public void ProcessAttack(Coordinate coord) { var panel = Board.Panels.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Coordinates.Row == coord.Row && x.Coordinates.Column == coord.Column); //if panel is not occupied, call it a miss if (!panel.IsShipOccupied) { //print Miss panel.Type = Type.Miss; } else { //print Hit //panel occupied, get the ship that is in the panel var ship = Ships.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Type == panel.Type); ship.Hits++; //increment hits counter for ship //check if the ship is sunk if (ship.IsSunk) { //Print The Ship is sunk } } }
public static string ShipLocationInterpretation(Player player, Ships ship, string userStartLocation) { Regex regex = new Regex(@"[a-z]\d\d?"); Regex regex1 = new Regex(@"[a-z]\s\d\d?"); if (regex.IsMatch(userStartLocation)) { string curStr = ""; if (userStartLocation.Length == 2) { curStr += userStartLocation[0]; curStr += " "; curStr += userStartLocation[1]; return(curStr); } else if (userStartLocation.Length == 3) { curStr += userStartLocation[0]; curStr += " "; curStr += userStartLocation[1]; curStr += userStartLocation[2]; return(curStr); } } else if (regex1.IsMatch(userStartLocation)) { return(userStartLocation); } player.PlaceShip(player, ship); Console.WriteLine("\r\nYour Move Was Not Valid."); return("Invalid"); }
public virtual void PlaceShip(Player player, Ships ship) { bool isValid = false; Console.WriteLine($"\r\n{}, Enter Starting Location Of {}"); string shipPlacement = Console.ReadLine().ToLower().Trim(); shipPlacement = UI.ShipLocationInterpretation(player, ship, shipPlacement); Console.WriteLine("\r\nEnter Its Orientation: \r\n('Up', 'Down', 'Left', 'Right')"); string shipOrientation = Console.ReadLine(); isValid = Game.ValidPlacement(ship, player.MoveInterpritation(shipPlacement), shipOrientation); if (player.shipPlacements.Count > 0 && isValid == true) { isValid = Game.CheckOverlappingShips(player, ship, player.MoveInterpritation(shipPlacement), shipOrientation); } if (isValid) { player.ShipPlacement(player, ship, shipOrientation, player.MoveInterpritation(shipPlacement)); player.playerBoard.DisplayBoard(player); } else { PlaceShip(player, ship); } }
public override void PlaceShip(Player player, Ships ship) { int randomX = Game.rng.Next(1, 21); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(20); int randomY = Game.rng.Next(1, 21); int[] randomStartLocation = { randomX, randomY }; System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(20); int randomOri = Game.rng.Next(0, 4); string randomOrientation; bool isValid = false; switch (randomOri) { case 0: randomOrientation = "right"; break; case 1: randomOrientation = "down"; break; case 2: randomOrientation = "left"; break; case 3: randomOrientation = "up"; break; default: randomOrientation = "right"; break; } string shipOrientation = randomOrientation; isValid = Game.ValidPlacement(ship, randomStartLocation, shipOrientation); if (player.shipPlacements.Count > 0 && isValid == true) { isValid = Game.CheckOverlappingShips(player, ship, randomStartLocation, shipOrientation); } if (isValid) { player.ShipPlacement(player, ship, shipOrientation, randomStartLocation); if (Game.numberOfComputers == 2) { player.playerBoard.DisplayBoard(player); } } else { this.PlaceShip(player, ship); } }
static public bool CheckOverlappingShips(Player player, Ships ship, int[] startLocation, string shipOrientation) { List <int[]> currentPlacement = new List <int[]> { }; switch (shipOrientation) { case "left": for (int i = 0; i < ship.length; i++) { int[] nextLocation = new int[] { startLocation[0], startLocation[1] - i }; currentPlacement.Add(nextLocation); } break; case "right": for ( int i = 0; i < ship.length; i++) { int[] nextLocation = new int[] { startLocation[0], startLocation[1] + i }; currentPlacement.Add(nextLocation); } break; case "up": for (int i = 0; i < ship.length; i++) { int[] nextLocation = new int[] { startLocation[0] - i, startLocation[1] }; currentPlacement.Add(nextLocation); } break; case "down": for (int i = 0; i < ship.length; i++) { int[] nextLocation = new int[] { startLocation[0] + i, startLocation[1] }; currentPlacement.Add(nextLocation); } break; } for (int i = 0; i < currentPlacement.Count; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < player.shipPlacements.Count; j++) { if (currentPlacement[i][0] == player.shipPlacements[j][0] && currentPlacement[i][1] == player.shipPlacements[j][1]) { return(false); } } } return(true); }
public static bool ValidPlacement(Ships ship, int[] startLocation, string shipOrientation) { switch (shipOrientation) { case "left": if (startLocation[1] - ship.length <= 1) { return(false); } else { return(true); } case "right": if (startLocation[1] + ship.length >= 21) { return(false); } else { return(true); } case "up": if (startLocation[0] - ship.length <= 1) { return(false); } else { return(true); } case "down": if (startLocation[0] + ship.length >= 21) { return(false); } else { return(true); } default: return(false); } }
// Member Methods public virtual void ShipPlacement(Player guesser, Ships ship, string shipOrientation, int[] startLocation) { playerBoard.gameBoard[startLocation[0], startLocation[1]] = ship.abbreviation; switch (shipOrientation) { case "left": for (int i = 0; i < ship.length; i++) { int[] nextLocation = new int[] { startLocation[0], startLocation[1] - i }; playerBoard.gameBoard[nextLocation[0], nextLocation[1]] = ship.abbreviation; guesser.shipPlacements.Add(nextLocation); } break; case "right": for ( int i = 0; i < ship.length; i++) { int[] nextLocation = new int[] { startLocation[0], startLocation[1] + i }; playerBoard.gameBoard[nextLocation[0], nextLocation[1]] = ship.abbreviation; guesser.shipPlacements.Add(nextLocation); } break; case "up": for (int i = 0; i < ship.length; i++) { int[] nextLocation = new int[] { startLocation[0] - i, startLocation[1] }; playerBoard.gameBoard[nextLocation[0], nextLocation[1]] = ship.abbreviation; guesser.shipPlacements.Add(nextLocation); } break; case "down": for (int i = 0; i < ship.length; i++) { int[] nextLocation = new int[] { startLocation[0] + i, startLocation[1] }; playerBoard.gameBoard[nextLocation[0], nextLocation[1]] = ship.abbreviation; guesser.shipPlacements.Add(nextLocation); } break; default: break; } }
// Constructor public Player() { playerBoard = new GameBoard(); opponentBoard = new GameBoard(); battleShip = new BattleShip(); destroyer = new Destroyer(); aircraftCarrier = new AircraftCarrier(); submarine = new Submarine(); totalGuesses = new List <int[]> { }; shipPlacements = new List <int[]> { }; hits = new List <int[]> { }; sunkBools = new bool[4] { false, false, false, false }; }