public Vector3Group()
     X = new BfresAnimationTrack()
         Name = "X", ChannelIndex = 0
     Y = new BfresAnimationTrack()
         Name = "Y", ChannelIndex = 1
     Z = new BfresAnimationTrack()
         Name = "Z", ChannelIndex = 2
        public static void GenerateKeys(BfresAnimationTrack track, AnimCurve curve,
                                        bool valuesAsInts = false)
            //Use the curve's post wrap.
            track.WrapMode = STLoopMode.Clamp;
            if (curve.PostWrap == WrapMode.Repeat)
                track.WrapMode = STLoopMode.Repeat;
            if (curve.PostWrap == WrapMode.Mirror)
                track.WrapMode = STLoopMode.Mirror;

            float valueScale = curve.Scale > 0 ? curve.Scale : 1;

            for (int i = 0; i < curve.Frames.Length; i++)
                var frame = curve.Frames[i];
                switch (curve.CurveType)
                case AnimCurveType.Cubic:
                    track.InterpolationType = STInterpoaltionType.Hermite;
                    //Important to not offset the other 3 values, just the first one!
                    var value  = curve.Keys[i, 0] * valueScale + curve.Offset;
                    var coef1  = curve.Keys[i, 1] * valueScale;
                    var coef2  = curve.Keys[i, 2] * valueScale;
                    var coef3  = curve.Keys[i, 3] * valueScale;
                    var slopes = GetSlopes(curve, i);

                    track.KeyFrames.Add(new STHermiteKeyFrame()
                            Frame      = frame,
                            Value      = value,
                            TangentIn  = slopes[0],
                            TangentOut = slopes[1],

                    /*    track.KeyFrames.Add(new STHermiteCubicKeyFrame()
                     *  {
                     *      Frame = frame,
                     *      Value = value,
                     *      Coef1 = coef1,
                     *      Coef2 = coef2,
                     *      Coef3 = coef3,
                     *      TangentIn = slopes[0],
                     *      TangentOut = slopes[1],
                     *  });*/

                case AnimCurveType.Linear:
                    track.InterpolationType = STInterpoaltionType.Linear;
                    var value = curve.Keys[i, 0] * valueScale + curve.Offset;
                    var delta = curve.Keys[i, 1];
                    track.KeyFrames.Add(new STKeyFrame()
                            Frame = frame,
                            Value = value,

                case AnimCurveType.StepBool:
                    track.InterpolationType = STInterpoaltionType.Step;
                    track.KeyFrames.Add(new STKeyFrame()
                            Frame = frame,
                            Value = curve.KeyStepBoolData[i] ? 1 : 0,

                    track.InterpolationType = STInterpoaltionType.Step;
                    var value = curve.Keys[i, 0] + curve.Offset;
                    if (valuesAsInts)
                        value = (int)curve.Keys[i, 0] + curve.Offset;

                    track.KeyFrames.Add(new STKeyFrame()
                            Frame = frame,
                            Value = value,