Пример #1
		static public bool CheckQuery (Query query, FileSystemObject root)
			// Find the set of objects that we expect to match the query,
			// based on our knowledge of the current state of the tree.
			ICollection matching_fsos;
			matching_fsos = root.RecursiveQuery (query);

			// Query the daemon and get the actual list of hits.
			Hashtable matching_hits;
			matching_hits = QueryFu.GetHits (query);

			bool success;
			success = true;

			foreach (FileSystemObject fso in matching_fsos) {
				string uri = UriFu.UriToEscapedString (fso.Uri);
				if (matching_hits.Contains (uri))
					matching_hits.Remove (uri);
				else {
					Log.Failure ("Hit missing from beagled query results: {0}", uri);
					success = false;

			foreach (Hit hit in matching_hits.Values) {
				Log.Failure ("Unexpected extra hit in beagled query results: {0}", hit.Uri);
				Log.Failure ("  Properties:");
				foreach (Property prop in hit.Properties)
					Log.Failure ("    {0} = {1}", prop.Key, prop.Value);
				success = false;

			return success;
Пример #2
		public bool AcceptQuery (Query query)
			return query != null
				&& (query.IsIndexListener || ! query.IsEmpty)
				&& query.AllowsDomain (Domain)
				&& iqueryable.AcceptQuery (query);
Пример #3
		public Tile (Hit hit, Query query) : base ()
			base.AboveChild = true;
			base.AppPaintable = true;
			base.CanFocus = true;

			this.hit = hit;
			this.query = query;
			this.timestamp = hit.Timestamp;
			this.score = hit.Score;

			Gtk.Drag.SourceSet (this, Gdk.ModifierType.Button1Mask, targets,
					    Gdk.DragAction.Copy | Gdk.DragAction.Move);

			int pad = (int)StyleGetProperty ("focus-line-width") + (int)StyleGetProperty ("focus-padding") + 1;

			hbox = new Gtk.HBox (false, 5);
			hbox.BorderWidth = (uint)(pad + Style.Xthickness);
			hbox.Show ();

			icon = new Gtk.Image ();
			icon.Show ();
			hbox.PackStart (icon, false, false, 0);

			Add (hbox);
Пример #4
		        public Hit (uint id, Beagle.Hit hit, string[] fields, Query query)
				this.id = id;
				bHit = hit;
				hitValue = new object[fields.Length];
				int i = 0;

				uri = hit.Uri;

				foreach (string field in fields) {
					// We add String.Empty to attributes because they may be null and we cannot
					// return null objects over DBus
					string[] bfields = Ontologies.XesamToBeagleField (field);

					switch (bfields [0]) {
					case "uri":
						hitValue [i++] = hit.Uri.ToString ();

					case "mimetype":
						hitValue [i++] = hit.MimeType + String.Empty;

					case "date":
						hitValue [i++] = hit.Timestamp.ToString ("s");

					case "snippet":
						SnippetRequest sreq = new SnippetRequest (query, hit);
						SnippetResponse sresp = (SnippetResponse) sreq.Send ();
						hitValue [i++] = sresp.Snippet != null ? sresp.Snippet : String.Empty;
						// FIXME: This *will* break since we don't know what the expected
						// type here is, and we're always using strings
						List<string> values = new List<string> ();

						foreach (string bfield in bfields) {
							string[] prop = hit.GetProperties (bfield);

							if (prop != null)
								values.AddRange (prop);

						if (values.Count == 0)
							// No values found
							hitValue [i++] = String.Empty;
						else if (values.Count == 1)
							// Only one value -- return as string
							hitValue [i++] = values [0];
							// Multiple values -- returns as string[]
							hitValue [i++] = values.ToArray ();

Пример #5
		public void DoQuery (Query query, IQueryResult result, IQueryableChangeData change_data)
			try {
				iqueryable.DoQuery (query, result, change_data);
			} catch (Exception ex) {
				Logger.Log.Warn (ex, "Caught exception calling DoQuery on '{0}'", Name);
		public void DoQuery (Query query, IQueryResult result, IQueryableChangeData data)
			// Get rid of the standard UnixTransport so that we can
			// forward our local query to remote hosts.
			query.Transports.Clear ();

			List<string[]> network_services = Conf.Networking.GetListOptionValues (Conf.Names.NetworkServices);
			if (network_services != null) {
				foreach (string[] service in network_services)
					query.RegisterTransport (new HttpTransport (service [1]));

			// Anonymous delegates cannot be un-registered ... hence
			Query.HitsAdded hits_added_handler;
			hits_added_handler = delegate (HitsAddedResponse response) {
								//Console.WriteLine ("Adding hits added response");
								result.Add (response.Hits, response.NumMatches);

			Query.HitsSubtracted hits_subtracted_handler;
			hits_subtracted_handler = delegate (HitsSubtractedResponse response) {
								// Console.WriteLine ("Adding hits subtracted response");
								result.Subtract (response.Uris);

			Query.Finished finished_handler;
			finished_handler = delegate (FinishedResponse response) {
							//Console.WriteLine ("Adding finished response");
							// NO-OP

			// FIXME: ClosedEvent ? Should be handled by HttpTransport but should we do something more

			query.HitsAddedEvent += hits_added_handler;
			query.HitsSubtractedEvent += hits_subtracted_handler;
			query.FinishedEvent += finished_handler;

			Exception throw_me = null;

			try {
				query.SendAsyncBlocking ();
			} catch (Exception ex) {
				throw_me = ex;

			// FIXME FIXME FIXME: Live query does not work!

			query.HitsAddedEvent -= hits_added_handler;
			query.HitsSubtractedEvent -= hits_subtracted_handler;
			query.FinishedEvent -= finished_handler;
			query.Transports.Clear ();

			if (throw_me != null)
				throw throw_me;

Пример #7
		public SnippetRequest (Query query, Hit hit) : base (false)
			this.QueryTerms = new string [query.StemmedText.Count];
			int i = 0;
			foreach (string term in query.StemmedText) {
				this.QueryTerms [i] = term;

			this.Hit = hit;
Пример #8
		static public Query NewTokenQuery (string token)
			Query query;
			query = new Query ();

			QueryPart_Text part;
			part = new QueryPart_Text ();
			part.Text = token;
			query.AddPart (part);

			return query;
Пример #9
        public BeaglePlugin()
            server = Daemon.Server;
            db = Daemon.DefaultDatabase;
            log = Daemon.Log;

            query = new Query ();
            query.AddDomain (QueryDomain.Neighborhood);
            query.MaxHits = 10000;

            QueryPart_Property filePart = new QueryPart_Property ();
            filePart.Type = PropertyType.Keyword;
            filePart.Key = "beagle:HitType";
            filePart.Value = "File";
            query.AddPart (filePart);

            QueryPart_Or queryUnion = new QueryPart_Or ();

            foreach (string mt in supportedMimeTypes) {
                QueryPart_Property part = new QueryPart_Property ();
                part.Type = PropertyType.Keyword;
                part.Key = "beagle:MimeType";
                part.Value = mt;
                queryUnion.Add (part);

            query.AddPart (queryUnion);
            query.HitsAddedEvent += OnHitsAdded;
            query.HitsSubtractedEvent += OnHitsSubtracted;
            query.FinishedEvent += OnFinished;

            int attempts = 0;
            while (true) {
                try {
                    query.SendAsync ();
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    if (attempts++ >= 5) {
                        log.Warn ("Failed to initialize beagle plugin");
                        query = null;

                    // something bad happened, wait a sec and try again
                    log.Debug ("Sending query failed: " + e.Message);
                    log.Debug ("Waiting 3 seconds...");
                    Thread.Sleep (3000);
Пример #10
		public IAsyncResult DoQuery (Query query,  IQueryResult result,
				     					IQueryableChangeData changeData)
      		ICollection l;
			SearchRequest sreq = new SearchRequest();

      		l = query.Text;
      		if ((l != null) && (l.Count > 0))
				sreq.text = ICollection2StringList(query.Text);
      		l = query.MimeTypes;
      		if ((l != null) && (l.Count > 0))					
				sreq.mimeType = ICollection2StringList(query.MimeTypes);

			l = query.Sources;
      		if ((l != null) && (l.Count > 0))						
				sreq.searchSources = ICollection2StringList(query.Sources);
			sreq.qdomain = QueryDomain.Global; //Caution: This Enables Cascaded NetBeagle searching !
			//sreq.qdomain = QueryDomain.System;
			//Cache the query request, get a unique searchId and include in network searchRequest:
			sreq.searchId = NetworkedBeagle.AddRequest(query);

			int hc = NetworkedBeagle.HopCount(query);
			sreq.hopCount = (hc > 0) ? hc:1;

			log.Info("NetBeagleHandler: Starting WebService Query for " + Hostname + ":" + Port);
			ReqContext rc = new ReqContext(wsp, result, netBeagleQueryable);
			IAsyncResult ar = wsp.BeginBeagleQuery(sreq, DoQueryResponseHandler, rc);

			// Return w/o waiting for Async query to complete.	
			// Return IAsynResult handle, to allow caller to control it, if required. 
			return ar;
Пример #11
		public ICollection DoRDFQuery (Query query)
			return iqueryable.DoRDFQuery (query);
		public bool AcceptQuery (Query query)
			List<string[]> services = Conf.Networking.GetListOptionValues (Conf.Names.NetworkServices);
			return (services != null && services.Count > 0);
		public int DoCountMatchQuery (Query query)
			return 0;
Пример #14
		public string doQuery(webArgs wargs)
			if (wargs.sessId == null || wargs.searchString == null || wargs.searchString == "")
				return NO_RESULTS;
			log.Debug("WebBackEnd: Got Search String: " + wargs.searchString); 
			Query query = new Query();
			query.AddText (wargs.searchString);
			if (wargs.searchSource != null && wargs.searchSource != "")
				query.AddDomain (wargs.globalSearch ? QueryDomain.Global:QueryDomain.System);

			QueryResult qres = new QueryResult ();
			//Note: QueryDriver.DoQuery() local invocation is used. 
			//The root tile is used only for adding hits and generating html.
			BT.SimpleRootTile root = new BT.SimpleRootTile (); 							
			root.Query = query;
			//root.SetSource (searchSource); Do not SetSource on root! 
			ResultPair rp = new ResultPair(root);
			bufferRenderContext bctx = new bufferRenderContext(rp);
			Resp resp = new Resp(rp, bctx, wargs.isLocalReq);

			AttachQueryResult (qres, resp);

			//Add sessionId-Resp mapping
			if (sessionResp.Contains(wargs.sessId)) 
				sessionResp[wargs.sessId] = resp;
				sessionResp.Add(wargs.sessId, resp);	

			log.Info("WebBackEnd: Starting Query for string \"{0}\"", wargs.searchString);

			QueryDriver.DoQueryLocal (query, qres);

			//Wait only till we have enough results to display
			while ((result.Contains(qres)) && 
					(root.HitCollection.NumResults < 10)) 
			if (root.HitCollection.IsEmpty)
				return NO_RESULTS;
			lock (root) {			
				return (getResultsLabel(root) + (wargs.isLocalReq ? bctx.buffer:bctx.bufferForExternalQuery));
Пример #15
		public ICollection RecursiveQuery (Query query)
			ArrayList matches;
			matches = new ArrayList ();
			DoRecursiveQuery (query, matches);
			return matches;
		public ICollection DoRDFQuery (Query query)
			return null;
Пример #17
		static private Query NewRandomQuery (int length,
						     bool allow_inexpensive,
						     bool inside_an_or)
			Query query;
			query = new Query ();

			// One in four queries will contain some OR terms.
			if (! inside_an_or && random.Next (4) == 0) {
				int N = random.Next (3) + 1;
				for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
					QueryPart_Or part;
					part = new QueryPart_Or ();

					int sub_length;
					sub_length = random.Next (length) + 1;
					if (sub_length < 2)
						sub_length = 2;
					// We generate a new query at random, and stuff its QueryParts
					// into our Or QueryPart.
					Query or_query;
					or_query = NewRandomQuery (sub_length, allow_inexpensive, true);
					foreach (QueryPart sub_part in or_query.Parts)
						part.Add (sub_part);
					query.AddPart (part);

			if (allow_inexpensive && ! inside_an_or) {
				int mime_type;
				mime_type = random.Next (3);

				QueryPart_Or mime_type_part = new QueryPart_Or ();
				QueryPart_Property part;
				part = new QueryPart_Property ();
				part.Type = PropertyType.Keyword;
				part.Key = "beagle:MimeType";

				if (mime_type == 0) {
					part.Value = "inode/directory";
					mime_type_part.Add (part);
					query.AddPart (mime_type_part);
				} else if (mime_type == 1) {
					part.Value = "text/plain";
					mime_type_part.Add (part);
					query.AddPart (mime_type_part);

			// Every query must contain at least
			// one required part.
			bool contains_required;
			contains_required = false;

			for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
				QueryPart_Text part;
				part = new QueryPart_Text ();
				part.Text = Token.GetRandom ();

				// Prohibited parts are not allowed inside an or
				if (contains_required && ! inside_an_or) {
					if (random.Next (2) == 0)
						part.Logic = QueryPartLogic.Prohibited;
				} else {
					// This part will be required.
					contains_required = true;
				if (random.Next (2) == 0)
					part.SearchTextProperties = false;
				else if (allow_inexpensive && random.Next (2) == 0)
					part.SearchFullText = false;
				query.AddPart (part);

			// Note the ! inside_an_or; date range queries don't
			// work right inside OR queries when being searched
			// within the resolution of one day.  See the FIXME
			// about hit filters in LuceneCommon.cs
			if (allow_inexpensive && ! inside_an_or && random.Next (3) == 0) {
				DateTime a, b;
				FileSystemObject.PickTimestampRange (out a, out b);

				QueryPart_DateRange part;
				part = new QueryPart_DateRange ();
				part.StartDate = a;
				part.EndDate = b;
				query.AddPart (part);

			return query;
		public bool AcceptQuery (Query query)
			// Always return false; there is nothing backing this
			// backend.
			return false;
Пример #19
		private void RecursiveQueryCheck (ArrayList match_list, Query query)
			if (MatchesQuery (query))
				match_list.Add (this);

			if (children != null)
				foreach (FileModel file in children.Values)
					file.RecursiveQueryCheck (match_list, query);
Пример #20
        private void Query(bool grab_focus)
            if (timeout_id != 0)
                timeout_id = 0;

            string query = query_text = entry.Text;

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(query))


            if (QueryEvent != null)

            view.Scope        = ScopeType.Everything;
            view.SortType     = sort;
            pages.CurrentPage = pages.PageNum(panes);

            this.grab_focus = grab_focus;

            try {
                // Clean up our previous query, if any exists.

                TotalMatches = 0;

                current_query             = new Query();
                current_query.QueryDomain = domain;

                current_query.HitsAddedEvent      += OnHitsAdded;
                current_query.HitsSubtractedEvent += OnHitsSubtracted;
                current_query.FinishedEvent       += OnFinished;

                // Don't search documentation by default
                if (!search.DocsEnabled)
                    QueryPart_Property part = new QueryPart_Property();
                    part.Logic = QueryPartLogic.Prohibited;
                    part.Type  = PropertyType.Keyword;
                    part.Key   = "beagle:Source";
                    part.Value = "documentation";

                // set scope from scope list
                ScopeMapping mapping = scope_mappings [scope_list.Active];
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(mapping.query_mapping))


            } catch (Beagle.ResponseMessageException) {
                pages.CurrentPage = pages.PageNum(startdaemon);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                Console.WriteLine("Querying the Beagle daemon failed: {0}", e.Message);
Пример #21
        public void Dispose()
            if (query != null) {
                query.HitsAddedEvent -= OnHitsAdded;
                query.FinishedEvent -= OnFinished;
                query.Close ();
                query = null;

            foreach (Track track in trackHash.Values) {
                db.RemoveTrack (track);
Пример #22
		static public void SpewQuery (Query query)
			int i = 0;

			foreach (QueryPart abstract_part in query.Parts) {


				if (abstract_part is QueryPart_Or) {
					QueryPart_Or part = abstract_part as QueryPart_Or;
					int j = 0;
					Log.Spew ("{0}: OR", i);
					foreach (QueryPart sub_part in part.SubParts) {
						Log.Spew ("    {0}.{1}: {2}", i, j, QueryPartToString (sub_part));

				} else {
					Log.Spew ("{0}: {1}", i, QueryPartToString (abstract_part));
Пример #23
		virtual public bool MatchesQuery (Query query)
			foreach (QueryPart abstract_part in query.Parts) {

				int is_match = 0;
				// Note that this works because we don't
				// allow nested or queries.
				if (abstract_part is QueryPart_Or) {
					QueryPart_Or part;
					part = (QueryPart_Or) abstract_part;

					is_match = -1;
					foreach (QueryPart sub_part in part.SubParts) {
						if (MatchesMetadata (sub_part) == 1
						    || MatchesQueryPart (sub_part)) {
							is_match = 1;
				} else {
					// Handle certain query parts related to file system metadata.
					is_match = MatchesMetadata (abstract_part);
					if (is_match == 0)
						is_match = MatchesQueryPart (abstract_part) ? 1 : -1;

				if (abstract_part.Logic == QueryPartLogic.Prohibited)
					is_match = - is_match;
				if (is_match < 0)
					return false;
				else if (is_match == 0)
					throw new Exception ("This will never happen");
			return true;
Пример #24
		public int DoCountMatchQuery (Query query)
			try {
				return iqueryable.DoCountMatchQuery (query);
			} catch (Exception ex) {
				Logger.Log.Warn (ex, "Caught exception calling DoCountMatchQuery on '{0}'", Name);
				return 0;
		public void DoQuery (Query query, IQueryResult result, IQueryableChangeData data)
Пример #26
			public QueryClosure (Query query)
				this.Hits = UriFu.NewHashtable ();
				this.query = query;
Пример #27
		private void DoRecursiveQuery (Query query, ArrayList matches)
			if (this.MatchesQuery (query))
				matches.Add (this);

			if (IsArchive && !SearchInArchives)

			if (this.HasChildren)
				foreach (FileSystemObject child in this.Children)
					child.DoRecursiveQuery (query, matches);
Пример #28
		public bool MatchesQuery (Query query)
			// We assume the root node never matches any query.
			if (IsRoot)
				return false;

			foreach (QueryPart part in query.Parts) {
				if (! MatchesQueryPart (part))
					return false;
			return true;
Пример #29
		static public Hashtable GetHits (Query q)
			QueryClosure qc;
			qc = new QueryClosure (q);
			q.HitsAddedEvent += qc.OnHitsAdded;
			q.FinishedEvent += qc.OnFinished;
			q.SendAsyncBlocking ();

			return qc.Hits;
Пример #30
		public ArrayList GetMatchingDescendants (Query query)
			ArrayList match_list;
			match_list = new ArrayList ();
			RecursiveQueryCheck (match_list, query);
			return match_list;
Пример #31
		static public ICollection GetUris (Query q)
			return GetHits (q).Keys;