collectionSettings, UpdateImageMetadataAttributes);

            bookDOM.RemoveMetaElement("bloomBookLineage", () => BookInfo.BookLineage, val => BookInfo.BookLineage = val);
            bookDOM.RemoveMetaElement("bookLineage", () => BookInfo.BookLineage, val => BookInfo.BookLineage = val);
            // BookInfo will always have an ID, the constructor makes one even if there is no json file.
            // To allow migration, pretend it has no ID if there is not yet a meta.json.
            bookDOM.RemoveMetaElement("bloomBookId", () => (File.Exists(BookInfo.MetaDataPath) ? BookInfo.Id : null), val => BookInfo.Id = val);

            // Title should be replicated in json
            //if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Title)) // check just in case we somehow have more useful info in json.
            //    bookDOM.Title = Title;
            // Bit of a kludge, but there's no way to tell whether a boolean is already set in the JSON, so we fake that it is not,
            // thus ensuring that if something is in the metadata we use it.
            bookDOM.RemoveMetaElement("SuitableForMakingShells", () => null, val => BookInfo.IsSuitableForMakingShells = val == "yes" || val == "definitely");
            // If there is nothing there the default of true will survive.
            bookDOM.RemoveMetaElement("SuitableForMakingVernacularBooks", () => null, val => BookInfo.IsSuitableForVernacularLibrary = val == "yes" || val == "definitely");