Пример #1
        private void RemoveUsedResources(Building b, WorldObject obj)
            if (obj.ElementType == MapElementType.Meal)
                int removedCount = 0;
                Meal meal = (Meal)b.GetCraftSlot();
                meal.NutritionalValue = 0;

                List<MapElementType> toBeRemoved = new List<MapElementType>();
                foreach (KeyValuePair<MapElementType, List<WorldObject>> keyValue in b.DepositedWorldObjects)
                    foreach (WorldObject depobj in keyValue.Value)
                        if (depobj.GetType().IsSubclassOf(typeof(Food)) && depobj.ElementType != MapElementType.Meal)
                            if (removedCount == 2)

                            Food food = (Food)depobj;
                            // Adds the double of the foods nutritional value to the meal
                            meal.NutritionalValue = meal.NutritionalValue + food.NutritionalValue * TimeRules.MealMultiplier;
                            // Adds the buffs of the food to the meal, and multiply effect by 2
                            foreach (StatBuff buff in food.StatBuffs)
                                meal.StatBuffs.Add(new StatBuff() { Type = buff.Type, Value = buff.Value  });


                foreach (MapElementType type in toBeRemoved)
                    b.RemoveDepositedWorldObject(type, 1);

                //throw new Exception("Two food items should be available to make a meal");
                foreach (KeyValuePair<MapElementType, int> resource in obj.NeededForCrafting)
                    for (int i = 0; i < resource.Value; i++)
                        b.RemoveDepositedWorldObject(resource.Key, obj.Level);