Пример #1
        public static Interval CalculatePriceUpdates(List<ClientDrinkOrder> allOrdersItems, Interval[] intervals, int idCurrentInterval, bool predict, BeursfuifViewModelBase viewmodel)
            viewmodel.PointInCode("PriceCalculation: CalculatePriceUpdates");

            Interval currentInterval = intervals.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == idCurrentInterval);
            if (currentInterval == null) throw new Exception("Current interval isn't part of the Interval array");

            int currentIntervalIndex = Array.IndexOf(intervals, intervals.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == idCurrentInterval));
            //the first to intervals don't trigger an update
            if (currentIntervalIndex == 0) return intervals[1];

            Interval previousInterval = intervals[currentIntervalIndex - 1];
            //no new update possible, end of beursfuif
            if (currentIntervalIndex == intervals.Length - 1) return null;

            Interval nextInterval = (predict ? intervals[currentIntervalIndex + 1].Clone() : intervals[currentIntervalIndex + 1]);

            int previousAllDrinkCount = allOrdersItems.Where(x => x.IntervalId == previousInterval.Id).Sum(x => x.Count);
            viewmodel.SendLogMessage("Previous drink count: " + previousAllDrinkCount, LogType.SETTINGS_VM);
            int currentAllDrinkCount = allOrdersItems.Where(x => x.IntervalId == currentInterval.Id).Sum(x => x.Count);
            viewmodel.SendLogMessage("Current drink count: " + previousAllDrinkCount, LogType.SETTINGS_VM);

            //2 in the excel file
            int differenceAllDrinks = currentAllDrinkCount - previousAllDrinkCount;
            viewmodel.SendLogMessage("Current all drinkcount - Previous all drinkcount", LogType.SETTINGS_VM);

            Drink[] drinksForNextInterval = currentInterval.Drinks.Where(x => x.Available).ToArray();
            int numberOfDrinks = drinksForNextInterval.Length;
            for (int i = 0; i < numberOfDrinks; i++)
                CalculateNewPrice(allOrdersItems, predict, currentInterval, previousInterval, nextInterval, previousAllDrinkCount, currentAllDrinkCount, differenceAllDrinks, drinksForNextInterval, i);

            return nextInterval;
Пример #2
        private static void CalculateNewPrice(List<ClientDrinkOrder> allOrdersItems, bool predict, Interval currentInterval, Interval previousInterval, Interval nextInterval, int previousAllDrinkCount, int currentAllDrinkCount, int differenceAllDrinks, Drink[] drinksForNextInterval, int i)
            Drink drink = drinksForNextInterval[i];

            int previousDrinkCount = allOrdersItems.Where(x => x.DrinkId == drink.Id && x.IntervalId == previousInterval.Id).Sum(x => x.Count);
            int currentDrinkCount = allOrdersItems.Where(x => x.DrinkId == drink.Id && x.IntervalId == currentInterval.Id).Sum(x => x.Count);
            //1 in the excel
            int differenceDrinkCount = currentDrinkCount - previousDrinkCount;

            //3 in the excel
            double differenceProcentage = ((double)currentDrinkCount / (double)currentAllDrinkCount)
                                           ((double)previousDrinkCount / (double)previousAllDrinkCount);

            if (differenceDrinkCount >= 0)
                #region 1A
                //the drink has been drank more
                if (differenceAllDrinks >= 0)
                    #region 2AA
                    //more drinks have been drunk in general
                    if (differenceProcentage > 0)
                        //the drink has been drunk more procentually
                        drink.PriceFactor = PriceFactor.BigRise;
                        //the drink has been drunk less procentually
                        drink.PriceFactor = PriceFactor.BigDecrease;
                    #region 2AB
                    //less drinks have been drunk in general
                    if (differenceProcentage > 0)
                        //the drink has been drunk more procentually
                        drink.PriceFactor = PriceFactor.SmallRise;
                        //the drink has been drunk less procentually
                        drink.PriceFactor = PriceFactor.SmallDecrease;
                #region 1B
                //the drink has been drank less
                if (differenceAllDrinks > 0)
                    #region 2BA
                    //more drinks have been drunk in general
                    if (differenceProcentage > 0)
                        //the drink has been drunk more procentually
                        drink.PriceFactor = PriceFactor.BigDecrease;
                        //the drink has been drunk less procentually
                        drink.PriceFactor = PriceFactor.BigRise;
                    #region 2BB
                    //more drinks have been drunk in general
                    if (differenceProcentage > 0)
                        //the drink has been drunk more procentually
                        drink.PriceFactor = PriceFactor.SmallDecrease;
                        //the drink has been drunk less procentually
                        drink.PriceFactor = PriceFactor.SmallRise;

            //check if we need to use the override factor
            if (drink.OverrideFactor != 0 && !predict) drink.PriceFactor = PriceFactor.Override;

            Drink nextDrink = nextInterval.Drinks.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == drink.Id);
            double priceFactor = drink.GetPriceFactorValue();
            double priceWithoutRouding = drink.CurrentPrice * priceFactor;
            int nextPrice = (int)Math.Round(priceWithoutRouding);
            if (nextPrice > nextDrink.MaximumPrice) nextPrice = nextDrink.MaximumPrice;
            if (nextPrice < nextDrink.MiniumPrice) nextPrice = nextDrink.MiniumPrice;

            nextDrink.CurrentPrice = nextPrice;
            if (predict) nextDrink.PriceFactor = drink.PriceFactor;
Пример #3
        public IntervalViewModel(IBeursfuifData beursfuifData)
            : base(beursfuifData)
            if (IsInDesignMode)
                #region DummyData
                Intervals = new Interval[]{
                    new Interval(){
                        Id = 1,
                        StartTime = new DateTime(1970,1,1,21,0,0),
                        EndTime = new DateTime(1970,1,1,21,15,0)
                    new Interval(){
                        Id = 2,
                        StartTime = new DateTime(1970,1,1,21,15,0),
                        EndTime = new DateTime(1970,1,1,21,30,0)
                    new Interval(){
                        Id = 3,
                        StartTime = new DateTime(1970,1,1,21,30,0),
                        EndTime = new DateTime(1970,1,1,21,45,0)
                    new Interval(){
                        Id = 4,
                        StartTime = new DateTime(1970,1,1,21,45,0),
                        EndTime = new DateTime(1970,1,1,22,00,0)
                PointInCode("IntervalViewModel: Ctor");

                _beursfuifData = beursfuifData;

                if (Intervals != null && Intervals.Any())
                    BeginTime = Intervals[0].StartTime;
                    EndTime = Intervals[Intervals.Length - 1].EndTime;
                    ChosenInterval = IntervalChoices.FirstOrDefault(x => x.TotalMinutes == Intervals[0].Duration.TotalMinutes);
                    SendLogMessage("Intervals found in data folder", LogType.INTERVAL_VM);


                _beursfuifData.BeursfuifBusyChanged += BeursfuifData_BeursfuifBusyChanged;
                _beursfuifData.DataReset += BeursfuifData_DataReset;
                _beursfuifData.BeursfuifDataImported += BeursfuifData_BeursfuifDataImported;
Пример #4
        //Because c# is always byRef on objects, that's why
        private void FillInDrinks(Interval interval, Drink[] drinks)
            PointInCode("SettingsViewModel: FillInDrinks");

            int length = drinks.Length;
            interval.Drinks = new Drink[length];
            for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
                interval.Drinks[i] = drinks[i].Clone();
Пример #5
        private void CreateIntervals(object state)
            PointInCode("IntervalViewModel: CreateIntervals");

            int numberOfIntervals = Convert.ToInt32(state);
            Intervals = new Interval[numberOfIntervals];
            for (int i = 0; i < numberOfIntervals; i++)
                Intervals[i] = new Interval()
                    StartTime = BeginTime.AddMinutes(i * ChosenInterval.TotalMinutes),
                    EndTime = BeginTime.AddMinutes((i+1) * ChosenInterval.TotalMinutes),
                    Id = i + 1

            SendLogMessage("New intervals created", LogType.INTERVAL_VM);
