Пример #1
        public static void ComputePrizes(BingoGameEvent game_event, BingoGame game, List <wininfo> winners)
            foreach (wininfo winner in winners)
                foreach (BingoPrize prize in winner.prize_levels)
                    int total = 0;
                    foreach (wininfo winner_with_prize in winners)
                        if (winner == winner_with_prize)
                        foreach (BingoPrize winner2_prize in winner.prize_levels)
                            if (winner2_prize.level.Equals(prize.level))
                    long change;
                    long value = prize.amount / total;

                    if ((change = value % 100) > 0)
                        value += 100;
                        value -= change;
                    winner.amount += value;
Пример #2
        public BingoGameState StepReplay(bool use_blower)
            // get one game of all the ones defined in the bingo core state...
            lock (this.step_lock)
                BingoGame game = null;
                if (session.GameList == null)

                if (session.GameList.Count == 0)
                    // return an early result (no process)

                    if (game != null && game.prior_game != null)
                        // game we're coming from has to finish playing...
                        while (game.prior_game.playing)

Пример #3
 public static BingoGameEvent Continue(BingoGameEvent prior_event, BingoGame new_game)
     if (prior_event != null)
         //this.game_event_row = game_event_data_table_row;
Пример #4
 /// <summary>
 /// Result game event is sourced by external or existing number generator...
 /// </summary>
 public BingoGameEvent(BingoGame game, BallDataInterface bdi = null)
     if (bdi != null)
         this.ball_interface = bdi;
Пример #5
        /// <summary>
        /// this Loads the prize-validation balls for the given session/game_number
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dsn"></param>
        /// <param name="session"></param>
        /// <param name="game_number"></param>
        public BingoGameEvent(DsnConnection dsn, BingoSessionEvent session, int game_index)
            List <byte> ball_list = new List <byte>();
            int         game_id   = 0;
            int         game_num  = session.session.GameList[game_index].game_number;

            bool did_next;
            int  start = 0;

#if !use_prize_validations_for_balls
                MySQLDataTable win_table = new MySQLDataTable(dsn
                                                              , "select bingo_game_id,ball from bingo_game_balls"
                                                              + " join bingo_game using(bingo_game_id)"
                                                              + " where bingoday=" + DsnSQLUtil.MakeDateOnly(dsn, session.bingoday)
                                                              + " and session=" + session.session_number
                                                              + " and game=" + game_num
                                                              + " and uncalled=0"
                                                              + " order by game desc,bingo_game_id desc,called_at desc,bingo_game_ball_id desc"

                if (win_table != null && win_table.Rows.Count > 0)
                    int max_row;
                    for (max_row = 0; max_row < win_table.Rows.Count; max_row++)
                        int this_row_game_id = Convert.ToInt32(win_table.Rows[max_row]["bingo_game_id"]);
                        if (game_id == 0)
                            game_id = this_row_game_id;
                        if (this_row_game_id == game_id)

                    if (game_num == 2)
                        start = 1;
                game_id  = 0;
                did_next = false;
                if (session.session.GameList[game_index].into)
                    BingoGame game      = session.session.GameList[game_index];
                    BingoGame next_game = game.prior_group_game;
                    if (next_game == null)
                        next_game = game.prior_game;
                        if (next_game.game_number == game.game_number)
                            next_game = game.prior_group_game;
                    if (next_game != null)
                        game_index = session.session.GameList.IndexOf(next_game);
                        game_num   = session.session.GameList[game_index].game_number;
                        did_next   = true;

            playing_balls = new int[ball_list.Count];
            for (int row = start; row < ball_list.Count; row++)
                playing_balls[row - start] = ball_list[(ball_list.Count - row) - 1];
            // this data should be represented as a ball data...
            MySQLDataTable win_table = new MySQLDataTable(dsn
                                                          , "select ball_list,balls from prize_validations where bingoday="
                                                          + DsnSQLUtil.MakeDateOnly(dsn, session.bingoday)
                                                          + " and session_id=" + session.session_number
                                                          + " and game_id=" + session.session.GameList[game_index].game_number
                                                          + " group by ball_list,balls"
                                                          + " order by ID desc"

            if (win_table != null && win_table.Rows.Count > 0)
                int nRow;
                for (nRow = 0; nRow < win_table.Rows.Count; nRow++)
                    if (Convert.ToInt32(win_table.Rows[nRow]["balls"]) >= 75)
                    DataRow  win            = win_table.Rows[nRow];
                    String   string_numbers = win["ball_list"].ToString();
                    int      count          = Convert.ToInt32(win["balls"]);
                    String[] numbers        = string_numbers.Split();

                    playing_balls = new int[numbers.Length];
                    for (int n = 0; n < count; n++)
                        if (numbers[n].Length > 0)
                            playing_balls[n] = Convert.ToByte(numbers[n]);
Пример #6
        // double action determines whether card[X,,] goes from 0-0 or 0-1 (triple action? 0-2?)
        // check one card, get the best mask, and the best count_away
        // return the number of balls in ball array it won on.
        public static bool check_single_card(
            BingoCardState card
            , BingoGameEvent game_event
            , int game_index
            , int[] playing_balls
            , int faces
            , int columns
            , int pattern_index
            int mark_count = 0;

            if (card.pack.pack_info.flags.big3)
                //foreach( BingoGame game in game_event.games )
                BingoGame game = game_event.games[game_index];
                    foreach (Pattern pattern in game.patterns)
                        BingoCardState.BingoCardPatternMarkInfo marks = card.GetCurrentMark(pattern_index);
                        switch (pattern.algorithm)
                        case PatternDescriptionTable.match_types.ExternalJavaEngine:

                            if (card.MarkNew(marks, faces, columns, playing_balls))
                if (mark_count == 0)

                    // get last marked cardmask
                    //foreach( BingoGame game in game_event.games )
                        if (game.patterns[0].algorithm == PatternDescriptionTable.match_types.CrazyMark)
                            return(card.CheckCrazy(card.marks[0], game.patterns[0].repeat_count));
                        else if (game.patterns[0].algorithm == PatternDescriptionTable.match_types.ExternalJavaEngine)
                            List <int> patterns = game.pattern_list.pattern_bitmask_list;
                            //foreach ( int check_mask in patterns )
                                if (card.CheckPattern(card.marks[0], patterns))
                                    card.WinningGame      = game;
                                    card.WinningGameEvent = game_event;
                            } // end of foreach( pattern )
Пример #7
        // all cards in the session? the game lists should maintain this good enough?
        //public card_list playing_cards;

        /// <summary>
        /// This completes final initialization fo a bingo game state, including loading the cards for each player
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="game_index">if game== null, index will be used to get the GameList entry at the index.</param>
        /// <param name="result">this is the partial state we're going to use...</param>
        /// <returns>result or NULL if fails</returns>
        public BingoGameState StepToUsing(int game_index, BingoGameState result, BallDataInterface bdi = null)
            // setup a play state for an absolute game number...
            // get one game of all the ones defined in the bingo core state...

            lock (this.step_lock)
                BingoGame game = null;
                result.game_needs_balls = false;

                // no games in state.
                if (session.GameList == null || session.GameList.Count == 0)
                    // return an early result (no process)

                result.session_event = this;
                        // if game is already set, no reason to use game_index
                        if (result.game == null)
                            if (game_index >= session.GameList.Count)
                                Log.log("StepTo passed a game number beyond the current list.");
                                // need to do a step of session.
                                // setup some hotballs ....

                            // new session, played all players and all their cards
                            game = session.GameList[game_index];
                            game = result.game;
                        // should wait before running the NEXT game...
                        // for that game to finish...
                        while (game.playing)

                        if (result.game == null)
                            // though at this point I should have result.session_event... and we should have
                            // been progressing through that...

                            // with events, I need to know the prior event ....
                            // but the threaded nature of this makes this impossible... since we are
                            // not really within a session container... it's really an observation of
                            // game by game...

                            if (prior_game_event != null && game.prior_game != null && game.into)
                                result.game_event       = BingoGameEvent.Continue(prior_game_event, game);
                                result.game_event_index = result.game_event.games.Count - 1;
                                result.game_event = new BingoGameEvent(game, bdi);
                                prior_game_event  = result.game_event;

                            string[] str = game.Name.Split('\t');
                            if (my_store_to_database)
                                game.ID = Local.bingo_tracking.OpenGame(game_index + 1, game.ballset_number, str[1]);                                   //game.Name );
                            if (game.number_colored > 0)
                                int[] newballs = new int[game.number_colored];
                                int   n;
                                for (n = 0; n < game.number_colored; n++)
                                    newballs[n] = -1 - n;
                            if (game.cashballs == 5)
                                byte[] card = result.game_event.card_factory.Create5Card();
                                result.game_event.playing_hotballs = new int[card.Length];
                                for (int n = 0; n < card.Length; n++)
                                    result.game_event.playing_hotballs[n] = card[n];
                                result.game_event.playing_hotballs = result.game_event.balls.CallBalls(game.cashballs);

                result.bestwin = session.max_balls;                // game.bestwin; // start at more than any level...

                // this is indexed with -1... soo [card, ball-1] == count away.
                result.winning_cards = new List <wininfo>();
                // this resultset is the whole sess's cards?
                result.playing_cards = new List <BingoCardState>();                 // playing_cards;
                result.playing_packs = new List <PlayerPack>();

                result.valid = true;

                result.session_event = this;

                List <object> game_pack_set_ids = new List <object>();
                if (opened)
                    if (my_store_to_database)
                    //foreach( BingoGameGroup group in result.game.game_groups )
                        game_pack_set_ids.Add(result.game.game_group.group_pack_set_id = Local.bingo_tracking.AddPackSetToGame(result.game.game_group.pack_set_id));

                 * if( _PlayerList != null )
                 * {
                 *      foreach( BingoPlayer player in _PlayerList )
                 *      {
                 *              LoadPlayerCards( player, game_pack_set_ids, result );
                 *      }
                 * }
                // return this state so we can unlock it.
                // with these balls and cards referenced
                // we should not have a problem with multi-threading this.
Пример #8
        public BingoGame(BingoGameList game_list, DataRow group_game)
            BingoGame       _game    = ((game_list.Count > 0) ? game_list[game_list.Count - 1] : null);
            ScheduleDataSet schedule = game_list.schedule;


            Name        = group_game.ToString();
            game_number = Convert.ToInt32(group_game[SessionGame.NumberColumn]);

            //dataRow_game_group_game = group_game;
                DataRow[] tmp = group_game.GetChildRows("session_game_has_session_game_group");
                int       n   = 0;
                foreach (DataRow row in tmp)
                    BingoGameGroup bgg;
                    this.game_group = bgg = game_list.game_group_list.GetGameGroup(row.GetParentRow("session_game_group_in_session_game"));
                        DataRow   session_game_group = row.GetParentRow("session_game_group_in_session_game");
                        DataRow[] game_prizes        = session_game_group.GetChildRows("game_group_has_pack");
                        //DataRow[] game_prizes = group_packs.
                        //DataRow[] game_group_prizes = game_group_row.GetChildRows( "game_group_has_prize_level" );
                        foreach (DataRow game_prize in game_prizes)
                            DataRow _prize = game_prize.GetParentRow("prize_level_in_game_group");
                            if (_prize[PrizeLevelNames.PrimaryKey] == null)
                                int a = 3;
                            prizes.Add(new BingoPrize(_prize[PrizeLevelNames.PrimaryKey], 50));
                        // should further check against overrides to get corrected prizes.

                Patterns new_patterns = new Patterns(schedule);

                DataRow[] GamePatterns = schedule.game_patterns.GetPatterns(group_game);
                //Log.log( "Selected " + GamePatterns.Length + " game pattes for " + group["game_info_id"] );
                foreach (DataRow pattern in GamePatterns)
                    object pattern_id = pattern[schedule.patterns.PrimaryKeyName];
                    Log.log("Looking up pattern " + pattern_id);

                    Pattern GamePattern = new Pattern(pattern, new_patterns);

            if (Convert.ToBoolean(group_game["single_hotball"]))
                cashballs = 1;

            //double_action = Convert.ToBoolean( group_game["double_action"] );

            // Load all of the packs defined in this session.
            // these are used to validate sales loaded into players....
            // they are also used to collect raw informatino to match by name
            // the pack sales to pack definitions such ad dealer parameters.
            DataRow[] game_group_packs;

                game_group_packs = schedule.session_games.GetGameGroupPacks(group_game);
                BingoPack pack = null;
                if (game_group_packs != null)
                    foreach (DataRow info in game_group_packs)
                        BingoGameGroup use_group = null;
                        bool           found     = false;
                        //foreach( BingoGameGroup game_group in game_groups )
                            DataRow real_game_group = info.GetParentRow("game_group_prize_level_has_pack");
                            if (game_group.ID.Equals(real_game_group[PackGroupTable.PrimaryKey]))
                                use_group = game_group;
                                found     = true;
                        if (!found)
                            game_group = use_group = new BingoGameGroup(info[PackGroupTable.PrimaryKey]);

                        game_group_packs = schedule.session_games.GetPacks(group_game);
                        foreach (DataRow ggp in game_group_packs)
                            pack = game_list.pack_list.MakePack(use_group, ggp);
                            while (pack_card_counts.Count <= pack.pack_type)

                        if (pack == null)
                        if (pack != null)
                            pack_card_counts[pack.pack_type] = pack.count;

                prior_group_game = null;
                foreach (BingoGame g in game_list)
                    if (g == this)
                    //foreach( BingoGameGroup gamegroup in g.game_groups )
                        //foreach( BingoGameGroup this_group in this.game_groups )
                        if (g.game_group != null && this.game_group != null)                          // this isn't set during loading...
                            if (g.game_group.ID.Equals(this.game_group.ID))
                                prior_group_game = g;
                if (prior_group_game == null)
                    page_skip = 0;
                    // this isn't really an into, prior game might be 'normal' progressive, but
                    // that's really into the next part, not this one.
                    into = false;
                if (into)
                    page_skip = prior_group_game.page_skip;
                    page_skip = prior_group_game.page_skip + 1;

                //game_group_id = group_id;
            // setup progressive game, and game skips (by page, and by absolute ball-set)
                progressive = (Convert.ToInt32(group_game["progressive"]) != 0);
                if (_game != null)
                    if (_game.progressive)
                        ballset_number = _game.ballset_number;
                        into           = true;
                        ballset_number = _game.ballset_number + 1;
                    ballset_number = 0;

            // setup page_skip.
                if (prior_group_game == null)
                    page_skip = 0;
                    // this isn't really an into, prior game might be 'normal' progressive, but
                    // that's really into the next part, not this one.
                    into = false;
                if (into)
                    page_skip = prior_group_game.page_skip;
                    page_skip = prior_group_game.page_skip + 1;
            //game_number = game_number;
            prior_game = _game;

            //_game = game;