private IndexerReceipt [] Flush_Unlocked(IndexerRequest request)
            ArrayList receipt_queue;

            receipt_queue = new ArrayList();

            IndexReader primary_reader, secondary_reader;

            primary_reader   = IndexReader.Open(PrimaryStore);
            secondary_reader = IndexReader.Open(SecondaryStore);

            // Step #1: Make our first pass over the list of
            // indexables that make up our request.  For each add
            // or property change in the request, get the Lucene
            // documents so we can move forward any persistent
            // properties (for adds) or all old properties (for
            // property changes).
            // Then, for each add or remove in the request,
            // delete the associated documents from the index.
            // Note that we previously cached added documents so
            // that we can move persistent properties forward.

            // parent_child_old_props is double-nested hashtable (depth-2 tree)
            // indexed by the parent uri, it stores another hashtable indexed by the (parent+child documents)
            // FIXME: 2-level hashtable is a waste for any non-child document.
            // Replace this by a better data structure.
            Hashtable parent_child_old_props = UriFu.NewHashtable();
            TermDocs  term_docs    = secondary_reader.TermDocs();
            int       delete_count = 0;

            IEnumerable request_indexables = request.Indexables;

            foreach (Indexable indexable in request_indexables)
                string uri_str = UriFu.UriToEscapedString(indexable.Uri);
                Term   term;

                // Store the necessary properties from old documents for re-addition
                if (indexable.Type == IndexableType.Add ||
                    indexable.Type == IndexableType.PropertyChange)
                    term = new Term("Uri", uri_str);

                    Hashtable this_parent_child_props = null;

                    if (term_docs.Next())
                        this_parent_child_props = UriFu.NewHashtable();
                        this_parent_child_props [indexable.Uri] = secondary_reader.Document(term_docs.Doc());
                        parent_child_old_props [indexable.Uri]  = this_parent_child_props;

                    term = new Term("ParentUri", uri_str);

                    while (term_docs.Next())
                        Document doc = secondary_reader.Document(term_docs.Doc());

                        string child_uri_str = doc.Get("Uri");
                        Uri    child_uri     = UriFu.EscapedStringToUri(child_uri_str);
                        // Any valid lucene document *should* have a Uri, so no need to check for null
                        // Store the child documents too, to save persistent-properties
                        // of child documents
                        this_parent_child_props [child_uri] = doc;

                // Now remove (non-remove indexables will be re-added in next block)
                Logger.Log.Debug("-{0}", indexable.DisplayUri);

                int num_delete = 0;

                term = new Term("Uri", uri_str);
                // For property changes, only secondary index is modified

                // Now remove from everywhere else (if asked to remove or if asked to add, in which case
                // we first remove and then add)
                // So we also need to remove child documents
                if (indexable.Type != IndexableType.PropertyChange)
                    num_delete = primary_reader.DeleteDocuments(term);

                    // When we delete an indexable, also delete any children.
                    // FIXME: Shouldn't we also delete any children of children, etc.?
                    term        = new Term("ParentUri", uri_str);
                    num_delete += primary_reader.DeleteDocuments(term);

                // If this is a strict removal (and not a deletion that
                // we are doing in anticipation of adding something back),
                // queue up a removed receipt.
                if (indexable.Type == IndexableType.Remove)
                    IndexerRemovedReceipt r;
                    r            = new IndexerRemovedReceipt(indexable.Id);
                    r.NumRemoved = num_delete;

                delete_count += num_delete;


            if (HaveItemCount)

            // We are now done with the readers, so we close them.
            // And also free them. Somehow not freeing them is preventing them from
            // GCed at all.
            primary_reader = null;
            secondary_reader = null;

            // FIXME: If we crash at exactly this point, we are in
            // trouble.  Items will have been dropped from the index
            // without the proper replacements being added.  We can
            // hopefully fix this when we move to Lucene 2.1.

            // Step #2: Make another pass across our list of indexables
            // and write out any new documents.

            if (text_cache != null)

            IndexWriter primary_writer, secondary_writer;

            // FIXME: Lock obtain time-out can happen here; if that happens,
            // an exception will be thrown and this method will break in the middle
            // leaving IndexWriters unclosed! Same for any Lucene.Net-index modification
            // methods.
            primary_writer   = new IndexWriter(PrimaryStore, IndexingAnalyzer, false);
            secondary_writer = null;

            foreach (Indexable indexable in request_indexables)
                // If shutdown has been started, break here
                // FIXME: Some more processing will continue, a lot of them
                // concerning receipts, but the daemon will anyway ignore receipts
                // now, what is the fastest way to stop from here ?
                if (Shutdown.ShutdownRequested)
                    Log.Debug("Shutdown initiated. Breaking while flushing indexables.");

                // Receipts for removes were generated in the
                // previous block.  Now we just have to remove
                // items from the text cache.
                if (indexable.Type == IndexableType.Remove)
                    if (text_cache != null)


                IndexerAddedReceipt r;
                Hashtable           prop_change_docs = (Hashtable)parent_child_old_props [indexable.Uri];

                if (indexable.Type == IndexableType.PropertyChange)
                    Logger.Log.Debug("+{0} (props only)", indexable.DisplayUri);

                    r = new IndexerAddedReceipt(indexable.Id);
                    r.PropertyChangesOnly = true;

                    Document doc;
                    if (prop_change_docs == null)
                        doc = null;
                        doc = (Document)prop_change_docs [indexable.Uri];

                    Document new_doc;
                    new_doc = RewriteDocument(doc, indexable);

                    // Write out the new document...
                    if (secondary_writer == null)
                        secondary_writer = new IndexWriter(SecondaryStore, IndexingAnalyzer, false);

                    // Get child property change indexables...
                    ArrayList prop_change_indexables;
                    prop_change_indexables = GetChildPropertyChange(prop_change_docs, indexable);
                    // and store them; no need to delete them first, since they were already removed from the index
                    if (prop_change_indexables == null)

                    foreach (Indexable prop_change_indexable in prop_change_indexables)
                        Log.Debug("+{0} (props only, generated indexable)", prop_change_indexable.Uri);
                        doc     = (Document)prop_change_docs [prop_change_indexable.Uri];
                        new_doc = RewriteDocument(doc, prop_change_indexable);

                    continue;                     // ...and proceed to the next Indexable

                // If we reach this point we know we are dealing with an IndexableType.Add

                if (indexable.Type != IndexableType.Add)
                    throw new Exception("When I said it was an IndexableType.Add, I meant it!");

                r = AddIndexableToIndex(indexable, primary_writer, ref secondary_writer, prop_change_docs);
                if (r != null)

            if (text_cache != null)

            if (Shutdown.ShutdownRequested)
                foreach (DeferredInfo di in deferred_indexables)

                foreach (Indexable indexable in request_indexables)

                if (secondary_writer != null)


            if (request.OptimizeIndex)
                Stopwatch watch = new Stopwatch();
                Logger.Log.Debug("Optimizing {0}", IndexName);
                if (secondary_writer == null)
                    secondary_writer = new IndexWriter(SecondaryStore, IndexingAnalyzer, false);
                Logger.Log.Debug("{0} optimized in {1}", IndexName, watch);

            // Step #4. Close our writers and return the events to
            // indicate what has happened.

            if (secondary_writer != null)

            // Send a single IndexerIndexablesReceipt if there were deferred indexables
            if (deferred_indexables.Count > 0)
                Log.Debug("{0} indexables generated more indexables; asking daemon to schedule their indexing.", deferred_indexables.Count);
                IndexerIndexablesReceipt r = new IndexerIndexablesReceipt();

            IndexerReceipt [] receipt_array;
            receipt_array = new IndexerReceipt [receipt_queue.Count];
            for (int i = 0; i < receipt_queue.Count; ++i)
                receipt_array [i] = (IndexerReceipt)receipt_queue [i];

Пример #2
		protected bool Exists ()
			if (! (Directory.Exists (top_dir)
			       && File.Exists (VersionFile)
			       && File.Exists (FingerprintFile)
			       && Directory.Exists (PrimaryIndexDirectory)
			       && IndexReader.IndexExists (PrimaryIndexDirectory)
			       && Directory.Exists (SecondaryIndexDirectory)
			       && IndexReader.IndexExists (SecondaryIndexDirectory)
			       && Directory.Exists (LockDirectory)))
				return false;

			// Check the index's version number.  If it is wrong,
			// declare the index non-existent.

			StreamReader version_reader;
			string version_str;
			version_reader = new StreamReader (VersionFile);
			version_str = version_reader.ReadLine ();
			version_reader.Close ();

			int current_major_version, current_minor_version;
			int i = version_str.IndexOf ('.');
			try {
				if (i != -1) {
					current_major_version = Convert.ToInt32 (version_str.Substring (0, i));
					current_minor_version = Convert.ToInt32 (version_str.Substring (i+1));
				} else {
					current_minor_version = Convert.ToInt32 (version_str);
					current_major_version = 0;
			} catch (FormatException) {
				// Something wrong with the version file.
				return false;

			if (current_major_version != MAJOR_VERSION
			    || (minor_version >= 0 && current_minor_version != minor_version)) {
				Logger.Log.Debug ("Version mismatch in {0}", index_name);
				Logger.Log.Debug ("Index has version {0}.{1}, expected {2}.{3}",
						  current_major_version, current_minor_version,
						  MAJOR_VERSION, minor_version);
				return false;

			// Check the lock directory: If there is a dangling write lock,
			// assume that the index is corrupted and declare it non-existent.
			DirectoryInfo lock_dir_info;
			lock_dir_info = new DirectoryInfo (LockDirectory);
			bool dangling_lock = false;

			foreach (FileInfo info in lock_dir_info.GetFiles ()) {
				if (IsDanglingLock (info)) {
					Logger.Log.Warn ("Found a dangling index lock on {0}.", info.FullName);
					dangling_lock = true;

			if (dangling_lock) {
				Beagle.Util.Stopwatch w = new Beagle.Util.Stopwatch ();
				w.Start ();

				if (VerifyLuceneIndex (PrimaryIndexDirectory) && 
				    VerifyLuceneIndex (SecondaryIndexDirectory)) {
					w.Stop ();

					Log.Warn ("Indexes verified in {0}.  Deleting stale lock files.", w);

					try {
						foreach (FileInfo info in lock_dir_info.GetFiles ())
							info.Delete ();
					} catch {
						Log.Warn ("Could not delete lock files.");
						return false;
					return true;
				} else
					return false;

			return true;
Пример #3
		static void DoMain (string [] args)
			SystemInformation.SetProcessName ("beagle-build-index");

			if (args.Length < 2)
				PrintUsage ();

			ArrayList allowed_patterns = new ArrayList ();
			ArrayList denied_patterns = new ArrayList ();

			int i = 0;
			while (i < args.Length) {
				string arg = args [i];
				string next_arg = i < args.Length ? args [i] : null;
				switch (arg) {
				case "-h":
				case "--help":
					PrintUsage ();
				case "--tag":
					if (next_arg != null)
						arg_tag = next_arg;
				case "-r":
				case "--recursive":
					arg_recursive = true;

				case "--enable-deletion":
					arg_delete = true;

				case "--disable-directories":
					arg_disable_directories = true;
				case "--enable-text-cache":
					arg_cache_text = true;

				case "--target":
					if (next_arg != null)
						arg_output = Path.IsPathRooted (next_arg) ? next_arg : Path.GetFullPath (next_arg);

				case "--disable-filtering":
					arg_disable_filtering = true;

				case "--disable-on-battery":
					arg_disable_on_battery = true;

				case "--allow-pattern":
					if (next_arg == null)

					if (next_arg.IndexOf (',') != -1) {
						foreach (string pattern in next_arg.Split (','))
							allowed_patterns.Add (pattern);
					} else {
						allowed_patterns.Add (next_arg);

				case "--deny-pattern":
					if (next_arg == null)

					if (next_arg.IndexOf (',') != -1) {
						foreach (string pattern in next_arg.Split (','))
							denied_patterns.Add (pattern);

					} else {
						denied_patterns.Add (next_arg);


				case "--disable-restart":
					arg_disable_restart = true;

				case "--source":
					if (next_arg == null)

					arg_source = next_arg;

				case "--removable":
					arg_removable = true;

					if (arg.StartsWith ("-") || arg.StartsWith ("--"))
						PrintUsage ();

					string path = Path.IsPathRooted (arg) ? arg : Path.GetFullPath (arg);
					if (path != "/" && path.EndsWith ("/"))
						path = path.TrimEnd ('/');
					if (Directory.Exists (path))
						pending_directories.Enqueue (new DirectoryInfo (path));
					else if (File.Exists (path))
						pending_files.Enqueue (new FileInfo (path));
			if (arg_output == null) {
				Logger.Log.Error ("--target must be specified");
				Environment.Exit (1);

			// Set the storage dir, this should be used to store log messages
			// and filterver.dat
			PathFinder.StorageDir = arg_output;

			foreach (FileSystemInfo info in pending_directories) {
				if (Path.GetFullPath (arg_output) == info.FullName) {
					Logger.Log.Error ("Target directory cannot be one of the source paths.");
					Environment.Exit (1);

			foreach (FileSystemInfo info in pending_files) {
				if (Path.GetFullPath (arg_output) == info.FullName) {
					Logger.Log.Error ("Target directory cannot be one of the source paths.");
					Environment.Exit (1);
			if (!Directory.Exists (Path.GetDirectoryName (arg_output))) {
				Logger.Log.Error ("Index directory not available for construction: {0}", arg_output);
				Environment.Exit (1);

			// Be *EXTRA PARANOID* about the contents of the target
			// directory, because creating an indexing driver will
			// nuke it.
			if (Directory.Exists (arg_output)) {

				foreach (FileInfo info in DirectoryWalker.GetFileInfos (arg_output)) {
					if (Array.IndexOf (allowed_files, info.Name) == -1) {
						Logger.Log.Error ("{0} doesn't look safe to delete: non-Beagle file {1} was found", arg_output, info.FullName);
						Environment.Exit (1);

				foreach (DirectoryInfo info in DirectoryWalker.GetDirectoryInfos (arg_output)) {
					if (Array.IndexOf (allowed_dirs, info.Name) == -1) {
						Logger.Log.Error ("{0} doesn't look safe to delete: non-Beagle directory {1} was found", arg_output, info.FullName);
						Environment.Exit (1);

			string config_file_path = Path.Combine (arg_output, "StaticIndex.xml");
			string prev_source = null;
			if (File.Exists (config_file_path)) {
				Config static_index_config = Conf.LoadFrom (config_file_path);
				if (static_index_config == null) {
					Log.Error ("Invalid configuation file {0}", config_file_path);
					Environment.Exit (1);

				prev_source = static_index_config.GetOption ("Source", null);
				if (arg_source != null && prev_source != arg_source) {
					Log.Error ("Source already set to {0} for existing static index. Cannot set source to {1}.", prev_source, arg_source);
					Environment.Exit (1);

				bool prev_removable = static_index_config.GetOption ("Removable", false);
				if (arg_removable != prev_removable) {
					Log.Error ("Index previously created for {0}-removable path",
						   (prev_removable ? "" : "non"));
					Environment.Exit (1);
				} else {
					volume_label = static_index_config.GetOption ("VolumeLabel", null);

				// If arg_source is not given, and prev_source is present, use prev_source
				// as the arg_source. This is useful for re-running build-index without
				// giving --arg_source for already existing static index
				arg_source = prev_source;

			// Removable media related options
			if (arg_removable) {
				if (pending_files.Count > 0) {
					Log.Error ("Indexing individual files is not allowed for removable media.");
					Environment.Exit (1);
				} else if (pending_directories.Count > 1) {
					Log.Error ("Indexing multiple root directories is not allowed for removable media.");
					Environment.Exit (1);

				mnt_dir = ((DirectoryInfo) pending_directories.Peek ()).FullName;
				if (mnt_dir.Length != 1)
					mnt_dir = mnt_dir.TrimEnd ('/');

				// compute volume label
				// (1) directory name if block.is_volume is false
				// (2) hal volume.label if set
				// (3) hal volume.uuid if set
				Hal.Manager manager = new Hal.Manager (new Hal.Context ());
				Hal.Device mnt_device = null;

				foreach (Hal.Device device in manager.FindDeviceStringMatch ("volume.mount_point", mnt_dir))
					mnt_device = device;

				string new_volume_label = null;
				if (mnt_device != null) {
					new_volume_label = mnt_device.GetPropertyString ("volume.label");

					if (String.IsNullOrEmpty (new_volume_label))
						new_volume_label = mnt_device.GetPropertyString ("volume.uuid");

				if (new_volume_label == null)
					new_volume_label = ((DirectoryInfo) pending_directories.Peek ()).Name;

				// Sanity check
				// Volume label is part of the URI, so cannot be changed once set
				if (volume_label == null) {
					volume_label = new_volume_label;
				} else if (volume_label != new_volume_label) {
					Log.Error ("Volume label (earlier '{0}') changed (to '{1}')! You need to create a new index.", volume_label, new_volume_label);
					Environment.Exit (1);

			if (arg_source == null) {
				DirectoryInfo dir = new DirectoryInfo (StringFu.SanitizePath (arg_output));
				arg_source = dir.Name;

			if (! BatteryMonitor.UsingAC && arg_disable_on_battery) {
				Log.Always ("Indexer is disabled when on battery power (--disable-on-battery)");
				Environment.Exit (0);

			string global_files_config = Path.Combine (PathFinder.ConfigDataDir, "config-files");
			global_files_config = Path.Combine (global_files_config, Conf.Names.FilesQueryableConfig + ".xml");
			if (! File.Exists (global_files_config)) {
				Log.Error ("Global configuration file not found {0}", global_files_config);
				Environment.Exit (0);

			// Setup regexes for allowed/denied patterns
			if (allowed_patterns.Count > 0) {
				allowed_regex = StringFu.GetPatternRegex (allowed_patterns);
			} else {
				// Read the exclude values from config
				// For system-wide indexes, only the global config value will be used
				Config config = Conf.Get (Conf.Names.FilesQueryableConfig);
				List<string[]> values = config.GetListOptionValues (Conf.Names.ExcludePattern);
				if (values != null)
					foreach (string[] exclude in values)
						denied_patterns.Add (exclude [0]);

				if (denied_patterns.Count > 0)
					denied_regex = StringFu.GetPatternRegex (denied_patterns);

			Log.Always ("Starting beagle-build-index (pid {0}) at {1}", Process.GetCurrentProcess ().Id, DateTime.Now);

			// Set system priorities so we don't slow down the system
			SystemPriorities.ReduceIoPriority ();
			SystemPriorities.SetSchedulerPolicyBatch ();
			SystemPriorities.Renice (19);
			driver = new LuceneIndexingDriver (arg_output, MINOR_VERSION, false);
			driver.TextCache = (arg_cache_text) ? new TextCache (arg_output) : null;
			if (driver.TextCache != null)
				driver.TextCache.WorldReadable = true;

			backing_fa_store = new FileAttributesStore_Sqlite (driver.TopDirectory, driver.Fingerprint);
			fa_store = new FileAttributesStore (backing_fa_store);
			// Set up signal handlers
#if MONO_1_9
			Shutdown.SetupSignalHandlers (delegate (int signal)
								if (signal == (int) Mono.Unix.Native.Signum.SIGINT ||
								    signal == (int) Mono.Unix.Native.Signum.SIGTERM)
									Shutdown.BeginShutdown ();
			SetupSignalHandlers ();

			Thread monitor_thread = null;

			Stopwatch watch = new Stopwatch ();
			watch.Start ();

			if (!arg_disable_restart) {
				// Start the thread that monitors memory usage.
				monitor_thread = ExceptionHandlingThread.Start (new ThreadStart (MemoryMonitorWorker));

			// Start indexworker to do the crawling and indexing
			IndexWorker ();

			// Join any threads so that we know that we're the only thread still running
			if (monitor_thread != null)
				monitor_thread.Join ();

			watch.Stop ();
			Logger.Log.Debug ("Elapsed time {0}.", watch);

			// Write this after indexing is done. This is because, if creating a new index,
			// LuceneIndexingDriver.Create() is called which purges the entire directory.

			if (prev_source == null) {
				Config static_index_config = Conf.LoadNew ("StaticIndex.xml");

				// Write StaticIndex.xml containing:
				// The name of the source
				static_index_config.SetOption ("Source", arg_source);
				static_index_config ["Source"].Description = "Source of the static index";

				if (arg_removable) {
					static_index_config.SetOption ("VolumeLabel", volume_label);
					static_index_config ["VolumeLabel"].Description = "Volume label of the removable source";

					static_index_config.SetOption ("Removable", true);
					static_index_config ["Removable"].Description = "Removable source";

				Conf.SaveTo (static_index_config, config_file_path);

			if (restart) {
				Logger.Log.Debug ("Restarting beagle-build-index");
				Process p = new Process ();
				p.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
				// FIXME: Maybe this isn't the right way to do things?  It should be ok,
				// the PATH is inherited from the shell script which runs mono itself.
				p.StartInfo.FileName = "mono";
				p.StartInfo.Arguments = String.Join (" ", Environment.GetCommandLineArgs ());
				p.Start ();

			Log.Always ("Exiting beagle-build-index (pid {0}) at {1}", Process.GetCurrentProcess ().Id, DateTime.Now);
Пример #4
        static void LaunchHelper()
            // If we are in the process of shutting down, return immediately.
            if (Shutdown.ShutdownRequested)

            lock (helper_lock) {
                // If a helper appears to be running, return immediately.
                if (CheckHelper())

                Logger.Log.Debug("Launching helper process");

                SafeProcess p    = new SafeProcess();
                string[]    args = new string [3];
                args [0] = helper_path;

                if (BeagleDaemon.DisableTextCache)
                    args [1] = "--disable-text-cache";
                    args [1] = String.Empty;

                if (Log.Level == LogLevel.Debug)
                    args [2] = "--debug";
                    args [2] = String.Empty;

                p.Arguments = args;
                p.RedirectStandardOutput = false;
                p.RedirectStandardError  = false;

                Logger.Log.Debug("IndexHelper PID is {0}", p.Id);

                // Poll the helper's socket.  Wait up to a minute
                // (500 ms * 120 times) for the helper to be ready
                // to handle requests.
                Stopwatch watch = new Stopwatch();
                int  poll_count = 0;
                bool found_helper;
                    found_helper = CheckHelper();
                } while (poll_count < 120 &&
                         !found_helper &&

                if (!found_helper)
                    throw new Exception(String.Format("Couldn't launch helper process {0}", p.Id));

                Logger.Log.Debug("Found IndexHelper ({0}) in {1}", p.Id, watch);
                helper_pid = p.Id;
Пример #5
        static void DoMain(string [] args)

            if (args.Length < 2)

            ArrayList allowed_patterns = new ArrayList();
            ArrayList denied_patterns  = new ArrayList();

            int i = 0;

            while (i < args.Length)
                string arg = args [i];
                string next_arg = i < args.Length ? args [i] : null;

                switch (arg)
                case "-h":
                case "--help":

                case "--tag":
                    if (next_arg != null)
                        arg_tag = next_arg;

                case "-r":
                case "--recursive":
                    arg_recursive = true;

                case "--enable-deletion":
                    arg_delete = true;

                case "--disable-directories":
                    arg_disable_directories = true;

                case "--enable-text-cache":
                    arg_cache_text = true;

                case "--target":
                    if (next_arg != null)
                        arg_output = Path.IsPathRooted(next_arg) ? next_arg : Path.GetFullPath(next_arg);

                case "--disable-filtering":
                    arg_disable_filtering = true;

                case "--disable-on-battery":
                    arg_disable_on_battery = true;

                case "--allow-pattern":
                    if (next_arg == null)

                    if (next_arg.IndexOf(',') != -1)
                        foreach (string pattern in next_arg.Split(','))


                case "--deny-pattern":
                    if (next_arg == null)

                    if (next_arg.IndexOf(',') != -1)
                        foreach (string pattern in next_arg.Split(','))


                case "--disable-restart":
                    arg_disable_restart = true;

                case "--source":
                    if (next_arg == null)

                    arg_source = next_arg;

                case "--removable":
                    arg_removable = true;

                    if (arg.StartsWith("-") || arg.StartsWith("--"))

                    string path = Path.IsPathRooted(arg) ? arg : Path.GetFullPath(arg);
                    if (path != "/" && path.EndsWith("/"))
                        path = path.TrimEnd('/');

                    if (Directory.Exists(path))
                        pending_directories.Enqueue(new DirectoryInfo(path));
                    else if (File.Exists(path))
                        pending_files.Enqueue(new FileInfo(path));


            if (arg_output == null)
                Logger.Log.Error("--target must be specified");

            // Set the storage dir, this should be used to store log messages
            // and filterver.dat
            PathFinder.StorageDir = arg_output;

            foreach (FileSystemInfo info in pending_directories)
                if (Path.GetFullPath(arg_output) == info.FullName)
                    Logger.Log.Error("Target directory cannot be one of the source paths.");

            foreach (FileSystemInfo info in pending_files)
                if (Path.GetFullPath(arg_output) == info.FullName)
                    Logger.Log.Error("Target directory cannot be one of the source paths.");

            if (!Directory.Exists(Path.GetDirectoryName(arg_output)))
                Logger.Log.Error("Index directory not available for construction: {0}", arg_output);

            // Be *EXTRA PARANOID* about the contents of the target
            // directory, because creating an indexing driver will
            // nuke it.
            if (Directory.Exists(arg_output))
                foreach (FileInfo info in DirectoryWalker.GetFileInfos(arg_output))
                    if (Array.IndexOf(allowed_files, info.Name) == -1)
                        Logger.Log.Error("{0} doesn't look safe to delete: non-Beagle file {1} was found", arg_output, info.FullName);

                foreach (DirectoryInfo info in DirectoryWalker.GetDirectoryInfos(arg_output))
                    if (Array.IndexOf(allowed_dirs, info.Name) == -1)
                        Logger.Log.Error("{0} doesn't look safe to delete: non-Beagle directory {1} was found", arg_output, info.FullName);

            string config_file_path = Path.Combine(arg_output, "StaticIndex.xml");
            string prev_source      = null;

            if (File.Exists(config_file_path))
                Config static_index_config = Conf.LoadFrom(config_file_path);
                if (static_index_config == null)
                    Log.Error("Invalid configuation file {0}", config_file_path);

                prev_source = static_index_config.GetOption("Source", null);
                if (arg_source != null && prev_source != arg_source)
                    Log.Error("Source already set to {0} for existing static index. Cannot set source to {1}.", prev_source, arg_source);

                bool prev_removable = static_index_config.GetOption("Removable", false);
                if (arg_removable != prev_removable)
                    Log.Error("Index previously created for {0}-removable path",
                              (prev_removable ? "" : "non"));
                    volume_label = static_index_config.GetOption("VolumeLabel", null);

                // If arg_source is not given, and prev_source is present, use prev_source
                // as the arg_source. This is useful for re-running build-index without
                // giving --arg_source for already existing static index
                arg_source = prev_source;

            // Removable media related options
            if (arg_removable)
                if (pending_files.Count > 0)
                    Log.Error("Indexing individual files is not allowed for removable media.");
                else if (pending_directories.Count > 1)
                    Log.Error("Indexing multiple root directories is not allowed for removable media.");

                mnt_dir = ((DirectoryInfo)pending_directories.Peek()).FullName;
                if (mnt_dir.Length != 1)
                    mnt_dir = mnt_dir.TrimEnd('/');

                // compute volume label
                // (1) directory name if block.is_volume is false
                // (2) hal volume.label if set
                // (3) hal volume.uuid if set
                Hal.Manager manager    = new Hal.Manager(new Hal.Context());
                Hal.Device  mnt_device = null;

                foreach (Hal.Device device in manager.FindDeviceStringMatch("volume.mount_point", mnt_dir))
                    mnt_device = device;

                string new_volume_label = null;
                if (mnt_device != null)
                    new_volume_label = mnt_device.GetPropertyString("volume.label");

                    if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(new_volume_label))
                        new_volume_label = mnt_device.GetPropertyString("volume.uuid");

                if (new_volume_label == null)
                    new_volume_label = ((DirectoryInfo)pending_directories.Peek()).Name;

                // Sanity check
                // Volume label is part of the URI, so cannot be changed once set
                if (volume_label == null)
                    volume_label = new_volume_label;
                else if (volume_label != new_volume_label)
                    Log.Error("Volume label (earlier '{0}') changed (to '{1}')! You need to create a new index.", volume_label, new_volume_label);

            if (arg_source == null)
                DirectoryInfo dir = new DirectoryInfo(StringFu.SanitizePath(arg_output));
                arg_source = dir.Name;

            if (!BatteryMonitor.UsingAC && arg_disable_on_battery)
                Log.Always("Indexer is disabled when on battery power (--disable-on-battery)");

            string global_files_config = Path.Combine(PathFinder.ConfigDataDir, "config-files");

            global_files_config = Path.Combine(global_files_config, Conf.Names.FilesQueryableConfig + ".xml");
            if (!File.Exists(global_files_config))
                Log.Error("Global configuration file not found {0}", global_files_config);

            // Setup regexes for allowed/denied patterns
            if (allowed_patterns.Count > 0)
                allowed_regex = StringFu.GetPatternRegex(allowed_patterns);
                // Read the exclude values from config
                // For system-wide indexes, only the global config value will be used
                Config          config = Conf.Get(Conf.Names.FilesQueryableConfig);
                List <string[]> values = config.GetListOptionValues(Conf.Names.ExcludePattern);
                if (values != null)
                    foreach (string[] exclude in values)
                        denied_patterns.Add(exclude [0]);

                if (denied_patterns.Count > 0)
                    denied_regex = StringFu.GetPatternRegex(denied_patterns);

            Log.Always("Starting beagle-build-index (pid {0}) at {1}", Process.GetCurrentProcess().Id, DateTime.Now);

            // Set system priorities so we don't slow down the system

            driver           = new LuceneIndexingDriver(arg_output, MINOR_VERSION, false);
            driver.TextCache = (arg_cache_text) ? new TextCache(arg_output) : null;
            if (driver.TextCache != null)
                driver.TextCache.WorldReadable = true;

            backing_fa_store = new FileAttributesStore_Sqlite(driver.TopDirectory, driver.Fingerprint);
            fa_store         = new FileAttributesStore(backing_fa_store);

            // Set up signal handlers
#if MONO_1_9
            Shutdown.SetupSignalHandlers(delegate(int signal)
                if (signal == (int)Mono.Unix.Native.Signum.SIGINT ||
                    signal == (int)Mono.Unix.Native.Signum.SIGTERM)

            Thread monitor_thread = null;

            Stopwatch watch = new Stopwatch();

            if (!arg_disable_restart)
                // Start the thread that monitors memory usage.
                monitor_thread = ExceptionHandlingThread.Start(new ThreadStart(MemoryMonitorWorker));

            // Start indexworker to do the crawling and indexing

            // Join any threads so that we know that we're the only thread still running
            if (monitor_thread != null)

            Logger.Log.Debug("Elapsed time {0}.", watch);

            // Write this after indexing is done. This is because, if creating a new index,
            // LuceneIndexingDriver.Create() is called which purges the entire directory.

            if (prev_source == null)
                Config static_index_config = Conf.LoadNew("StaticIndex.xml");

                // Write StaticIndex.xml containing:
                // The name of the source
                static_index_config.SetOption("Source", arg_source);
                static_index_config ["Source"].Description = "Source of the static index";

                if (arg_removable)
                    static_index_config.SetOption("VolumeLabel", volume_label);
                    static_index_config ["VolumeLabel"].Description = "Volume label of the removable source";

                    static_index_config.SetOption("Removable", true);
                    static_index_config ["Removable"].Description = "Removable source";

                Conf.SaveTo(static_index_config, config_file_path);

            if (restart)
                Logger.Log.Debug("Restarting beagle-build-index");
                Process p = new Process();
                p.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
                // FIXME: Maybe this isn't the right way to do things?  It should be ok,
                // the PATH is inherited from the shell script which runs mono itself.
                p.StartInfo.FileName  = "mono";
                p.StartInfo.Arguments = String.Join(" ", Environment.GetCommandLineArgs());

            Log.Always("Exiting beagle-build-index (pid {0}) at {1}", Process.GetCurrentProcess().Id, DateTime.Now);
Пример #6
		public static bool StartupProcess ()
			// Profile our initialization
			Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch ();
			stopwatch.Start ();

			// Fire up our server
			if (! StartServer ()) {
				if (! arg_replace) {
					Logger.Log.Error ("Could not set up the listener for beagle requests.  "
							  + "There is probably another beagled instance running.  "
							  + "Use --replace to replace the running service");
					Environment.Exit (1);

				ReplaceExisting ();
			// Set up out-of-process indexing
			LuceneQueryable.IndexerHook = new LuceneQueryable.IndexerCreator (RemoteIndexer.NewRemoteIndexer);

			Config config = Conf.Get (Conf.Names.DaemonConfig);

			// Initialize synchronization to keep the indexes local if PathFinder.StorageDir
			// is on a non-block device, or if BEAGLE_SYNCHRONIZE_LOCALLY is set

			if ((! SystemInformation.IsPathOnBlockDevice (PathFinder.StorageDir) &&
			     config.GetOption (Conf.Names.IndexSynchronization, true)) ||
			    Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable ("BEAGLE_SYNCHRONIZE_LOCALLY") != null)
				IndexSynchronization.Initialize ();

			// Start the query driver.
			Logger.Log.Debug ("Starting QueryDriver");
			QueryDriver.Start ();

			// Start our battery monitor so we can shut down the
			// scheduler if needed.
			BatteryMonitor.Init ();

			bool initially_on_battery = ! BatteryMonitor.UsingAC && ! config.GetOption (Conf.Names.IndexOnBattery, false);

			// Start the Global Scheduler thread
			if (! arg_disable_scheduler) {
				if (! initially_on_battery) {
					Logger.Log.Debug ("Starting Scheduler thread");
					Scheduler.Global.Start ();
				} else {
					Log.Debug ("Beagle started on battery, not starting scheduler thread");

			// Start our Inotify threads
			Inotify.Start ();
			// Test if the FileAdvise stuff is working: This will print a
			// warning if not.  The actual advice calls will fail silently.
			FileAdvise.TestAdvise ();

               	        zeroconf = new Beagle.Daemon.Network.Zeroconf ();

			Conf.WatchForUpdates ();

			stopwatch.Stop ();

			Logger.Log.Debug ("Daemon initialization finished after {0}", stopwatch);

			SystemInformation.LogMemoryUsage (); 

			if (arg_indexing_test_mode) {
				Thread.Sleep (1000); // Ugly paranoia: wait a second for the backends to settle.
				Logger.Log.Debug ("Running in indexing test mode");
				Scheduler.Global.EmptyQueueEvent += OnEmptySchedulerQueue;
				Scheduler.Global.Add (null); // pulse the scheduler

			return false;

		public int DoCountMatchQuery (Query query, QueryPartHook query_part_hook)
			if (Debug)
				Logger.Log.Debug ("###### {0}: Starting low-level queries", IndexName);

			Stopwatch total;
			total = new Stopwatch ();
			total.Start ();

			ArrayList primary_required_part_queries;
			ArrayList secondary_required_part_queries;

			LNS.BooleanQuery primary_prohibited_part_query;
			LNS.BooleanQuery secondary_prohibited_part_query;

			AndHitFilter all_hit_filters;

			ArrayList term_list;
			term_list = AssembleQuery ( query,
						    out primary_required_part_queries,
						    out secondary_required_part_queries,
						    out primary_prohibited_part_query,
						    out secondary_prohibited_part_query,
						    out all_hit_filters);

			// If we have no required parts, give up.
			if (primary_required_part_queries == null)
				return 0;

			IndexReader primary_reader;
			LNS.IndexSearcher primary_searcher;
			IndexReader secondary_reader;
			LNS.IndexSearcher secondary_searcher;

			if (! BuildSearchers (out primary_reader, out primary_searcher, out secondary_reader, out secondary_searcher))
				return 0;

			// Build whitelists and blacklists for search subsets.
			LuceneBitArray primary_whitelist, secondary_whitelist;
			CreateQueryWhitelists (null,
				out primary_whitelist,
				out secondary_whitelist);

			// Now run the low level queries against our indexes.
			BetterBitArray primary_matches = null;
			if (primary_required_part_queries != null) {

				if (secondary_searcher != null)
					primary_matches = DoRequiredQueries_TwoIndex (primary_searcher,
					primary_matches = DoRequiredQueries (primary_searcher,


			int result = 0;
			// FIXME: Pass the count through uri-filter and other validation checks
			if (primary_matches != null)
				result = primary_matches.TrueCount;

			CloseSearchers (primary_reader, primary_searcher, secondary_reader, secondary_searcher);

			total.Stop ();
			if (Debug)
				Logger.Log.Debug ("###### {0}: Total query run in {1}", IndexName, total);

			return result;

		public void DoQuery (Query               query,
				     IQueryResult        result,
				     ICollection         search_subset_uris, // should be internal uris
				     QueryPartHook       query_part_hook,
				     HitFilter           hit_filter)
			if (Debug)
				Logger.Log.Debug ("###### {0}: Starting low-level queries", IndexName);

			Stopwatch total, a, b, c, d, e, f;

			total = new Stopwatch ();
			a = new Stopwatch ();
			b = new Stopwatch ();
			c = new Stopwatch ();
			d = new Stopwatch ();
			e = new Stopwatch ();
			f = new Stopwatch ();

			total.Start ();
			a.Start ();

			ArrayList primary_required_part_queries;
			ArrayList secondary_required_part_queries;

			LNS.BooleanQuery primary_prohibited_part_query;
			LNS.BooleanQuery secondary_prohibited_part_query;

			AndHitFilter all_hit_filters;

			ArrayList term_list;

			// Assemble all of the parts into a bunch of Lucene queries

			term_list = AssembleQuery (query,
				out primary_required_part_queries,
				out secondary_required_part_queries,
				out primary_prohibited_part_query,
				out secondary_prohibited_part_query,
				out all_hit_filters);

			a.Stop ();
			if (Debug)
				Log.Debug ("###### {0}: Building queries took {1}", IndexName, a);

			// If we have no required parts, give up.
			if (primary_required_part_queries == null)

			b.Start ();
			// Now that we have all of these nice queries, let's execute them!

			IndexReader primary_reader;
			LNS.IndexSearcher primary_searcher;
			IndexReader secondary_reader;
			LNS.IndexSearcher secondary_searcher;

			// Create the searchers that we will need.
			if (! BuildSearchers (out primary_reader, out primary_searcher, out secondary_reader, out secondary_searcher))

			b.Stop ();
			if (Debug)
				Log.Debug ("###### {0}: Readers/searchers built in {1}", IndexName, b);

			// Build whitelists and blacklists for search subsets.
			c.Start ();

			// Possibly create our whitelists from the search subset.
			LuceneBitArray primary_whitelist, secondary_whitelist;
			CreateQueryWhitelists (search_subset_uris,
				out primary_whitelist,
				out secondary_whitelist);

			c.Stop ();
			if (Debug)
				Log.Debug ("###### {0}: Whitelists and blacklists built in {1}", IndexName, c);

			// Now run the low level queries against our indexes.
			d.Start ();

			BetterBitArray primary_matches = null;

			if (primary_required_part_queries != null) {

				if (secondary_searcher != null)
					primary_matches = DoRequiredQueries_TwoIndex (primary_searcher,
					primary_matches = DoRequiredQueries (primary_searcher,


			d.Stop ();
			if (Debug)
				Logger.Log.Debug ("###### {0}: Low-level queries finished in {1}", IndexName, d);

			e.Start ();
			// Only generate results if we got some matches
			if (primary_matches != null && primary_matches.ContainsTrue ()) {
				GenerateQueryResults (primary_reader,
						      new HitFilter (all_hit_filters.HitFilter),

			e.Stop ();

			if (Debug)
				Log.Debug ("###### {0}: Query results generated in {1}", IndexName, e);

			// Finally, we clean up after ourselves.

			f.Start ();
			CloseSearchers (primary_reader, primary_searcher, secondary_reader, secondary_searcher);
			f.Stop ();
			if (Debug)
				Log.Debug ("###### {0}: Readers/searchers released in {1}", IndexName, f);

			total.Stop ();
			if (Debug) {
				Log.Debug ("###### {0}: Query time breakdown:", IndexName);
				Log.Debug ("###### {0}:    Build queries {1,6} ({2:0.0}%)", IndexName, a, 100 * a.ElapsedTime / total.ElapsedTime);
				Log.Debug ("###### {0}:      Got readers {1,6} ({2:0.0}%)", IndexName, b, 100 * b.ElapsedTime / total.ElapsedTime);
				Log.Debug ("###### {0}:       Whitelists {1,6} ({2:0.0}%)", IndexName, c, 100 * c.ElapsedTime / total.ElapsedTime);
				Log.Debug ("###### {0}:          Queries {1,6} ({2:0.0}%)", IndexName, d, 100 * d.ElapsedTime / total.ElapsedTime);
				Log.Debug ("###### {0}:    Gen'd Results {1,6} ({2:0.0}%)", IndexName, e, 100 * e.ElapsedTime / total.ElapsedTime);
				Log.Debug ("###### {0}:   Reader cleanup {1,6} ({2:0.0}%)", IndexName, f, 100 * f.ElapsedTime / total.ElapsedTime);
				Log.Debug ("###### {0}:            TOTAL {1,6}", IndexName, total);

				Logger.Log.Debug ("###### {0}: Total query run in {1}", IndexName, total);

		private static ArrayList   FindRecentResults (IndexReader	    primary_reader,
							      IndexReader	    secondary_reader,
							      BetterBitArray	    primary_matches,
							      Dictionary<int, Hit>  hits_by_id,
							      int		    max_results,
							      ref int		    total_number_of_matches,
							      HitFilter		    hit_filter,
							      string		    index_name)
			Stopwatch b = new Stopwatch ();
			b.Start ();
			int count = 0;
			Document doc;

			ArrayList all_docs = null;
			TopScores top_docs = null;
			TermDocs term_docs = null;

			if (primary_matches.TrueCount > max_results)
				top_docs = new TopScores (max_results);
				all_docs = new ArrayList (primary_matches.TrueCount);

			if (secondary_reader != null)
				term_docs = secondary_reader.TermDocs ();

			for (int match_index = primary_matches.Count; ; match_index --) {
				// Walk across the matches backwards, since newer
				// documents are more likely to be at the end of
				// the index.
				match_index = primary_matches.GetPreviousTrueIndex (match_index);
				if (match_index < 0)


				doc = primary_reader.Document (match_index, fields_timestamp_uri);

				// Check the timestamp --- if we have already reached our
				// limit, we might be able to reject it immediately.
				string timestamp_str;
				long timestamp_num = 0;

				timestamp_str = doc.Get ("Timestamp");
				if (timestamp_str == null) {
					Logger.Log.Warn ("No timestamp on {0}!", GetUriFromDocument (doc));
				} else {
					timestamp_num = Int64.Parse (doc.Get ("Timestamp"));
					if (top_docs != null && ! top_docs.WillAccept (timestamp_num))

				// Get the actual hit now
				// doc was created with only 2 fields, so first get the complete lucene document for primary document.
				// Also run our hit_filter now, if we have one. Since we insist of returning max_results
				// most recent hits, any hits that would be filtered out should happen now and not later.
				Hit hit = CreateHit (primary_reader.Document (match_index), secondary_reader, term_docs);
				if (hit_filter != null && ! hit_filter (hit)) {
					if (Debug)
						Log.Debug ("Filtered out {0}", hit.Uri);
					total_number_of_matches --;

				hits_by_id [match_index] = hit;

				// Add the document to the appropriate data structure.
				// We use the timestamp_num as the score, so high
				// scores correspond to more-recent timestamps.
				if (all_docs != null)
					all_docs.Add (hit);
					top_docs.Add (timestamp_num, hit);

			if (term_docs != null)
				term_docs.Close ();

			b.Stop ();

			if (Debug)
				Log.Debug (">>> {0}: Instantiated and scanned {1} documents in {2}", index_name, count, b);

			if (all_docs != null) {
				// Sort results before sending
				all_docs.Sort ();
				return all_docs;
			} else {
				return top_docs.TopScoringObjects;
Пример #10
		private ICollection DoLowLevelRDFQuery (Query query,
							PropertyType pred_type,
							string predicate,
							string field_value,
							TextCache text_cache)

			Stopwatch total, a, b, c, d, e, f;

			total = new Stopwatch ();
			a = new Stopwatch ();
			b = new Stopwatch ();
			c = new Stopwatch ();
			d = new Stopwatch ();
			e = new Stopwatch ();
			f = new Stopwatch ();

			total.Start ();
			a.Start ();

			// Assemble all of the parts into a bunch of Lucene queries

			ArrayList primary_required_part_queries;
			ArrayList secondary_required_part_queries;

			LNS.BooleanQuery primary_prohibited_part_query;
			LNS.BooleanQuery secondary_prohibited_part_query;

			AndHitFilter all_hit_filters;

			ArrayList term_list;

			// Assemble all of the parts into a bunch of Lucene queries

			term_list = AssembleQuery (query,
				out primary_required_part_queries,
				out secondary_required_part_queries,
				out primary_prohibited_part_query,
				out secondary_prohibited_part_query,
				out all_hit_filters);

			a.Stop ();
			if (Debug)
				Log.Debug ("###### {0}: Building queries took {1}", IndexName, a);

			// If we have no required parts, give up.
			if (primary_required_part_queries == null)
				return null;

			b.Start ();
			// Now that we have all of these nice queries, let's execute them!

			// Create the searchers that we will need.

			IndexReader primary_reader;
			LNS.IndexSearcher primary_searcher;
			IndexReader secondary_reader;
			LNS.IndexSearcher secondary_searcher;

			// Create the searchers that we will need.
			if (! BuildSearchers (out primary_reader, out primary_searcher, out secondary_reader, out secondary_searcher))
				return null;

			b.Stop ();
			if (Debug)
				Log.Debug ("###### {0}: Readers/searchers built in {1}", IndexName, b);

			// Build whitelists and blacklists for search subsets.
			c.Start ();
			// Possibly create our whitelists from the search subset.
			LuceneBitArray primary_whitelist, secondary_whitelist;
			CreateQueryWhitelists (null,
				out primary_whitelist,
				out secondary_whitelist);

			c.Stop ();
			if (Debug)
				Log.Debug ("###### {0}: Whitelists and blacklists built in {1}", IndexName, c);

			// Now run the low level queries against our indexes.
			d.Start ();

			BetterBitArray primary_matches = null;

			if (primary_required_part_queries != null) {

				if (secondary_searcher != null)
					primary_matches = DoRequiredQueries_TwoIndex (primary_searcher,
					primary_matches = DoRequiredQueries (primary_searcher,


			d.Stop ();
			if (Debug)
				Logger.Log.Debug ("###### {0}: Low-level queries finished in {1} and returned {2} matches", IndexName, d, primary_matches.TrueCount);

			e.Start ();

			int count = 0;
			Document doc;
			ArrayList hits = new ArrayList (primary_matches.TrueCount);

			TermDocs secondary_term_docs = null;
			if (secondary_searcher != null)
				secondary_term_docs = secondary_searcher.Reader.TermDocs ();
			FieldSelector fields = null;
			if (predicate != null)
				fields = new MapFieldSelector (new string[] { "Uri", "Timestamp", PropertyToFieldName (pred_type, predicate)});

			for (int match_index = primary_matches.GetNextTrueIndex (0);
			     match_index < primary_matches.Count; 
			     match_index = primary_matches.GetNextTrueIndex (++ match_index)) {


				// If we have a HitFilter, apply it.
				// RDF FIXME: Ignore Hit Filter for now

				// If predicate was not specified but object was specified,
				// then figure out the right predicate
				if (predicate == null && field_value != null) {
					Hit hit = new Hit ();
					doc = primary_searcher.Doc (match_index);
					hit.Uri = GetUriFromDocument (doc);
					hit.Timestamp = StringFu.StringToDateTime (doc.Get ("Timestamp"));

					bool found_matching_predicate = false;

					foreach (Field field in doc.Fields ()) {
						if (! FieldIsPredicate (field, field_value))

						Property prop = new Property ();
						prop.Type = pred_type;
						prop.Key = predicate;
						prop.Value = field_value;
						hit.AddProperty (prop);

						found_matching_predicate = true;

					// Now get the matching predicate from the secondary index
					if (secondary_searcher == null) {
						doc = null;
					} else {
						Term term = new Term ("Uri", doc.Get ("Uri"));
						secondary_term_docs.Seek (term);
						if (secondary_term_docs.Next ())
							doc = secondary_searcher.Doc (secondary_term_docs.Doc ());

					if (doc != null) {
						foreach (Field field in doc.Fields ()) {
							if (! FieldIsPredicate (field, field_value))

							Property prop = new Property ();
							prop.Type = pred_type;
							prop.Key = predicate;
							prop.Value = field_value;
							hit.AddProperty (prop);

							found_matching_predicate = true;

					if (! found_matching_predicate) {
						// No matching predicate found
						// This means some unstored field matched the query
						// FIXME: Add a synthetic property #text
						hit.AddProperty (Property.New ("#text", field_value));
					hits.Add (hit);
				} else if (predicate == "TextLinks") {
					// Special treatment: TextLinks is not stored but can be queried
					doc = primary_searcher.Doc (match_index, fields_timestamp_uri);
					Hit hit = CreateHit (doc, secondary_reader, secondary_term_docs, fields);
					if (field_value != null)
						hit.AddProperty (Property.New ("TextLinks", field_value));
					else {
						foreach (Property text_link_property in GetTextLinks (hit.Uri, text_cache))
							hit.AddProperty (text_link_property);
					hits.Add (hit);
				} else {
					doc = primary_searcher.Doc (match_index, fields);
					Hit hit = CreateHit (doc, secondary_reader, secondary_term_docs, fields);
					foreach (Property prop in hit.Properties) {
						if (prop.Key == predicate)
							prop.Value = field_value;

					hits.Add (hit);

			e.Stop ();

			if (Debug)
				Log.Debug ("###### {0}: Query results generated in {1}", IndexName, e);

			// Finally, we clean up after ourselves.

			f.Start ();
			CloseSearchers (primary_reader, primary_searcher, secondary_reader, secondary_searcher);
			f.Stop ();
			if (Debug)
				Log.Debug ("###### {0}: Readers/searchers released in {1}", IndexName, f);

			total.Stop ();
			if (Debug) {
				Log.Debug ("###### {0}: Query time breakdown:", IndexName);
				Log.Debug ("###### {0}:    Build queries {1,6} ({2:0.0}%)", IndexName, a, 100 * a.ElapsedTime / total.ElapsedTime);
				Log.Debug ("###### {0}:      Got readers {1,6} ({2:0.0}%)", IndexName, b, 100 * b.ElapsedTime / total.ElapsedTime);
				Log.Debug ("###### {0}:       Whitelists {1,6} ({2:0.0}%)", IndexName, c, 100 * c.ElapsedTime / total.ElapsedTime);
				Log.Debug ("###### {0}:          Queries {1,6} ({2:0.0}%)", IndexName, d, 100 * d.ElapsedTime / total.ElapsedTime);
				Log.Debug ("###### {0}:    Gen'd Results {1,6} ({2:0.0}%)", IndexName, e, 100 * e.ElapsedTime / total.ElapsedTime);
				Log.Debug ("###### {0}:   Reader cleanup {1,6} ({2:0.0}%)", IndexName, f, 100 * f.ElapsedTime / total.ElapsedTime);
				Log.Debug ("###### {0}:            TOTAL {1,6}", IndexName, total);

				Logger.Log.Debug ("###### {0}: Total query run in {1}", IndexName, total);

			return hits;
Пример #11
		// There are two ways we can determine the max_results
		// most recent items:  
		// One is to instantiate Lucene documents for each of
		// the document IDs in primary_matches.  This is a
		// fairly expensive operation.
		// The other is to walk through the list of all
		// document IDs in descending time order.  This is
		// a less expensive operation, but adds up over time
		// on large data sets.
		// We can walk about 2.5 docs for every Document we
		// instantiate.  So what we'll do, if we have more
		// matches than available hits, is walk (m * 1.25)
		// docs to see if we can fill out the top 100 hits.
		// If not, we'll fall back to creating documents
		// for all of them.

		private static ArrayList ScanRecentDocs (IndexReader	    primary_reader,
						    IndexReader		    secondary_reader,
						    BetterBitArray	    primary_matches,
						    Dictionary<int, Hit>    hits_by_id,
						    int			    max_results,
						    ref int		    total_number_of_matches,
						    HitFilter		    hit_filter,
						    string		    index_name)
			Stopwatch a = new Stopwatch ();
			a.Start ();

			TermDocs docs = primary_reader.TermDocs ();
			TermEnum enumerator = primary_reader.Terms (new Term ("InvertedTimestamp", String.Empty));
			ArrayList results = new ArrayList (max_results);
			int docs_found = 0;
			int docs_walked = 0;
			int hit_filter_removed = 0;
			int max_docs = (int) (primary_matches.TrueCount * 1.25);

			Term term;
			TermDocs secondary_term_docs = null;
			if (secondary_reader != null)
				secondary_term_docs = secondary_reader.TermDocs ();

			do {
				term = enumerator.Term ();
				if (term.Field () != "InvertedTimestamp")

				docs.Seek (enumerator);

				while (docs.Next ()
				       && docs_found < max_results
				       && docs_walked < max_docs) {
					int doc_id = docs.Doc ();

					if (primary_matches.Get (doc_id)) {
						Document doc = primary_reader.Document (doc_id);
						Hit hit = CreateHit (doc, secondary_reader, secondary_term_docs);

						// If we have a HitFilter, apply it.
						if (hit_filter != null && ! hit_filter (hit)) {
							if (Debug)
								Log.Debug ("Filtered out {0}", hit.Uri);
							hit_filter_removed ++;
						hits_by_id [doc_id] = hit;
						// Add the result, last modified first
						results.Add (hit);
			} while (enumerator.Next ()
				 && docs_found < max_results
				 && docs_walked < max_docs);

			docs.Close ();
			if (secondary_term_docs != null)
				secondary_term_docs.Close ();

			// If we've found all the docs we can return in a subset!
			// Fantastic, we've probably short circuited a slow search.
			if (docs_found != max_results) {
				// Otherwise bad luck! Not all docs found
				// Start afresh - this time traversing all results
				results = null;
			} else {
				// Adjust total_number_of_matches. We need to do this to avoid scenarios like the following:
				// max_hits = 100. Matched 100 results. But hit filter removed 30. So 70 results will be returned.
				// We want to avoid saying "Showing top 70 of 100". Note that since we are not passing
				// every document in the index through the hit_filter, when we say "Showing top 100 of 1234", the
				// 1234 could actually be much less. But since max_hits was 100, that will not mislead the user.
				total_number_of_matches -= hit_filter_removed;

			a.Stop ();
			if (Debug) {
				Log.Debug (">>> {0}: Walked {1} items, populated an enum with {2} items in {3}", index_name, docs_walked, docs_found, a);
				if (docs_found == max_results)
					Log.Debug (">>> {0}: Successfully short circuited timestamp ordering!", index_name);

			return results;
Пример #12
		private static void GenerateQueryResults (IndexReader       primary_reader,
							  IndexReader       secondary_reader,
							  BetterBitArray    primary_matches,
							  IQueryResult      result,
							  ICollection       query_term_list,
							  int               max_results,
							  HitFilter         hit_filter,
							  string            index_name)
			int num_hits;

			if (Debug)
				Logger.Log.Debug (">>> {0}: Initially handed {1} matches", index_name, primary_matches.TrueCount);

			if (primary_matches.TrueCount <= max_results) {
				if (Debug)
					Logger.Log.Debug (">>> {0}: Initial count is within our limit of {1}", index_name, max_results);
				num_hits = primary_matches.TrueCount;
			} else {
				if (Debug)
					Logger.Log.Debug (">>> {0}: Number of hits is capped at {1}", index_name, max_results);
				num_hits = max_results;

			Stopwatch total, d, e;
			total = new Stopwatch ();
			d = new Stopwatch ();
			e = new Stopwatch ();

			total.Start ();

			ArrayList final_list_of_hits = null;

			// This is used only for scoring
			Dictionary<int, Hit> hits_by_id = new Dictionary<int, Hit> (num_hits);

			int total_number_of_matches = primary_matches.TrueCount;

			if (primary_matches.TrueCount > max_results)
				final_list_of_hits = ScanRecentDocs (primary_reader,
					ref total_number_of_matches,

			if (final_list_of_hits == null)
				final_list_of_hits = FindRecentResults (primary_reader,
					ref total_number_of_matches,

			d.Start ();

			ScoreHits (hits_by_id, primary_reader, query_term_list);
			hits_by_id = null;

			d.Stop ();

			if (Debug)
				Log.Debug (">>> {0}: Scored hits in {1}", index_name, d);

			e.Start ();

			// 25 hits seems to be the sweet spot: anything lower
			// and serialization overhead gets us, higher takes
			// longer to send out.
			const int MAX_QUEUED_HITS = 25;
			int sent_index = 0;

			// Break up the hits into reasonably sized chunks for
			// sending over the wire.
			for (int i = 0; i < final_list_of_hits.Count; ++i) {
				// Flush our hits
				if (i > 0 && i % MAX_QUEUED_HITS == 0) {
					result.Add (final_list_of_hits.GetRange (0, MAX_QUEUED_HITS));
					final_list_of_hits.RemoveRange (0, MAX_QUEUED_HITS);
					i -= MAX_QUEUED_HITS;

			// Flush the remaining hits
			result.Add (final_list_of_hits, total_number_of_matches);
			final_list_of_hits = null;

			e.Stop ();

			if (Debug)
				Log.Debug (">>> {0}: Hit filters executed and results sent in {1}", index_name, e);

			total.Stop ();

			if (Debug) {
				Logger.Log.Debug (">>> {0}: GenerateQueryResults time statistics:", index_name);
				//Logger.Log.Debug (">>> {0}:   Short circuit {1,6} ({2:0.0}%)", index_name, a == null ? "N/A" : a.ToString (), a == null ? 0.0 : 100 * a.ElapsedTime / total.ElapsedTime);
				//Logger.Log.Debug (">>> {0}:     Create docs {1,6} ({2:0.0}%)", index_name, b, 100 * b.ElapsedTime / total.ElapsedTime);
				//Logger.Log.Debug (">>> {0}:    Hit assembly {1,6} ({2:0.0}%)", index_name, c, 100 * c.ElapsedTime / total.ElapsedTime);
				Logger.Log.Debug (">>> {0}:     Scored hits {1,6} ({2:0.0}%)", index_name, d, 100 * d.ElapsedTime / total.ElapsedTime);
				Logger.Log.Debug (">>> {0}:    Results sent {1,6} ({2:0.0}%)", index_name, e, 100 * e.ElapsedTime / total.ElapsedTime);
				Logger.Log.Debug (">>> {0}:           TOTAL {1,6}", index_name, total);
Пример #13
        public static bool StartupProcess()
            // Profile our initialization
            Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch();


            // Fire up our server
            if (!StartServer())
                if (!arg_replace)
                    Logger.Log.Error("Could not set up the listener for beagle requests.  "
                                     + "There is probably another beagled instance running.  "
                                     + "Use --replace to replace the running service");


            // Set up out-of-process indexing
            LuceneQueryable.IndexerHook = new LuceneQueryable.IndexerCreator(RemoteIndexer.NewRemoteIndexer);

            Config config = Conf.Get(Conf.Names.DaemonConfig);

            // Initialize synchronization to keep the indexes local if PathFinder.StorageDir
            // is on a non-block device, or if BEAGLE_SYNCHRONIZE_LOCALLY is set

            if ((!SystemInformation.IsPathOnBlockDevice(PathFinder.StorageDir) &&
                 config.GetOption(Conf.Names.IndexSynchronization, true)) ||
                Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("BEAGLE_SYNCHRONIZE_LOCALLY") != null)

            // Start the query driver.
            Logger.Log.Debug("Starting QueryDriver");

            // Start our battery monitor so we can shut down the
            // scheduler if needed.

            bool initially_on_battery = !BatteryMonitor.UsingAC && !config.GetOption(Conf.Names.IndexOnBattery, false);

            // Start the Global Scheduler thread
            if (!arg_disable_scheduler)
                if (!initially_on_battery)
                    Logger.Log.Debug("Starting Scheduler thread");
                    Log.Debug("Beagle started on battery, not starting scheduler thread");

            // Start our Inotify threads

            // Test if the FileAdvise stuff is working: This will print a
            // warning if not.  The actual advice calls will fail silently.

            zeroconf = new Beagle.Daemon.Network.Zeroconf();



            Logger.Log.Debug("Daemon initialization finished after {0}", stopwatch);


            if (arg_indexing_test_mode)
                Thread.Sleep(1000);                  // Ugly paranoia: wait a second for the backends to settle.
                Logger.Log.Debug("Running in indexing test mode");
                Scheduler.Global.EmptyQueueEvent += OnEmptySchedulerQueue;
                Scheduler.Global.Add(null);                  // pulse the scheduler

Пример #14
		private IndexerReceipt [] Flush_Unlocked (IndexerRequest request)
			ArrayList receipt_queue;
			receipt_queue = new ArrayList ();

			IndexReader primary_reader, secondary_reader;
			primary_reader = IndexReader.Open (PrimaryStore);
			secondary_reader = IndexReader.Open (SecondaryStore);

			// Step #1: Make our first pass over the list of
			// indexables that make up our request.  For each add
			// or property change in the request, get the Lucene
			// documents so we can move forward any persistent
			// properties (for adds) or all old properties (for
			// property changes).
			// Then, for each add or remove in the request,
			// delete the associated documents from the index.
			// Note that we previously cached added documents so
			// that we can move persistent properties forward.

			// parent_child_old_props is double-nested hashtable (depth-2 tree)
			// indexed by the parent uri, it stores another hashtable indexed by the (parent+child documents)
			// FIXME: 2-level hashtable is a waste for any non-child document.
			// Replace this by a better data structure.
			Hashtable parent_child_old_props = UriFu.NewHashtable ();
			TermDocs term_docs = secondary_reader.TermDocs ();
			int delete_count = 0;

			IEnumerable request_indexables = request.Indexables;

			foreach (Indexable indexable in request_indexables) {

				string uri_str = UriFu.UriToEscapedString (indexable.Uri);
				Term term;

				// Store the necessary properties from old documents for re-addition
				if (indexable.Type == IndexableType.Add ||
				    indexable.Type == IndexableType.PropertyChange) {

					term = new Term ("Uri", uri_str);
					term_docs.Seek (term);

					Hashtable this_parent_child_props = null;

					if (term_docs.Next ()) {
						this_parent_child_props = UriFu.NewHashtable ();
						this_parent_child_props [indexable.Uri] = secondary_reader.Document (term_docs.Doc ());
						parent_child_old_props [indexable.Uri] = this_parent_child_props;

					term = new Term ("ParentUri", uri_str);
					term_docs.Seek (term);

					while (term_docs.Next ()) {
						Document doc = secondary_reader.Document (term_docs.Doc ());

						string child_uri_str = doc.Get ("Uri");
						Uri child_uri = UriFu.EscapedStringToUri (child_uri_str);
						// Any valid lucene document *should* have a Uri, so no need to check for null
						// Store the child documents too, to save persistent-properties
						// of child documents
						this_parent_child_props [child_uri] = doc;

				// Now remove (non-remove indexables will be re-added in next block)
				Logger.Log.Debug ("-{0}", indexable.DisplayUri);
				int num_delete = 0;

				term = new Term ("Uri", uri_str);
				// For property changes, only secondary index is modified
				secondary_reader.DeleteDocuments (term);

				// Now remove from everywhere else (if asked to remove or if asked to add, in which case
				// we first remove and then add)
				// So we also need to remove child documents
				if (indexable.Type != IndexableType.PropertyChange) {
					num_delete = primary_reader.DeleteDocuments (term);

					// When we delete an indexable, also delete any children.
					// FIXME: Shouldn't we also delete any children of children, etc.?
					term = new Term ("ParentUri", uri_str);
					num_delete += primary_reader.DeleteDocuments (term);
					secondary_reader.DeleteDocuments (term);

				// If this is a strict removal (and not a deletion that
				// we are doing in anticipation of adding something back),
				// queue up a removed receipt.
				if (indexable.Type == IndexableType.Remove) {
					IndexerRemovedReceipt r;
					r = new IndexerRemovedReceipt (indexable.Id);
					r.NumRemoved = num_delete;
					receipt_queue.Add (r);

				delete_count += num_delete;

			term_docs.Close ();

			if (HaveItemCount)
				AdjustItemCount (-delete_count);
				SetItemCount (primary_reader);
			// We are now done with the readers, so we close them.
			// And also free them. Somehow not freeing them is preventing them from
			// GCed at all.
			primary_reader.Close ();
			primary_reader = null;
			secondary_reader.Close ();
			secondary_reader = null;

			// FIXME: If we crash at exactly this point, we are in
			// trouble.  Items will have been dropped from the index
			// without the proper replacements being added.  We can
			// hopefully fix this when we move to Lucene 2.1.

			// Step #2: Make another pass across our list of indexables
			// and write out any new documents.

			if (text_cache != null)
				text_cache.BeginTransaction ();
			IndexWriter primary_writer, secondary_writer;
			// FIXME: Lock obtain time-out can happen here; if that happens,
			// an exception will be thrown and this method will break in the middle
			// leaving IndexWriters unclosed! Same for any Lucene.Net-index modification
			// methods.
			primary_writer = new IndexWriter (PrimaryStore, IndexingAnalyzer, false);
			secondary_writer = null;

			foreach (Indexable indexable in request_indexables) {
				// If shutdown has been started, break here
				// FIXME: Some more processing will continue, a lot of them
				// concerning receipts, but the daemon will anyway ignore receipts
				// now, what is the fastest way to stop from here ?
				if (Shutdown.ShutdownRequested) {
					Log.Debug ("Shutdown initiated. Breaking while flushing indexables.");

				// Receipts for removes were generated in the
				// previous block.  Now we just have to remove
				// items from the text cache.
				if (indexable.Type == IndexableType.Remove) {
					if (text_cache != null)
						text_cache.Delete (indexable.Uri);


				IndexerAddedReceipt r;
				Hashtable prop_change_docs = (Hashtable) parent_child_old_props [indexable.Uri];

				if (indexable.Type == IndexableType.PropertyChange) {

					Logger.Log.Debug ("+{0} (props only)", indexable.DisplayUri);

					r = new IndexerAddedReceipt (indexable.Id);
					r.PropertyChangesOnly = true;
					receipt_queue.Add (r);

					Document doc;
					if (prop_change_docs == null)
						doc = null;
						doc = (Document) prop_change_docs [indexable.Uri];

					Document new_doc;
					new_doc = RewriteDocument (doc, indexable);

					// Write out the new document...
					if (secondary_writer == null)
						secondary_writer = new IndexWriter (SecondaryStore, IndexingAnalyzer, false);
					secondary_writer.AddDocument (new_doc);

					// Get child property change indexables...
					ArrayList prop_change_indexables;
					prop_change_indexables = GetChildPropertyChange (prop_change_docs, indexable);
					// and store them; no need to delete them first, since they were already removed from the index
					if (prop_change_indexables == null)

					foreach (Indexable prop_change_indexable in prop_change_indexables) {
						Log.Debug ("+{0} (props only, generated indexable)", prop_change_indexable.Uri);
						doc = (Document) prop_change_docs [prop_change_indexable.Uri];
						new_doc = RewriteDocument (doc, prop_change_indexable);
						secondary_writer.AddDocument (new_doc);

					continue; // ...and proceed to the next Indexable

				// If we reach this point we know we are dealing with an IndexableType.Add

				if (indexable.Type != IndexableType.Add)
					throw new Exception ("When I said it was an IndexableType.Add, I meant it!");

				r = AddIndexableToIndex (indexable, primary_writer, ref secondary_writer, prop_change_docs);
				if (r != null)
					receipt_queue.Add (r);

			if (text_cache != null)
				text_cache.CommitTransaction ();

			if (Shutdown.ShutdownRequested) {
				foreach (DeferredInfo di in deferred_indexables)
					di.Cleanup ();
				deferred_indexables.Clear ();

				foreach (Indexable indexable in request_indexables)
					indexable.Cleanup ();

				primary_writer.Close ();
				if (secondary_writer != null)
					secondary_writer.Close ();

				return null;

			if (request.OptimizeIndex) {
				Stopwatch watch = new Stopwatch ();
				Logger.Log.Debug ("Optimizing {0}", IndexName);
				watch.Start ();
				primary_writer.Optimize ();
				if (secondary_writer == null)
					secondary_writer = new IndexWriter (SecondaryStore, IndexingAnalyzer, false);
				secondary_writer.Optimize ();
				watch.Stop ();
				Logger.Log.Debug ("{0} optimized in {1}", IndexName, watch);

			// Step #4. Close our writers and return the events to
			// indicate what has happened.

			primary_writer.Close ();
			if (secondary_writer != null)
				secondary_writer.Close ();

			// Send a single IndexerIndexablesReceipt if there were deferred indexables
			if (deferred_indexables.Count > 0) {
				Log.Debug ("{0} indexables generated more indexables; asking daemon to schedule their indexing.", deferred_indexables.Count);
				IndexerIndexablesReceipt r = new IndexerIndexablesReceipt ();
				receipt_queue.Add (r);

			IndexerReceipt [] receipt_array;
			receipt_array = new IndexerReceipt [receipt_queue.Count];
			for (int i = 0; i < receipt_queue.Count; ++i)
				receipt_array [i] = (IndexerReceipt) receipt_queue [i];

			return receipt_array;
Пример #15
		static void LaunchHelper ()
			// If we are in the process of shutting down, return immediately.
			if (Shutdown.ShutdownRequested)

			lock (helper_lock) {

				// If a helper appears to be running, return immediately.
				if (CheckHelper ())
				Logger.Log.Debug ("Launching helper process");

				SafeProcess p = new SafeProcess ();
				string[] args = new string [3];
				args [0] = helper_path;

				if (BeagleDaemon.DisableTextCache)
					args [1] = "--disable-text-cache";
					args [1] = String.Empty;

				if (Log.Level == LogLevel.Debug)
					args [2] = "--debug";
					args [2] = String.Empty;

				p.Arguments = args;
				p.RedirectStandardOutput = false;
				p.RedirectStandardError = false;
				p.Start ();

				Logger.Log.Debug ("IndexHelper PID is {0}", p.Id);

				// Poll the helper's socket.  Wait up to a minute
				// (500 ms * 120 times) for the helper to be ready
				// to handle requests.
				Stopwatch watch = new Stopwatch ();
				watch.Start ();
				int poll_count = 0;
				bool found_helper;
				do {
					Thread.Sleep (500);
					found_helper = CheckHelper ();
				} while (poll_count < 120 
					 && ! found_helper
					 && ! Shutdown.ShutdownRequested);
				watch.Stop ();
				if (! found_helper)
					throw new Exception (String.Format ("Couldn't launch helper process {0}", p.Id));

				Logger.Log.Debug ("Found IndexHelper ({0}) in {1}", p.Id, watch);
				helper_pid = p.Id;