public void handleUndefDirective() { Console.WriteLine("saw #undef"); List <PPToken> tokens = readRestOfDirective(false); PPToken tok = tokens[0]; Macro.undefineMacro(tok.str); }
//- token handling ---------------------------------------------------- public PPToken getPPToken() { PPToken ppTok = null; if (ppTokens.Count != 0) { ppTok = ppTokens[ppTokens.Count - 1]; ppTokens.RemoveAt(ppTokens.Count - 1); } else { ppTok = pp.getPPToken(); } return(ppTok); }
public List <PPToken> readRestOfDirective(bool keepSpaces) { List <PPToken> tokens = new List <PPToken>(); PPToken tok = source.getPPToken(); while (tok.type != PPTokenType.EOLN) { if ((tok.type != PPTokenType.SPACE) || keepSpaces) { tokens.Add(tok); } tok = source.getPPToken(); } return(tokens); }
public void handleIfndefDirective() { Console.WriteLine("saw #ifndef"); List <PPToken> tokens = readRestOfDirective(false); if (skippingTokens) { ifStack.Add(-3); } else { PPToken token = tokens[0]; Macro macro = Macro.lookupMacro(token.str); int skip = (macro == null) ? 1 : -1; ifStack.Add(skip); } skippingTokens = ((ifStack[ifStack.Count - 1]) < 0); }
public static PPToken getfrag() { PPToken result = curMacro.invokeList[curMacro.curPos++]; if (curMacro.curPos == curMacro.invokeList.Count) { Console.WriteLine("leaving macro " +; macroList.RemoveAt(macroList.Count - 1); if (macroList.Count > 0) { curMacro = macroList[macroList.Count - 1]; } else { curMacro = null; } } return(result); }
//- preprocessing only ------------------------------------------------ public void preprocessFile(String outname) { List <String> lines = new List <string>(); StringBuilder line = new StringBuilder(); PPToken tok = getPPToken(); while (tok.type != PPTokenType.EOF) { Console.WriteLine(tok.ToString()); tok = getPPToken(); } Console.WriteLine(tok.ToString()); //while (frag.type != PPTokenType.EOF) //{ // if (frag.type == PPTokenType.EOLN) // { // lines.Add(line.ToString()); // line.Clear(); // } // else // { // line.Append(frag.ToString()); // } // frag = getPPToken(); //} //if (line.Length > 0) //{ // lines.Add(line.ToString()); //} //if not saving spaces in output, compress multiple blank lines into one blank line //if (!parser.saveSpaces) //{ // lines = removeBlankLines(lines); //} //File.WriteAllLines(outname, lines); }
//- directive handling ------------------------------------------------ //(6.10) Preprocessing directives //handle directive, this will read all the pp tokens to the eoln in the directive line public void handleDirective() { PPToken tok = source.getPPToken(); while (tok.type == PPTokenType.SPACE) //skip space(s) & get directive name { tok = source.getPPToken(); } if (tok.type == PPTokenType.EOLN) //skip empty directives, ie "# <eoln>" { return; } if (tok.type == PPTokenType.WORD) { switch (tok.str) { case "include": if (!skippingTokens) { handleIncludeDirective(); } break; case "define": if (!skippingTokens) { handleDefineDirective(); } break; case "undef": if (!skippingTokens) { handleUndefDirective(); } break; case "if": handleIfDirective(); break; case "ifdef": handleIfdefDirective(); break; case "ifndef": handleIfndefDirective(); break; case "elif": if (!skippingTokens) { handleElifDirective(); } break; case "else": handleElseDirective(); break; case "endif": handleEndifDirective(); break; case "line": if (!skippingTokens) { handleLineDirective(); } break; case "error": if (!skippingTokens) { handleErrorDirective(); } break; case "pragma": if (!skippingTokens) { handlePragmaDirective(); } break; default: //parser.error("saw unknown directive #" + tok.str + " at " + tok.loc.ToString()); readRestOfDirective(false); break; } } else { //parser.error("invalid directive #" + pptok.str + " at " + pptok.loc.ToString()); readRestOfDirective(false); } }
//- pp token stream handling ------------------------------------------ //handles macro expansion & eof in include files //handle directives in the scanner's fragment stream, will be sent to tokenizer as EOLN fragments public PPToken getPPToken() { PPToken tok = null; while (true) { tok = source.getPPToken(); //Console.WriteLine("pp token = " + tok.ToString()); //check for directive as first non-space frag at start of line if (atLineStart) { if ((tok.type == PPTokenType.PUNCT) && (tok.str[0] == '#')) { handleDirective(); tok = new PPToken(PPTokenType.EOLN, "<eoln>"); //cur pp token will be left as the EOLN at end of directive line } else { atLineStart = (tok.type == PPTokenType.SPACE || tok.type == PPTokenType.COMMENT); } } if ((tok.type == PPTokenType.EOLN) || (tok.type == PPTokenType.EOF)) { atLineStart = true; } //check for a macro if not skipping tokens if (tok.type == PPTokenType.WORD && !skippingTokens) { Macro macro = Macro.lookupMacro(tok.str); if (macro != null) { //invokeMacro(macro); //start macro running continue; //and loop around to get first macro token (if not empty) } } //check if we've hit the end of macro. if this is a macro, pull it off the stack //and resume scanning at the point we stopped in the previous source //note: check for macro end first because a file can contain a macro, but a macro can't include a file if ((tok.type == PPTokenType.EOF) && (macroStack.Count > 0)) { macroStack.RemoveAt(macroStack.Count - 1); if (macroStack.Count > 0) { source = macroStack[macroStack.Count - 1]; } else { source = sourceStack[sourceStack.Count - 1]; } continue; //get next token from including source } //check if we've hit the end of file. if this is an include file, pull it off the stack //and resume scanning at the point we stopped in the including file //we return the EOF token from the main file only if ((tok.type == PPTokenType.EOF) && (sourceStack.Count > 1)) { //Console.WriteLine("closing include file " + sourceStack[sourceStack.Count - 1].filename); sourceStack.RemoveAt(sourceStack.Count - 1); source = sourceStack[sourceStack.Count - 1]; continue; //get next token from including source if not at main file } if (!skippingTokens) { break; } } return(tok); }
//( translation phase 3 : scan source line into preprocessing tokens override public PPToken getPPToken() { PPToken tok = null; int tokpos = linepos; int tokline = linenum; tokstr.Clear(); char ch = getChar(); nextChar(); while (true) { //end of file - check if this isn't a stray 0x0 char in file, if so pass it on as punctuation if (ch == '\0' && atEof) { tok = new PPToken(PPTokenType.EOF, "<eof>"); break; } //end of line - does not include eolns in block comments or spliced lines if (ch == '\n') { tok = new PPToken(PPTokenType.EOLN, "<eoln>"); break; } if (isSpace(ch)) { skipWhitespace(); tok = new PPToken(PPTokenType.SPACE, " "); break; } //line comment if (ch == '/' && (getChar() == '/')) { skipLineComment(); ch = ' '; //replace comment with single space continue; } //block comment if (ch == '/' && (getChar() == '*')) { skipBlockComment(); ch = ' '; //replace comment with single space continue; } //L is a special case since it can start long char constants or long string constants, as well as identifiers if (ch == 'L') { if (getChar() == '\'') { string chstr = scanCharLiteral(true); tok = new PPToken(PPTokenType.CHAR, chstr); break; } else if (getChar() == '"') { string sstr = scanString(true); tok = new PPToken(PPTokenType.STRING, sstr); break; } } //if L doesn't start a string or char constant, it falls through to here //identifier if (isAlpha(ch)) { string idstr = scanIdentifier(ch); tok = new PPToken(PPTokenType.WORD, idstr); break; } //numeric constant //'.' can start a float const if (isDigit(ch) || (ch == '.' && isDigit(getChar()))) { bool isInt; string numstr = scanNumber(ch, out isInt); tok = new PPToken(isInt ? PPTokenType.INTEGER : PPTokenType.FLOAT, numstr); break; } //char constant if (ch == '\'') { string chstr = scanCharLiteral(false); tok = new PPToken(PPTokenType.CHAR, chstr); break; } //string constant if (ch == '"') { string sstr = scanString(false); tok = new PPToken(PPTokenType.STRING, sstr); break; } //translate chars before handling punctuation ch = TranslateDiagraphs(ch); //anything else is punctuation tok = new PPToken(PPTokenType.PUNCT, "" + ch); break; } tok.pos = tokpos; tok.line = tokline; return(tok); }
//convert preprocessor tokens (strings) into c tokens as input for the parser public Token getToken() { Token tok = null; PPToken ppTok; PPToken nextppTok; while (true) { ppTok = getPPToken(); //ignore spaces, comments & eolns if ((ppTok.type == PPTokenType.SPACE) || (ppTok.type == PPTokenType.COMMENT) || (ppTok.type == PPTokenType.EOLN)) { continue; } //check if word is keyword or identifier if (ppTok.type == PPTokenType.WORD) { if (keywords.ContainsKey(ppTok.str)) { tok = new Token(keywords[ppTok.str]); } else { tok = new IdentToken(ppTok.str); } break; } //convert int / float / string / char str into constant value if (ppTok.type == PPTokenType.INTEGER) { tok = ParseInteger(ppTok.str); break; } if (ppTok.type == PPTokenType.FLOAT) { tok = ParseFloat(ppTok.str); break; } if (ppTok.type == PPTokenType.STRING) { tok = ParseString(ppTok.str); StringConstToken stok1 = (StringConstToken)tok; //convert any subsequent pp strings into string tokens & merge them together PPToken pptok2 = getPPToken(); while (pptok2.type == PPTokenType.STRING) { StringConstToken stok2 = ParseString(pptok2.str); stok1.val = stok1.val + stok2.val; if (!stok1.isWide) { stok1.isWide = stok2.isWide; } pptok2 = getPPToken(); } replacePPToken(pptok2); break; } if (ppTok.type == PPTokenType.CHAR) { tok = ParseChar(ppTok.str); break; } //convert single punctuation chars into punctuation tokens, combining as necessary //need 2 lookaheads at most for '...' token if (ppTok.type == PPTokenType.PUNCT) { char c = ppTok.str[0]; switch (c) { case '[': tok = new Token(TokenType.LBRACKET); break; case ']': tok = new Token(TokenType.RBRACKET); break; case '(': tok = new Token(TokenType.LPAREN); break; case ')': tok = new Token(TokenType.RPAREN); break; case '{': tok = new Token(TokenType.LBRACE); break; case '}': tok = new Token(TokenType.RBRACE); break; case '+': nextppTok = getPPToken(); if ((nextppTok.type == PPTokenType.PUNCT) && (nextppTok.str[0] == '+')) { tok = new Token(TokenType.PLUSPLUS); } else if ((nextppTok.type == PPTokenType.PUNCT) && (nextppTok.str[0] == '=')) { tok = new Token(TokenType.PLUSEQUAL); } else { replacePPToken(nextppTok); tok = new Token(TokenType.PLUS); } break; case '-': nextppTok = getPPToken(); if ((nextppTok.type == PPTokenType.PUNCT) && (nextppTok.str[0] == '-')) { tok = new Token(TokenType.MINUSMINUS); } else if ((nextppTok.type == PPTokenType.PUNCT) && (nextppTok.str[0] == '=')) { tok = new Token(TokenType.MINUSEQUAL); } else if ((nextppTok.type == PPTokenType.PUNCT) && (nextppTok.str[0] == '>')) { tok = new Token(TokenType.ARROW); } else { replacePPToken(nextppTok); tok = new Token(TokenType.MINUS); } break; case '*': nextppTok = getPPToken(); if ((nextppTok.type == PPTokenType.PUNCT) && (nextppTok.str[0] == '=')) { tok = new Token(TokenType.MULTEQUAL); } else { replacePPToken(nextppTok); tok = new Token(TokenType.STAR); } break; case '/': nextppTok = getPPToken(); if ((nextppTok.type == PPTokenType.PUNCT) && (nextppTok.str[0] == '=')) { tok = new Token(TokenType.SLASHEQUAL); } else { replacePPToken(nextppTok); tok = new Token(TokenType.SLASH); } break; case '%': nextppTok = getPPToken(); if ((nextppTok.type == PPTokenType.PUNCT) && (nextppTok.str[0] == '=')) { tok = new Token(TokenType.PERCENTEQUAL); } else { replacePPToken(nextppTok); tok = new Token(TokenType.PERCENT); } break; case '&': nextppTok = getPPToken(); if ((nextppTok.type == PPTokenType.PUNCT) && (nextppTok.str[0] == '&')) { tok = new Token(TokenType.AMPAMP); } else if ((nextppTok.type == PPTokenType.PUNCT) && (nextppTok.str[0] == '=')) { tok = new Token(TokenType.AMPEQUAL); } else { replacePPToken(nextppTok); tok = new Token(TokenType.AMPERSAND); } break; case '|': nextppTok = getPPToken(); if ((nextppTok.type == PPTokenType.PUNCT) && (nextppTok.str[0] == '|')) { tok = new Token(TokenType.BARBAR); } else if ((nextppTok.type == PPTokenType.PUNCT) && (nextppTok.str[0] == '=')) { tok = new Token(TokenType.BAREQUAL); } else { replacePPToken(nextppTok); tok = new Token(TokenType.BAR); } break; case '~': tok = new Token(TokenType.TILDE); break; case '^': nextppTok = getPPToken(); if ((nextppTok.type == PPTokenType.PUNCT) && (nextppTok.str[0] == '=')) { tok = new Token(TokenType.CARETEQUAL); } else { replacePPToken(nextppTok); tok = new Token(TokenType.CARET); } break; case '=': nextppTok = getPPToken(); if ((nextppTok.type == PPTokenType.PUNCT) && (nextppTok.str[0] == '=')) { tok = new Token(TokenType.EQUALEQUAL); } else { replacePPToken(nextppTok); tok = new Token(TokenType.EQUAL); } break; case '!': nextppTok = getPPToken(); if ((nextppTok.type == PPTokenType.PUNCT) && (nextppTok.str[0] == '=')) { tok = new Token(TokenType.NOTEQUAL); } else { replacePPToken(nextppTok); tok = new Token(TokenType.EXCLAIM); } break; case '<': nextppTok = getPPToken(); if ((nextppTok.type == PPTokenType.PUNCT) && (nextppTok.str[0] == '<')) { PPToken tok2 = getPPToken(); if ((tok2.type == PPTokenType.PUNCT) && (tok2.str[0] == '=')) { tok = new Token(TokenType.LESSLESSEQUAL); //<<= } else { replacePPToken(tok2); tok = new Token(TokenType.LESSLESS); } } else if ((nextppTok.type == PPTokenType.PUNCT) && (nextppTok.str[0] == '=')) { tok = new Token(TokenType.LESSEQUAL); } else { replacePPToken(nextppTok); tok = new Token(TokenType.LESSTHAN); } break; case '>': nextppTok = getPPToken(); if ((nextppTok.type == PPTokenType.PUNCT) && (nextppTok.str[0] == '>')) { PPToken tok2 = getPPToken(); if ((tok2.type == PPTokenType.PUNCT) && (tok2.str[0] == '=')) { tok = new Token(TokenType.GTRGTREQUAL); //>>= } else { replacePPToken(tok2); tok = new Token(TokenType.GTRGTR); } } else if ((nextppTok.type == PPTokenType.PUNCT) && (nextppTok.str[0] == '=')) { tok = new Token(TokenType.GTREQUAL); } else { replacePPToken(nextppTok); tok = new Token(TokenType.GTRTHAN); } break; case ',': tok = new Token(TokenType.COMMA); break; case '.': bool threedots = false; nextppTok = getPPToken(); if ((nextppTok.type == PPTokenType.PUNCT) && (nextppTok.str[0] == '.')) { PPToken tok2 = getPPToken(); if ((tok2.type == PPTokenType.PUNCT) && (tok2.str[0] == '.')) { tok = new Token(TokenType.ELLIPSIS); //... threedots = true; } else { replacePPToken(nextppTok); replacePPToken(tok2); } } else { replacePPToken(nextppTok); } if (!threedots) { tok = new Token(TokenType.PERIOD); } break; case '?': tok = new Token(TokenType.QUESTION); break; case ':': tok = new Token(TokenType.COLON); break; case ';': tok = new Token(TokenType.SEMICOLON); break; default: tok = new Token(TokenType.ERROR); break; } break; } //last but not least - end of file if (ppTok.type == PPTokenType.EOF) { tok = new Token(TokenType.EOF); break; } } return(tok); }
public void replacePPToken(PPToken ppTok) { ppTokens.Add(ppTok); }