// Update is called once per frame void Update() { if (rman != null) { pathctrl = rman.pathctrl; linkcloudctrl = rman.linkcloudctrl; if (pathctrl != null) { pathctrl.showNearestPathPoint = true; pathctrl.showNearestWegPoints = true; pathctrl.nearestPointRef = lastpos; } if (linkcloudctrl != null) { linkcloudctrl.showNearestPoint = true; linkcloudctrl.nearestPointRef = lastpos; } } var newpos = transform.position; var movedist = Vector3.Distance(newpos, lastpos); if (movedist > 0) { if (rman != null) { rman.Regen(); } } lastpos = newpos; }
void initVars() { theone = this; loglist = new LinkedList <string>(); GraphUtil.loglist = loglist; RouteMan.Log("RouteMan starting time:" + starttime.ToUniversalTime()); startStopWatch.Start(); // Create game object to hold ctrl inspectors rmango = GameObject.Find("RouteMan"); linkcloudctrl = rmango.AddComponent <LinkCloudCtrl>(); pathctrl = rmango.AddComponent <PathCtrl>(); birdctrl = rmango.AddComponent <BirdCtrl>(); statusctrl = rmango.AddComponent <StatusCtrl>(); errmarkctrl = rmango.AddComponent <ErrorMarkerCtrl>(); floorplanctrl = rmango.AddComponent <FloorPlanCtrl>(); linkcloudctrl.setRouteMan(this); pathctrl.setRouteMan(this); birdctrl.setRouteMan(this); statusctrl.setRouteMan(this); errmarkctrl.setRouteMan(this); floorplanctrl.setRouteMan(this); keyman = new KeywordMan(this); // Create game object to hold actual game objects rgo = new GameObject("Rgo"); rgoTransformSetCount += 1; statusctrl.outMode = StatusCtrl.outModeE.help; statusctrl.RealizeMode(); keycount = keyman.totalKeywordCount(); smm = FindObjectOfType <SpatialMapperMan>(); DisableSpatialMapping(); RouteMan.Log("RouteMan initialized"); }