private static void BankMenu(Savings savings, Chequings chequings, GlobalSavingsAccount globalSavingsAccount) { Console.WriteLine("Select the Type of Account"); Console.WriteLine("A: Savings \n" + "B: Checking \n" + "C: GlobalSavings \n" + "Q: Exit \n"); option = Console.ReadLine(); option = option.ToUpper(); switch (option.ToUpper()) { case "A": SavingsMenu(); break; case "B": CheckingMenu(); break; case "C": GlobalSavingsMenu(); break; case "Q": break; default: Console.WriteLine("NOT A VALID OPTION"); BankMenu(savings, chequings, globalSavingsAccount); break; } }
static void Main(string[] args) { var cd1 = new CertifacteofDeposit(Amount: 1000, Months: 12); cd1.WithdrawDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(2); var funds = cd1.Withdraw(); var sav1 = new Savings(); sav1.Deposit(1000); sav1.PayInterest(3); var acct1 = new account(); acct1.Deposit(500); acct1.Withdraw(200); acct1.Withdraw(600); acct1.Deposit(-400); Console.WriteLine($"Balance is {acct1.Balance}"); var acct2 = new account(); acct1.Transfer(1000, acct2); Console.WriteLine($"Balance is {acct1.Balance}"); Console.WriteLine($"Balance is {acct2.Balance}"); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Checking Checking = new Checking("45069", "This is my checking account") { Owner = "Fields, Marcus", }; Checking.Deposit(10000); Checking.Withdrawl(500); Checking.WriteCheck("Porsche of Kings Auto Mall", 300); Savings Savings = new Savings("45070", "This is my savings account") { Owner = "Fields, Marcus", Description = "This is my savings account" }; Savings.Deposit(2000); Savings.Withdrawl(700); List <Account> Accounts = new List <Account> { Checking, Savings }; decimal TotalOfAllAccounts = 0; foreach (Account Account in Accounts) { TotalOfAllAccounts += Account.GetBalance(); Account.Print(); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { const decimal OPENING_BALANCE = 55m; const decimal MONTHLY_INTEREST = 0.0033m; //add monthly interest to savings account and display balance Savings savings = new Savings(OPENING_BALANCE); savings.AddMonthlyInterest(MONTHLY_INTEREST); savings.ShowBalance(); //deduct the monthly check fee from the account balance and display balance Checking checking = new Checking(OPENING_BALANCE); checking.DeductServiceCharge(); checking.ShowBalance(); //show the 2 owners of the joint account, plus add interest to the balance and display the balance JointSavings jointSavings = new JointSavings("Bob", "Martha", OPENING_BALANCE); jointSavings.ShowOwners(); jointSavings.AddMonthlyInterest(MONTHLY_INTEREST); jointSavings.ShowBalance(); Console.ReadKey(); }
//check push void Run() { Account checking = new Account("Checking"); checking.Deposit(300.00); Savings savings = new Savings("Savings with Interest", 0.1); // creates a new instance of Savings with name and interest rate savings.Deposit(18000.00); savings.PayMonthlyInterest(); //creates an array containing all properties of savings and checking account properties // then prints properties of both accounts List <Account> myAccounts = new List <Account>(); myAccounts.Add(savings); myAccounts.Add(checking); foreach (var account in myAccounts) { Console.WriteLine(account.ToPrint()); } // some account class methods checking.Withdraw(20.00); savings.Transfer(100.00, checking); foreach (var account in myAccounts) { Console.WriteLine(account.ToPrint()); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { var sav1 = new Savings(0.12, "My Savings"); sav1.Deposit(1000); sav1.Print(); sav1.PayInterest(1); sav1.Print(); var sav2 = new Savings2(0.12, "My Composite Savings"); sav2.Deposit(1000); sav2.Print(); sav2.PayInterest(1); sav2.Print(); Savings2.Transfer(100, sav1, sav2); var acct1 = new Account(); var acct2 = new Account("My Checking"); Account.Deposit(500, acct1); acct1.Print(); acct2.Print(); acct2.Deposit(1000); acct2.Withdraw(2000); acct2.Print(); try { acct2.Withdraw(5000); acct2.Print(); acct2.Deposit(-200); acct2.Print(); acct2.Withdraw(-200); acct2.Print(); } catch (InsufficientFundsException ex) { Console.WriteLine($"Insufficient Funds: Acct: {ex.AccountId}, Amt: {ex.AmountToWithdraw}, Bal: {ex.Balance}"); } catch (DivideByZeroException ex) { Console.WriteLine("Attempted to divide by zero"); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } var success = Account.Transfer(200, acct2, acct1); if (success) { Console.WriteLine("The transfer worked!"); } else { Console.WriteLine("The transfer failed!"); } acct2.Print(); acct1.Print(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { var act100 = new Account(); act100.Deposit(-100); try { act100.Withdrawal(12000); } catch (InsufficientFundsException ex) { } catch (DivideByZeroException ex) { throw; } catch (Exception ex) { } //do this one last always since first exception that is true is thrown var sv1 = new Savings2(); sv1.Deposit(2000); var cd10 = new CertificateOfDeposit(5000, 60); var accounts = new IBanking[] { sv1, cd10 }; foreach (var acct in accounts) { Console.WriteLine($"Account balance is {acct.GetBalance()}"); //need to add composition method for CD for this to work } var sav1 = new Savings(); sav1.Deposit(1000); sav1.PayInterest(3); var acct1 = new Account(); acct1.Deposit(500); acct1.Withdrawal(200); acct1.Withdrawal(600); acct1.Deposit(-400); Console.WriteLine($"Balance is {acct1.Balance}"); var acct2 = new Account(); acct1.Transfer(1000, acct2); Console.WriteLine($"Balance is {acct1.Balance}"); Console.WriteLine($"Balance is {acct2.Balance}"); var cd1 = new CertificateOfDeposit(Amount: 1000, Months: 12); cd1.Deposit(1); cd1.Withdrawal(1); cd1.WithdrawlDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1); //yesterday var funds = cd1.Withdrawal(); //no parameters sine we will withdraw everything in acocunt }
static void Main(string[] args) { var sav1 = new Savings(0.12, "My Savings"); sav1.Deposit(1000); sav1.Print(); sav1.PayInterest(1); // pay interest for one month sav1.Print(); var sav2 = new Savings2(0.12, "My Composite Savings"); // Done with composite in stead of inherited class sav2.Deposit(1000); sav2.Print(); sav2.PayInterest(1); sav2.Print(); Savings2.Transfer(100, sav1, sav2); var acct1 = new Account(); var acct2 = new Account("My Checking"); try { Account.Deposit(500, acct1); acct1.Print(); acct2.Print(); acct2.Deposit(1000); acct2.Print(); acct2.Withdraw(50); acct2.Print(); acct2.Deposit(-200); acct2.Print(); acct2.Withdraw(-200); acct2.Print(); } catch (DivideByZeroException ex) { Console.WriteLine("Attempted to divide by zero"); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } var success = Account.Transfer(200, acct2, acct1); if (success) { Console.WriteLine("The transfer worked!"); } else { Console.WriteLine("The transfer failed!"); } acct2.Print(); acct1.Print(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { var sav1 = new Savings(0.12, "My Savings"); sav1.Deposit(1000); sav1.Print(); var interest = sav1.CalculateInterest(1); sav1.PayInterest(1); sav1.Print(); var sav2 = new Savings2(0.12, "My Composite Savings"); sav2.Deposit(1000); sav2.Print(); sav2.PayInterest(1); var acct1 = new Account(); var acct2 = new Account("My Checking"); try { acct2.Print(); acct2.Deposit(1000); acct2.Print(); acct2.Withdraw(50); acct2.Print(); acct2.Deposit(-200); acct2.Print(); acct2.Withdraw(-200); acct2.Print(); } catch (DivideByZeroException) { Console.WriteLine("Attempted to divide by zero"); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } var success = Account.Transfer(200, acct2, acct1); if (success) { Console.WriteLine("The transfer worked!"); } else { Console.WriteLine("The transfer failed!"); } acct2.Print(); acct1.Print(); }
public ArrayList GetAccounts() { ArrayList accounts = new ArrayList(); using (inFile = new StreamReader(filename)) { int customerID; int accountID; string firstName; string lastName; decimal balance; int accountType; string line = string.Empty; while ((line = inFile.ReadLine()) != null) { string [] data = line.Split(DELIMETER.ToCharArray()[0]); customerID = Convert.ToInt32(data[0]); accountID = Convert.ToInt32(data[1]); firstName = Convert.ToString(data[2]); lastName = Convert.ToString(data[3]); balance = Convert.ToDecimal(data[4]); accountType = Convert.ToInt32(data[5]); Customer customer = new Customer(customerID, firstName, lastName); Account account; Account.ACCOUNTTYPE type = (Account.ACCOUNTTYPE)accountType; if (type == Account.ACCOUNTTYPE.CHECKING) { account = new Checking(customer, accountID, Convert.ToDecimal(balance)); } else { account = new Savings(customer, accountID, Convert.ToDecimal(balance)); } accounts.Add(account); } inFile.Close(); } return(accounts); }
// Run method pushed up to GitHub void TestAccount() { Account checking = new Account(); checking.SetName("Checking 1"); checking.Withdraw(100.00); checking.Deposit(50.00); checking.Deposit(-100.00); Console.WriteLine($"Account Nbr:{checking.getNumber()}, Name: {checking.GetName()}, balance is {checking.CheckBalance()}"); Savings savings = new Savings("My Savings Account"); savings.IntRate = 0.10; savings.Deposit(70.00); Console.WriteLine($"Account Nbr:{savings.getNumber()}, Name: {savings.GetName()}, balance is {savings.CheckBalance()}"); savings.Transfer(30.00, checking); Console.WriteLine($"Account Nbr:{checking.getNumber()}, Name: {checking.GetName()}, balance is {checking.CheckBalance()}"); Console.WriteLine($"Account Nbr:{savings.getNumber()}, Name: {savings.GetName()}, balance is {savings.CheckBalance()}"); checking.Transfer(-10.00, savings); Console.WriteLine($"Account Nbr:{checking.getNumber()}, Name: {checking.GetName()}, balance is {checking.CheckBalance()}"); Console.WriteLine($"Account Nbr:{savings.getNumber()}, Name: {savings.GetName()}, balance is {savings.CheckBalance()}"); savings.Transfer(100.00, checking); Console.WriteLine($"Account Nbr:{checking.getNumber()}, Name: {checking.GetName()}, balance is {checking.CheckBalance()}"); Console.WriteLine($"Account Nbr:{savings.getNumber()}, Name: {savings.GetName()}, balance is {savings.CheckBalance()}"); savings.PayMonthlyInterest(); Console.WriteLine($"Savings Nbr:{savings.getNumber()}, Name: {savings.GetName()}, balance is {savings.CheckBalance()}"); Savings sav1 = new Savings("Greg's Savings with Interest", 0.05); }
static int Main(string[] args) { Account acct1 = new Account(); acct1.Id = 1; acct1.Description = "Primary Account"; acct1.Balance = 0.0; acct1.Owner = new Customer(100, "W Michael Robinson"); Console.WriteLine(acct1.ToPrint()); acct1.Deposit(-5.00); Console.WriteLine("The balance is " + acct1.GetBalance() + "."); acct1.Deposit(5.00); Console.WriteLine("The balance is " + acct1.GetBalance() + "."); acct1.Withdraw(5000.00); Console.WriteLine("The balance is " + acct1.GetBalance() + "."); Savings sav2 = new Savings(); sav2.Id = 2; sav2.Description = "Primary Savings Account"; sav2.Balance = 0.0; sav2.Owner = new Customer(101, "Lisa Simpson"); sav2.IntRate = 0.12; sav2.Deposit(1000.00); Console.WriteLine(sav2.ToPrint()); Checking chk1 = new Checking(); chk1.Id = 3; chk1.Description = "Primary Checking Account"; chk1.Balance = 0.0; chk1.Owner = new Customer(102, "Homer Simpson"); chk1.Deposit(2000.00); Console.WriteLine(chk1.ToPrint()); Checking chka = new Checking(); chka.Id = 3; chka.Description = "Primary Checking Account"; chka.Balance = 0.0; chka.Owner = new Customer(102, "Homer Simpson"); chka.Deposit(2000.00); Checking chkb = new Checking(); chkb.Id = 3; chkb.Description = "Secondary Checking Account"; chkb.Balance = 0.0; chkb.Owner = new Customer(102, "Homer Simpson"); chkb.Deposit(2000.00); Savings sava = new Savings(); sava.Id = 2; sava.Description = "Primary Savings Account"; sava.Balance = 0.0; sava.Owner = new Customer(102, "Homer Simpson"); sava.IntRate = 0.12; sava.Deposit(1000.00); Investment inv1 = new Investment(); inv1.Deposit(500.00); Console.WriteLine(inv1.ToPrint()); IAccountStatement[] accountsArray = { chka, chkb, sava, inv1 }; double grandTotal = 0; foreach (IAccountStatement acct in accountsArray) { double acctBalance = acct.GetBalance(); grandTotal = grandTotal + acctBalance; Console.WriteLine(acct.ToPrint()); } Console.WriteLine("Grand Total is " + grandTotal); Console.ReadKey(); return(0); }
static void Main(string[] args) /*Banking console application with 1 base class and 3 derived classes. * Would like to add exception handling on the some of the option selections * at some point in the near future.*/ { //Instantiation of the 3 derived classes Savings mySavingsAccount = new Savings(); Checking myCheckingAccount = new Checking(); Reserve myReserveAccount = new Reserve(); //Creation of Stream writer files StreamWriter savingsFile = new StreamWriter("Savings.txt"); StreamWriter checkingFile = new StreamWriter("Checking.txt"); StreamWriter reserveFile = new StreamWriter("Reserve.txt"); savingsFile.WriteLine("Client: Albert King | Savings Account Number: 101"); checkingFile.WriteLine("Client: Albert King | Checking Account Number: 801"); reserveFile.WriteLine("Client: Albert King | Reserve Account Number: 1201"); while (true) //Console menu { Console.WriteLine("\nPlease enter a number from the menu for one of the following banking options: "); Console.WriteLine("\n1) View Customer Account Information"); Console.WriteLine("--------"); Console.WriteLine("\nView account balance:"); Console.WriteLine("2) Checking"); Console.WriteLine("3) Savings"); Console.WriteLine("4) Reserve"); Console.WriteLine("--------"); Console.WriteLine("\nMake a transaction:"); Console.WriteLine("5) Deposit Money"); Console.WriteLine("6) Withdrawal Money"); Console.WriteLine("7) Quit"); Console.WriteLine("Enter an option"); int userResult = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); Console.Clear();//clears console window for easier readability switch (userResult) { case 1: //Gives option to view specific hard coded account info Console.WriteLine("Choose account to view info"); Console.WriteLine("1) Checking"); Console.WriteLine("2) Savings"); Console.WriteLine("3) Reserve"); int accountEntered = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); switch (accountEntered) { case 1: myCheckingAccount.CheckingCustomer(); break; case 2: mySavingsAccount.SavingsCustomer(); break; case 3: myReserveAccount.ReserveCustomer(); break; default: break; } break; case 2: //Options to show specific account balances myCheckingAccount.ShowBalance(); break; case 3: mySavingsAccount.ShowBalance(); break; case 4: myReserveAccount.ShowBalance(); break; case 5: //Options for accounts to deposit to Console.WriteLine("Choose account to make deposit"); Console.WriteLine("1) Checking"); Console.WriteLine("2) Savings"); Console.WriteLine("3) Reserve"); int accountChoice = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); Console.WriteLine("Enter Deposit Amount: "); decimal depositAmount = decimal.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); switch (accountChoice) //shows account balances after deposit { case 1: myCheckingAccount.Deposit(depositAmount); Console.WriteLine("Checking balance: $ " + myCheckingAccount.AccountBalanceChecking); checkingFile.WriteLine(depositAmount + "+ " + "Balance: $" + myCheckingAccount.AccountBalanceChecking + " " + DateTime.Now); break; case 2: mySavingsAccount.Deposit(depositAmount); Console.WriteLine("Savings balance: $ " + mySavingsAccount.AccountBalanceSavings); savingsFile.WriteLine(depositAmount + "+ " + "Balance: $" + mySavingsAccount.AccountBalanceSavings + " " + DateTime.Now); break; case 3: myReserveAccount.Deposit(depositAmount); Console.WriteLine("Reserve balance: $ " + myReserveAccount.AccountBalanceReserve); reserveFile.WriteLine(depositAmount + "+ " + "Balance: $" + myReserveAccount.AccountBalanceReserve + " " + DateTime.Now); break; default: break; } break; case 6: //Accounts to withdraw from Console.WriteLine("Choose account to make withdrawl from: "); Console.WriteLine("1) Checking Account"); Console.WriteLine("2) Savings Account"); Console.WriteLine("3) Reserve Account"); int clientChoice = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); Console.WriteLine("Enter withdrawl ammount: "); decimal withdrawAmount = decimal.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); switch (clientChoice) //shows account balances after withdraw { case 1: myCheckingAccount.Withdraw(withdrawAmount); Console.WriteLine("Checking balance $ " + myCheckingAccount.AccountBalanceChecking); checkingFile.WriteLine(withdrawAmount + "- " + "Balance: $" + myCheckingAccount.AccountBalanceChecking + " " + DateTime.Now); break; case 2: mySavingsAccount.Withdraw(withdrawAmount); Console.WriteLine("Savings balance $ " + mySavingsAccount.AccountBalanceSavings); savingsFile.WriteLine(withdrawAmount + "- " + "Balance: $" + mySavingsAccount.AccountBalanceSavings + " " + DateTime.Now); break; case 3: myReserveAccount.Withdraw(withdrawAmount); Console.WriteLine("Reserve balance $ " + myReserveAccount.AccountBalanceReserve); reserveFile.WriteLine(withdrawAmount + "- " + "Balance: $" + myReserveAccount.AccountBalanceReserve + " " + DateTime.Now); break; } break; case 7: break; default: break; } //Exit procedure Console.WriteLine("\nThank you for banking with us. Press C to continue or any key to exit."); string c = Console.ReadLine(); if (c.ToLower() == "c") { Console.Clear(); } else { break; } } savingsFile.Close(); checkingFile.Close(); reserveFile.Close(); }
{ static void Main(string[] args) { Account acct1 = new Account(); acct1.Id = 1; acct1.Description = "My first checking account"; acct1.Balance = 0.0; acct1.Owner = new Customer(100, "Greg Doud"); acct1.Deposit(5.00); Console.WriteLine(acct1.ToPrint()); acct1.Deposit(-5.00); Console.WriteLine("The balance is " + acct1.GetBalance() + " should be 0"); acct1.Withdraw(-5.00); Console.WriteLine("The balance is " + acct1.GetBalance() + " should be 10.00"); acct1.Withdraw(5000.00); Console.WriteLine("The balance is " + acct1.GetBalance() + " should be -4995.00"); Savings sav2 = new Savings(); sav2.Id = 2; sav2.Description = "My first savings account"; sav2.Balance = 0.0; sav2.Owner = new Customer(101, "Lisa S."); sav2.IntRate = 0.12; sav2.Deposit(1000.00); Console.WriteLine(sav2.ToPrint()); Checkings chk3 = new Checkings(); chk3.Id = 3; chk3.Description = "My first checking account"; chk3.Balance = 0.0; chk3.Owner = new Customer(102, "Denise B."); chk3.Deposit(2000.00); Checkings chk4 = new Checkings(); chk4.Id = 4; chk4.Description = "My first checking account"; chk4.Balance = 0.0; chk4.Owner = new Customer(102, "Kool B."); chk4.Deposit(2000.00); Savings chk5 = new Savings(); chk5.Id = 5; chk5.Description = "My first checking account"; chk5.Balance = 0.0; chk5.Owner = new Customer(102, "Rich B."); chk5.IntRate = 0.12; chk5.Deposit(2000.00); Investment inv1 = new Investment(); inv1.Deposit(500.00); IAccountStatement[] accounts = { chk4, chk5, chk3, inv1 }; double grandTotal = 0; foreach (Account acct in accounts) { double accBalance = acct.GetBalance(); grandTotal = grandTotal + acct.Balance; Console.WriteLine(acct.ToPrint()); } Console.WriteLine("Grand total is " + grandTotal.ToString()); Console.ReadKey(); Account acct000 = new Savings(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { string userChoice; decimal amount; string userName = ""; Checking checkingAccount = new Checking(800.00m, userName); Savings savingsAccount = new Savings(60000.00m, userName); Reserve reserveAccount = new Reserve(80000.00m, userName); //This Project is a virtual Bank called Uenhang Bank. The user has access to three types of banking accounts Checking, Savings and Reserve. Console.WriteLine("\t ~ Welcome to Unhaeng Bank ~"); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Please enter your name to continue:"); Console.WriteLine(); userName = Console.ReadLine(); checkingAccount.UserName = userName; savingsAccount.UserName = userName; reserveAccount.UserName = userName; Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("\t ~Unhaeng Bank ~"); Console.WriteLine("Welcome back " + userName); Console.WriteLine(); // The user chooses actions from a list with 5 options. They can view client informaiton , view their updated account balances or complete a Deposit or Withdraw action from any of 3 accounts. //The menu consists of 5 main options set as if/else statements and each of those 5 options has nested if/else statments that correspond with the action //the user would like to take (either deposit or withdraw). The entire program is wrapped in a do/while loop. While the menue is set in an array. do { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Please select an option to continue"); Console.WriteLine("\n Option Menu:\nPress 1 : to View Client Information\nPress 2 : for Account Balances \nPress 3 : for Checking Account \nPress 4 : for Savings Account"); Console.WriteLine("Press 5 : for Reserve Account\n Press 6 to exit"); userChoice = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine(); { string[] menuOption = new string[5]; menuOption[0] = "1"; menuOption[1] = "2"; menuOption[2] = "3"; menuOption[3] = "4"; menuOption[4] = "5"; //Client Information if (userChoice == "1") { Console.WriteLine("Patron Information:"); Console.WriteLine("Account Number: 555555"); Console.WriteLine(userName); Console.WriteLine("Address:\n900 Cleveland Rd.\nSeoul, SK 10004"); Console.WriteLine(); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(3000); Console.Clear(); //Account Balances } else if (userChoice == "2") { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Your Current Balances:"); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Checking Balance: {0:C}", checkingAccount.Balance); Console.WriteLine("Savings Balance : {0:C}", savingsAccount.Balance); Console.WriteLine("Reserve Balance : {0:C}", reserveAccount.Balance); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(3000); Console.Clear(); } //Checking Account else if (userChoice == "3") { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("CHECKING ACCOUNT:"); Console.WriteLine("Press 1: to DEPOSIT\nPress 2: to WITHDRAW"); userChoice = Console.ReadLine(); Console.Clear(); if (userChoice == "1") { Console.WriteLine("How much would you like to DEPOSIT?"); try { amount = decimal.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); checkingAccount.Deposit(amount); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(3000); } catch (Exception) { } } else if (userChoice == "2") { Console.WriteLine("How much would you like to withdraw?"); try { amount = decimal.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); checkingAccount.Withdraw(amount); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(3000); } catch (Exception) { } } else { Console.WriteLine("Please enter a valid number"); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(2000); } } //Savings Account else if (userChoice == "4") { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("SAVINGS ACCOUNT"); Console.WriteLine("Press 1: to DEPOSIT\nPress 2: to WITHDRAW"); userChoice = Console.ReadLine(); Console.Clear(); if (userChoice == "1") { Console.WriteLine("How much would you like to DEPOSIT?"); try { amount = decimal.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); savingsAccount.Deposit(amount); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(3000); } catch (Exception) { } } else if (userChoice == "2") { Console.WriteLine("How much would you like to withdraw?"); try { amount = decimal.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); savingsAccount.Withdraw(amount); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(3000); } catch (Exception) { } } else { Console.WriteLine("Invalid Option"); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(2000); } } //Reserve Account else if (userChoice == "5") { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("RESERVE ACCOUNT"); Console.WriteLine("Press 1: to DEPOSIT\nPress 2: to WITHDRAW"); userChoice = Console.ReadLine(); Console.Clear(); if (userChoice == "1") { Console.WriteLine("How much would you like to DEPOSIT?"); try { amount = decimal.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); reserveAccount.Withdraw(amount); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(3000); } catch (Exception) { } } else if (userChoice == "2") { try { Console.WriteLine("How much would you like to withdraw?"); amount = decimal.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); reserveAccount.Withdraw(amount); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(3000); } catch (Exception) { } } else { Console.WriteLine("Invalid Option"); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(2000); } } //Exit Program else if (userChoice == "6") { Console.WriteLine("Logging out"); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(2000); Console.Clear(); } else { Console.WriteLine("Please Enter a valid number from the option list"); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(2000); Console.Clear(); } } } while (userChoice != "6"); }
static int Main(string[] args) { //Account acct1 = new Account(); //acct1.Id = 1; //acct1.Description = "My first checking account"; //acct1.Balance = 0.0; //acct1.Owner = new Customer(100, "Greg Doud"); //Console.WriteLine(acct1.ToPrint()); //acct1.Deposit(5.00); //Console.WriteLine(acct1.ToPrint()); //acct1.Deposit(-5.00); //Console.WriteLine(acct1.ToPrint()); //acct1.Withdraw(5000.00); //Console.WriteLine(acct1.ToPrint()); //Savings sav2 = new Savings(); //sav2.Id = 2; //sav2.Description = "My first savings account"; //sav2.Balance = 0.0; //sav2.Owner = new Customer(101, "Lisa S."); //sav2.IntRate = 0.12; //sav2.Deposit(1000.00); //Console.WriteLine(sav2.ToPrint()); //Checking chk3 = new Checking(); //chk3.Id = 3; //chk3.Description = "My first checking account"; //chk3.Balance = 0.0; //chk3.Owner = new Customer(102, "Denise B."); //chk3.Deposit(2000.00); //Console.WriteLine(chk3.ToPrint()); //// print out monthly statement Checking chka = new Checking(); chka.Id = 3; chka.Description = "My first checking account"; chka.Balance = 0.0; chka.Owner = new Customer(103, "Kim P."); chka.Deposit(2000.00); Checking chkb = new Checking(); chkb.Id = 3; chkb.Description = "My second checking account"; chkb.Balance = 0.0; chkb.Owner = new Customer(103, "Kim P."); chkb.Deposit(2000.00); Savings sava = new Savings(); sava.Id = 2; sava.Description = "My first savings account"; sava.Balance = 0.0; sava.Owner = new Customer(103, "Kim P."); sava.IntRate = 0.12; sava.Deposit(1000.00); Investment inv1 = new Investment(); inv1.Deposit(500.00); IAccountStatement[] accounts = { chka, chkb, sava, inv1 }; double grandTotal = 0; foreach (IAccountStatement acct in accounts) { double acctBalance = acct.GetBalance(); grandTotal = grandTotal + acctBalance; Console.WriteLine(acct.ToPrint()); } Console.WriteLine("Grand total is " + grandTotal.ToString()); Savings s = new Savings(); Account s1 = new Savings(); Account c = new Checking(); Console.ReadKey(); return(0); }