Наследование: INotifyPropertyChanged
        //private bool _isCurrentImageFromIcon;
        //bool _useFileIcon;
        //public bool UseFileIcon
        //    get { return _useFileIcon; }
        //    set
        //    {
        //        if( _useFileIcon != value )
        //        {
        //            _useFileIcon = value;
        //            NotifyPropertyChanged( "UseFileIcon" );
        //            if( value && _selectedWildFile != null )
        //            {
        //                //Set the icon
        //                _skinConfigAccessor[Root.EditedKeyMode].Set( "Image", _selectedWildFile.Icon );
        //                _skinConfigAccessor[Root.EditedKeyMode].Set( "DisplayType", "Image" );
        //                _isCurrentImageFromIcon = true;
        //            }
        //            else
        //            {
        //                //Remove the icon
        //            }
        //        }
        //    }
        public FileLauncherCommandParameterManager( IFileLauncherService fileLauncher, IPluginConfigAccessor skinConfigAccessor )
            _fileLauncher = fileLauncher;
            _skinConfigAccessor = skinConfigAccessor;

            TypeSelections = new List<FileLauncherTypeSelection>();
            SelectedFileLauncherType = new FileLauncherTypeSelection( this, FileLauncherType.Url, "URL" );
            SelectedFileLauncherType.IsSelected = true;
            TypeSelections.Add( SelectedFileLauncherType );
            TypeSelections.Add( new FileLauncherTypeSelection (this, FileLauncherType.Registry, "Application installée"));
            TypeSelections.Add( new FileLauncherTypeSelection( this, FileLauncherType.Browse, "Choisir un fichier" ) );