Methods to serialize and de-serialize messages to the BitCoin network format as defined in the BitCoin protocol specification at
To be able to serialize and deserialize new Message subclasses the following criteria needs to be met.
  • The proper Class instance needs to be mapped to it's message name in the names variable below
  • There needs to be a constructor matching: NetworkParameters params, byte[] payload
  • Message.bitcoinSerializeToStream() needs to be properly subclassed
Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Connect to the given IP address using the port specified as part of the network parameters. Once construction
        /// is complete a functioning network channel is set up and running.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="peerAddress">IP address to connect to. IPv6 is not currently supported by BitCoin. If port is not positive the default port from params is used.</param>
        /// <param name="params">Defines which network to connect to and details of the protocol.</param>
        /// <param name="bestHeight">How many blocks are in our best chain</param>
        /// <param name="connectTimeout">Timeout in milliseconds when initially connecting to peer</param>
        /// <exception cref="IOException">If there is a network related failure.</exception>
        /// <exception cref="ProtocolException">If the version negotiation failed.</exception>
        public NetworkConnection(PeerAddress peerAddress, NetworkParameters @params, uint bestHeight, int connectTimeout)
            _params   = @params;
            _remoteIp = peerAddress.Addr;

            var port = (peerAddress.Port > 0) ? peerAddress.Port : @params.Port;

            var address = new IPEndPoint(_remoteIp, port);

            _socket = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp);
            _socket.SendTimeout = _socket.ReceiveTimeout = connectTimeout;

            _out = new NetworkStream(_socket, FileAccess.Write);
            _in  = new NetworkStream(_socket, FileAccess.Read);

            // the version message never uses check-summing. Update check-summing property after version is read.
            _serializer = new BitcoinSerializer(@params, false);

            // Announce ourselves. This has to come first to connect to clients beyond v0.30.20.2 which wait to hear
            // from us until they send their version message back.
            WriteMessage(new VersionMessage(@params, bestHeight));
            // When connecting, the remote peer sends us a version message with various bits of
            // useful data in it. We need to know the peer protocol version before we can talk to it.
            _versionMessage = (VersionMessage)ReadMessage();
            // Now it's our turn ...
            // Send an ACK message stating we accept the peers protocol version.
            WriteMessage(new VersionAck());
            // And get one back ...
            // Switch to the new protocol version.
            var peerVersion = _versionMessage.ClientVersion;

            _log.InfoFormat("Connected to peer: version={0}, subVer='{1}', services=0x{2:X}, time={3}, blocks={4}",
            // BitCoinSharp is a client mode implementation. That means there's not much point in us talking to other client
            // mode nodes because we can't download the data from them we need to find/verify transactions.
            if (!_versionMessage.HasBlockChain())
                // Shut down the socket
                catch (IOException)
                    // ignore exceptions while aborting
                throw new ProtocolException("Peer does not have a copy of the block chain.");
            // newer clients use check-summing
            _serializer.UseChecksumming(peerVersion >= 209);
            // Handshake is done!
        /// <summary>
        /// Connect to the given IP address using the port specified as part of the network parameters. Once construction
        /// is complete a functioning network channel is set up and running.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="peerAddress">IP address to connect to. IPv6 is not currently supported by BitCoin. If port is not positive the default port from params is used.</param>
        /// <param name="params">Defines which network to connect to and details of the protocol.</param>
        /// <param name="bestHeight">How many blocks are in our best chain</param>
        /// <param name="connectTimeout">Timeout in milliseconds when initially connecting to peer</param>
        /// <exception cref="IOException">If there is a network related failure.</exception>
        /// <exception cref="ProtocolException">If the version negotiation failed.</exception>
        public NetworkConnection(PeerAddress peerAddress, NetworkParameters @params, uint bestHeight, int connectTimeout)
            _params = @params;
            _remoteIp = peerAddress.Addr;

            var port = (peerAddress.Port > 0) ? peerAddress.Port : @params.Port;

            var address = new IPEndPoint(_remoteIp, port);
            _socket = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp);
            _socket.SendTimeout = _socket.ReceiveTimeout = connectTimeout;

            _out = new NetworkStream(_socket, FileAccess.Write);
            _in = new NetworkStream(_socket, FileAccess.Read);

            // the version message never uses check-summing. Update check-summing property after version is read.
            _serializer = new BitcoinSerializer(@params, false);

            // Announce ourselves. This has to come first to connect to clients beyond v0.30.20.2 which wait to hear
            // from us until they send their version message back.
            WriteMessage(new VersionMessage(@params, bestHeight));
            // When connecting, the remote peer sends us a version message with various bits of
            // useful data in it. We need to know the peer protocol version before we can talk to it.
            _versionMessage = (VersionMessage) ReadMessage();
            // Now it's our turn ...
            // Send an ACK message stating we accept the peers protocol version.
            WriteMessage(new VersionAck());
            // And get one back ...
            // Switch to the new protocol version.
            var peerVersion = _versionMessage.ClientVersion;
            _log.InfoFormat("Connected to peer: version={0}, subVer='{1}', services=0x{2:X}, time={3}, blocks={4}",
            // BitCoinSharp is a client mode implementation. That means there's not much point in us talking to other client
            // mode nodes because we can't download the data from them we need to find/verify transactions.
            if (!_versionMessage.HasBlockChain())
                // Shut down the socket
                catch (IOException)
                    // ignore exceptions while aborting
                throw new ProtocolException("Peer does not have a copy of the block chain.");
            // newer clients use check-summing
            _serializer.UseChecksumming(peerVersion >= 209);
            // Handshake is done!