Пример #1
        public void RenderMapCheckCorrectlyElementsTest()
            FakeMap map = new FakeMap(4, 3, new List <LiveElement>()
                new FakeShip(), new FakeShip(), new FakeShip()
            Player            player            = new Player(map);
            FakeUserInterface fakeUserInterface = new FakeUserInterface();
            Game game = new Game(player, fakeUserInterface);

            int count    = 0;
            int allCount = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < map.Fields.GetLength(0); i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < map.Fields.GetLength(1); j++)
                    if (map.Hit(i, j) is HitResult)

            Assert.IsTrue(allCount == 12 && count == 9, "The map is rendered fail");
Пример #2
        public void UserInterfaceCommunicationTest()
            FakeUserInterface fakeUserInterface = new FakeUserInterface();
            FakeMap           map = new FakeMap(3, new List <LiveElement>()
                new FakeShip(), new FakeShip(), new FakeShip()

            Player player           = new Player(map);
            int    hitResult        = 0;
            int    hitAndSinkResult = 0;
            Game   game             = new Game(player, fakeUserInterface);

            for (int i = 0; i < map.Fields.GetLength(0); i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < map.Fields.GetLength(1); j++)
                    game.NextTurn(i, j);
                    if (fakeUserInterface.Reuslt is HitResult)

                    if (fakeUserInterface.Reuslt is HitAndSinksResult)

            Assert.IsTrue(hitResult == 9 && hitAndSinkResult == 3, "The User interface got wrong information");
Пример #3
        public void CheckRenderMapOnUserInterfaceConnectionWithoutRenderTest()
            FakeUserInterface fake = new FakeUserInterface();
            Game game = new Game(null, fake);

            game.NextTurn(0, 0);
            Assert.IsFalse(fake.RenderMapDone, "The Render map has worked");
Пример #4
        public void CheckErrorUserInterfaceConnectionTest()
            FakeUserInterface fake = new FakeUserInterface();
            Game game = new Game(null, fake);

            game.NextTurn(0, 0);
            Assert.IsTrue(fake.ShowErrorDone, "The error was not displayed");
Пример #5
        public void CheckRenderMapWithoutPrepareTest()
            FakeMap map = new FakeMap(3, new List <LiveElement>()
                new FakeShip(), new FakeShip(), new FakeShip()
            Player            player            = new Player(map);
            FakeUserInterface fakeUserInterface = new FakeUserInterface();
            Game game = new Game(player, fakeUserInterface);

            Assert.IsTrue(fakeUserInterface.RenderMapDone && fakeUserInterface.PrepareGameDone == false, "Prepare map is not working correctly");
Пример #6
        public void CheckRenderMapOnUserInterfaceConnectionWhenEverythingIsOKTest()
            FakeMap map = new FakeMap(3, new List <LiveElement>()
                new FakeShip(), new FakeShip()
            Player            player            = new Player(map);
            FakeUserInterface fakeUserInterface = new FakeUserInterface();
            Game game = new Game(player, fakeUserInterface);

            Assert.IsTrue(fakeUserInterface.RenderMapDone, "The Render map has not worked");
Пример #7
        public void NotYetWinnerTest()
            FakeUserInterface fakeUserInterface = new FakeUserInterface();
            FakeMap           map = new FakeMap(3, new List <LiveElement>()
                new FakeShip(), new FakeShip(), new FakeShip()

            Player player = new Player(map);
            Game   game   = new Game(player, fakeUserInterface);

            Assert.IsFalse(fakeUserInterface.Winner, "The player is winner");
Пример #8
        public void CheckRenderMapOnUserInterfaceAfterHitAndRenderTest()
            FakeMap map = new FakeMap(3, new List <LiveElement>()
                new FakeShip(), new FakeShip(), new FakeShip()
            Player            player            = new Player(map);
            FakeUserInterface fakeUserInterface = new FakeUserInterface();
            Game game  = new Game(player, fakeUserInterface);
            int  point = 0;

            game.NextTurn(point, point);
            Assert.AreEqual(Water.DEFAULT_WATER_FILENAME, map.Fields[point, point].GetIconToElement(), "The icon of object is incorrect rendered");
Пример #9
        public void CheckErrorUserInterfaceConnectionWhenEverythingIsOKTest()
            FakeMap map = new FakeMap(3, new List <LiveElement>()
                new FakeShip(), new FakeShip()

            Player            player            = new Player(map);
            FakeUserInterface fakeUserInterface = new FakeUserInterface();
            Game game = new Game(player, fakeUserInterface);

            game.NextTurn(0, 0);
            Assert.IsFalse(fakeUserInterface.ShowErrorDone, "The error was displayed");
Пример #10
        public void WinnerTest()
            FakeUserInterface fakeUserInterface = new FakeUserInterface();
            FakeMap           map = new FakeMap(3, new List <LiveElement>()
                new FakeShip(), new FakeShip(), new FakeShip()

            Player player = new Player(map);
            Game   game   = new Game(player, fakeUserInterface);

            for (int i = 0; i < map.Fields.GetLength(0); i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < map.Fields.GetLength(1); j++)
                    game.NextTurn(i, j);
            Assert.IsTrue(fakeUserInterface.Winner, "The player is not winner");
Пример #11
        public void CheckStepsPlayerTest()
            FakeMap map = new FakeMap(1, 3, new List <LiveElement>()
                new FakeShip()
            Player            player            = new Player(map);
            FakeUserInterface fakeUserInterface = new FakeUserInterface();
            Game game = new Game(player, fakeUserInterface);


            for (int i = 0; i < map.Fields.GetLength(0); i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < map.Fields.GetLength(1); j++)
                    game.NextTurn(i, j);

            Assert.IsTrue(fakeUserInterface.CurrenctScore == 3 && fakeUserInterface.YourRecord == 3, "Score and The best score is not correctly");
Пример #12
        public void TheBestScoreOfPlayerTest()
            FakeMap map = new FakeMap(4, 3, new List <LiveElement>()
                new FakeShip(), new FakeShip(), new FakeShip()
            Player            player            = new Player(map);
            FakeUserInterface fakeUserInterface = new FakeUserInterface();
            Game game = new Game(player, fakeUserInterface);


            for (int i = 0; i < map.Fields.GetLength(0); i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < map.Fields.GetLength(1); j++)
                    game.NextTurn(i, j);

            Assert.IsTrue(player.BestSteps > 0, "The best score of player is wrong");