Пример #1
        public void StartCampaignInBoardProGetDataWithPagination(ref GlobusHttpHelper HttpHelper, string Account, string FirstName, string LastName, string Location, string Country, string LocationArea, string PostalCode, string Company, string Keyword, string Title, string IndustryType, string Relationship, string language, string Groups, string FileName, string TitleValue, string CompanyValue, string within, string YearsOfExperience, string Function, string SeniorLevel, string IntrestedIn, string CompanySize, string Fortune1000, string RecentlyJoined)
            string ResponseWallPostForPremiumAcc = string.Empty;
            string NewSearchPage = string.Empty;
            string PostResponce = string.Empty;
            string PostRequestURL = string.Empty;
            string PostdataForPagination = string.Empty;
            string csrfToken = string.Empty;
            Queue<string> queRecordUrl = new Queue<string>();
            List<string> RecordURL = new List<string>();

            #region Login
                //Temprary class
                //string tempurl = "http://www.linkedin.com/profile/view?id=224916256&authType=OUT_OF_NETWORK&authToken=SWNz&locale=en_US&srchid=3387141351401255871148&srchindex=1&srchtotal=2017&trk=vsrp_people_res_name&trkInfo=VSRPsearchId%3A3387141351401255871148%2CVSRPtargetId%3A224916256%2CVSRPcmpt%3Aprimary";
                //CrawlingLinkedInPage(tempurl, ref HttpHelper);

                if (SearchCriteria.starter)
                    #region Serch

                    string pageSourceaAdvanceSearch = HttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl1(new Uri("http://www.linkedin.com/search"));
                    NewSearchPage = string.Empty;

                    if (pageSourceaAdvanceSearch.Contains("csrfToken"))
                            int startindex = pageSourceaAdvanceSearch.IndexOf("csrfToken");
                            if (startindex > 0)
                                string start = pageSourceaAdvanceSearch.Substring(startindex);
                                int endindex = start.IndexOf(">");
                                string end = start.Substring(0, endindex);
                                csrfToken = end.Replace("csrfToken=", "").Replace("\\", "").Replace("\"", string.Empty); ;
                        catch { }


                        if (Location == "Y")
                            Country = string.Empty;

                        //if (NewSearchPage == string.Empty)
                        //    string PostDataForPrimiumAccount = "csrfToken=" + csrfToken + "&keepFacets=true&pplSearchOrigin=ADVS&keywords=" + Uri.EscapeDataString(SearchCriteria.Keyword) + "&fname=" + SearchCriteria.FirstName + "&lname=" + SearchCriteria.LastName + "&companyScope=" + SearchCriteria.CompanyValue + "&searchLocationType=" + SearchCriteria.Location + "&countryCode=" + SearchCriteria.Country + "&postalCode=" + SearchCriteria.PostalCode + "&distance=" + SearchCriteria.within + "&title=&company=" + SearchCriteria.Company + "&currentCompany=" + SearchCriteria.CompanyValue + "&school=&I=" + SearchCriteria.IndustryType + "&FG=" + SearchCriteria.Group + "&N=" + SearchCriteria.Relationship + "&L=" + SearchCriteria.language + "&FA=" + SearchCriteria.Function + "&CS=" + SearchCriteria.CompanySize + "&SE=" + SearchCriteria.SeniorLevel + "&P=" + SearchCriteria.InerestedIn + "&TE=" + SearchCriteria.YearOfExperience + "&DR=" + SearchCriteria.RecentlyJoined + "&F=" + SearchCriteria.Fortune1000 + "&sortCriteria=R&viewCriteria=2&%2Fsearch%2Ffpsearch=Search";
                        //    ResponseWallPostForPremiumAcc = HttpHelper.postFormData(new Uri("http://www.linkedin.com/search/fpsearch"), PostDataForPrimiumAccount);
                            string GetDataForPrimiumAccount = string.Empty;
                            GetDataForPrimiumAccount = "http://www.linkedin.com/vsearch/p?openAdvancedForm=true&keywords=" + Uri.EscapeDataString(Keyword) + "&title=" + Title + "&titleScope=" + TitleValue + "&firstName=" + FirstName + "&lastName=" + LastName + "&postalCode=" + PostalCode + "&companyScope=" + CompanyValue + "&locationType=" + Location + "&countryCode=" + Country + "&company=" + Company + "&distance=" + within + "&f_FG=" + Groups + "&f_L=" + language + "&f_N=" + Relationship + "&f_G=" + LocationArea + "&f_I=" + IndustryType + "&f_TE=" + YearsOfExperience + "&f_FA=" + Function + "&f_SE=" + SeniorLevel + "&f_P=" + IntrestedIn + "&f_CS=" + CompanySize + "&f_F=" + Fortune1000 + "&f_DR=" + RecentlyJoined + "&orig=ADVS";
                            ResponseWallPostForPremiumAcc = HttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl1(new Uri(GetDataForPrimiumAccount));


                    catch { }

                    string facetsOrder = string.Empty;
                    if (PostResponce.Contains("facetsOrder"))
                        facetsOrder = ResponseWallPostForPremiumAcc.Substring(PostResponce.IndexOf("facetsOrder"), 200);
                        string[] Arr3 = facetsOrder.Split('"');
                        facetsOrder = Arr3[2];
                        string DecodedCharTest = Uri.UnescapeDataString(facetsOrder);
                        string DecodedEmail = Uri.EscapeDataString(facetsOrder);
                        facetsOrder = DecodedEmail;
                int pagenumber = 0;
                string strPageNumber = string.Empty;
                string[] Arr12 = Regex.Split(ResponseWallPostForPremiumAcc, "<li");
                foreach (string item in Arr12)
                    if (SearchCriteria.starter)
                        #region Loop
                        if (!item.Contains("<!DOCTYPE"))
                            if (item.Contains("results-summary"))
                                string data = RemoveAllHtmlTag.StripHTML(item);
                                data = data.Replace("\n", "");
                                if (data.Contains(">"))
                                    string[] ArrTemp = data.Split('>');
                                    data = ArrTemp[1];
                                    data = data.Replace("results", "");
                                    data = data.Trim();
                                    string[] ArrTemp1 = data.Split(' ');
                                    data = ArrTemp1[0].Replace(',', ' ').Trim();
                                    strPageNumber = data.Replace(" ", string.Empty);


                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(strPageNumber))
                        if (ResponseWallPostForPremiumAcc.Contains("resultCount"))
                            string[] countResultArr = Regex.Split(ResponseWallPostForPremiumAcc, "resultCount");

                            if (countResultArr.Length > 1)
                                string tempResult = countResultArr[1].Substring(0, countResultArr[1].IndexOf(","));

                                if (tempResult.Contains("<strong>"))
                                    strPageNumber = tempResult.Substring(tempResult.IndexOf("<strong>"), tempResult.IndexOf("</strong>", tempResult.IndexOf("<strong>")) - tempResult.IndexOf("<strong>")).Replace("<strong>", string.Empty).Replace("\"", string.Empty).Replace(",", string.Empty).Trim();
                                else if (tempResult.Contains(":"))
                                    strPageNumber = tempResult.Replace(":", string.Empty).Replace("\"", string.Empty);
                    catch (Exception)


                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(strPageNumber))
                        if (ResponseWallPostForPremiumAcc.Contains("results_count_without_keywords_i18n"))
                            string[] countResultArr = Regex.Split(ResponseWallPostForPremiumAcc, "results_count_without_keywords_i18n");

                            if (countResultArr.Length > 1)
                                string tempResult = countResultArr[1].Substring(0, countResultArr[1].IndexOf(","));

                                if (tempResult.Contains("<strong>"))
                                    strPageNumber = tempResult.Substring(tempResult.IndexOf("<strong>"), tempResult.IndexOf("</strong>", tempResult.IndexOf("<strong>")) - tempResult.IndexOf("<strong>")).Replace("<strong>", string.Empty).Replace("\"", string.Empty).Replace(",", string.Empty).Trim();
                                else if (tempResult.Contains(":"))
                                    strPageNumber = tempResult.Replace(":", string.Empty).Replace("\"", string.Empty);
                    catch (Exception)


                string logtag = string.Empty;

                    pagenumber = int.Parse(strPageNumber);

                    AddToLogger("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ Total Results :  " + pagenumber + " ]");
                catch (Exception)


                pagenumber = (pagenumber / 10) + 1;

                if (pagenumber == -1)
                    pagenumber = 2;

                if (pagenumber == 1)
                    pagenumber = 2;

                string GetResponce = string.Empty;
                string GetRequestURL = string.Empty;

                if (pagenumber >= 1)
                    _HttpHelper = HttpHelper;

                    //new Thread(() =>
                   // {
                        if (SearchCriteria.starter)
                            //string CheckString = "CampaignScraper" + FileName;


                   // }).Start();

                    for (int i = 1; i <= pagenumber; i++)
                        if (SearchCriteria.starter)
                            #region loop

                            if (ResponseWallPostForPremiumAcc.Contains("Account Type:</span> Basic"))
                                    PostRequestURL = "http://www.linkedin.com/search/hits";
                                    PostdataForPagination = "keywords=" + Uri.EscapeDataString(Keyword) + "&title=" + Uri.EscapeDataString(Title) + "&fname=" + FirstName + "&lname=" + LastName + "&searchLocationType=" + Location + "&f_FG=" + Groups + "&companyScope=" + CompanyValue + "&countryCode=" + Country + "&company=" + Company + "&viewCriteria=1&sortCriteria=R&facetsOrder=CC%2CN%2CG%2CI%2CPC%2CED%2CL%2CFG%2CTE%2CFA%2CSE%2CP%2CCS%2CF%2CDR&page_num=" + i + "&openFacets=N%2CCC%2CG";
                                    PostResponce = HttpHelper.postFormData(new Uri(PostRequestURL), PostdataForPagination);
                                    //Temporosy code for client
                                    //GlobusFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine("DateTime :- " + DateTime.Now + " :: Pagesource 3 >>>> " + PostResponce, Globals.Path_InBoardProGetDataPagesource);

                                catch { }
                            else if (ResponseWallPostForPremiumAcc.Contains("Account Type:</span> Executive"))
                                    PostRequestURL = "http://www.linkedin.com/search/hits";
                                    PostdataForPagination = "keywords=" + Uri.EscapeDataString(Keyword) + "&title=" + Uri.EscapeDataString(Title) + "&fname=" + FirstName + "&lname=" + LastName + "&searchLocationType=" + Location + "&f_FG=" + Groups + "&companyScope=" + CompanyValue + "&countryCode=" + Country + "&keepFacets=keepFacets&I=" + IndustryType + "&SE=" + SeniorLevel + "&pplSearchOrigin=ADVS&viewCriteria=2&sortCriteria=R&facetsOrder=N%2CCC%2CI%2CPC%2CED%2CL%2CFG%2CTE%2CFA%2CSE%2CP%2CCS%2CF%2CDR%2CG&page_num=" + i + "&openFacets=N%2CCC%2CI";

                                    PostResponce = HttpHelper.postFormData(new Uri(PostRequestURL), PostdataForPagination);
                                    //Temporosy code for client
                                    //GlobusFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine("DateTime :- " + DateTime.Now + " :: Pagesource 3 >>>> " + PostResponce, Globals.Path_InBoardProGetDataPagesource);
                                catch { }
                            else if (ResponseWallPostForPremiumAcc.Contains("openAdvancedForm=true"))
                                PostRequestURL = "http://www.linkedin.com/vsearch/p?";
                                PostdataForPagination = "keywords=" + Uri.EscapeDataString(Keyword) + "&title=" + Uri.EscapeDataString(Title) + "&titleScope=" + TitleValue + "&firstName=" + FirstName + "&lastName=" + LastName + "&postalCode=" + PostalCode + "&openAdvancedForm=true&companyScope=" + CompanyValue + "&locationType=" + Location + "&f_FG=" + Groups + "&countryCode=" + Country + "&company=" + Company + "&distance=" + within + "&f_N=" + Relationship + "&f_G=" + LocationArea + "&f_I=" + IndustryType + "&f_TE=" + YearsOfExperience + "&f_FA=" + Function + "&f_SE=" + SeniorLevel + "&f_P=" + IntrestedIn + "&f_CS=" + CompanySize + "&f_F=" + Fortune1000 + "&f_DR=" + RecentlyJoined + "&orig=ADVS&page_num=" + i + "";
                                PostResponce = HttpHelper.postFormData(new Uri(PostRequestURL), PostdataForPagination);
                                //Temporosy code for client
                                GlobusFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine("DateTime :- " + DateTime.Now + " :: Pagesource 4 >>>> " + PostResponce, Globals.Path_InBoardProGetDataPagesource);
                                    PostRequestURL = "http://www.linkedin.com/search/hits";
                                    PostdataForPagination = "keywords=" + Uri.EscapeDataString(SearchCriteria.Keyword) + "&title=" + Uri.EscapeDataString(Title) + "&fname=" + FirstName + "&lname=" + LastName + "&searchLocationType=" + Location + "&f_FG=" + Groups + "&countryCode=" + Country + "&viewCriteria=1&sortCriteria=R&facetsOrder=CC%2CN%2CG%2CI%2CPC%2CED%2CL%2CFG%2CTE%2CFA%2CSE%2CP%2CCS%2CF%2CDR&page_num=" + i + "&openFacets=N%2CCC%2CG";
                                    PostResponce = HttpHelper.postFormData(new Uri(PostRequestURL), PostdataForPagination);
                                catch { }
                            clsDBQueryManager QM = new clsDBQueryManager();
                            if (PostResponce.Contains("/profile/view?id"))

                                List<string> PageSerchUrl = GettingAllUrl(PostResponce);

                                if (PageSerchUrl.Count == 0)
                                    AddToLogger("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ On the basis of your Account you can able to see " + RecordURL.Count + " Results ]");

                                foreach (string item in PageSerchUrl)
                                    if (SearchCriteria.starter)
                                        if (item.Contains("pp_profile_photo_link") || item.Contains("vsrp_people_res_name") || item.Contains("profile/view?"))
                                                string urlSerch = item;
                                                if (urlSerch.Contains("vsrp_people_res_name"))
                                                        string query = "Insert Into tb_CampaignScraperURL (Url, Account, Status) Values ('" + urlSerch + "','" + Account + "','" + "Not Scraped');";
                                                    { }

                                                    RecordURL = RecordURL.Distinct().ToList();

                                                    AddToLogger("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ " + urlSerch + " ]");
                                                catch { }
                                            catch { }

                            else if (!PostResponce.Contains("pp_profile_name_link") && PostResponce.Contains("Custom views are no longer supported. Please select either Basic or Expanded view"))

                    finalUrlCollection(RecordURL, ref HttpHelper, FileName);

                #region For Else
                    if (SearchCriteria.starter)

                        #region loop
                        if (ResponseWallPostForPremiumAcc.Contains("/profile/view?id"))

                            List<string> PageSerchUrl = ChilkatBasedRegex.GettingAllUrls(ResponseWallPostForPremiumAcc, "profile/view?id");
                            if (PageSerchUrl.Count == 0)

                                AddToLogger("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ On the basis of your Account or Your Input you can able to see " + RecordURL.Count + "  Results ]");


                            foreach (string item in PageSerchUrl)
                                if (SearchCriteria.starter)
                                    if (item.Contains("pp_profile_name_link"))
                                        string urlSerch = "http://www.linkedin.com" + item;
                                        AddToLogger("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ " + urlSerch + " ]");



                //if (strPageNumber != string.Empty)
                //    if (strPageNumber != "0")
                //    {
                //        AddToLogger("-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------");
                //        AddToLogger("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ No Of Results Found >>> " + strPageNumber + " ]");
                //    }




            catch { }