Пример #1
        public static void DamageCharacters(Vector2 worldPosition, Attack attack, float force, Entity damageSource)
            if (attack.Range <= 0.0f)

            //long range for the broad distance check, because large characters may still be in range even if their collider isn't
            float broadRange = Math.Max(attack.Range * 10.0f, 10000.0f);

            foreach (Character c in Character.CharacterList)
                if (!c.Enabled ||
                    Math.Abs(c.WorldPosition.X - worldPosition.X) > broadRange ||
                    Math.Abs(c.WorldPosition.Y - worldPosition.Y) > broadRange)

                Vector2 explosionPos = worldPosition;
                if (c.Submarine != null)
                    explosionPos -= c.Submarine.Position;

                Hull hull       = Hull.FindHull(ConvertUnits.ToDisplayUnits(explosionPos), null, false);
                bool underWater = hull == null || explosionPos.Y < hull.Surface;

                explosionPos = ConvertUnits.ToSimUnits(explosionPos);

                Dictionary <Limb, float> distFactors = new Dictionary <Limb, float>();
                foreach (Limb limb in c.AnimController.Limbs)
                    float dist = Vector2.Distance(limb.WorldPosition, worldPosition);

                    //calculate distance from the "outer surface" of the physics body
                    //doesn't take the rotation of the limb into account, but should be accurate enough for this purpose
                    float limbRadius = Math.Max(Math.Max(limb.body.width * 0.5f, limb.body.height * 0.5f), limb.body.radius);
                    dist = Math.Max(0.0f, dist - FarseerPhysics.ConvertUnits.ToDisplayUnits(limbRadius));

                    if (dist > attack.Range)

                    float distFactor = 1.0f - dist / attack.Range;

                    //solid obstacles between the explosion and the limb reduce the effect of the explosion by 90%
                    if (Submarine.CheckVisibility(limb.SimPosition, explosionPos) != null)
                        distFactor *= 0.1f;

                    distFactors.Add(limb, distFactor);

                    List <Affliction> modifiedAfflictions = new List <Affliction>();
                    foreach (Affliction affliction in attack.Afflictions)
                        modifiedAfflictions.Add(affliction.CreateMultiplied(distFactor / c.AnimController.Limbs.Length));
                    c.LastDamageSource = damageSource;
                    Character attacker = null;
                    if (damageSource is Item item)
                        attacker = item.GetComponent <Projectile>()?.User;
                        if (attacker == null)
                            attacker = item.GetComponent <MeleeWeapon>()?.User;

                    //use a position slightly from the limb's position towards the explosion
                    //ensures that the attack hits the correct limb and that the direction of the hit can be determined correctly in the AddDamage methods
                    Vector2 hitPos = limb.WorldPosition + (worldPosition - limb.WorldPosition) / dist * 0.01f;
                    c.AddDamage(hitPos, modifiedAfflictions, attack.Stun * distFactor, false, attacker: attacker);

                    if (attack.StatusEffects != null && attack.StatusEffects.Any())
                        var statusEffectTargets = new List <ISerializableEntity>()
                            c, limb
                        foreach (StatusEffect statusEffect in attack.StatusEffects)
                            statusEffect.Apply(ActionType.OnUse, 1.0f, damageSource, statusEffectTargets);
                            statusEffect.Apply(ActionType.Always, 1.0f, damageSource, statusEffectTargets);
                            statusEffect.Apply(underWater ? ActionType.InWater : ActionType.NotInWater, 1.0f, damageSource, statusEffectTargets);

                    if (limb.WorldPosition != worldPosition && force > 0.0f)
                        Vector2 limbDiff = Vector2.Normalize(limb.WorldPosition - worldPosition);
                        if (!MathUtils.IsValid(limbDiff))
                            limbDiff = Rand.Vector(1.0f);
                        Vector2 impulse      = limbDiff * distFactor * force;
                        Vector2 impulsePoint = limb.SimPosition - limbDiff * limbRadius;
                        limb.body.ApplyLinearImpulse(impulse, impulsePoint, maxVelocity: NetConfig.MaxPhysicsBodyVelocity);

                //sever joints
                if (c.IsDead && attack.SeverLimbsProbability > 0.0f)
                    foreach (Limb limb in c.AnimController.Limbs)
                        if (!distFactors.ContainsKey(limb))

                        foreach (LimbJoint joint in c.AnimController.LimbJoints)
                            if (joint.IsSevered || (joint.LimbA != limb && joint.LimbB != limb))

                            if (Rand.Range(0.0f, 1.0f) < attack.SeverLimbsProbability * distFactors[limb])
Пример #2
        public static void ApplyExplosionForces(Vector2 worldPosition, Attack attack, float force)
            if (attack.Range <= 0.0f)

            foreach (Character c in Character.CharacterList)
                Vector2 explosionPos = worldPosition;
                if (c.Submarine != null)
                    explosionPos -= c.Submarine.Position;

                explosionPos = ConvertUnits.ToSimUnits(explosionPos);

                Dictionary <Limb, float> distFactors = new Dictionary <Limb, float>();
                foreach (Limb limb in c.AnimController.Limbs)
                    float dist = Vector2.Distance(limb.WorldPosition, worldPosition);

                    //calculate distance from the "outer surface" of the physics body
                    //doesn't take the rotation of the limb into account, but should be accurate enough for this purpose
                    float limbRadius = Math.Max(Math.Max(limb.body.width * 0.5f, limb.body.height * 0.5f), limb.body.radius);
                    dist = Math.Max(0.0f, dist - FarseerPhysics.ConvertUnits.ToDisplayUnits(limbRadius));

                    if (dist > attack.Range)

                    float distFactor = 1.0f - dist / attack.Range;

                    //solid obstacles between the explosion and the limb reduce the effect of the explosion by 90%
                    if (Submarine.CheckVisibility(limb.SimPosition, explosionPos) != null)
                        distFactor *= 0.1f;

                    distFactors.Add(limb, distFactor);

                    c.AddDamage(limb.WorldPosition, DamageType.None,
                                attack.GetDamage(1.0f) / c.AnimController.Limbs.Length * distFactor,
                                attack.GetBleedingDamage(1.0f) / c.AnimController.Limbs.Length * distFactor,
                                attack.Stun * distFactor,

                    if (limb.WorldPosition != worldPosition && force > 0.0f)
                        Vector2 limbDiff     = Vector2.Normalize(limb.WorldPosition - worldPosition);
                        Vector2 impulsePoint = limb.SimPosition - limbDiff * limbRadius;
                        limb.body.ApplyLinearImpulse(limbDiff * distFactor * force, impulsePoint);

                //sever joints
                if (c.IsDead && attack.SeverLimbsProbability > 0.0f)
                    foreach (Limb limb in c.AnimController.Limbs)
                        if (!distFactors.ContainsKey(limb))

                        foreach (LimbJoint joint in c.AnimController.LimbJoints)
                            if (joint.IsSevered || (joint.LimbA != limb && joint.LimbB != limb))

                            if (Rand.Range(0.0f, 1.0f) < attack.SeverLimbsProbability * distFactors[limb])
Пример #3
        public Limb(Ragdoll ragdoll, Character character, LimbParams limbParams)
            this.ragdoll    = ragdoll;
            this.character  = character;
            this.limbParams = limbParams;
            wearingItems    = new List <WearableSprite>();
            dir             = Direction.Right;
            body            = new PhysicsBody(limbParams);
            type            = limbParams.Type;
            if (limbParams.IgnoreCollisions)
                body.CollisionCategories = Category.None;
                body.CollidesWith        = Category.None;
                ignoreCollisions         = true;
                //limbs don't collide with each other
                body.CollisionCategories = Physics.CollisionCharacter;
                body.CollidesWith        = Physics.CollisionAll & ~Physics.CollisionCharacter & ~Physics.CollisionItem & ~Physics.CollisionItemBlocking;
            body.UserData = this;
            pullJoint     = new FixedMouseJoint(body.FarseerBody, ConvertUnits.ToSimUnits(limbParams.PullPos * Scale))
                Enabled  = false,
                MaxForce = ((type == LimbType.LeftHand || type == LimbType.RightHand) ? 400.0f : 150.0f) * body.Mass


            var element = limbParams.Element;

            if (element.Attribute("mouthpos") != null)
                MouthPos = ConvertUnits.ToSimUnits(element.GetAttributeVector2("mouthpos", Vector2.Zero));

            body.BodyType = BodyType.Dynamic;
            body.FarseerBody.AngularDamping = LimbAngularDamping;

            damageModifiers = new List <DamageModifier>();

            foreach (XElement subElement in element.Elements())
                switch (subElement.Name.ToString().ToLowerInvariant())
                case "attack":
                    attack = new Attack(subElement, (character == null ? "null" : character.Name) + ", limb " + type);
                    if (attack.DamageRange <= 0)
                        switch (body.BodyShape)
                        case PhysicsBody.Shape.Circle:
                            attack.DamageRange = body.radius;

                        case PhysicsBody.Shape.Capsule:
                            attack.DamageRange = body.height / 2 + body.radius;

                        case PhysicsBody.Shape.Rectangle:
                            attack.DamageRange = new Vector2(body.width / 2.0f, body.height / 2.0f).Length();
                        attack.DamageRange = ConvertUnits.ToDisplayUnits(attack.DamageRange);

                case "damagemodifier":
                    damageModifiers.Add(new DamageModifier(subElement, character.Name));

            SerializableProperties = SerializableProperty.GetProperties(this);

Пример #4
        public Limb(Character character, XElement element, float scale = 1.0f)
            this.character = character;

            wearingItems = new List <WearableSprite>();

            dir = Direction.Right;

            doesFlip = ToolBox.GetAttributeBool(element, "flip", false);

            this.scale = scale;

            body = new PhysicsBody(element, scale);

            if (ToolBox.GetAttributeBool(element, "ignorecollisions", false))
                body.CollisionCategories = Category.None;
                body.CollidesWith        = Category.None;

                ignoreCollisions = true;
                //limbs don't collide with each other
                body.CollisionCategories = Physics.CollisionCharacter;
                body.CollidesWith        = Physics.CollisionAll & ~Physics.CollisionCharacter & ~Physics.CollisionItem;

            body.UserData = this;

            refJointIndex = -1;

            Vector2 pullJointPos = Vector2.Zero;

            if (element.Attribute("type") != null)
                    type = (LimbType)Enum.Parse(typeof(LimbType), element.Attribute("type").Value, true);
                    type = LimbType.None;
                    DebugConsole.ThrowError("Error in " + element + "! \"" + element.Attribute("type").Value + "\" is not a valid limb type");

                pullJointPos = ToolBox.GetAttributeVector2(element, "pullpos", Vector2.Zero) * scale;
                pullJointPos = ConvertUnits.ToSimUnits(pullJointPos);

                stepOffset = ToolBox.GetAttributeVector2(element, "stepoffset", Vector2.Zero) * scale;
                stepOffset = ConvertUnits.ToSimUnits(stepOffset);

                refJointIndex = ToolBox.GetAttributeInt(element, "refjoint", -1);
                type = LimbType.None;

            pullJoint          = new FixedMouseJoint(body.FarseerBody, pullJointPos);
            pullJoint.Enabled  = false;
            pullJoint.MaxForce = ((type == LimbType.LeftHand || type == LimbType.RightHand) ? 400.0f : 150.0f) * body.Mass;


            steerForce = ToolBox.GetAttributeFloat(element, "steerforce", 0.0f);

            //maxHealth = Math.Max(ToolBox.GetAttributeFloat(element, "health", 100.0f),1.0f);

            armorSector   = ToolBox.GetAttributeVector2(element, "armorsector", Vector2.Zero);
            armorSector.X = MathHelper.ToRadians(armorSector.X);
            armorSector.Y = MathHelper.ToRadians(armorSector.Y);

            armorValue = Math.Max(ToolBox.GetAttributeFloat(element, "armor", 0.0f), 0.0f);

            if (element.Attribute("mouthpos") != null)
                MouthPos = ConvertUnits.ToSimUnits(ToolBox.GetAttributeVector2(element, "mouthpos", Vector2.Zero));

            body.BodyType = BodyType.Dynamic;
            body.FarseerBody.AngularDamping = LimbAngularDamping;

            foreach (XElement subElement in element.Elements())
                switch (subElement.Name.ToString().ToLowerInvariant())
                case "sprite":
                    string spritePath = subElement.Attribute("texture").Value;

                    string spritePathWithTags = spritePath;

                    if (character.Info != null)
                        spritePath = spritePath.Replace("[GENDER]", (character.Info.Gender == Gender.Female) ? "f" : "");
                        spritePath = spritePath.Replace("[HEADID]", character.Info.HeadSpriteId.ToString());

                        if (character.Info.HeadSprite != null && character.Info.SpriteTags.Any())
                            string tags = "";
                            character.Info.SpriteTags.ForEach(tag => tags += "[" + tag + "]");

                            spritePathWithTags = Path.Combine(
                                Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(spritePath) + tags + Path.GetExtension(spritePath));

                    if (File.Exists(spritePathWithTags))
                        sprite = new Sprite(subElement, "", spritePathWithTags);
                        sprite = new Sprite(subElement, "", spritePath);


                case "damagedsprite":
                    string damagedSpritePath = subElement.Attribute("texture").Value;

                    if (character.Info != null)
                        damagedSpritePath = damagedSpritePath.Replace("[GENDER]", (character.Info.Gender == Gender.Female) ? "f" : "");
                        damagedSpritePath = damagedSpritePath.Replace("[HEADID]", character.Info.HeadSpriteId.ToString());

                    damagedSprite = new Sprite(subElement, "", damagedSpritePath);

                case "attack":
                    attack = new Attack(subElement);

Пример #5
        public override AttackResult AddDamage(IDamageable attacker, Vector2 worldPosition, Attack attack, float deltaTime, bool playSound = false)
            AttackResult result = base.AddDamage(attacker, worldPosition, attack, deltaTime, playSound);

            aiController.OnAttacked(attacker, result.Damage + result.Bleeding);

Пример #6
        public override AttackResult ApplyAttack(Character attacker, Vector2 worldPosition, Attack attack, float deltaTime, bool playSound = false, Limb limb = null, string identifier = "")
            AttackResult result = base.ApplyAttack(attacker, worldPosition, attack, deltaTime, playSound, limb, identifier);

            aiController.OnAttacked(attacker, result.Damage + result.Bleeding);

Пример #7
        private void DamageCharacters(Vector2 worldPosition, Attack attack, float force, Entity damageSource, Character attacker)
            if (attack.Range <= 0.0f)

            //long range for the broad distance check, because large characters may still be in range even if their collider isn't
            float broadRange = Math.Max(attack.Range * 10.0f, 10000.0f);

            foreach (Character c in Character.CharacterList)
                if (!c.Enabled ||
                    Math.Abs(c.WorldPosition.X - worldPosition.X) > broadRange ||
                    Math.Abs(c.WorldPosition.Y - worldPosition.Y) > broadRange)
                if (onlyInside && c.Submarine == null)
                else if (onlyOutside && c.Submarine != null)

                Vector2 explosionPos = worldPosition;
                if (c.Submarine != null)
                    explosionPos -= c.Submarine.Position;

                Hull hull       = Hull.FindHull(explosionPos, null, false);
                bool underWater = hull == null || explosionPos.Y < hull.Surface;

                explosionPos = ConvertUnits.ToSimUnits(explosionPos);

                Dictionary <Limb, float> distFactors         = new Dictionary <Limb, float>();
                Dictionary <Limb, float> damages             = new Dictionary <Limb, float>();
                List <Affliction>        modifiedAfflictions = new List <Affliction>();
                foreach (Limb limb in c.AnimController.Limbs)
                    if (limb.IsSevered || limb.IgnoreCollisions || !limb.body.Enabled)

                    float dist = Vector2.Distance(limb.WorldPosition, worldPosition);

                    //calculate distance from the "outer surface" of the physics body
                    //doesn't take the rotation of the limb into account, but should be accurate enough for this purpose
                    float limbRadius = limb.body.GetMaxExtent();
                    dist = Math.Max(0.0f, dist - ConvertUnits.ToDisplayUnits(limbRadius));

                    if (dist > attack.Range)

                    float distFactor = 1.0f - dist / attack.Range;

                    //solid obstacles between the explosion and the limb reduce the effect of the explosion
                    if (!ignoreCover)
                        distFactor *= GetObstacleDamageMultiplier(explosionPos, worldPosition, limb.SimPosition);
                    distFactors.Add(limb, distFactor);

                    foreach (Affliction affliction in attack.Afflictions.Keys)
                        //previously the damage would be divided by the number of limbs (the intention was to prevent characters with more limbs taking more damage from explosions)
                        //that didn't work well on large characters like molochs and endworms: the explosions tend to only damage one or two of their limbs, and since the characters
                        //have lots of limbs, they tended to only take a fraction of the damage they should

                        //now we just divide by 10, which keeps the damage to normal-sized characters roughly the same as before and fixes the large characters
                        modifiedAfflictions.Add(affliction.CreateMultiplied(distFactor / 10));
                    c.LastDamageSource = damageSource;
                    if (attacker == null)
                        if (damageSource is Item item)
                            attacker = item.GetComponent <Projectile>()?.User;
                            if (attacker == null)
                                attacker = item.GetComponent <MeleeWeapon>()?.User;

                    //use a position slightly from the limb's position towards the explosion
                    //ensures that the attack hits the correct limb and that the direction of the hit can be determined correctly in the AddDamage methods
                    Vector2      dir          = worldPosition - limb.WorldPosition;
                    Vector2      hitPos       = limb.WorldPosition + (dir.LengthSquared() <= 0.001f ? Rand.Vector(1.0f) : Vector2.Normalize(dir)) * 0.01f;
                    AttackResult attackResult = c.AddDamage(hitPos, modifiedAfflictions, attack.Stun * distFactor, false, attacker: attacker);
                    damages.Add(limb, attackResult.Damage);

                    if (attack.StatusEffects != null && attack.StatusEffects.Any())
                        var statusEffectTargets = new List <ISerializableEntity>()
                            c, limb
                        foreach (StatusEffect statusEffect in attack.StatusEffects)
                            statusEffect.Apply(ActionType.OnUse, 1.0f, damageSource, statusEffectTargets);
                            statusEffect.Apply(ActionType.Always, 1.0f, damageSource, statusEffectTargets);
                            statusEffect.Apply(underWater ? ActionType.InWater : ActionType.NotInWater, 1.0f, damageSource, statusEffectTargets);

                    if (limb.WorldPosition != worldPosition && !MathUtils.NearlyEqual(force, 0.0f))
                        Vector2 limbDiff = Vector2.Normalize(limb.WorldPosition - worldPosition);
                        if (!MathUtils.IsValid(limbDiff))
                            limbDiff = Rand.Vector(1.0f);
                        Vector2 impulse      = limbDiff * distFactor * force;
                        Vector2 impulsePoint = limb.SimPosition - limbDiff * limbRadius;
                        limb.body.ApplyLinearImpulse(impulse, impulsePoint, maxVelocity: NetConfig.MaxPhysicsBodyVelocity * 0.2f);

                if (c == Character.Controlled && !c.IsDead && playTinnitus)
                    Limb head = c.AnimController.GetLimb(LimbType.Head);
                    if (head != null && damages.TryGetValue(head, out float headDamage) && headDamage > 0.0f && distFactors.TryGetValue(head, out float headFactor))

                //sever joints
                if (attack.SeverLimbsProbability > 0.0f)
                    foreach (Limb limb in c.AnimController.Limbs)
                        if (limb.character.Removed || limb.Removed)
                        if (limb.IsSevered)
                        if (!c.IsDead && !limb.CanBeSeveredAlive)
                        if (distFactors.TryGetValue(limb, out float distFactor))
                            if (damages.TryGetValue(limb, out float damage))
                                c.TrySeverLimbJoints(limb, attack.SeverLimbsProbability * distFactor, damage, allowBeheading: true);
Пример #8
        private Item GetWeapon(IEnumerable <ItemComponent> weaponList, out ItemComponent weaponComponent)
            weaponComponent = null;
            float bestPriority = 0;
            float lethalDmg    = -1;
            bool  enemyIsClose = EnemyIsClose();

            foreach (var weapon in weaponList)
                float priority = weapon.CombatPriority;
                if (!IsLoaded(weapon))
                    if (weapon is RangedWeapon && enemyIsClose)
                        // Close to the enemy. Ignore weapons that don't have any ammunition (-> Don't seek ammo).
                        // Halve the priority for weapons that don't have proper ammunition loaded.
                        priority /= 2;
                if (Enemy.Stun > 1)
                    // Enemy is stunned, reduce the priority of stunner weapons.
                    Attack attack = GetAttackDefinition(weapon);
                    if (attack != null)
                        lethalDmg = attack.GetTotalDamage();
                        float max = lethalDmg + 1;
                        if (weapon.Item.HasTag("stunner"))
                            priority = max;
                            float stunDmg = ApproximateStunDamage(weapon, attack);
                            float diff    = stunDmg - lethalDmg;
                            priority = Math.Clamp(priority - Math.Max(diff * 2, 0), min: 1, max);
                else if (Mode == CombatMode.Arrest)
                    // Enemy is not stunned, increase the priority of stunner weapons and decrease the priority of lethal weapons.
                    if (weapon.Item.HasTag("stunner"))
                        priority *= 2;
                        Attack attack = GetAttackDefinition(weapon);
                        if (attack != null)
                            lethalDmg = attack.GetTotalDamage();
                            float stunDmg = ApproximateStunDamage(weapon, attack);
                            float diff    = stunDmg - lethalDmg;
                            if (diff < 0)
                                priority /= 2;
                else if (weapon is MeleeWeapon && weapon.Item.HasTag("stunner") && !CanMeleeStunnerStun(weapon))
                    Attack attack = GetAttackDefinition(weapon);
                    priority = attack?.GetTotalDamage() ?? priority / 2;
                if (priority > bestPriority)
                    weaponComponent = weapon;
                    bestPriority    = priority;
            if (weaponComponent == null)
            if (bestPriority < 1)
            if (Mode == CombatMode.Arrest)
                if (weaponComponent.Item.HasTag("stunner"))
                    isLethalWeapon = false;
                    if (lethalDmg < 0)
                        lethalDmg = GetLethalDamage(weaponComponent);
                    isLethalWeapon = lethalDmg > 1;
                if (allowHoldFire && !hasAimed && holdFireTimer <= 0)
                    holdFireTimer = arrestHoldFireTime * Rand.Range(0.75f, 1.25f);
Пример #9
        public LevelTrigger(XElement element, Vector2 position, float rotation, float scale = 1.0f, string parentDebugName = "")
            TriggererPosition = new Dictionary <Entity, Vector2>();

            worldPosition = position;
            if (element.Attributes("radius").Any() || element.Attributes("width").Any() || element.Attributes("height").Any())
                PhysicsBody = new PhysicsBody(element, scale)
                    CollisionCategories = Physics.CollisionLevel,
                    CollidesWith        = Physics.CollisionCharacter | Physics.CollisionItem | Physics.CollisionProjectile | Physics.CollisionWall,
                PhysicsBody.FarseerBody.OnCollision  += PhysicsBody_OnCollision;
                PhysicsBody.FarseerBody.OnSeparation += PhysicsBody_OnSeparation;
                PhysicsBody.FarseerBody.BodyType = BodyType.Static;
                PhysicsBody.FarseerBody.BodyType = BodyType.Kinematic;

                ColliderRadius = ConvertUnits.ToDisplayUnits(Math.Max(Math.Max(PhysicsBody.radius, PhysicsBody.width / 2.0f), PhysicsBody.height / 2.0f));

                PhysicsBody.SetTransform(ConvertUnits.ToSimUnits(position), rotation);

            cameraShake = element.GetAttributeFloat("camerashake", 0.0f);

            InfectIdentifier = element.GetAttributeString("infectidentifier", null);
            InfectionChance  = element.GetAttributeFloat("infectionchance", 0.05f);

            triggerOnce = element.GetAttributeBool("triggeronce", false);

            stayTriggeredDelay       = element.GetAttributeFloat("staytriggereddelay", 0.0f);
            randomTriggerInterval    = element.GetAttributeFloat("randomtriggerinterval", 0.0f);
            randomTriggerProbability = element.GetAttributeFloat("randomtriggerprobability", 0.0f);

            UseNetworkSyncing = element.GetAttributeBool("networksyncing", false);

            unrotatedForce =
                element.Attribute("force") != null && element.Attribute("force").Value.Contains(',') ?
                element.GetAttributeVector2("force", Vector2.Zero) :
                new Vector2(element.GetAttributeFloat("force", 0.0f), 0.0f);

            ForceFluctuationInterval    = element.GetAttributeFloat("forcefluctuationinterval", 0.01f);
            ForceFluctuationStrength    = Math.Max(element.GetAttributeFloat("forcefluctuationstrength", 0.0f), 0.0f);
            ForceFalloff                = element.GetAttributeBool("forcefalloff", true);
            GlobalForceDecreaseInterval = element.GetAttributeFloat("globalforcedecreaseinterval", 0.0f);

            ForceVelocityLimit = ConvertUnits.ToSimUnits(element.GetAttributeFloat("forcevelocitylimit", float.MaxValue));
            string forceModeStr = element.GetAttributeString("forcemode", "Force");

            if (!Enum.TryParse(forceModeStr, out forceMode))
                DebugConsole.ThrowError("Error in LevelTrigger config: \"" + forceModeStr + "\" is not a valid force mode.");

            string triggeredByStr = element.GetAttributeString("triggeredby", "Character");

            if (!Enum.TryParse(triggeredByStr, out triggeredBy))
                DebugConsole.ThrowError("Error in LevelTrigger config: \"" + triggeredByStr + "\" is not a valid triggerer type.");
            TriggerOthersDistance = element.GetAttributeFloat("triggerothersdistance", 0.0f);

            var tagsArray = element.GetAttributeStringArray("tags", new string[0]);

            foreach (string tag in tagsArray)

            if (triggeredBy.HasFlag(TriggererType.OtherTrigger))
                var otherTagsArray = element.GetAttributeStringArray("allowedothertriggertags", new string[0]);
                foreach (string tag in otherTagsArray)

            foreach (XElement subElement in element.Elements())
                switch (subElement.Name.ToString().ToLowerInvariant())
                case "statuseffect":
                    statusEffects.Add(StatusEffect.Load(subElement, string.IsNullOrEmpty(parentDebugName) ? "LevelTrigger" : "LevelTrigger in " + parentDebugName));

                case "attack":
                case "damage":
                    var attack = new Attack(subElement, string.IsNullOrEmpty(parentDebugName) ? "LevelTrigger" : "LevelTrigger in " + parentDebugName);
                    if (!triggerOnce)
                        var multipliedAfflictions = attack.GetMultipliedAfflictions((float)Timing.Step);
                        foreach (Affliction affliction in multipliedAfflictions)
                            attack.Afflictions.Add(affliction, null);

            forceFluctuationTimer = Rand.Range(0.0f, ForceFluctuationInterval);
            randomTriggerTimer    = Rand.Range(0.0f, randomTriggerInterval);
Пример #10
        private Item GetWeapon(IEnumerable <ItemComponent> weaponList, out ItemComponent weaponComponent)
            weaponComponent = null;
            float bestPriority = 0;
            float lethalDmg    = -1;

            foreach (var weapon in weaponList)
                // By default, the bots won't go offensive with bad weapons, unless they are close to the enemy or ordered to fight enemies.
                // NPC characters ignore this check.
                if ((initialMode == CombatMode.Offensive || initialMode == CombatMode.Arrest) && character.TeamID != Character.TeamType.FriendlyNPC)
                    if (!objectiveManager.IsCurrentOrder <AIObjectiveFightIntruders>() && !EnemyIsClose())
                        if (weapon.CombatPriority < goodWeaponPriority)

                float priority = weapon.CombatPriority;
                if (!IsLoaded(weapon))
                    if (weapon is RangedWeapon && EnemyIsClose())
                        // Close to the enemy. Ignore weapons that don't have any ammunition (-> Don't seek ammo).
                        // Halve the priority for weapons that don't have proper ammunition loaded.
                        priority /= 2;
                if (Enemy.Stun > 1)
                    // Enemy is stunned, reduce the priority of stunner weapons.
                    Attack attack = GetAttackDefinition(weapon);
                    if (attack != null)
                        lethalDmg = attack.GetTotalDamage();
                        float max = lethalDmg + 1;
                        if (weapon.Item.HasTag("stunner"))
                            priority = max;
                            float stunDmg = ApproximateStunDamage(weapon, attack);
                            float diff    = stunDmg - lethalDmg;
                            priority = Math.Clamp(priority - Math.Max(diff * 2, 0), min: 1, max);
                else if (Mode == CombatMode.Arrest)
                    // Enemy is not stunned, increase the priority of stunner weapons and decrease the priority of lethal weapons.
                    if (weapon.Item.HasTag("stunner"))
                        priority *= 2;
                        Attack attack = GetAttackDefinition(weapon);
                        if (attack != null)
                            lethalDmg = attack.GetTotalDamage();
                            float stunDmg = ApproximateStunDamage(weapon, attack);
                            float diff    = stunDmg - lethalDmg;
                            if (diff < 0)
                                priority /= 2;
                if (priority > bestPriority)
                    weaponComponent = weapon;
                    bestPriority    = priority;
            if (weaponComponent == null)
            if (bestPriority < 1)
            if (Mode == CombatMode.Arrest)
                if (weaponComponent.Item.HasTag("stunner"))
                    isLethalWeapon = false;
                    if (lethalDmg < 0)
                        lethalDmg = GetLethalDamage(weaponComponent);
                    isLethalWeapon = lethalDmg > 1;
                if (allowHoldFire && !hasAimed && holdFireTimer <= 0)
                    holdFireTimer = arrestHoldFireTime * Rand.Range(0.75f, 1.25f);

            bool EnemyIsClose() => character.CurrentHull == Enemy.CurrentHull || Vector2.DistanceSquared(character.Position, Enemy.Position) < 500;

            Attack GetAttackDefinition(ItemComponent weapon)
                Attack attack = null;

                if (weapon is MeleeWeapon meleeWeapon)
                    attack = meleeWeapon.Attack;
                else if (weapon is RangedWeapon rangedWeapon)
                    attack = rangedWeapon.FindProjectile(triggerOnUseOnContainers: false)?.Attack;

            float GetLethalDamage(ItemComponent weapon)
                float  lethalDmg = 0;
                Attack attack    = GetAttackDefinition(weapon);

                if (attack != null)
                    lethalDmg = attack.GetTotalDamage();

            float ApproximateStunDamage(ItemComponent weapon, Attack attack)
                // Try to reduce the priority using the actual damage values and status effects.
                // This is an approximation, because we can't check the status effect conditions here.
                // The result might be incorrect if there is a high stun effect that's only applied in certain conditions.
                var statusEffects = attack.StatusEffects.Where(se => !se.HasConditions && se.type == ActionType.OnUse && se.HasRequiredItems(character));

                if (weapon.statusEffectLists != null && weapon.statusEffectLists.TryGetValue(ActionType.OnUse, out List <StatusEffect> hitEffects))
                    statusEffects = statusEffects.Concat(hitEffects);
                float afflictionsStun = attack.Afflictions.Keys.Sum(a => a.Identifier == "stun" ? a.Strength : 0);
                float effectsStun     = statusEffects.None() ? 0 : statusEffects.Max(se =>
                    float stunAmount   = 0;
                    var stunAffliction = se.Afflictions.Find(a => a.Identifier == "stun");
                    if (stunAffliction != null)
                        stunAmount = stunAffliction.Strength;

                return(attack.Stun + afflictionsStun + effectsStun);