public async System.Threading.Tasks.Task TryToGetACurrencyThatNotExists()
            // Retrieve DbContext
            var context = ApplicationDbContextInMemory.Get();
            ICurrencyQueryService queryService = new CurrencyQueryService(context, GetIlogger);

            // Retrieve the new record by PEN code
            var record = await queryService.GetAsync("PEN");

            // Check
        public async System.Threading.Tasks.Task TryToGetACurrencyThatExists()
            // Retrieve DbContext
            var context = ApplicationDbContextInMemory.Get();
            ICurrencyQueryService queryService = new CurrencyQueryService(context, GetIlogger);

            // Add new record
            context.Currencies.Add(new Currency
                CurrencyId = 1,
                Code       = "USD",
                Name       = "Dólares americanos",
                Value      = 1


            // Retrieve the new record by USD code
            var record = await queryService.GetAsync("USD");

            // Check