Пример #1
        public static void Handle(ulong clientId, Packet packet, SslStream stream)
            Dictionary <string, Tdf> data = Utilities.DecodePayload(packet.payload);

            TdfUnion  addr = (TdfUnion)data["ADDR"];
            TdfStruct valu = (TdfStruct)addr.data.Find(tdf => tdf.label == "VALU");

            TdfStruct  inip = (TdfStruct)valu.data.Find(tdf => tdf.label == "INIP");
            TdfInteger ip   = (TdfInteger)inip.data.Find(tdf => tdf.label == "IP");
            TdfInteger port = (TdfInteger)inip.data.Find(tdf => tdf.label == "PORT");

            Log.Debug(string.Format("Updating internal network info for client {0}.", clientId));
            ClientManager.UpdateClientInternalNetworkData(clientId, ip.value, (ushort)port.value);

            TdfEncoder encoder = new TdfEncoder();

            byte[] payload = encoder.Encode();

            Utilities.SendPacket(new Packet
                componentId = Component.USERSESSIONS,
                commandId   = 0x14,
                errorCode   = 0,
                msgType     = MessageType.REPLY,
                msgNum      = packet.msgNum,

                payload     = payload,
                payloadSize = payload.Length
            }, stream);
Пример #2
        public static void Handle(ulong clientId, Packet packet, SslStream stream)
            Dictionary <string, Tdf> data = Utilities.DecodePayload(packet.payload);

            TdfInteger gid  = (TdfInteger)data["GID"];
            TdfUnion   pnet = (TdfUnion)data["PNET"];
            TdfStruct  valu = (TdfStruct)pnet.data.Find(tdf => tdf.label == "VALU");

            TdfStruct  exip     = (TdfStruct)valu.data.Find(tdf => tdf.label == "EXIP");
            TdfInteger exipIP   = (TdfInteger)exip.data.Find(tdf => tdf.label == "IP");
            TdfInteger exipPort = (TdfInteger)exip.data.Find(tdf => tdf.label == "PORT");

            TdfStruct  inip     = (TdfStruct)valu.data.Find(tdf => tdf.label == "INIP");
            TdfInteger inipIP   = (TdfInteger)inip.data.Find(tdf => tdf.label == "IP");
            TdfInteger inipPort = (TdfInteger)inip.data.Find(tdf => tdf.label == "PORT");

            var client = ClientManager.GetClient(clientId);

            if (Database.GameExists(gid.value))
                // update stuff
                ClientManager.UpdateClientInternalNetworkData(clientId, inipIP.value, (ushort)inipPort.value);
                ClientManager.UpdateClientExternalNetworkData(clientId, exipIP.value, (ushort)inipPort.value);
                ClientManager.UpdateClientGameID(clientId, (ulong)gid.value);

                Log.Info(string.Format("User {0} is joining game {1}.", client.user.id, gid.value));

                TdfEncoder encoder = new TdfEncoder();

                encoder.WriteTdf(new List <Tdf>
                    new TdfInteger("GID", (ulong)gid.value),
                    new TdfInteger("JGS", 0)

                byte[] payload = encoder.Encode();

                Utilities.SendPacket(new Packet
                    componentId = Component.GAMEMANAGER,
                    commandId   = 0x9,
                    errorCode   = 0,
                    msgType     = MessageType.REPLY,
                    msgNum      = packet.msgNum,

                    payload     = payload,
                    payloadSize = payload.Length
                }, stream);

                var game       = Database.GetGameByID(gid.value);
                var gameClient = ClientManager.GetClient(game.clientId);

                // TODO: check if only userupdated needed
                UserAddedNotification.Notify(clientId, stream, true);
                UserUpdatedNotification.Notify(client.persona.id, stream);

                JoiningPlayerInitiateConnectionsNotification.Notify(clientId, stream);
                UserSessionExtendedDataUpdateNotification.Notify(clientId, stream, true);

                PlayerJoiningNotification.Notify(clientId, gameClient.stream);
                PlayerClaimingReservationNotification.Notify(clientId, gameClient.stream);
                UserSessionExtendedDataUpdateNotification.Notify(clientId, gameClient.stream, true);
                Log.Warn(string.Format("User {0} wanted to a game that doesn't exist ({1}).", client.user.id, gid.value));

                 * not sure if we should set the error code to GAMEMANAGER_ERR_NO_DEDICATED_SERVER_FOUND (0x12D0004)
                 * or GAMEMANAGER_ERR_INVALID_GAME_ID (0x20004)
                 * */

                Utilities.SendPacket(new Packet
                    componentId = Component.GAMEMANAGER,
                    commandId   = 0x9,
                    errorCode   = 0x20004, // GAMEMANAGER_ERR_INVALID_GAME_ID
                    msgType     = MessageType.ERROR_REPLY,
                    msgNum      = packet.msgNum,

                    payload     = null,
                    payloadSize = 0
                }, stream);
Пример #3
        public static void Handle(ulong clientId, Packet packet)
            var client = ClientManager.GetClient(clientId);

            Dictionary <string, Tdf> data = Utilities.DecodePayload(packet.payload);

            TdfMap     attr = (TdfMap)data["ATTR"];
            TdfString  gnam = (TdfString)data["GNAM"];
            TdfInteger gset = (TdfInteger)data["GSET"];
            TdfList    pcap = (TdfList)data["PCAP"];
            TdfInteger igno = (TdfInteger)data["IGNO"];
            TdfInteger pmax = (TdfInteger)data["PMAX"];
            TdfInteger nres = (TdfInteger)data["NRES"];

            // network topology
            TdfInteger ntop = (TdfInteger)data["NTOP"];
            TdfInteger voip = (TdfInteger)data["VOIP"];

            TdfInteger pres = (TdfInteger)data["PRES"]; // TdfMin
            TdfInteger qcap = (TdfInteger)data["QCAP"];
            //TdfString uuid = (TdfString)data["UUID"];

            TdfList hnet = (TdfList)data["HNET"];

            TdfStruct  exip     = (TdfStruct)hnet.list[0];
            TdfInteger exipIP   = (TdfInteger)exip.data.Find(tdf => tdf.label == "IP");
            TdfInteger exipPort = (TdfInteger)exip.data.Find(tdf => tdf.label == "PORT");

            TdfStruct  inip     = (TdfStruct)hnet.list[1];
            TdfInteger inipIP   = (TdfInteger)inip.data.Find(tdf => tdf.label == "IP");
            TdfInteger inipPort = (TdfInteger)inip.data.Find(tdf => tdf.label == "PORT");

            // TODO: don't get gameId as result but get by clientId after creating the game

            /* ulong gameId = GameManager.CreateGame(
             *  (int)gset.value,
             *  (int)igno.value,
             *  (int)nres.value,
             *  (int)ntop.value,
             *  "714b05dc-93bc-49ac-961c-cb38b574f30a"
             * ); */

            var level    = attr.map["level"].ToString();
            var gametype = attr.map["levellocation"].ToString();

            var game = new Database.Game();

            game.clientId        = clientId;
            game.name            = gnam.value;
            game.attributes      = attr.map;
            game.capacity        = pcap.list;
            game.level           = attr.map["level"].ToString();
            game.gametype        = attr.map["levellocation"].ToString();
            game.maxPlayers      = (ushort)pmax.value;
            game.notResetable    = (byte)nres.value;
            game.queueCapacity   = (ushort)qcap.value;
            game.presenceMode    = (PresenceMode)pres.value;
            game.state           = GameState.INITIALIZING;
            game.networkTopology = (GameNetworkTopology)ntop.value;
            game.voipTopology    = (VoipTopology)voip.value;

            Database.NetworkInfo internalNetworkInfo = new Database.NetworkInfo();
            internalNetworkInfo.ip   = inipIP.value;
            internalNetworkInfo.port = (ushort)inipPort.value;

            Database.NetworkInfo externalNetworkInfo = new Database.NetworkInfo();
            externalNetworkInfo.ip   = exipIP.value;
            externalNetworkInfo.port = (ushort)exipPort.value;

            game.internalNetworkInfo = internalNetworkInfo;
            game.externalNetworkInfo = externalNetworkInfo;

            ulong gameId = Database.CreateGame(game);

            TdfEncoder encoder = new TdfEncoder();

            encoder.WriteTdf(new List <Tdf>
                // this one is tdfmin
                new TdfInteger("GID", (ulong)gameId)

            byte[] payload = encoder.Encode();

            Utilities.SendPacket(new Packet
                componentId = Component.GAMEMANAGER,
                commandId   = 0x1,
                errorCode   = 0,
                msgType     = MessageType.REPLY,
                msgNum      = packet.msgNum,

                payload     = payload,
                payloadSize = payload.Length
            }, client.stream);

            GameStateChangeNotification.Notify(gameId, game.state, client.stream);
            GameSetupNotification.Notify(clientId, gameId, client.stream);
Пример #4
        public static void Handle(ulong clientId, Packet packet, SslStream stream)
            // decode payload
            Dictionary <string, Tdf> data = Utilities.DecodePayload(packet.payload);

            // read client type
            TdfStruct  cdat = (TdfStruct)data["CDAT"];
            TdfInteger type = (TdfInteger)cdat.data.Find(tdf => tdf.label == "TYPE");
            TdfString  svcn = (TdfString)cdat.data.Find(tdf => tdf.label == "SVCN");

            TdfStruct  cinf = (TdfStruct)data["CINF"];
            TdfInteger loc  = (TdfInteger)cinf.data.Find(tdf => tdf.label == "LOC");

            // set client type
            ClientManager.UpdateClientType(clientId, (ClientType)type.value);
            ClientManager.UpdateClientLocalization(clientId, loc.value);
            ClientManager.UpdateClientService(clientId, svcn.value);

            var client = ClientManager.GetClient(clientId);

            TdfList cids = new TdfList("CIDS", TdfBaseType.TDF_TYPE_INTEGER, new ArrayList
                //1, 25, 4, 27, 28, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 30720, 30721, 30722, 30723, 20, 30725, 30726, 2000

            cids.list.AddRange((new ulong[] { 1, 25, 4, 27, 28, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 30720, 30721, 30722, 30723, 20, 30725, 30726, 2000 }).ToArray());

            TdfEncoder encoder = new TdfEncoder();

            encoder.WriteTdf(new List <Tdf>
                new TdfInteger("ANON", 0),
                new TdfString("ASRC", "300294"),
                new TdfString("CNGN", ""),
                new TdfStruct("CONF", new List <Tdf>
                    new TdfMap("CONF", TdfBaseType.TDF_TYPE_STRING, TdfBaseType.TDF_TYPE_STRING, new Dictionary <object, object>
                        { "connIdleTimeout", "90s" },
                        { "defaultRequestTimeout", "80s" },
                        { "pingPeriod", "20s" },
                        { "voipHeadsetUpdateRate", "1000" },
                        { "xlspConnectionIdleTimeout", "300" }
                new TdfString("INST", client.service),
                new TdfInteger("MINR", 0),
                new TdfString("NASP", "cem_ea_id"), // TODO: check if present in decoded data
                new TdfString("PILD", ""),
                new TdfString("PLAT", "pc"),        // TODO: fetch from decoded data
                new TdfString("PTAG", ""),
                new TdfStruct("QOSS", new List <Tdf>
                    // bandwidth ping site info
                    new TdfStruct("BWPS", new List <Tdf>
                        new TdfString("PSA", ""), // ping site address
                        new TdfInteger("PSP", 17502),      // ping site port
                        new TdfString("SNA", "ams")        // ping site name
                    new TdfInteger("LNP", 10),             // number of latency probes
                    new TdfMap("LTPS", TdfBaseType.TDF_TYPE_STRING, TdfBaseType.TDF_TYPE_STRUCT, new Dictionary <object, object>
                        { "ams", new List <Tdf>
                              new TdfString("PSA", ""), // ping site address
                              new TdfInteger("PSP", 17502),      // ping site port
                              new TdfString("SNA", "ams")        // ping site name
                          } }
                    new TdfInteger("SVID", 1161889797) // service ID
                new TdfString("RSRC", "300294"),
                new TdfString("SVER", "Blaze (CL# 1060080)")

            byte[] payload = encoder.Encode();

            Utilities.SendPacket(new Packet
                componentId = Component.UTIL,
                commandId   = 0x7,
                errorCode   = 0,
                msgType     = MessageType.REPLY,
                msgNum      = packet.msgNum,

                payload     = payload,
                payloadSize = payload.Length
            }, stream);
        public static void Notify(ulong clientId, SslStream stream, bool ulst = false)
            var client = ClientManager.GetClient(clientId);

            TdfEncoder encoder = new TdfEncoder();

            TdfList pslm = new TdfList("PSLM", TdfBaseType.TDF_TYPE_INTEGER, new ArrayList {

            pslm.list.AddRange(new ulong[] { 268374015, 268374015, 268374015, 268374015, 268374015 });

            TdfStruct data = new TdfStruct("DATA", new List <Tdf>
                new TdfUnion("ADDR", NetworkAddressMember.MEMBER_IPPAIRADDRESS, new List <Tdf>
                    new TdfStruct("VALU", new List <Tdf>
                        new TdfStruct("EXIP", new List <Tdf>
                            new TdfInteger("IP", client.externalNetworkInfo.ip),
                            new TdfInteger("PORT", client.externalNetworkInfo.port)
                        new TdfStruct("INIP", new List <Tdf>
                            new TdfInteger("IP", client.internalNetworkInfo.ip),
                            new TdfInteger("PORT", client.internalNetworkInfo.port)
                new TdfString("BPS", "ams"),
                new TdfString("CTY", ""),
                new TdfInteger("HWFG", 0),
                new TdfInteger("UATT", 0)

            if (ulst == true)
                data.data.Add(new TdfList("ULST", TdfBaseType.TDF_TYPE_BLAZE_OBJECT_ID, new ArrayList
                    new TdfVector3("0", 0x4, 0x1, client.gameId)

            encoder.WriteTdf(new List <Tdf>
                new TdfInteger("USID", client.persona.id)

            byte[] payload = encoder.Encode();

            Utilities.SendPacket(new Packet
                componentId = Component.USERSESSIONS,
                commandId   = 0x1,
                errorCode   = 0,
                msgType     = MessageType.NOTIFICATION,
                msgNum      = 0,

                payload     = payload,
                payloadSize = payload.Length
            }, stream);