public DeveloperConsole() { LogDepth = Config.Bind("Config", "Log buffer size", 16300, "Size of the log buffer in characters."); fontSize = Config.Bind("Config", "Font Size", 14, new ConfigDescription("Adjusts the fontSize of the log text.", new AcceptableValueRange <int>(8, 80))); LogUnity = Config.Bind("Logging", "UnityLogListening", true, "Enables showing unity log messages in the BepInEx logging system."); ToggleUIShortcut = Config.Bind("Config", "Toggle UI Shortcut", new KeyboardShortcut(KeyCode.Pause), "Toggles the visibility of the developer console."); logTextStyle.normal.textColor = Color.white; Logging.Logger.Listeners.Add(new LogListener()); Logger = base.Logger; }
internal void Awake() { Logger = base.Logger; ConfigMuteInBackground = Config.Bind("Config", "Mute In Background", false, "Whether to mute the game when in the background, i.e. alt-tabbed."); }