/* public methods */
        public static void CreateUser(string username, string nickname, string authCode)
            using (BattleGameEntities context = new BattleGameEntities())
                var usernameToLower = username.ToLower();
                var nicknameToLower = nickname.ToLower();

                var dbUser = context.Users.FirstOrDefault(u => u.Username == usernameToLower || u.Nickname.ToLower() == nicknameToLower);

                if (dbUser != null)
                    if (dbUser.Username.ToLower() == usernameToLower)
                        throw new ServerErrorException("Username already exists", "ERR_DUP_USR");
                        throw new ServerErrorException("Nickname already exists", "ERR_DUP_NICK");

                dbUser = new User()
                    Username = usernameToLower,
                    Nickname = nickname,
                    AuthCode = authCode
Пример #2
 protected static void SendMessage(string text, User toUser, Game game, UserMessagesType msgType, BattleGameEntities context)
     toUser.UserMessages.Add(new UserMessage()
         Game = game,
         MessageState = context.MessageStates.First(ms => ms.State == MessageStateUnread),
         UserMessagesType = msgType,
         Text = text
 private static Unit GetAttackedUnit(User owner, Game game, long toX, long toY)
     var attackedUnit = game.Units.FirstOrDefault(u => u.PositionX == toX && u.PositionY == toY && u.HitPoints > 0);
     if (attackedUnit == null)
         throw new ServerErrorException("Nothing to attack on that position", "INV_ATT_EMPTY");
     else if (attackedUnit.User == owner)
         throw new ServerErrorException("Unit cannot attack allied units", "INV_ATT_ALLY");
     return attackedUnit;
 private static void ValidateUnitAttackPosition(Game game, Unit unit, User owner, long toX, long toY)
     if (toX < 0 || toX > BattleFieldMaxX || toY < 0 || toY > BattleFieldMaxY)
         throw new ServerErrorException("Units cannot attack outside of the battle field", "INV_ATT_POS");
     var diffX = Math.Abs(unit.PositionX - toX);
     var diffY = Math.Abs(unit.PositionY - toY);
     if (diffX + diffY > unit.Range)
         throw new ServerErrorException("The Unit cannot attack that far", "INV_ATT_RANGE");
        private static void ValidateUserUnitInGame(User user, Unit unit, Game game)
            if (game.UserInTurn != user.Id)
                throw new ServerErrorException("It is not your turn", "INV_USR_TURN");

            if (!user.Units.Any(u => u == unit))
                throw new ServerErrorException("This is not your unit", "INV_USR_UNIT");

            if (!game.Units.Any(u => u == unit))
                throw new ServerErrorException("No such unit in the game", "INV_USR_GAME");
 protected static IEnumerable<UnitModel> GetUserUnits(User owner, Game game)
     var unitModels =
                     from unit in game.Units
                     where unit.HitPoints > 0 && unit.User == owner
                     select new UnitModel()
                         Id = unit.Id,
                         Owner = (game.RedUser == unit.User) ? "red" : "blue",
                         Type = unit.UnitType.Value,
                         Mode = unit.Mode.Value,
                         Attack = (int)unit.Attack,
                         Armor = (int)unit.Armor,
                         Range = (int)unit.Range,
                         Speed = (int)unit.Speed,
                         HitPoints = (int)unit.HitPoints,
                         Position = new PositionModel()
                             X = unit.PositionX,
                             Y = unit.PositionY
     return unitModels.ToList();