Пример #1
        Dictionary <Point, int> render(processedResults pr, string filename, bool edges = false)
            List <Node>  rivers = pr.rivers;
            List <Point> oceans = pr.oceans;
            List <Point> lakes  = pr.lakes;

            List <Node> rendernodes = new List <Node>();

            foreach (Node r in rivers) // rendernodes are different from river nodes in that they are not necessarily actual river trees.
            // They should sometimes be smaller branches of main rivers.

            List <List <PointF> > curvepoints = new List <List <PointF> >(); // This is the result of this function, a list of list of points for use in drawCurve()

            while (rendernodes.Count > 0)
                List <PointF> points  = new List <PointF>();
                Node          current = rendernodes.First();

                // Initially add the coords to the list.
                points.Add(current.center_coords); // Always starts with the center coords, because the first tile never gets an edge coord set.

                while (current.numChildren() > 0)
                    int largestIndex = current.maxLengthIndex;
                    // Except for the largest index, add every other child node to the rendernodes list as a separate branch.
                    for (int i = 0; i < current._children_.Count; i++)
                        if (largestIndex != i)
                            Node newparent = new Node();
                            newparent.center_coords = current.center_coords;
                            newparent.edge_coords   = current.edge_coords;

                            // Extending new river tree size by 2 for smoother rivers.
                            if (current.parent != null)
                                Node newnewparent = new Node();
                                newnewparent.center_coords = current.parent.center_coords;
                                newnewparent.edge_coords   = current.edge_coords;
                    current = current._children_[largestIndex]; // Finally, change the current to point to the new node.

                    if (edges)
                        points.Add(current.center_coords); // Also, extend the pointslist.


            Bitmap     output     = new Bitmap(width * scale, height * scale);
            Graphics   graphic    = Graphics.FromImage(output);
            SolidBrush oceanbrush = new SolidBrush(ocean_c);
            SolidBrush landbrush  = new SolidBrush(land_c);
            SolidBrush lakebrush  = new SolidBrush(lake_c);

            // Draws the land
            graphic.FillRectangle(landbrush, new Rectangle(0, 0, width * scale, height * scale));

            // Draw rivers
            Pen    pen = new Pen(river_c, (float)scale / 2.0f);
            Random rng = new Random();

            Dictionary <PointF, PointF> RandPointFromPoint = new Dictionary <PointF, PointF>();

            foreach (var pointlist in curvepoints)
                PointF[] points = pointlist.ToArray();
                for (int i = 0; i < pointlist.Count; i++)  // Scale coordinates
                    if (RandPointFromPoint.ContainsKey(points[i]))
                        points[i] = RandPointFromPoint[points[i]];
                        PointF oldpoint = points[i];

                        points[i].X *= scale;
                        points[i].X += scale / 2;
                        points[i].Y *= scale;
                        points[i].Y += scale / 2;

                        // Experimental: Add noise to coordinates.
                        points[i].X += rng.Next(-scale / 4, scale / 4);
                        points[i].Y += rng.Next(-scale / 4, scale / 4);

                        PointF newpoint = points[i];
                        RandPointFromPoint[oldpoint] = newpoint;

                if (pointlist.Count == 1)
                    continue;//g.DrawRectangle(pen, new Rectangle(points[0].X, points[0].Y, scale, scale));
                    graphic.DrawCurve(pen, points, 0.4f);

            // Finally, draw the oceans and lakes over the rivers to "hide" the ends of the river.
            foreach (var point in oceans)
                graphic.FillRectangle(oceanbrush, new Rectangle(point.X * scale, point.Y * scale, scale, scale));
            foreach (var point in lakes)
                graphic.FillRectangle(lakebrush, new Rectangle(point.X * scale, point.Y * scale, scale, scale));

            var result = DictionaryFromBitmap(output);
